Avatar of The Elvenqueen


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20 days ago
Current I am kinda over living through the horrors, actually (life is still ass and my activity is spotty af bc the world and my life as I know it might be rugpulled from under me any day so writing hard rn)
7 mos ago
aight, got the tablet drivers sorted woo!! still gonna be slow on posts for a bit cause IRL be Like That(tm) and it's kinda kicking my writing muse's ass rn, but hopefully will get back into it soon
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8 mos ago
Ironically, fighting with the Huion drivers was NOT what I anticipated to be the part of reinstalling all my shit that would be the most frustrating for me. Why would you do this to me? D: /lh
12 mos ago
Low activity rn (putting this up bc I've gotten a few PMs lately and I feel like maybe I need a more obvious "Closed for RP rn" notice on my profile, pls ignore if not applicable to you lol
2 yrs ago
"Lovely, big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Even YOU couldn't say "no" to that!"


Elven | AFAB Genderqueer (She/Ve/They) | 25+ | {{ Polyam Aego Lesbian }}

1 x 1 Int Check (OLD AF AND NEEDS UPDATE, I WILL MAKE A NEW THREAD IF/WHEN I'M OPEN FOR RP AGAIN. nothing personal Ive just got a lot going on rn and I'd rather devote limited freetime to already existing RPs than stretch myself too thin by starting a bunch of new ones *fingerguns*) ||Guild Art Thread || N/A GROUP INT CHECK ||

(I forget to post to the Guild Art Thread a LOT...if you're really interested in my artwork it would be better to go follow my deviantART or Tumblr account(s)! I post mostly Digital Art but occasionally dabble in Fanfic writing and Animation

{{ 》Profile Last Updated :: 04/03/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}


Art (c) Allergekko on deviantART (commissioned)



FANDOMS {{ I am LGBTQ+, polyam and multi-ship, CanonxCanon, OCxOC and/or OCxCanon* friendly and willing to double, just LMK! :'D
All "levels" friendly, from Free - Advanced. I tend to match roughly what you give me!
Dark/Gritty themes welcomed and often included, open to smut but also fine with fade-to-black scenes if you'd rather, again just LMK, I can roll with it either way! <3
1x1 or Small Group Preferred, Large Group Possible, But Selective }}

*Unless specified otherwise. Please check if there is an exception listed for the fandom you're messaging me for when PMing me! <3 I'm willing to give playing most canon characters against a partner's OC a try, but there's a handful of em that I just can't seem to get a "good" inner voice/feel for!

》》 Current Status :: OPEN / CLOSED to new threads atm! Check back later ^w^ 《《

{{ 》Current Int Status Last Updated :: 04/03/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}

Below is a list of my current/main fandoms, for a detailed list of plot and/or pairing interests please see my actual Int Check Thread!

Star Wars (KOTOR/SWTOR era preferred, but also open to "modern"-era e.g prequels, OT, TCW, Rebels/TFA-TROS, depending on plot ideas!)
Baldur's Gate 3
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/Tolkien
Draconis Memoria series
ARK: Survival Evolved and/or Jurrassic Park/World, Dinosaurs in general are also always good! <3
Generic Sci-fi/Fantasy (Elves/Dragons/Mages/Beastmasters/Aliens etc.)
Warrior Cats (pretty much exclusively FanClans/OCs or an AU where canon characters are long gone)
General Animal Fantasy (anything Warrior Cats/ WSD-esque with groups of animals surviving out in the wild etc.)
Watership Down





》》NB: Very low-activity rn because I'm just generally not doing very well. Writing is hard and I don't feel up to taking up any more commitments; I'd rather focus on the few I already have and prioritise getting something out to those long-term partners when they need responses <3 《《


The Silver Zephyr (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

Reverse!Zephyrverse AU (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

The Hobbit LOTR Sandbox -- The Hobbit/LOTR -- Lots of OCs + canon -- with a friend over discord


N/A. Not looking to add/join any group RPs at this time, sorry y'all!



(*in order of most > least activity level)

Discord: the_elvenjedi || Toyhou.se || SWTOR Fandom Tumblr || General Fandom/Art Tumblr || sheezy(dot)art (link tba) || deviantART || AO3 (Fanfics) || Youtube || Picarto (Streaming) (TBA) || Facebook (Close friends only) ||

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H'okay! So I was gonna end this post off with a time jump and have them actually starting the convo with Revan, but then I wasn't 100% sure you didn't want to add anything else onto the build up first, soooo I kinda left it off a little shorter and instead had him send the siblings out to call them forward so feel free to add to that if ya want and I can start up the actual convo itself in my next post!

Some details that come to mind which we need to iron out again (because I have the worst memory oops XD)
-Was Meetra still with him currently, or did Arcann already get hold of her (I have a funny feeling we mentioned her being held prisoner or something?)
-If she isn't, would Arcann think to use her as "bait" of sorts to draw Revan and co. out and thus, manage to capture them (which sounds vaguely familiar to me as well, but I don't know for sure! ^^;)
-If Meetra is still with Revan, I assume they'd still have to fill in the Champions and co regarding Arcann and the Eternal Fleet and so on?
Aria met her husband's gaze for only a brief moment, then looked away again as she watched the two beings disappear back into the forest. Neta was the first one to break the awkward silence, proclaiming that really, they had no choice but to follow them. Aria grunted in agreement, falling into step behind the pilot.
“Neta’s right, if we stay here then we’re gonna get caught by whoever was behind those droids anyways...Besides, I think if they were gonna kill us they would have done it already.” she pointed out.

That assessment was, of course, up for debate once they started the trek through the forest after them. There wasn’t a single inch of pathway that wasn’t choked with brambles or thorns of some kind, and Aria felt as if every time she turned her back (or laughed) at Yerbol, she stepped right into something herself and almost ended up flat on her face on the ground. The Tuk’ata were no better off, the spines on their backs easily becoming entangled with the spiny tendrils despite their best attempts to lie them flat, much to their loudly-expressed distaste.
“I take it back -” Aria huffed as she yanked her ankle out of yet another sinkhole, “The bastards ARE trying to kill us, with THORNS - Owwww!” the Champion spat another expletive as she walked face-first into yet another fracking tree, she’d be glad to be done with this fracking planet already!

To their relief, they glimpsed sunlight a few paces ahead as they finally found their way out of the dense foliage and found themselves on a cliff overlooking a cluster of buildings. The view was...breathtaking, to say the least. She hadn’t seen this much green outside of the Qyaari homeworld in many, many years. It took Aria a little longer than Neta and Yerbol to recognise the similarities to the former Jedi world, but when they brought it to light she stepped up to stand at her husband’s other side and laid a hand gently on his arm in reassurance.

“I’m sorry….did you say R-Revan?!” the Champion had to do a double-take to stare at the strangers in shock, unsure if she had heard them right…
Yerbol cut in with a question of his own, and Aria was thankful for his timing because she wasn’t entirely sure she could have found the words to form another response if they had spoken to her again. After a few more basic pleasantries were exchanged, including the names of their rescuers, before the Qyaari party were sharply chastised not to leave the current vicinity of the buildings they had been shown around.

For a long time after Ethan voiced his opinion, no-one spoke. Aria tried, a few times, but found she was so confused by the whole ordeal that no sound came out whenever she opened her mouth. It wasn’t until Chwuq plopped herself down beside the Champion, staring at the door which Desun and Kyla had exited through, that she found herself able to respond when the Tuk’ata grumbled a single word:
“Ha! They are a little weird, aren’t they?” Aria agreed, patting the hound between the ears.
Kytra’s ears twitched as she considered Ethan’s question, responding slowly. “Y-Yeaaahh, just a little.” she looked to the two older Champions, an expression of skepticism painted across her features. “How do we know they’re really working for Revan and aren’t just lying. Or worse...they’re crazy and they don’t even really know who Revan is but they thought it sounded cool so they went with it!”

“I’d agree with you, Kytra, if Yerbol and I hadn’t once met with a True Sith Master who was even older than Revan.” Aria sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Yerbol’s right, we’re going to have to take a chance right now, and trust them.”
Kytra seemed no less pleased with the idea, grumbling uneasily under her breath and averting her gaze. “They might be lying, they might not. We won’t know for sure until ‘Revan’ gets back.”
“If he’s even Revan.” Kytra pointed out matter-of-factly. “They didn’t call themselves ‘Revanites’, that’s what his followers were called, right?”
“That was kinda sketchy.” Neta agreed absently.
“They haven’t killed us yet.” Aria countered.
“I don’t know, Master,” Kytra blinked dubiously, “that whole ‘don’t leave this designated area until he comes back or else’ thing sounded like a threat to me?”


There was little reason to tempt fate, however, and the group later dispersed to mill about the training area whilst they waited. Aria hovered on the sidelines with Yerbol, casting a glance that was equal parts concerned and curious. “...Are you okay?” after giving him enough time to respond and voice any concerns vis-a-vis their current situation, the shorter Champion let out a dry laugh of her own and followed up with:
“I’m still trying to decide whether we’ve REALLY found Revan and the Exile and some kind of top-secret cult that they’ve created, or if we crash-landed on some crazy planet who think they’re following him as some sort of deified saviour when in actuality he’s a delusional old hermit who fancied he had a shot at convincing them to do what he wanted.”
The one consolation was that they had gotten brief glimpses of Revan during the visions they’d received on Lehon, so at least (she hoped) they would know whether the man really was him, as soon as they saw him. Didn’t make the entire concept of possibly coming face-to-face with a Galactic hero any less terrifying, but what could they do. She shrugged to herself. “I guess we’ll know the truth soon enough, once we meet him, eh? Either he IS the Revan we’re looking for, or he ISN’T and maybe he knows where the real Revan is.”

Or the real Revan really was dead and this was all a weird hallucination brought on by the high speed crash. If so, they were royally screwed. She didn’t say that last one out loud, but she knew her partner would catch onto the train of thought. Before they could further debate their next move, a light tap on the doorframe drew the Champions’ attention to Desun, who stood in the entryway with his sister hovering a few paces down the hallway over his shoulder.
“Master Revan has arrived, he’s ready to speak with you now.”
“Right.” Aria swallowed, willing her voice not to tremble as much as she felt like it should. “Thank you. We’ll, be right out.”
So, who’s the meatshield this time, you or me?
“Wait...what?!” Theva scarcely had the time to respond to his instructions before Thaerex was yelling “NOW!” and leaping off the speeder himself. Her eyes widened as she realised where the speeder’s current trajectory was headed for, reacting on instinct and managing to throw herself clear just in time.

They had been travelling at high speed, so as she came off, the Chiss was forced into a combat roll as a means of cushioning some of the force of the impact with the ground. Despite her best attempts, however, she felt a painful tearing in the muscles of her shoulder as she skidded into one of the corners..
Ticsen'uvuet! (Motherfucker)” she snarled through her teeth, her eyes taking on an eerie reddish glow in the darkness as they roved frantically to find her companion. “What the FRACK is wrong with you?!” Theva snapped, inhaling in preparation of what would no doubt be another tyrade of curses about where she would rather Thaerex went at this point...
Oooohhhh, I LOVE that idea actually! A loooot. I always thought of Revan as the sort of reluctant hero type, the kind who went and did what he did because he felt it was the right thing to do, and not necessarily because he wanted all the credit for it so that would fit right in. I don't think he'd be vain enough to pick a name like 'Revanite' for his own followers either! :P

And him having similar philosophies to the Qyaari would work out quite well too, if they all survive this one (which, who knows, they may not. We'll see right? hahaha) then Revan and Meetra are gonna need somewhere to go when it's all over so there's potential there for them to help out with the Qyaari teachings and so forth maybe!

I got a couple other posts to try and work on tonight, but I'll work on getting one out for you by tomorrow-ish! :D
Awesome, I look forward to it! No rush as always! :3
>Politely decline learning Lime's Mime
>Keep wobbling around and see if it can learn something!
There we go! Apologies again for the wait!

I can't remember what we had discussed about these two beyond them being the ones to find them, so I decided to go for the good old "wearing a mask so we can't quite make out specifics yet" approach XD feel free to do any expanding upon that as you like :)
The Champions and their companions made it into the cover of the forest, but weren’t granted reprieve from their pursuers for very long. As they tried to pinpoint exactly WHERE they had landed - even Neta and Ethan didn’t know and they had been in the cockpit with the Navcomputer shortly before the crash! - they were rudely interrupted by a battalion of strange-looking droids dropping through the canopy and moving to surround them.
"Halt in the name of Arcann, Emperor of the Eternal Order." they declared as they moved in unison, shrinking the circle around the group and, for the moment, cutting off any means of their escape.
“I’m sorry, WHO?” Aria raised an eyebrow dubiously. It wasn’t a name she could recall ever hearing from the Empire, the only organisation she’d ever known to call their leader “Emperor”. The droids didn’t seem to take their ignorance on the matter particularly well, suddenly raising their weapons to point them at the group.

Aria mirrored her partner’s response in drawing her own sabers, though unlike Ethan chose to remain standing where she was for the time being. Chwuq and Taral dutifully flanked their masters, the spines on their backs rattling warningly at the droids as they emitted low, hissing snarls. The young Knight ignored his mentor’s warnings not to attack, and swiftly paid the price for it as he was...knocked unconscious?

These weren’t like any other droids she’d ever seen. Aria didn’t like this. Not. At. All.

Yerbol offered a solution in the form of trying one of their newer techniques. Sure, it was unpolished and they’d only tried it a few times...but right now, it was the best option they had. These were no ordinary combat droids with rusty chassis and barely-functioning AI systems. They were pristine, probably regularly oiled and maintained by whoever this Eternal Order Emperor person was.

“What about Ethan?!” Kytra squeaked in response to Yerbol’s order, looking at the unconscious apprentice.
“I’ve got him!” Neta muttered, hauling Ethan back onto his feet and steadying the young man until he was capable of supporting himself enough to run after them.
“Just GO!” Aria snapped, nodding in confirmation to Yerbol as she centered her focus in the Force and called up her lightning. As the bright green bolts sprung to life on Yerbol’s saber blades, crackling as they followed the flow of energy from the conducting crystal in the hilt, Kytra bolted for the best opening she could find.

The Selonian was small enough to duck between two of the droids’ arms and bolt further into the thick of the forest, thus diverting enough of their attention to allow Neta to follow close behind her, dragging a half-conscious Ethan behind whilst Yerbol leapt towards the droids at the front of the circle to prevent them from going after the others. Aria threw her own sabers in an arc to cover her husband’s back, the weapon slicing off one droid’s leg and clipping another across its midsection before it could raise its blaster to fire at the other Champion.

The lightning took care of the rest of them. Whether it had shorted their circuits out completely, or simply overloaded them enough to cause their targeting computers to malfunction momentarily, Aria wasn’t sure, but neither she nor Yerbol wanted to stick around long enough to find out.

Let’s get out of here!

Her husband wordlessly nodded his agreement, and both Champions took off at a run after their companions. It didn’t take them long, especially with Force-enhanced speed, to catch up to Neta, Ethan and the Tuk’ata, but….

“Where’s Kytra?!” she hollered, noting her apprentice’s absence.
“Up here!” Kytra chirped in answer. Aria glanced upwards towards the sound of the Selonian’s voice to find her leaping rather nimbly from one tree to the next. Apparently she was part flying squirrel too, who knew. Kytra glanced behind them to check for pursuers, then scurried down the next trunk to join them on the ground again. “I thought it might confuse them a little bit, give them more than one group to have to aim at and all.”
“Fair thinking.” Aria nodded, letting out an agitated breath of her own. “But I don’t think it’s over yet. They’ll be up and after us again before you know it.”

“So now what do we do...we can’t run forever!” Neta pointed out. “We don’t even know WHERE we’re running to!”
With the immediate threat having passed, they made the executive decision to stop and catch their breaths back (it was, after all, rather difficult to have a discussion while you were running for your life).
“Well, I suppose...step one is find somewhere to hide and lie low where they’re not going to find us. Droids or no droids.” Aria pointed out.
“Well, who knows where we are.” Neta shrugged. “But maybe there’s some sort of old building system we could duck into. We’d need to take a look around without being spotted, though.”
“I can do that.” Kytra offered, raising a paw. “These trees aren’t too high.” - she said, despite the fact that they were many, many feet tall - “I reckon I could climb up past the canopy and get a look around!”

“I don’t know, Kytra….” Aria muttered warily, though the Selonian paid her mentor’s warnings no mind and was already nimbly leaping from branch to branch. “...Nevermind, I guess.” the Champion finished with a huff of her own. The scuffling sounds of Kytra's claws against the bark gradually faded away as she scuttled further up, the Champions exchanging worried glances with one another as they waited.
“Are you alright, Ethan?” Aria coughed.
“What were you thinking?” Yerbol added on, his expression a mixture of concern and sternness. The apprentice ducked his head sheepishly, but offered no verbal answer to either of their questions. He didn't appear to have any noticeable injuries, but without a proper medscanner it was hard to know for certain.

“Master Aria, Master Yerbol!” Kytra's alarmed voice cut into Aria's train of thought, “Someone's coming this way!” the Selonian popped back down into their view, her paws thudding onto the ground as she sprang down to join the rest of the group. Chwuq and Taral's heads shot upwards moments later as they caught a scent on the breeze - that itself was comforting, it meant whoever this was was a REAL person and not whatever was left of those droids (or indeed MORE of them). Aria's brow furrowed and the Champion drew her sabers once more, holding them defensively as two masked figures stepped into the clearing with them.

They were attire that was suspiciously similar to the garb the Faceless had chosen, but unlike them made no move to attack the group. Instead, they stood side by side in silence, watching...surveying.
“Who are you?” Aria asked bravely. The one on the left tilted her head to one side, and then spoke, her voice dignified and well-pronounced.
“Come with us if you want to live.” it live the only statement that was spoken, before the pair turned as if to leave again...or to lead them away.

That didn't even answer her question! But Aria knew better than to ignore a potential olive branch now, so kept her mouth shut and exchanged a glance with Yerbol and Neta. They didn't exactly have many other options, and if these people lived here then they may know places to hide...

1. Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos - The Oh Hellos EP
2. Dust Bowl Dance - Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More [Deluxe]
3. Hero Of War - Rise Against - Appeal To Reason
4. Two - Sleeping At Last - Atlas : Year Two
5. Walk Me Home - P!nk - Hurts 2B Human [Explicit]
6. It's Alright - Mother Mother - Dance And Cry [Explicit]
7. Trees - The Oh Hellos - The Oh Hellos EP
8. Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene - Hozier - Hozier EP
9. Mothers - Daughter - Not To Disappear
10. No Reason - Sum 41 - Chuck
>Wibble around after respawning, I guess! might as well see what the new bod can do!
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