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Well I was waiting for tzer to start an arc with his character but he never actually posted. So now I need a new antagonist.
"Oh, things have been about the same since we opened," he said, sighing and giving the universal hand wobble for so-so. "I sell more cellphones than of course but then that's what most people can afford. The juice bar hasn't picked up yet but it's only been open a few weeks. I was thinking of putting a more permanent sign in the window, you know? That grande opening one is getting a bit wind worn." He skinned the peach and split it in half to remove the pit, which was actually smaller than normal. "You see this?" he said holding up the peach halves to the light. "Just this one peach has nearly 1800 Calories. And those are food calories, not SI calories. Buddy of mine is a genetic engineer he's been doing special orders for me for months splicing every fruit that people love to eat with that rare breed of super high calorie fructose he discovered. This one here is the latest. The last batch tasted way too sweet. This time he got it right but I still mix it with a few other things to get the taste just so." He grinned widely as he dropped it into the blending pitcher along with half of a mango, plenty of ice and a couple of strawberries. He blended it for a bit before adding some sort of green powder. "There we go," he said, almost purring. He poured part of the mixture into a glass and slid it to his undercover celebrity friend.
"Well," boomed Lord Tamerlane, his voices reaching it's usual timber. "I'd Recommend the Peach Mango this week. I finally got that new breed of peaches from my supplier and he's gotten them really juicy this time. I'm sure you'll love it." With this he plucked a massive round peach from a bowl and showed it to him. It still looked like a peach but it was far far plumper.
Lord Tamerlane tosses the blender/pitcher he was rinsing into the sanitizer sink and turns to address the new arrival.
"Certainly, my boy." he says in his slightly posh but mostly Americanized accent. "We've got some new specials today as well. You'll find them at the top."
He slides the newcomer a laminated single sheet of paper with pictures of colourful drinks followed by short descriptions of their health benefits and shockingly high calorie content. With a cheerful fairwell to the previous customer he looks left and right to make sure they're alone. He leans in closer and puts on his 'I'm whispering' voice which, while not actually a whisper, was at least somewhat quieter and smoother than his loud booming normal voice. "So tell me. How have things been on your end?"
Well whenever you're on give me your skype name and I'll send you a request.
It can be faster to create characters in the skype thread. Do you want to join us on skype?
There's a section in the listed powers about how having more powers makes each power weaker. Also I'm not sure how I could clearly state power levels but I don't see how you could expect a character designed to create nuclear bombs to be considered normal.

A top level power is usually someone focused on one ability. People who have a lot of powers are usually more focused on variety rather than being strong in one particular area. The more powers you have the weaker they all get. often exponentially. A single power like a pk ability or super speed with all attendant required secondary powers can be pretty ludicrous but not to nuclear bomb degrees. For example The fastest super speedster in this world be able to run at about the speed of sound and would only have super speed, durability, stamina, metabolism and such as their powers. Top level PK users will have a total focus on PK and nothing else (Although pk automatically includes stamina and metabolism, most powers do to the point that you don't need to list those two.) with which they can pull of feats such making massive displays of their element to whatever effect is appropriate for that element.
I...um, just started reading your history while I was waiting for you to reply. I'd just like to point out that you need to add more than just electrons to things to make new elements. Even if what you had was remotely possible you'd need to add protons at the very least and probably neutrons as well.
Wow, Willard your powers are just turned up way too high here. You've got Electrokinesis turned up to the level you'd only expect it to see when it's the only power you have. Kinetic blast is listed as having a kilometer of range? that's way outside the range I had in mind. I think even someone who had that as a pure power would stay more or less in the same range as telekinesis. oh and btw your super senses you listed are an auto-include. Anyone with a pk power can sense the thing they control more or less that well. I'd probably recommend dropping kinetic blast and going a bit easier on all the secondary powers.
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