<Name:/> Seane Jerald Alburg
<Nickname(s):/> None worth mentioning
<Gender:/> Male
<Age:/> 18
<Height:/> 6’0”
<Weight:/> 142 lbs. (65.7 kg)
<Occupation:/> Student in New Ancora’s Academy of Law
<District:/> Occupant of District 2; Attends lectures in District 1
Seane is of high pedigree to be sure, with mother and father having IQs of 170 and 162 respectively. The former was an executive in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies before marrying Seane’s father, who hails from five generations of governorship. With such blue blood, it’s with little surprise that Seane’s demeanor can be described as “confident” at best and “arrogant” at worst. Whenever applicable, he places himself above and before others. He believes strongly that whatever position a person finds themselves in is the result of his or her actions, so misfortune is little more than a lack of resolve or failure of character.
Maybe even stronger than his superiority complex is Seane’s underlying
inferiority complex. Being raised with a “golden child” of an older brother, Seane has always pushed himself to the limit trying to be recognized as the favorite to no avail. Even after skipping a grade to be in the same class, he wound up as the salutatorian to his brother’s valedictorian. It’s very likely that Seane’s lofty attitude is just a front to conceal his own insecurity.
As mentioned prior, Seane was born to John and Thayla Alburg; governor of District 2 and CFO of Barker Pharmaceuticals respectively. As one would expect, he was raised having every want or need met, with little to no fuss from his well-off parents. However, despite their doting, neither paid much mind to their second son, preferring to spoil their first born, James, with all the love and attention they could among their busy lives.
As the years drew on, Seane felt more and more distant from his family. Every toy, game, or car he received was a hollow reminder that he would always be second. As puberty approached, his frustration turned to anger, and other kids at school became an outlet for that anger until Seane became what most would call a “bully”. He formed a posse of those that would follow him, either from respect or fear, and established himself as the top dog—both physically and academically—through middle and high school. In fact, his academics were so impressive that he began high school as a sophomore; the same class as his older brother. This was when Seane began to feel the gap closing: As far as society was concerned, he and his sibling were equals. Thus began an obsessive, one-sided rivalry.
Seane went out of his way to take the same classes with the same teachers as James every year, and even took extra classes to boost his grades. He gave up nearly all of his free time trying to out-do his brother to the point of being neurotic by his graduating year.
Seane couldn’t quite tell you why he went to such lengths, since he had stopped caring what his parents thought long ago. Perhaps it was his brother’s apparent apathy toward his own excellence. Seemingly without any effort, he always did as good as or better than Seane in everything, no matter the struggle Seane put himself through to reach that point.
When schooling finally came to a close, Seane once again found himself in second place to James. By 0.002 grade point average, he was the salutatorian of his graduating class. After the graduation ceremony, Seane lost himself in a fit of anger and threw a punch at his older brother. Predictably, he did not connect, and it took little time at all for a group of his friends to counterattack: They probably expected Seane to pull something. Little too late did he find out that James had his own entourage willing to defend him.
Five of the biggest eighteen-year-olds Seane had ever seen dragged him out into the street and beat him to a pulp for two hours, breaking two of his ribs, cracking his right tibia, and, crushing his writing hand. He passed out on the street soon after, only to awake in a hospital bed. Apparently, despite not being present for the beating, James had called an ambulance to pick Seane up.
However, the act of mercy was little reprieve since his right hand had been obliterated beyond repair. His only option was an augment prosthetic. Although he was able to get a synthetic skin covering, he found himself unable to write or type as well, since artificial nerve endings could only do so much.
(Disclaimer: Seane’s life is supposed to have been petty and boring. That’s kind of the point.)