Legal Name: Dallas Volkova
Alias(es): "Anon"
Physical Appearance:
height: 5'9"
weight: Lithe build

As Anon:

(Floats and talks instead of her. The voice is distorted and rendered through an electronic voice program (like Vocaloid, using a stock voice)
Race: Russian/Hawaiian
Gender: female
Date of Birth: 09/08/1990
Supernormal Category: Standard Deviation Human
Radio Trasception: Whether it is the radio, a television signal, a cell phone, a computer or the internet itself, Dallas controls anything and everything that runs or connects to a radio wave. Her control is very fine, to the point where she can hack or write a program with only her mind. Not even the fairly popular dial-up internet is safe due to the need of a grounded telephone.
Biological Decryption: Dallas can easily intercept, isolate, and crack a variety of codes and signals in her head. This has developed from her primary power and bolsters it.
Microwave Blast: Due to microwaves being radio waves, Dallas has fine control over this power. This would be the weaponized arm of her Radio Transception.
Super Intelligence (Wireless Communication): Incredibly intelligent, Dallas is a genius when it comes to radio waves and their applications. This allows her vast knowledge ahead of her time in the way of wireless communications (email, cell phones, internet, GPS, etc.)
Intuitive Abilities (Radio code): Dallas has the capacity to learn and memorize the codes relating to wireless communications as well as HTML and related codes for the internet and computer programming.
Learned Abilities/Skill:
Intensive Firefighter Training
Certified Firefighter
Firearms training
Standard self-defense training
Firefighter Identification
Signal Enhancer hidden in her cell phone
History: Her powers manifested at 16, but she kept it a secret from her parents. She learned how to watch television in her mind, which was useful since she grew to appreciate it. Much like her parents, her intelligence and interests centered around the focal point of her new powers. Once the internet was invented, her interest was drawn to it almost immediately. Her first introduction to it was the nearby coffee shop. It offered free WiFi with a special chip and a password. Many nights were spent for the teenager in her attempts to connect to this new frontier.
One night, she managed to crack the mystery and began to explore the mysteries of this new medium. More time went by, and by the time she was 17, she was able to control computer software and rewrite it as she liked. Being the impish girl that she was, she announced her power by saving some research her parents had been working on, but made it seem like everything wad being deleted by an aggressive virus. Her parents panicked, thinking the infernal machine had ruined years of hard work. Instead, she pulled up a writing program and mentally typed in: "Ha. Got you. Here's your stuff back, when's dinner? Can we get pizza?"
From there, she applied to the firefighting academy at 18 since her parents urged her to establish another identity. She didn't understand why she had to hide it, and hated that she needed to. She spent 5 years in the a firefighter before was promoted to her own squad. She has now spent four years serving as a squad leader of a Squad Company and takes command of the fire house when the Captain is out. She holds the ranking of Lieutenant at this time.
Legal Status:
Legal, but her primary power and hacking skills are unknown. Legally, she has slightly heightened strength and stamina.
Group Membership:
Fire Department (Trained with the Police before transferring)
Loose ties with the League of Masks