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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

That is correct, those are all acceptable actions. You may construct up to three simple sentences. Anything after that is non-canon and must be in italics, which is only relevant if you wish to write more than the maximum, @Dusksong.
One could do the "jump-in" method with caveat that players only need post profiles for their characters or some other similar minor criteria but as one imagines, it is not always the case where users would read it. If one wants to get started right away, I agree with the motion that saying "Feel free to post once approved." is the best way to get it started. If anything the sole reason that people seem to wish to a have a number of players first is so that the plot can begin right away but seldom would it be that prevents characters from milling about on their own accord then being called to the plot. From my past experiences, long, long before the Roleplayer Guild, that was the norm and I am of the stance it could apply here just as well if one desired.
There is no Discord and whatever conversation, if any is desired about the direction of posting among players can be made here. Otherwise, it is wholly up to whoever is eligible to post in the thread currently to post what they believe makes the most sense. As noted in the overview, those in the mentions part of the post may post during that turn, but it is first come, first served, before the events move on again, @Dusksong.
"Time spent with cats is never wasted."
Sigmund Freud
I am still debating altering my avatar and post signature to a recently completed piece of art I have gained. The sole reason I am unwilling to change it is because it would remove a distinctive, iconic theme, if at the very least because its color scheme does not match that of the forum and would create high contrast. At most because I prefer to create legacy and distinctive elements of my appearances that are consistent and this would be a change from the established elements that have been present for some five years here.
Given this topic is in-progress, all I would need know is if you are invested and able to join or not, @Dusksong. Once that is done, I will merely add you to the list of persons who may join the game and you will start receiving mentions whenever you have an opportunity to act with the character.
On an odd subject for myself as anime, which is something I have no investment and that fact is apparently known to many, which also so happens to be a matter this thread is speaking to in this moment, I recovered a memory fragment. When I saw this I suddenly had perfect recall of it and what "Zoids" had been, this is despite not watching the series, only the scenes with these specific combat platforms. This suggests to me that there was an engram related to it which had been inactive until the proper stimulus was given again and so the neural pathway was accessible once more. More fascinating is the time frame I would have witnessed these characterized machines aligns perfectly with the lapse in recall but also creates an interesting situation wherein at the time, my proclivities were already manifesting. Apparently some of those most core things survived the rest of what died.
Players interested may still join this topic. Three slots remain and the narrative is preparing to seemingly move inland on a quest for answers.
@DocRock @Dusksong
Chapter I
"With cold rationale, you decide to break your pitiful camp and gather up what few objects you can carry. First and foremost is your treasured text, which you cannot help but give a halfhearted smile to, knowing that you will not be without something to preoccupy your wandering thoughts from that which unnerves you. Slipped in to the sack, you include the now dried yet still so faintly damp clothes you found and the small lockbox. Seeing as there is nothing else you can carry on your back and averting your eyes briefly from the sea as you consider your flight, you notice something upon the sand where you had rested the goods."

"It seems in the night you had missed it in your rifling through the goods but you discover a silver necklace, upon which hangs an unadorned silver ring. In the dim hours of the morning sun, the fires of the night before lost forever, it glints softly up at you with its reflection and almost asks to be brought along. Perhaps the sentimental situation of realizing you might well be doomed on this island, if not at sea, brought this to mind or it might well be that it has greater importance than you can recall. It might well even be yours but there is absolutely no knowing in this moment as you kneel beside it."
The works of Lovecraft certainly are an influence on this project, that much is aptly noted, @DocRock. I do quite like the unsettling edge they provide even if one ignores the mythos or checks into the more obscure projects penned by the man.
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