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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

I have become so accustomed to nightmares and or disquieting imagery that when I would be afflicted with one, I haven't much a reaction. It has become so common place and desensitized me to the stimuli that I find myself consciously rebuking the horror. For some reason or another, this works and I am left finding myself suddenly awake, free of the grips of the scenario. That has come to work with what would be sleep paralysis as well and I seem to retain an sizable amount of autonomy over myself.
I believe we would be in need of more interested parties before we can even settle on any one idea, @SleepingSilence. Unfortunately this seems not have to received the traffic or attention it deserves as a more original thought and experiment. No less, we would do well to hear back from @Tsukai.
There too had been snow here, several inches at that. Of course, being the dry, powdered kind, the rapid winds that whipped up not long after which had brought the storm to us in the first place shuffled the flurries and flakes right on out. I went to rest for the day with several inches of snow, creeping toward near half a foot, and awoke to find it had almost all blown away, @Carantathraiel. Quite disappointing, really, I would say.
Roleplay here if you enjoy writing at least a paragraph or two, character development, and some depth. Grammar and spelling are encouraged. Generally one paragraph (a few sentences) per post. See individual GM for RP specific standards
Casual Roleplay

By purest minimum, the in-writing standards, that example post alone more than qualifies for the Casual section of the Roleplayer Guild, @Inkarnate. That is the kind of Discord roleplaying I have been speaking to as to why it is just as viable. If one has players at least that talented or more, it can be done.
I can recall exceptionally obscure facts, such as that based off of paleontological data for total number and concentration of prehistoric felids it appears that North American cave lions, Panthera leo atrox, account for only some two-point-six percent of the fossils at Rancho La Brea, but I have no seeming capacity to remember any "regular" information to any reliable extent. I cannot consistently recall birthdays, names, phone numbers, personal number inputs, holidays, day of the week, license plates, addresses, and so on. The majority of these I do, in fact, forget exist.
It is entirely dependent on the partners as @Inkarnate noted. I have experienced the same level of literacy and competency on Discord roleplays as I have on the forum or better in a few select cases. This is the exact reason brought up that one can simply write multiple paragraphs and post them back to back; nothing is lost. Unless of course the server is of the rapid fire "Free" roleplaying style, at which point one is getting exactly what they paid for, conceptually at least.

Speaking on that type of example, I am notorious for being verbose and wordy, even in chat service responses. Players in the past who wrote very minor responses, when the service was hosted on the forum itself and it had a fair amount more actual roleplaying taking place, would generally wait long enough for a response to be issued. Certain formalities evolved, such as ending on going posts with a dash to show they continued, and that the matter of length was never really an issue. That variety and disparity of posting talent never was problematic either, for if anything, observation indicated to me the more I invested, the more they did in return, and the phenomena existed with others too.

So to bring this back to the head of the matter, it is clear that which matters is not the service itself but the members involved. I simply do not buy into the notion that forum roleplaying is somehow superior inherently. What forum topics do afford by contrast is time; the sense of urgency is diminished because in a chat roleplay one stands to "lose their turn", so to speak. This too is faster to come as more members are involved. It takes a gentleman's agreement to ensure that people do not reply too much to the chat and that they actively make motions to acknowledge the actions and events of other players.

There is a trend here, I would note, and that trend would be the one that emphasizes the importance of choosing good members, not so much a "good" or even "bad" medium.
I have no offspring that I am aware of.
There is, in fact, a section dedicated to Discord roleplaying found on the Roleplayer Guild Discord called #in-character_roleplaying. The issue with it hardly being in use as it is, is because the majority of the audience on the server now go there to have interaction with the community outside of roleplaying. The option however, always remains, and it typically becomes active when the forum is experiencing downtime due to maintenance or outages.

If one wished to do so, they very much could assume the channel by and large and play to their heart's content, with the same sorts of protections afforded to the forum - meaning problem players can still be enforced against - all while having a foundation to base the roleplay topic off of. One could, should even, create a topic as normal and simply play as they will in the Discord's appropriate channel. As it is, the only issues with terms of quality or ability are really limited to the persons involved, not so much the chat service. While it is less in-depth as the forum for any number of reasons, it is still entirely possible to play anything from highly literate posting to near rapid fire single sentences.

I would offer, @Stitches, that one could store the characte sheets here and the main topic but host the roleplay solely on the official Discord. The only issue that tends to arise otherwise is, is that advertising other Discords is a taboo; players should be getting those in private if they plan to play solely off of the forum; it is generally an issue with advertising. The goal is to have the activity centered on the forum after all.
That seems stable and consistent, meaningful too I would note as well. The Lin's of occupation that requires attention and has a direct effect on a consumer.
In an office I once held, given the world outside I was surrounded by and all of its associated chaos, I made it a ritual to do the exact same things each day in the same order before anything else would be addressed. This ranged from not just cleaning it each time but to more strange doings such as placing dried juniper and sage out, adjusting the lighting, and forbidding electronic devices. This culminated with the playing of environmental forest ambiance in order to capitalize on the effort of seeing this place back to calm; the eye of the storm.

It had the fascinating effect that when others came through the door, their demeanor and perspective of the world suddenly changed. People would marvel at it, even if they had seen it before and remark how different it was - like a portal into another place altogether - frequently. Many began to visit just for the sake of being there, if only briefly, and it became a running joke of many to never leave the door open because, "All of the birds would escape." thanks to the audio component's inclusion.
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