Avatar of The Monitor 2


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<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

"Well... I'm already disinterested..."

???: Funny man thing you are Cyrus... and you know... your friend Diego is here too! well, here... i'm having such trouble using your words to speak, they hardly mean anything to me... and does meaning has a point? and a point you use to dot the i... *He suddenly laughs like a demented man*
<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>

What are our optio—woah!

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

And you are?

???: I am... i... aammm... uuuh... who do you think i should be? *Asks while rustling some rubble under his feet*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Oh, I see. A waste of time who sees a god in the mirror.
*Puts my hands in my pockets and walks away*

???: *Claps slowly at your response as you suddenly realize you were blipped in front of him as you were walking* Hmmm... what's a god?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

"Do you know where she is?"

<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

She’s right. Maybe we can break out of this universe.

*Suddenly one slightly older man stands looking in the distance at you all as the Amalgamate world simply seems to blink out and you were all transported facing him in a bleak world, you see him, dressed in all white suit, trentchcoat and tie and shirt, with sunglasses and a long white glistening hair, with a face that almost looks angelic yet old, he just switched you from that world almost like switching tv channels - he just stands there disinterested and sighs at you all*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

"Well then... I was wondering if you would be interested in a bit of an exchange... I could carry out somethings, while you lend me a bit of that power of yours, hmm? I'm open to suggestions."

*Suddenly one man stands looking in the distance as you see him, dressed in all white suit, trentchcoat and tie and shirt, with sunglasses and a long white glistening hair, with a face that almost looks angelic, he just appeared in your general vicinity and still waits for you to continue*

Theme of the same man existing in multiple locations but looking slightly different--> Metalstep - "Death Dealer" - The Enigma TNG

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

I can’t even begin to explain how many things are wrong with how you chose answer. I was making progress, and even after I didn’t even want to be here to begin with, you throw it all in the bin, all while walking in with the rankest stench of self importance!

Theme --> Metalstep - "Death Dealer" - The Enigma TNG

*While still looking at the chaos before him, as it shapes into a stormy seacoast where the very ground opens up and spills in a tumultuous waterfall, his hair almost looks like it is burning now with white fire*

???: Prch'Skerothioll'Eeruviaan!! *He screamed in guttural reverberating tone and you get the sense he relishes in your current feelings of the situation and him*

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

What… What? What?!
*Looks around in all directions quickly*

*Through the scenery of ever shifting imagery of all kinds of pain, one man stands looking in the distance as you see him, dressed in all black suit, trentchcoat and tie and shirt, with sunglasses and a long white glistening hair, with a face that almost looks angelic*

???: Because you pissed me off, and you entered a place that you have no authority over... just kidding. but am i?
@Legend Begins, @Spiritblitz, @Stratocracy

*a storm of thoughts, doubts, fears, insecurities and emotional pain through and through seems to fill the dream space. It would be sourceless... or rather, from everyone involved here including @Etcetera Misty, and the images mix into every dream world that had Misty interacted with recently since the new mind visitors tried to explore her situation, now all that is of these dreamscapes is a mess, a storm of chaos and fear as Misty is pulled away from anyone's interaction, making her seemingly disappear beyond anybody's reach for now.

@Etcetera Misty you just wake up in your desk at work, with three different phones ringing, and the boss, Jhonsons, just staring you down in disappointment as you get the idea, that you did a very bad job the last week... it could have been brilliant work, but this is not what is felt in the immediate cubicle you are in...*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

"Heh, heh, heh... Always with the staring... I've come to make a deal... Perhaps, a small game is in order?"

*The figure doesn't reveal itself yet, but it sounds like it's voice changes slowly.*

*Still dead silence, and a sensation of being ignored completely, yet at the mention of a deal, you suddenly sense a sharp interest rise in your consciousness cortex*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

"C'thon? Have I finally found you?"

*A voice rings out, sounding almost like Lymbo, but distorted and more sinister.*

(This is going to be the one "not to worry about")

*You do feel an infinite and incomprehensible sudden stare straight at the core of your consciousness, but there's no answer... typical, even if you would have found whatever instance of this primordial infinite essence of pure chaos, you would still not be able to pinpoint it's true form or identity*
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