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<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*Shakes my head*
Safe passage home. I don't think any of us thought we'd end up here.

Tis granted my lady!

*As i say that you perceive an almost wormhole like looking funnel forms in a space somewhere above you*

I wish we would have met under better circumstances... *I say wistfully*
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

How's her mental state? I may not be able to do anything for her depending on how it is.

All i can say, is some part of her seems to be way different than what i've expected, there's this child ghost girl that seems to be the last glimmer of light in her, all i can say is i hope i empowered her enough... Other than that, she seems to be all over the place... Overly obsessed with this Gemini figure, and also doubting her very personality on some level... confusing. VERY confusing!
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

I think... safe passage for my friends and I to go would be really be the best thing for us.

Uuuh... safe passage in? or out? if it is out, you already have it, i will make certain of it, if, however, you seek to enter this domain... i wouldn't recommend it all things considered right now...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

Can we lock onto her mind space and retrieve her that way?

Yeah... in fact i can actually take one of your copies's minds right into her space if you think you're up to dealing with that place...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

I really haven't done anything worth repaying. I'm just a coward showing a little bravery.

That in itself is a cause worth commending... i see you are an alien to this domain much like Prism, so i don't really want to claim what you would consider valuable, but if you need anything, just let me know!
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

The sooner we find her and get out, the fewer chances she'll have to ruin this world.

Fair enough i guess, Prism sir!

Well, she's somewhere outside this newly created multiversal Ether... i can't quite pinpoint her exact location as it seems she keeps shifting, or is being shifted by something... but her mind-space is not...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

Oh, sure! Er, anytime?

Is there any way i can repay you for risking your lives like that? *I ask frankly*
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

You found Misty!? Where is she??

*Chuckles surprised at your first question*

Wait, i tell you this entire multiverse could have been torn to shreds and that is your first question?!
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*Shrugs with a cheeky grin*

*In both your minds @Legend Begins you hear a faint and gentle voice respond to your conversations*

Thank you warmly for your interventions! If you wouldn't have shown up, then my new baby multiverse may have well been consumed by a darkness i'm sure you are familiar with by now...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*That me reacts*
H-huh? What's going on?

Please stand by! I'm currently still surveying the situation, she wanted to challenge my presence by sabotaging the protective cocoon i made for her, and a new spawn of the outer void presented itself as a result, though as it stands, things looks stable now, but be ready...

Also what WAS that?
*refers to the incursion of the higher infinity entity*
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