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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Maybe they observed two different paths to victory? They're trying to figure out which is best?

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Yup... that is fair... *I say as we are now really close to them*

*You both notice me pointing my finger aggressively into the chest of Gavryiell, and you aren't entirely sure, but you both may think you saw for a glimpse of a moment one side of my head bearing a twisted thick horn, though fuzzy as it was covered in blazing light*

... Now now, brother... you don't want to do that... don't push me, you know full well I have as much a personal vendetta against C'thon as all of us, he's not my friend as much as anyone's!

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

What have you found so far?

*points to Professor Alexander while holding my massive golden blazing sword on my shoulder nonchalantly and I wave on ce from my wings as the ground beneath my feet is filled with rich flora and even fluffers seem to be formed out of the ground where the wind from my wings truck*

In the meantime, I need to go have a talk with your general, as we can share some strategies.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I hope you all don’t regret this.

<Snipped quote by Memory>

If you are so sure then go ahead and ignore the warnings see what happens to your copies!

*I chuckle amused at the scene* I'm sorry, I just can't help but be amused here... How can a person be so brash about tackling a being that is capable of resisting God and Grandfather for eternities?
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Weren’t we trained to handle these forces? An overwhelming show of strength could catch our enemy by surprise.

I really wonder, at this point, what level of information you were actually given... *I sigh and shake my head* No amount of power is going to impress it...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*A set of duplicates start to scour the planet for anomalies*

Hey kid! Hold on a sec! Don't just wonder off outside the borders of the encampment! Not a good strategy here even if you just send copies of yourself... wait for a regrouping, and if you have any ideas, think anything you pull can actually backfire in your face, even just walking outside the heavenly shielding here!
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Hello! *I widen my eyes in surprise at seeing you* You certainly check ALL the boxes of what my people believed angels to look like... Not like Gavryiell... i was gonna ask why does he of all doesn't sport wings like you?

Because it is true, there are parallel heavens just as there are parallel universes. many of the angels that visited your planet actually come from my heaven... and yes, they are natural...

*I turn around to reveal that the wings grow out of my back like the wings of an eagle, only four*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Excellent. I don’t think any of us will turn down more aid at this point. Our forces grow stronger with every ally.

Indeed! I suggest you proceed to consecrate your aura, that thing was not merely physical
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Hi there, we are. Did you come with her to help us as well?

Yes... and there will be more, often times when such levels of intrusion from the forbidden one are taking place, often times even more heavens across God's dominion offer to pitch in with volunteers. Let's just say I have a personal vendetta against it as much as many of us here...
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

*Grabs the creature and pulls it from my skin*
What is this?

*Squints eyes and sticks out tongue in disgust*

That is... way too early for a retaliation from our enemy that's what that is, I suggest you drop it immediately

*Proceeds to snap fingers as it is incinerated to ash after you drop it*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

All part of the war effort. They want to retake this dimension while we’re at it. I don’t take it that means you’re here to aid us?

Greedings! And I presume you too must be the prophets of Grandfather and God? My name is Elyias Lummyiell, and I hail from a different heaven by the name of Kivyian'Tau
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