Avatar of The One
  • Last Seen: 7 days ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4499 (1.10 / day)
  • VMs: 3
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    1. The One 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Do people ever read these things?
8 yrs ago
I'm addicted to 'The Doctor Said' by Nightcore. I can't stop listening to it.
10 yrs ago
Take a look at my new SAO type Rp: Trapped! The Nightmare Begins!
10 yrs ago
God, I wish I knew somebody who'd be willing to draw character reference sheets for me.


[center]Hello, I am looking for a fantasy Rp setting. I am on every day and can post quite often but like most, I do have a few rules so me and my partner can get along.

1) I want somebody who will contribute to the Rp as much as I do. Give your own ideas, plot twists and help me advance the plot.
2) I normally do Casual, I don't like free, as I always get people who write one line, and nowhere near enough for me to 'react' to. I need a good enough post to work with.
3) I have other roleplays and other things to do so, please be patient, although, if it takes me more than two days to reply, knock me a Pm, or post in OOC to ask me politely what's going on, and, I will do the same to you.
4) Be kind. You can be a total bitch in IC, slap, cut, attack, swear and damn right offend me, but OOC, is different. If I get anything like that in OOC, I will never talk to you again.
5) Talk to me, not just in IC, but in OOC. I want a friend, not just a partner.
6) I like multiple characters, and will Never settle for just one character. I normally go for at least four to five. You don't have to but, it would be nice if you too had more than one character.

So, with the rules out the way, here's my interests. * means I want to do it more, + Means that is the role I want. ~~ means I have an idea for.

Neko Princess/Neko***~~
Pokemon Trainer/Pokemon Trainer*~~
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon***~~
Mythical creature/Mythical creature***~~
+Mythical Creature/Human***~~

Even if I've chosen a specific role, it doesn't mean I have to be that role. I don't mind being the other, I just prefer the one I chose. That's it for now, if I think of more, I'll edit.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Savage
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Heartless
Faction: Pixie

Personality: Savage was once a kind and friendly Usamimi but now she is extremely violent and as her name may suggest, savage. She will toy will her enemies and 'play' with them until she has grown bored. She will mock others and often make sinister jokes especially to her former sibling.

Powers: Heartless Physiology, Corruption Magic, Life Force Creation, Supreme Speed, Supreme Agility,
Sentimental Attachment:


Name: Fenn
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Species: Feral
Faction: Pixie

Personality: Unlike her siblings Fenn is calmer and more focused. Instead of brute strength she focuses on the mind. Typically she is the smartest of the three but in terms of raw power, the weakest. Fenn can and will outlast anyone in a fight with unlimited energy. Outside of battle she is typically the one giving advice to the siblings and coming up with strategies.

Powers: Wolf Physiology, Almighty Strength, Corruption Magic, Heartless Magic, Psychic, Telekinesis, Elemental Manipulation, Almighty Energy
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Crimson Rathnald
Pet Age: 30'000
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Dragon
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Crimson is the more battle focused of the two. He enjoys and even seeks out battles. Often than not he tries to get her into battles. Crimson enjoys battles and often takes his time, letting himself fully emerge in them before he finishes them.

Pet Powers: Dragon Physiology, Lizard Physiology, Heartless Magic, Corruption Magic, Density Manipulation
Name: Cerberus
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Hell Hound
Faction: Hell

Personality: Left: The left head is the more aggressive of the three heads. He is more battle ready and eager to fight. Still, no matter what it is still loyal to friends and those he considers an ally. The head has a short temper and can snap easily in the most random and unexpected of moments.

Middle: The middle head is more of a central balance. It is smart and has learned very well from a close friend. At times this head, who controls the body can give in to the aggressive tendencies of the left. At the same time he may join in the taunting and making fun of his enemy. Being the smartest of the three and the middle, this head controls the body and determines the action that Cerberus takes.

Right: The right head is more snarky, cocky and sarcastic. He will often taunt his enemy and make fun of them a trait that it learned from a very close friend of his. The head will give subtle hints and tease the enemy with information but not enough information so they know what is going on. The head will even laugh at his enemies or things that he had noticed that none of the others have noticed.

Power 1: Demonic Force Manipulation
Power 2: Dragon Mimicry
Abilities: Bond Empowerment, Body Manipulation


Name: Blue Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Species: Human
Faction: None

Personality: Blue Rose is a confident woman whose power is mostly unmatched but like her power Blue Rose is cold. She always stays serious no matter what. Blue Rose has become known as the Ice Queen. She isn't the friendliest person you could meet.

Powers: Carbon Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Flower Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Gold
Gender: Male
Age: 2500
Species: Human
Faction: Humans

Personality: Gold is a confident and cocky guy. He is carefree, only wanting to have some fun. He loves using his enemies own magic against them and even when he is unable to he is confident enough that he can win almost any fight. Gold is incredibly smart and despite his cocky arrogant nature does come up with some impressive strategies. Often these result in making his enemy lose their cool while he stays calm and collected.

Powers: Mystical Blade Arts, Residue Energy Manipulation, Supernatural Weapon Enhancement
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Elysium Sword of Ice: Glacier

Pet Name: Ocelot
Pet Age: Male
Pet Gender: 2000
Pet Species: Dritten Familiar
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Ocelot is an incredibly intelligent familiar who is able to figure out things fairly quickly with very little evidence. Being a Dritten, Ocelot is extremely nimble and agile. He is almost always the first to act with him being quick on his feet. The downside of Ocelot is that his dragon nature has been encouraged by Gold making Ocelot cocky and arrogant like his master. He loves to battle and believes there is almost no one who can defeat him in a fair fight. Ocelot is talented when it comes to his abilities, quick with a powerful mind.

Pet Powers: Feline Physiology, Dragon Physiology, Reptilian Physiology, Mind Magic


Name: Red Sun
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Species: Tiefling
Faction: Pixie

Personality: Red Dawn is a brilliant sword master with insanely fast reflexes. It is because of this that she is overconfident and believes that there is nobody that can match her in skill. Red Dawn, or Red for short is a smart strategic warrior who loves to test her merit against others especially against other sword weilders.

Powers: Demon Force Manipulation, Supernatural Blade Mastery, Supernatural Blade Arts, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Battle Instinct, Corruption Magic
Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Puffin
Gender: Female
Age: 800
Species: Flying Mantaray
Faction: Flying Mantarays

Personality: Puffin loves to have fun and brand new adventures. She enjoys the feel of the wind as she flies and the feeling of freedom. With Puffin's new inspiriation, she has decided to become a true free pirate. She has begun the search for a pirate crew. Puffin loves to steal, plunder and play tricks on others. She follows and honors the pirate code. When it comes to battle Puffin will fight playfully, not being too serious however when the time calls for it, Puffin will take a more serious tone. She will protect her valuables with her life, willing to kill those who dare to steal from her. Outside of battle Puffin is rather smart, coming up with ways to sneak in or to avoid detection altogether.

Powers: Avian Physiology, Water Manipulation, Perfect Truth Manipulation, Treasure Sight, Treasure Sensory
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Hoot
Pet Age: 2000
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Angelic Companion
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Hoot was assigned to Puffin to try and keep an eye on her and to make sure she didn't get into trouble. As he stayed with her and got to know her more each day he began to enjoy her unique personality. The pirate life was a fun and adventourous one. He was willing to follow her wherever she went and helping her in battle whenever she needed it. Outside of battle Hoot can be quite smart and wise, offering advice to others.

Pet Powers: Avian Physiology, Storm Manipulation, Kinesis, Inconspicuousy, Perfect Telepathy


Name: Zuko
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Lalafell
Faction: Lalafell

Personality: Zuko is a serious battle focused Lalafell. He never gets distracted, never falters and always has a clear mind. When outside of battle he stays serious but will often give advice to others on the best ways to proceed. He can often predict battles before they even begun if he focuses enough.

Powers: Samurai Arts, Supernatural Sword Arts, Supreme Battle Instinct, Supreme Battle Perception, Energy Manipulation, Elemental Mastery, Perfect Tranquility
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Sword of War
Name: Toxx
Gender: Male
Age: 800
Species: Flying Mantaray
Faction: Flying Mantarays

Personality: Toxx is a cocky and over confident Manta who loves to show off to others including his enemies. He will often display more power than he needs to, doing fancy powers instead of defeating enemies quickly. Toxx likes to prove that he can do almost anything with his powers and quite often competes with allies and enemies to test his skills. At times he will challenge others, friend or foe. Whether they accept or not, doesn't matter. He doesn't give them a chance to respond. When outside of battle Toxx tries his hardest to help out, giving out his opinion but most often than not, his general stratedgy is to attack and see what happens.

Powers: Amphibian Physiology, Tox/Poison Manipulation, Water Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Smog
Pet Age: 1500
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Angelic Companion
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Smog is a unique Angelic Companion, given the nature of Toxx. Normally Smog would be in the Special Ops devision but with the aggressive nature of Toxx, Smog was assigned to protect him, making sure he steps in the battles Toxx gets himself too and to ensure no harm comes to him. He tries his best to convince Toxx to settle down but that isn't always easy. When it comes to battle Smog will do whatever it takes to take out the enemy and protect Toxx at all cost. Smog tends to be calm and calculating, making smart decivie decisions.

Pet Powers: Toxic/Poison Manipulation, Amphibian Physiology, Dragon Physiology, Fairy Physiology, Angelic Force Manipulation


Name: Kacchan Katsuki
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Draconic Zmeu
Faction: Dragon Clan

Personality: Kacchan is extremely violent, short tempered and aggressive. He loves to fight anyone strong and will seek others out. He will not hold back no matter what the situation, friend or foe however despite all this Kacchan isn't evil. He will take down anyone who disturbs the peace. He has vowed to be the strongest 'hero' and will do anything to stop those who make others suffer. Kacchan just has a "evil" personality and aura because of this people often mistake him for being a villain.

Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Green
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Age: 4000
Alignment: Good

Personality: Green is curious and friendly. He enjoys being playful and making new friends. Green will do anything to help others. Green is always polite and respectful. He tries his hardest to stay smiling and happy and he will do what he can to make others smile too. He cares deeply for the ones he befriends and will protect them with all of his power.

Power 1: Elemental Dragon Physiolgy
Power 2: Magic Energy Manipulation: He can manipulate the magic energy in the air. Doing so allows him to use the magic for his powers instead of using his body. For example. In the act of shooting a fire ball he can use the magic energy in the air to have the fireball form in the air instead of his mouth.
Sentimental Attachment:


Name: Malice
Gender: Male
Age: 3500
Species: Demon
Faction: Pixie

Personality: Malice is as his name suggests. He is full of Malice. He cares for nothing but absolute violence and bloodshed. He enjoys the suffering of others and will go out his way to make sure he has some fun with others, torturing them both mentally and physically.

Powers: Corruption Magic, Heartless Magic, Demon Physiology, Energy Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Sword of Shadows
Name: Miarikia
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species: Witch

Personality: Miarikia is a kind young girl at times. She won't go out of her way to help others, but she won't go out of her way to hurt them either. She is carefree most of the time, honestly not caring what happens to her at all although she can lose her temper quickly with others. Miarikia will happily show respect to others as long as they show respect to her. As well as she will be kind to people, if they are kind to her. She studied magic everyday so she doesn't have to rely on her Demonic Possession, learning new spells, some very powerful and forbidden.

Destructon: Destructon is the biggest of all the demons. He is bulky and is the reason he he the strongest physically. Destruction is a warrior, he is prideful and arrogant. He seeks battles to test his strength, and will often show off his power before finishing off his opponent. He is very short tempered because of his pride. He believes there is no stronger demon than him.

Tyrannican: Tyrannican is cocky and carefree. He knows that one's anger causes a clouded mind, which makes one's skills sloppy, which is the reason he is cocky, to make others angry and make their skills sloppy. He will always go for the kill when he sees the opportunity. He doesn't care what really happens to him at all.

Rytrinax: Rytrinax is super hyper active, he can't stay still at all. He is cocky, for the simply reason to make others attack him so he doesn't have to stand around and wait for the battle to start. He talks super fast, so he can finish a conversation as fast as possible and get on with the fighting. There isn't anything in the world that he hates more than being bored. He has to always be doing something entertaining.

Kakalukia: Kakalukia is the most dangerous demonic possession of them all, as he is sadistic and insane. He loves nothing more but to torture and make everyone go insane. He loves to play with his prey before he kills them. Kakalukia will create a never ending maze and trap his target's mind in there, rendering the body unconscious, and then watch as the prisoner tries to escape, until they lose all sanity they own. Kakalukia is all about mind tricks, he is a master of magic.

Bio: After years of studying magic from her grimoire, Miarikia discovered a forbidden spell which allowed her to take a form of a demon, as well as taking on the personality of that demon. She found out this was highly dangerous, as if one loses completely control and conscious then she will be trapped in the demons body, and will never be able to return to her old self. So she practiced at keeping her consciousness even under extreme situations, until she was ready for the spell. When she first activated it, she became Kakalukia. He immediately began to play mind tricks on everyone who lived in her village, until they all went insane, and committed suicide. By the time she returned to her normal self, everyone was dead and she was on her own, this is what made her angry and short tempered.

Power 1: Demonic Possession: Miarikia can take possession of a demonic soul, and use it to transform herself into a demon. Doing so, changes her appearance and personality.

Power 2: She can use many different kinds of magic, including forbidden dark magics.

Destructon: He has got super enhanced strength, endurance, healing and senses. He can control energy or absorb it using it to heal himself, or cause exploding damage with his punches.

Tyrannican: He has super enhanced agility, healing and senses. His spikes are covered in poisons. He can produce spikes from anywhere from his body and control them, turning them to weapons and armor. He has enhanced speed.

Rytrinax: He has super enhanced speed, healing and senses. He can stretch his limbs and transform them to whatever he wants.

Kakalukia: He has super enhanced intelligence, healing and senses. He is the most powerful demon wizard in hell.

Markings: None
Family: Dead
Friends: Dead
Personal Attachment: Grimoire which has many spells, including many powerful forbidden magic.

Pet Name: Flash
Gender: Male
Age: 2500
Species: Demon Familiar

Personality: Flash can be quite cocky, when in a battle he doesn't bother to fight at his best due to becoming bored with his enemies, claiming it's too easy to defeat them with his speed. However, he is very kind and won't hesitate to help innocents. He gives his master advice when she needs it.

Power: Lightning/Thunder
Power: Magic


Name: Shadow Hawk
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Heartless
Faction: Pixie

Personality: Shadow Hawk was once a proud Rito but now has succumb to darkness. He is ruthless and won't hesitate to kill. Specifically he hates Summer and blames her for his death. He has sworn to get revenge and to kill her. Shadow Hawk is extremely talented and well trained in battle. It is clear that whoever he was before, he was a very skilled warrior.

Powers: Storm Manipulation, Feather Manipulation, Heartless Physiology, Corruption Magic
Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Pink
Gender: Female
Age: 800
Species: Flying Mantaray
Faction: Good

Personality: Pink is the kindest Mantaray you'll come across. She is sweet and will do whatever she can to help others. With her enhanced psychic powers Pink is extremely smart. She doesn't like fighting and tries to avoid it but understands that sometimes there are things you cannot avoid. She does her best to make friends with everyone and no matter the situation she always keeps a bright smile on her face. She enjoys playing with others, even her enemies. This can be any time such as fighting

Power 1: Psychic
Power 2: Water Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Willow
Pet Age: 1000
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Fae Axolotl (Angelic Companion)
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Willow is a kind and gentle Angelic Companion. He tries his best to avoid fights as he is a peaceful soul however he warns others that Fae Angels aren't bound to the normal laws and he will go to any means of protecting Pink whilst still keeping his innocent smile. If the first warning doesn't succeed he will give a second and final warning, warning his enemy that a Fae's true power is extremely dark. Willow may seem like an angel at first but when his Fae's personality and power are released he is unrelenting. His seal has been given to him for a reason and only one person may release it.

Pet Power 1: Fae Physiology
Pet Power 2: Primal Bending
Abilities: Fae Seal: Seals 80% of his power


Name: Va'al Bane
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Dragonkin
Faction: Mad King

Personality: Va'al is just like the other Servants of the Mad King. Forever bound to serve. He no longer cares for freedom instead he uses his powers to destroy and defend his King. With his advanced knowledge and powers, he knows that defeating him be extremely difficult. Va'al will get the job done quickly and efficiently as possible

Powers: Dragon Physiology, Lizardfolk Physiology, Darkness Manipulation, Corruption Magic, Spike Manipulation, Spirit Physiology, Blood Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name:
Pet Age:
Pet Gender:
Pet Species:
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality:

Pet Power 1:
Pet Power 2:
Name: Salem
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Species: Elf
Faction: Pixie

Personality: Salem is a evil and malicious person. She was banished from the elvish camp due to her dark powers and maliciously evil acts. Salem will do whatever it takes to gain as much power as she can. She has no moral sense, killing anyone or anything that will get in her way. She has studied magic and the history of the Salem Witches to try and understand and gain as much power as she could.

Power 1: Demonic Force Manipulation
Power 2: Magic
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Harnesses Demonic Energy and Darkness

Pet Name: Titan
Pet Age: Unknown
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Demon
Pet Appearance:

Pet Power 1: Demon Force Manipulation
Pet Power 2: Magic


Name: Radiance
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Phoenix Empress
Faction: Phoenix Clan

Personality: Radiance is the Phoenix Empress, and as a Phoenix she is extremely fiery and wild. She doesn't care about peace, she hates the dragons with a burning passion. Still is a ruthless bird who doesn't hold anything back. Still as the Empress of all Phoenix kind, she will ultimately do what is best for her people. Radiance, if needed will put her hatred aside to deal with more important matters.

Powers: Phoenix Physiology, Fire Physiology, Telekinesis, Solar Manipulation, Energy Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Neo
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Species: Neko
Faction: Nekos

Personality: Neo was one of the most gifted individuals Kuro had ever seen and one of the most powerful born. Generations ago, legend told of a neko who once had the power to take on the abilities of other races. Many thought it was a myth, but a myth no longer. Neo was born with huge magic potential. He uses his abilities to help others and do things normal Neko wouldn't be able to in order to make their lives easier. With the magical affinity of neutral, Neo is willing to do whatever it takes to save his friends and family at whatever the cost.

Power 1: Magic
Power 2: Racial Mimicry
Sentimental Attachment:


Name: Eos
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Winter Phoenix
Faction: Winter Phoenix

Personality: Eos is part of the Royal Guard for the Winter Phoenix Empress. Eos will do anything to make sure his people are safe. As a Winter Phoenix Eos isn't as aggressive as other Phoenixes. Instead he is far more tame, kind and friendly. He would much rather speak and ask questions first than to start unnecessary wars.

Powers: Winter Phoenix Physiology, Telekinesis, Carbon Manipulation, Superior Ice Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
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