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Let's not leave this thread dead in the water, we've still got posts incoming!
"Now then," Domanyk said as he wiped the blood off his chin, "we'll dispose of this body and then be off. Katalin, if you could have Gyula and Bora take care of disposal, I will attend to the meeting with the Deputy Mayor soon."
"I thought they were out hunting themselves?"
"Then call them over here and tell them to take care of this body first. There can be no trace of human rot on these lands."
"Why them?"
"Gyula is the hardiest of our Order, he can easily lift a body with no problem."
"And Bora?"

Domanyk sneered at the name. These two vampires were accomplices of Domanyk before his overthrow and eventual retreat to the New World. Gyula was around for longer, an older man about mid-forties in age and of Hungarian ancestry. He was one of the first friends Domanyk made shortly after his conversion, and perhaps one of the most loyal of followers, second only to Katalin. As for Bora... he was a Turkish officer converted, forced to serve the whims of the Transylvanian Order as a lowly servant. As a former member of the Ottoman army that ambushed him in the first place, Domanyk never liked him. Yet for some reason, when Domanyk proclaimed himself the second coming of Dracula, Bora became one of the most useful allies to help dispatch the old Order. In truth, Domanyk did not know why he kept a Turkish vampire around, but he regretted doing so ever since.

"I want two to walk together; no vampire of my Order shall roam alone and put themselves at risk."
"As you wish, Dracula."
"Good. Now I must be off, good night Katalin."

With that, Domanyk left her while she started to make calls. He went to the vehicle that they drove in, started the car up and began his drive back to the city. He was careful never to meet the Deputy Mayor in places where they could be caught in public; after all, the Deputy Mayor only serves as the administrative head of government, not the actual head - that is, of course, reserved for the Mayor him or herself - and to have the two meeting in public would put both uncomfortably in the limelight. For one of them, however, it could prove to be lethal.

Tonight's meeting was scheduled under one of the older, smaller bridges that passed over a dried creek bed, which, because of its historical roots, was never replaced with a proper road system. It has never been a very popular route to take, especially since it's now located in a rougher part of the neighbourhood, which only makes it one of Domanyk's preferred meeting spots for important meetings that could otherwise never be allowed to take place in office buildings. The office hours would never agree to Domanyk, and the desolation of the place helps ensure that, even if they were confronted by gangsters and other hooligans, they could be dispatched with very quickly.

Upon arriving at the bridge, Domanyk would see a car with its engine hood and trunk space opened up - a sign that the Deputy Mayor was nearby. Parking behind the car, Domanyk slowly stepped out and walked to the underpart of the bridge. He crafted himself in an illusion to prevent others from identifying his true form - not that Domanyk would ever be a familiar figure in these areas, anyways, but he could never take risks. Once in the underpass, Domanyk was greeted by a rather terrified-looking old man, someone who felt very uncomfortable with their surroundings.

"This is absurd" the Deputy Mayor spoke. "I feel like we're in such a dangerous place."
"Relax" Domanyk said as he laid a hand on his shoulder, "I would never put you directly in harm's way."

The Deputy Mayor gave a sigh of relief, confident that Domanyk was telling the truth.

"So you've always said, good sir."
"And when have I ever been proven wrong?"
"Indeed. But enough drivel, I take it you wouldn't call me out here for no good reason."
"Of course, my friend. I have a few requests. Mostly updates on administrative practices, what the Councillors and Mayor have been up to, and a very... special request. I feel that it's time now that I solidify my hold over this city, and I need your help to make it happen."
"What would you have me do?"
"I want the emergency services in my pocket, including the local Chief of Police... and the head of the State Police operating this region. Now if you would spare me your time, I believe I have a way of making this work."
As the sun slipped away and let the night creep into the city of Los Silvestres, a group of friends left a bar, merry and content and, for the most part, drunk. They started to make their separate ways, leaving just one solitary man to walk the streets on his own.

"Fuck, Mikey should've given me a damn ride, selfish prick... hey taxi, taxi! Where are you?! Taxi?!"

As he stumbled through the streets, a pair of people sitting in a car a block away watched as the drunkard called out aimlessly for a taxi.

"Damn it, you know alcohol normally doesn't bode well for me... but I guess I'm hungry enough to make an exception for tonight."
"You can't blame me for being such a lightweight, Katalin."
"Oh shut up. Besides, it's far too early to be drinking. I haven't the slightest idea why there's already some drunk walking around, but he must be absolutely wasted. Come on, let's just find somewhere else to go."
"You have to stop changing your mind, dear. Come, let's have a bite to eat, I have an important meeting with the Deputy Mayor coming and I don't want to meet with him on an empty stomache."
"... Fine. But you owe me for this, Domanyk."
"Fair enough. Now get in the back seat, it'll help set the right mood."
As he stumbled around the corner to a side street, a taxi wheeled up beside him and a woman stuck her head out to look at him.

"Hey mister, are you all right?"
"God, she is beautiful," the drunk thought. "You should talk to her."
"Yeah, no... yeah, yeah, no I'm fine."
"You absolutely sure, dear? I had the cabbie pull over, I was worried you were going to get in trouble or, god forbid, sleep outside. I heard it might rain tonight."
"That is awfully nice! And she wants me to get in the car with her?! Well, hard to say no to that."
"Ah, no rain hurt nothing, but thanks. Hey, are you heading Southbound, by any chance?"
"I'm sorry, I'm headed in a completely other direction. But my place isn't too far away, my roommate and I could make some space for you if you wanted to stay for the night! You can just make up for it later."
"Do it."
"Wow... yeah, okay, let's head to your place!"

With the drunk man safely strapped inside the car, the driver starts taking them to the lady's house. Along the way, the two start to make idle talk in the back seat.

"So tell me, mister, what were you doing walking on the streets all by yourself tonight?"
"Ungh, the less said the better..."
"Friends bail on you tonight?" interrupted the taxi driver, his eyes never straying off the road.
"Yeah, I guess you can say that. I have work in two days and we all got together to celebrate the new job. I've been really meaning to get that job, too, this is a good chance for me to, uh, make a lot of money doing what I love!"
"That's great! My roommate's fiance owns a butchery business and they asked me to do accounting for them. You know how it is, I guess: work's long, pay's all right, but at least it gets you the experience you need, am I right?"
"Yeah, for sure."
As the taxi driver pulled up to a house in a sparsely populated suburban area, the two people got out of the car, giggling and chatting to each other merrily. She waived the drunk to go wait by the front doors while she paid the taxi driver. Soon after, she walked up beside him and started fumbling with her keys to get the door open.

"Man, I - I really cannot thank you enough for doing this, you are so kind."
"Aww, thank you! It's the least I can do, you know? Didn't want to leave a poor fool like yourself on the road like that. Oh, and before I forget, my roommate has work tomorrow, so we have to be quiet, okay?"
"Got it... hey, you have so many keys, but I don't see a car in the front?"
"Well, you don't need a car to use a key, silly."
"Haha, true - oh right, the noise. Sorry."
"Thanks. Anyways, just take the stairs on your left, the ones going down, and then it'll be the third room on your right, can't miss it. I'll come by to check in on you."
"And bathrooms?"
"To the right, second on the left."

With a courteous nod, the man cleans up in the bathroom, then heads down to the room and immediately flops on the bed and goes to sleep. Not even an hour later, he finds himself awake, unable to get out of bed, and with someone right by his neck... nibbling him?

"Whoa, what -"
"Despite the fact that you're completely shit-faced, I just find you so... has anyone told you you smell great?"
"Okay, this is definitely what I was hoping for," the man thought. "Just let it happen... you can brag about it later to Mikey, the lazy asshole."
"Yeah, no one's told me that. So -"
"Shh" she whispers, putting a finger on his lips. "Just be quiet, my roommate could still hear us."
"Right" the man said, slowly drifting into a deep sleep, "gotta... be quiet..."
"Katalin, you will remember to save some for me, yes?"

She leaned off the body of the drunk man, looking back to Domanyk with a bloody grin and an almost innocent look in her face.

"Remember who did most of the talking?"
"This was a team effort, dear. The fact that he woke up while you were feeding would've set him off, had it not been for me here to keep his mind in check."
"So you say."
"So I know. Now make room; I'm still hungry, as well."
"As you wish, Domanyk."
"And Katalin, dear... we've known each other for a long time, but I would prefer if you called me by the proper title."
"Of course" she said, then faintly added "Of course I'll remember, Do - ...Dracula."
"That's better."

Meanwhile, the forest was quiet and still around the abandoned church.
Name: Domanyk Tepes (Legal Name: Tom Thrace)

Alias(es): Domanyk Draculestis; "Dracula the Second"; "Vlad Reincarnate"; "Vlad Dracula"

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5'10
Weight: 172 lb
Eye colour: Navy Blue
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Clothes: Public wear consists of finely dressed business attire, mostly using a China collar blazer; Cultist wear consists of traditionally-designed Romanian or Hungarian outfits from late Medieval era to early Renaissance era.

Race: Caucasian with Hungarian and Romanian ancestry

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 27/02/1834

Supernormal Category: Vampiric Standard Deviation Human


Super Intelligence - Extensive experience in the field of administrative work and particular focus on mental focus regarding his telepathic capabilities.

Mind Reading*
Thought Sending*

*These skills are all collectively used by Domanyk in simultaneous fashion, each finely controlled through his mental focus, to create the closest imaginable thing to direct mind control. All senses, emotions and even nervous impulses are detected in subjects and altered by Domanyk to create desired outcomes in targets. Most frequently used to subdue prey for feeding or coerce people to act favourably in his interests.

Equipment/Property: Domanyk is the owner of an abandoned church far from any populated regions that, due to effective administrative exploits, effectively does not exist in any listed documents. Using his own personal finances collected over many years, he has built himself an underground labrynth from which he rules over his cultist following of loyal vampires.


Domanyk was born to a middle-upper class family of Wallachians who continued to live under Ottoman rule. Though unsubstantiated at best, it was rumoured that this Tepes family had a history of significant telepathic manipulation, making them targets of the state and outcasts by the rest of the local population. In 1857, at the age of 23, Domanyk enlisted in a group of nationalists fighting for Wallachian independence, hoping he could make a better name for his family, but was gravely wounded during a Turkish ambush on the outskirts of Transylvania. On the brink of death, abandoned to the wild, he was saved by chance from a travelling old man, who revealled himself to Domanyk as an old Transylvanian Vampire. He offered Domanyk a chance at immortality, as well as an opportunity to continue his fight against the Turks. With little other option, Domanyk embraced vampirism and was brought back to the Calimanului Alps, to a secret alcove of vampires hidden within a complex cave system.

From there, Domanyk worked his way into the position of Steward of the Transylvanian Vampiric Order, keeping stock of supplies that would help in war efforts directed against the Ottomans. While feeding, he also found his innate abilities had grown immensely during the vampiric conversion and allowed him to effectively take over the minds of unaware Turkish people and bend them solely to his will.

In 1884, 30 years after he was converted, Domanyk came across an archive of literature pertaining to the Draculestis family lineage - the very lineage of Vlad the Impaler, the father of the Transylvanian Vampiric Order. Domanyk discovered that, through a bastard of the dynasty, he could trace his roots directly to Vlad II, the father of Dracula. With this information, he became zealous and delusional. Many other vampires worried that being linked to Vlad the Impaler both through vampiric and actual blood lines would make him an overly proud man, but very few expected the sort of devotion he would build around this idea. He soon branded himself as Domanyk Draculestis, the reincarnation of Dracula, and manipulated the minds of his closest friends and allies to serve as devout followers. A civil war broke out between the Transylvanian Vampires, culminating in the collapse of the Order and the abandonment of the Calimanului Alps.

Domanyk contined to stay in the newly-formed Romania, terrorizing Turkish populations in the Bulgarian region while using Romania as a base of operations, establishing the Reformed Order of the Dragon. On the brink of causing a mass crisis between the Romanians and the Turks due to his massacre, Domanyk decided that he could not risk a conflict that would spill the blood of his old bretheren in a futile war, so he and what remained of his followers journeyed to the new world, travelling across the Atlantic to the United States.

Domanyk and his followers started to build a new life in New York, with Domanyk working in the administration of the city. However, with so many co-workers, some began to comment on his odd work schedules, and the underground life was no better, with older Vampiric Orders limiting his capacity for growth. Things quickly turned sour when these Orders also learned of Domanyk's role in the collapse of the Transylvanian Order, forcing him and his followers to take refuge far from the bustle of the East Coast. Eventually, the Order of the Dragon settled in the city of Los Silvestres, where Domanyk, using his talented administrative skills and mind-controlling powers, gained a job working in the administration for Los Silvestres, took an abandoned church, wiped it off of official records and designated the surrounding lands as protected national park lands, thereby guaranteeing isolation from prying eyes. Many years later, he would retire into seclusion, having successfully manipulated the mind of the Deputy Mayor and, through his office, dominating the administration of Los Silvestres.

Legal Status: Citizen of Los Silvestres, administrator for the City of Los Silvestres, under the alias 'Tom Thrace'.

Group Membership: Founder of the Reformed Order of the Dragon
"... have been increased, according to Minister of Defense, in an attempt to contain further contaminants from escaping the British Isles. Meanwhile, investigations continue into the catastrophic failure of the Joint Helix facility in the Highlands of Scotland, where an estimated three-hundred twenty people have died, including Chief Science Officer and co-founder Doctor Birmingham Bayly, and hundreds of loose 'bio-weaponized contaminants' have been released. Described as genetically altered lizard-like lifeforms with variations ranging from super-strength to underwater swimming to even what some have dubbed "The Dragon of Scotland".

According to local news, Scottish residents local to the area have established a reward fund to be delivered to whomever can claim to slay this fabled 'Dragon', though police are advising people to stay far away from any of these contaminants and report them to local authorities as soon as they can be found. No word as to what involvement, if any, the Ministry of the Extraordinary will play in the upcoming days, but -"

As the waitress turned off the TV and went to deliver two orders, two old men stopped staring at the TV and turned to face each other.

"You know, as if this world wasn't weird enough, now you've got this so-called 'dragon' flying out of Britain?"
"Weird? What do you mean 'weird'?"
"Well... these 'superhumans', I just - I dunno, something about them ain't right. I mean... take my grand nephew, Michael. My brother was saying he dated this girl, one of them super girls that could move hair around, took on a job as a barber -"
"Oh, remind me I have to meet with Samuel at 3:30 tomorrow for my regular cut -"
"Never mind that, these two apparently get into a fight, and you know what happens? She nearly scalps Michael with her super powers."
"What a way to go. Young girls are damn crazy, these days."
"It ain't even the girls. Just... could you imagine a world where the only super people you ever hear about were only fictional? Like, it was normal to not worry about having your hair ripped out by some hair-controlling freak or something?"
"Now I think you're talking crazy."
"Well in another world, maybe I'm not the crazy one."

As they started to argue over mental capacities, a large shadow swiftly swept over the pit stop, causing some of the silver wear to rattle.

"The hell was that, some big eagle?"
"The hell that ain't no eagle, now who's the crazy one?"
"You boys better stop talking" said the waitress as she peered over the counter. "That there weren't no eagle."
On the outskirts of the city, close to the industrial warehousing sector, a giant creature glided down, unseen in the late evening light. After many hours and even days of flying, he finally found a perfectly secluded spot on the edges of the Pacific Ocean, where after a few days of rest and recouperation, he could continue to fly. He never wanted to leave home, to leave his "father", but He made him... He gave no one a choice...

Exhausted and with a slight moan, Drake curled up and managed to find some sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day.
Edited the post. Altered his type, added a bit of history regarding his immediate family and a whole crap-tonne explaining why he made his way to Los Silvestres.
And now for the Reformed Order of the Dragons that I posted at the end of Domanyk's character sheet:

Group Name: Reformed Order of the Dragon

Purpose: A global world ruled by this vampiric order under the administration of Domanyk Tepes, known as Domanyk Draculestis, "Dracula the Second"

Reputation: An unknown cult that prefers to work under the cover of night, both literally and figuratively.

Foundation: Sometime during 1884 during the Transylvanian Vampiric Civil War.

Group Size: Currently no more than two dozen devotees, with four being the closest and longest allies of Domanyk himself.

Group History: The original order was established in 1408 by the Hungarian King and Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Established to fight enemies of Christianity, especially the old Ottoman Empire, it eventually disolved into antiquity as most other Holy Orders have done.

The Reformed Order was established by Domanyk Tepes, who saw the order as a way of commemorating his ancestor Vlad II Dracul, a member of the order himself and father of Vlad the Impaler. The Reformed Order, though nowhere near as religiously devout as the Old Order, is used by Domanyk as the established local vampiric order found within Los Silvestres.

Group Location(s): Los Silvestres

Legal Status: Cult, unknown to authorities.
Name: Domanyk Tepes

Alias(es): Domanyk Draculestis; "Dracula the Second"; "Vlad Reincarnate"; "Vlad Dracula"

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5'10
Weight: 172 lb
Eye colour: Navy Blue
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Clothes: Public wear consists of finely dressed business attire, mostly using a China collar blazer; Cultist wear consists of traditionally-designed Romanian or Hungarian outfits from late Medieval era to early Renaissance era.

Race: Caucasian with Hungarian and Romanian ancestry

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 27/02/1834

Supernormal Category: Vampiric Standard Deviation Human


Super Intelligence - Extensive experience in the field of administrative work and particular focus on mental focus regarding his telepathic capabilities.

Mind Reading*
Thought Sending*

*These skills are all collectively used by Domanyk in simultaneous fashion, each finely controlled through his mental focus, to create the closest imaginable thing to direct mind control. All senses, emotions and even nervous impulses are detected in subjects and altered by Domanyk to create desired outcomes in targets. Most frequently used to subdue prey for feeding or coerce people to act favourably in his interests.

Equipment/Property: Domanyk is the owner of an abandoned church far from any populated regions that, due to effective administrative exploits, effectively does not exist in any listed documents. Using his own personal finances collected over many years, he has built himself an underground labrynth from which he rules over his cultist following of loyal vampires.


Domanyk was born to a middle-upper class family of Wallachians who continued to live under Ottoman rule. Though unsubstantiated at best, it was rumoured that this Tepes family had a history of significant telepathic manipulation, making them targets of the state and outcasts by the rest of the local population. In 1857, at the age of 23, Domanyk enlisted in a group of nationalists fighting for Wallachian independence, hoping he could make a better name for his family, but was gravely wounded during a Turkish ambush on the outskirts of Transylvania. On the brink of death, abandoned to the wild, he was saved by chance from a travelling old man, who revealled himself to Domanyk as an old Transylvanian Vampire. He offered Domanyk a chance at immortality, as well as an opportunity to continue his fight against the Turks. With little other option, Domanyk embraced vampirism and was brought back to the Calimanului Alps, to a secret alcove of vampires hidden within a complex cave system.

From there, Domanyk worked his way into the position of Steward of the Transylvanian Vampiric Order, keeping stock of supplies that would help in war efforts directed against the Ottomans. While feeding, he also found his innate abilities had grown immensely during the vampiric conversion and allowed him to effectively take over the minds of unaware Turkish people and bend them solely to his will.

In 1884, 30 years after he was converted, Domanyk came across an archive of literature pertaining to the Draculestis family lineage - the very lineage of Vlad the Impaler, the father of the Transylvanian Vampiric Order. Domanyk discovered that, through a bastard of the dynasty, he could trace his roots directly to Vlad II, the father of Dracula. With this information, he became zealous and delusional. Many other vampires worried that being linked to Vlad the Impaler both through vampiric and actual blood lines would make him an overly proud man, but very few expected the sort of devotion he would build around this idea. He soon branded himself as Domanyk Draculestis, the reincarnation of Dracula, and manipulated the minds of his closest friends and allies to serve as devout followers. A civil war broke out between the Transylvanian Vampires, culminating in the collapse of the Order and the abandonment of the Calimanului Alps.

Domanyk contined to stay in the newly-formed Romania, terrorizing Turkish populations in the Bulgarian region while using Romania as a base of operations, establishing the Reformed Order of the Dragon. On the brink of causing a mass crisis between the Romanians and the Turks due to his massacre, Domanyk decided that he could not risk a conflict that would spill the blood of his old bretheren in a futile war, so he and what remained of his followers journeyed to the new world, travelling across the Atlantic to the United States.

Domanyk and his followers started to build a new life in New York, with Domanyk working in the administration of the city. However, with so many co-workers, some began to comment on his odd work schedules, and the underground life was no better, with older Vampiric Orders limiting his capacity for growth. Things quickly turned sour when these Orders also learned of Domanyk's role in the collapse of the Transylvanian Order, forcing him and his followers to take refuge far from the bustle of the East Coast. Eventually, the Order of the Dragon settled in the city of Los Silvestres, where Domanyk, using his talented administrative skills and mind-controlling powers, gained a job working in the administration for Los Silvestres, took an abandoned church, wiped it off of official records and designated the surrounding lands as protected national park lands, thereby guaranteeing isolation from prying eyes. Many years later, he would retire into seclusion, having successfully manipulated the mind of the Deputy Mayor and, through his office, dominating the administration of Los Silvestres.

Legal Status: "Deputy Mayor" of Los Silvestres

Group Membership: Founder of the Reformed Order of the Dragon
Boom, here comes Drake!

Character Name / Designation:

"Drake" / genetically engineered lifeform

DoB / "Emergence from Facility":



Genetically Engineered Lifeform

Physical Characteristics:

Height - 5' 11"
Length (tail to nostril) - 8' 5"
Width - 3' 4"
Wing span - 14' 7"
Colouration - Maroon and black-speckled scales with vibrant red underbelly, wing leather is same vibrant red with spotches of similar maroon colour
Eye colour - Very dark brown, similar to eyes of lizard species


Flight - Genetically modified to have light bone structures similar to avian fauna, with a second pair of lungs full of hydrogen for buoyancy and flight capabilities controlled internally by Drake, large wing span provides movement and control
Fire-breathing - Hydrogen can be expelled at intense velocity, reacting with gullet minerals consumed by Drake to spark and produce fire, potency similar to other PK abilities
Natural Claws, Teeth
Enhanced Muscles - Genetically modified to have strengthened muscles with minimal bulkiness, allows for flight and very modest amount of super strength
Regeneration - Over relatively short durations of time, Drake has the capability of fully healing broken muscles and scarred tissue at such a pace that might otherwise be considered 'super', but require extended periods of uninterrupted rest to achieve the desired results


Drake, originally classified as 'GA-418', is a genetically modified organism created as a side project under Doctor Birmingham Bayly, co-head of the Joint Helix Corporation. The organization itself was dedicated to the research of biological discoveries and applications, with more classified projects working on non-microscopic biological warfare products for British and NATO armies. On the 12th of October, 2014, a malfunction at their research facility, located in the Highlands of Scotland hours away from any populated regions, caused significant outbreak of genetically altered lifeforms to escape, including GA-418.

The exact age of Drake is impossible to calculate without further analysis, as there is no comparable lifeform to match its growth pattern to. Suffice to say that, given its capabilities and its origins, Drake may be classified as an extremely dangerous non-microscopic biohazard.

Legal Status:

Non-human organism. Until further analysis is complete, Drake may be classified as an extremely dangerous non-microscopic biohazard.
Woo, sounds great, I'm down for this!
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