The absolutely insane President/Dictator/Prime Minister/Drug Addicted Guy With A Suit sat in his office, hands shaking uncontrollably. He was yelling incoherently about destroying everyone who wasn't China, screaming about being the greatest country on Earth. He smashed his hands down on his desk, cracking the wood slightly. "READY THE NUCLEAR WEAPONS! WE SHALL NUKE THE WORLD! BECOME THE KING OF THE ASHES!" During his rambling, a bullet struck him in the back of the head, causing him to collapse onto the desk, blood spilling onto his papers. It was the end of one of history's greatest mad men.
Espacio De Vida announced that a special operations task force, dispatched at the outbreak of the war, had been able to successful assassinated the mad man who had been ruling China. In addition, the De Vidian troops that had been sent off earlier that year had established a landing zone on undefended Chinese beaches, due to China sending most of it's military on offensive campaigns around the world.