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*Pokes my head through the nearby door*

*All you can see, as you creek the door open, is an off-putting half-formed hallway, with what looks like three more doors, and at the end a half formed tub of sorts. What's more there are no lights, and a genuine frosty temperature that leeks out of the place. And on top of it, the rather sweet pine perfume of the hallway is replaced with a musty smell...*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Cyrus: "Please, work this time..."

*I clench my fist and the sphere sinks into it, covering it in the same black and white energy, and radiating the same color flames. I punch the ground and it starts to crack, forming a circle covering the area in which the creatures are. Tentacles rise out of the area and grab ahold of them, dragging them into the giant puddle of void slowly.*

*Delta seemingly appears behind everyone else, not bothering to elaborate what happened.*

<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Cyrus: "Remember, this can only stop them temporarily, if they can find the door... Or even open it for that matter..."

*I raise my left hand as a black and white energy starts to form a sphere in the palm, slowly growing. It feels like a violent wind is sweeping the radius around me.*

*All manifestations begin wobling eerily as we all screech with unholy volume and ear piercing sharpness as we try to resist whatever this is but fail, as many of us start tumbling kicking and screaming down towards the portal, one giant shadow down, one horror swept, the beast in the distance, try as it might, scratching the ground with all its appendages... before long, the field is clear... for now*

Theme of Temporary Termination --> CLOCKWORK by Jacob Lizotte
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You don’t know! She could be out there somewhere trying to reach us!

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Runes of every color form a veritable net over the creatures and suddenly strike down with intense beams of golden light like rain*

*As you say that, those clones that faded to black and were still stuck in spikes suddenly begin growing to colossal sizes like titans made of pure shadow, and though some of the minor manifestations have perished due to the rune blast now, somehow, that distant creature seems darker and more ominous and much bigger as you feel a sudden tear in your very being as those clonse seem to have been ruptured from you entirely*

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*I just cackle back at it as the other claymore forms into a railgun of sorts and I point it straight at the tentacle, basically just evaporating it.*

*The first shot evaporates it, but then it immediately reforms larger and meatier, and the more you shoot it grows and shifts and changes and becomes more substantial as its cackles turn into haunting moans of... pleasure?... *

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*I make a rift where I am and one on top of one of the mountains, passing through it with my claymore pointed towards the tip of the mountain.*

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*It erupts into an explosion of black fire and writhing masses, scattering like snakes across the ground and slowly congregating into a purple, pulsating mound*

*One of those snakes pulls up right behind you @RoadkilBanana and begins cackling in your own voice a maniacal and hellish laughter*
@Memory@RoadkilBanana@The Odeoron

*As all of you think you are making ground towards the think, it seems to keep finding itself farther and farther away defying any sense of space for whatever reason*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Widens my eyes in shock* YOU THINK?!?!?!?

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

AGHHHH!!! * I seem to reel back and hold my bowels at the sound - then quickly cast a rune to heal and i split in a hundred copies*

*Some of your copies are frozen in time and begin turning eerie yellow shade silhouette*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*In unison, they cast a healing spell before duplicating further and creating an intense beam of purification energy, sweeping across the landscape with a delayed holy-type energy explosion following in its wake*

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Maybe! I don't know!

*Your healing only seems to partially work, as several of your clones begin to fade to black silhouettes slowly*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Delta: "Good enough for me!"

*I begin to glitch through the landscape, making my way towards the mountain entities.*

*Your near final glitch finds itself in a clump of spiky tentacles that seem to tighten around you and nearly paralysing you*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

We... That worked! We can do this!
*Splits into numerous copies and we all float into the air, linking runes with runes and forming protective magical barriers*

Theme for battle --> Songwriting Example 253 (Chill/Ominous Metal)

GORLGORLGORLGOOOOORRRRLL!!! *It retreats for a bit, as a spike suddenly pierces all of your copies left legs seemingly instantly*
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