Herbal Tzer said
Anton Lepus As an operative, 'Werwolf'.Among those that know his origin, he is jokingly referred to as 'Ottobahn'.
Legal Name: Anton Lepus
Alias(es): As an operative, 'Werwolf'.
Among those that know his origin, he is jokingly referred to as 'Ottobahn'.
Physical Appearance: Anton Lepus stands 6’4” in his jackboots. He has dark blond hair, a thin mustache, and a dashing saber scar; he looks like a meatier version of Errol Flynn.

Race: Caucasion
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1977/10/1
Supernormal Category: Transgenic Hybrid Human
Powers/Skills/Training: Primarily, Super Intelligence. While not exactly a Tony Stark-style inventor, he is a consummate schemer and manipulator- imagine supernatural cleverness rather than mechanical knowledge. (to balance out his other abilities, he can't/doesn't design and create overtech, but will happily make use of it).
Low-level super strength, speed, reflexes, and durability. This is a combination of good breeding(including supernormal DNA) and physical conditioning. For scale, he is easily an Olympic-level athlete, but a true superhuman speedster would leave him in the dust.
Anton is a learned man, by nature of his super intelligence, and has a very good grasp of many academic subjects including many foreign languages. He has been trained in many different methods of combat and war, from the individual level to the strategic, including special operations and espionage.
Anton is incredibly resistant to most any method of information retrieval. He has a high pain threshold, the skills to navigate questioning with ease and to evade modern methods of lie detection. More recently, Anton has learned to disguise his thoughts from mind reading with a combination of burying information, memetic activation, and disassociation.
As for hobbies, Anton has several. He is an excellent shot, a champion fencer, and a racing car driver.
Equipment/Property: Anton has no steady job but receives fairly steady income from his investments and assets which tally into the seven figures. If he doesn't own what he needs for a particular job, he can probably buy it, borrow it, or steal it.
History: After the Third Reich's defeat at the hands of the Allies in the Second World War, those members of the NDSAP and SS that weren't captured or killed scattered to the winds. Among those were famed Waffen SS commando Otto Skorzeny (b. 1908) and an unnamed Nazi mad-scientist, a counterpart to Mengele and von Braun.
While Skorzeny trawled France, Spain, and the Middle East for ODESSA, the Scientist found his haven in South America, and continued his experiments for the buried Reich.
When Skorzeny was diagnosed with cancer, the Scientist knew it would be a horrible blow to the number of groups making up the post-war 'Fascist International' were he to die. So he took a sample of the man's genome and spliced it together with samples of supernormal DNA, and made what we would now consider a 'test tube baby', resulting in an even more dangerous individual.
Ultimately, Skorzeny passed, killed by cancer in '75. But his genetic successor, christened Anton, was born and raised in the Nazi political underground of Argentina, where he was educated and trained. He inherited Skorzeny's great intelligence and the peak physical condition of the other component in his genetic make-up.
Anton has left most of the ideology behind, retaining only as much of the identity as he needs to stay on good terms with his contacts in South America. Now he holds dual Argentine/US citizenship, making his base of operations in [insert city name here] while he builds up resources for his own agenda. The once and future "most dangerous man in Europe" has his finger in everything from cutting edge research to freelance espionage to bounty hunting.
(left intentionally vague)
Legal Status: Duel Argentinian and American Citizenship. Wanted in Russia, hunted by FIS and FSB.
Group Membership: Sometimes works with the NYSCN
Other: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Skorzeny
If you happen to want to know more about the person Anton is based off of.