The Stone Shield
I d e n t i t y
Yumeto, 193 ★ P R O H E R O Japan
P e r s o n a l i t yMonolith is a silent slab of stone that communicates using pixelated emojis that appear on its’ surface, “
(•‿• )” It is robotic in nature, interacting with it is similar to an exchange with a primitive chatbot. Although it may bleep you an assuring smile, you might be left wondering, is this thing really human?
Monolith is extremely heavy and dense enough that it has the potential to injure someone with its’ mass alone, however, it refuses to actively harm a living creature. Its’ imperative is to protect but never to attack. Despite its’ imposing exterior, it’s an ardent protector of the innocent, physically shielding those in need with its’ frame.
Yumeto is Monolith’s alter ego, he on the other hand, resents heroism - due to the fact that his quirk has literally taken control of his life. It induces long bouts of intense sleep during which his body crystalizes into Monolith, a distinct identity of its' own. On the occasion that Yumeto is able to awaken, Monolith will shatter, releasing agency over their body. In these moments, Yumeto will first check how many weeks have passed, then he'll try desperately to stay awake - only to succumb to exhaustion.
O r i g i nYumeto doesn’t know how to read, he doesn’t have any friends and his dreams are simple - almost empty. Since his quirk first manifested, his life has belonged to Monolith, an incredible and beloved hero who has saved countless lives.
Q u i r k
Stone SlabGen 5 - Mutant - Dormant
Durability - Monolith can sustain prolonged super-human battering. It will often attempt to draw aggression towards itself, taunting enemies with its’ smile, “
( •‿• )” and weaving its’ way into the firing line. As it doesn’t feel pain, it has no concern for its’ own safety.
Telekinesis - It interacts with the world using telekinesis. The majority of its’ power is allocated to levitating the sheer weight of itself.
Robotic Intellect - Its’ brain functions like a computer, it's able to process its' environment and multi-task to best protect those in need.
S u p e r m o v e s°
( •‿• ) - Monolith propels itself between foes with a smile, shielding innocents and ensuring no one is harmed in the process.
(ㆆ_ㆆ ) - It prepares make-shift stretchers with debris to transport people to safety.
(●﹏● ) - If Monolith drops itself to the floor, it can momentarily hold the weight of crumbling structures, attempt to repair them if it would be possible and then reinforce them if there are suitable nearby materials.
S k i l l sYumeto has little life experience and no notable skills whereas Monolith is an accomplished rescue hero with proven experience.