
WillowClan Camp ----> WillowClan Territory (Hunting)
Spidernose wasn’t satisfied with the hunting patrol’s former haul, and truthfully with the snow settling in like it was she wasn’t so sure how much else she was going to catch, but she knew she had to at least
try. So, once she had finished her vole, she bid farewell to Sunfur, and slipped back out of camp and into the territory, hoping that she would have more of a chance of grabbing some more rodents by herself. Being careful to keep her eyes and ears alert for any more adders, and also owls from above now that the sun had gone down, Spidernose prowled through the territory looking for prey.
She caught the trail of a mouse, following it deeper into the forest until she found the little creature nibbling away at a nut, nestled between the roots of a large tree. Slowly and steadily, Spidernose crept towards it, wiggling her hindquarters once she was close enough, then pouncing to bring her paws slamming down on it to pin it to the frosty ground whilst she delivered the killing bite. With a sharp, loud squeak, the mouse went limp in her jaws. Her mouth nearly watered at the smell so close to her nose, but the she-cat was determined to take this back to camp, so with some effort, she scraped a bit of the earth over it, though not nearly as well as she could have had it not been frozen solid.
Before Spidernose could continue on her quest to find more food, however, the sound of crunching leaves - made by the pawsteps of another cat - sounded from nearby, and the warrior’s ears shot forward as she tried to pinpoint the sound, then took a few uneasy steps towards it. Had one of her Clanmates followed her? She tried to sniff the air, and couldn’t pinpoint a specific scent.
“Who’s there? ….Sunfur? Leopardfang?” she guessed, though she unsheathed her claws just in case it was a stranger and they tried to jump her.
“I can hear you and smell you, now come out where I can see you!”@Ambra