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<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Like that worm that materialized on my shoulder?

Yup, that was a manifestation that would have snatched you straight away if you wouldn't have dealt with it
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

*Makes my way over to Alexander*
Any progress?

This whole camp here is... eh, haunted... and I mean that not literally, though I wouldn't be surprised here.
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Cyrus: "I knew someone who used soul power, but I never really got into the topic... And as for my powers, there are many things I could do..."

Hmm... *I scratch my chin* See this is the shtik with this foe, it is not as simple as just killing things, many times what we have to do is combat the accelerated entropy it brings upon reality...

If things would be as simple as launching an astral cord in the fissures here and pulling these people out... *I keep thinking hard*
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Cyrus: "How would you propose I do that?"

How familiar are you with soul magic? These people didn't just no-clipped out of the world, but they essentially were ripped out of the universe and are the reasons these tears in the fabric of space-time exist.

And what powers do you have by the way? I need to know to better evaluate the strategy here...
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

*Signs a series of runes across my flesh where it sat, creating a filtering and purifying effect*

Yup! Prism, be kind enough to tell this new person... robot... girl?... nevermind, what we are dealing with... Also Cyrus @RoadkilBanana! I think this habitat might be a good place for you to take a look here and give any suggestions, we don't have to go in, we don't want to noclip like they did...
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Delta: "Not much else to do, is there?"

Well since you are here *I speak with my head still scanning the inside of the habitat* There are indeed souls trapped here in the liminal faultlines of existence, and by the energy you give off, you just come from such a place... we need to pull them out ASAP!
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

* I proceed to use my sword to tear a similar rift in space yet again before this room begins collapsing in on itself as it is desperately trying to hold onto us like a stomach trying to resist its food from exiting*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Suduaya - Mosaic Dream

*On the other side, right in the middle of the colony, the same ethereal music begins flowing forth along with this intense soothing perfumed aromatic air as the light seems to cause grass to grow in an otherwise desert world's ground, and springs of water flow*

*I turn towards you Delta through the rift, @RoadkilBanana*

Come on! That place is about to reset itself probably trapping you in deeper layers!

*I turn to everyone else perplexed*

Ah... More people from a different heaven I presume?

Huh! What a fascinating being! I presume you too must be some sort of Agent of Zeus?

*Something seems to ebb and push at your aura @Memory as what can only look like a dark oozing worm crawls across your arm from nowhere*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Cyrus: "The good old calm before the storm... "

Truer words were never spoken...

*I say that as I proceed to move to a nearby building as I inspect it as my tesseract hovers around me*

I think there are some people trapped in liminal quantum folds through this colony and that is why they appear to have vanished...
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Has to do with the fact that most of us are not locals to the universe and draw power from a higher reality. And we have heavenly protection...

I'm sure that as we do our job in repairing the fabric of reality, and the more regions of the universe are stabilised, we may yet find her...

<Snipped quote by Memory>

I don't know, but i personally am not here for Misty's sake alone, your top priority might be that one, but everyone here is mainly to fix a whole universe and fight back an opponent that has been defying life since forever.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Why are we unaffected by the time issues?

Has to do with the fact that most of us are not locals to the universe and draw power from a higher reality. And we have heavenly protection...
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