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    1. The Traveler of Realms 11 yrs ago


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A slight smile danced across Zion’s lips as he listened to the Royal Guards going back and forth over the two presented strategies. It was a familiar scenario to him, though it was long ago that Zion himself was a soldier back before he had even met the king and queen. Those days were far behind him now, and he had no urge to seek glory in battle. Thus far Chau’s words had seemed the most sensible, not at all surprising given his position as Head of the Royal Guards.

As the exchange between Ana and Claire reached a lull, Zion raised his hand slightly. While the others stood while speaking he opted to remain seated. “If this were a conventional enemy I would agree wholeheartedly with Ana, sweeping them away in a surprise attack could very well save more lives than it would cause. However under these circumstances I believe it would be the exact opposite. As of the moment we have no knowledge of what we are facing. It could be a single enemy, or an entire horde.” Lifting a hand he released a cough into it. After taking a moment to righten himself, Zion continued. “I believe that our best course of action is to follow the plan presented by Ser Chau and Claire. Sorren should be sent out to assess the situation to the best of his ability, however I do not think that Melotta alone should accompany him.” Turning his gaze, his eyes landed upon Chau. “I would not suggest this normally, but I believe the need is dire enough. Ser Chau do you think that Gengar would be willing to work alongside Melotta and Sorren?” Shifting his view once more, he stopped upon Sorren. “And in the event that Gengar would do this Sorren, would you be willing?”
I will start my reply soon.
Either one of those would work just fine, I was just curious upon the age difference between the king and queen and Zion. With their ages so close I think it would be suitable to say he has been with them for quite a while, and therefore it would make sense that Zion and Zokura would have a familiar bond. I presume it would be similar with her siblings, but that depends on what they desire.
I agree completely with your assessment of Zion's relationship with Zokura. How old are the king and queen by the way?

On the pokemon relations side I doubt that Deoxys would be particularly close to anyone. Not because he is unfriendly, he is just..strange.
That is along the lines that I was thinking.
I really have no idea what type of relations Zion would have with the rest of the characters, though I think he would be on good terms with the Royal Family.
That is very true. I just kinda dance around the edges of OOC, I wish they still had the thing that showed who was on the forum so people knew I was alive. Then I wouldn't need to worry about posting xD.
I am currently waiting for some more people to post before I do so again.
There first post of mine is up! Have I ever mentioned how much I despise introductory posts? They are dreadful.
Seated behind a desk covered in perfect stacks of papers, Zion had his elbows placed upon the only open space his fingers tapping together occasionally. Typically at this point he would be busy filling out various forms, writing letters, and other little tasks that he did for the princess to ease her transition into a leader, but today was not a typical day. Darkness permeated the air, seeping into his old bones. This darkness was not of the natural order, it was sinister, and so Zion had dedicated his morning to the effort of trying to think of what could cause such an imbalance.

He finally broke the silence as he spoke to himself, thinking that perhaps speaking would aid him in his endeavor. “This is out of place, darkness such as this does not simply appear. We should have received word of it from one of the outlying villages, or at the very least a traveler along the roads. Even in the event it went unnoticed by every human one of the Great Pokemon should have sensed it and given that our relations with a large majority are still friendly they would have given us warning.” A soft sigh parted his weathered lips, no matter what he did he could not crack this mystery.

Once more the silence was shattered, this time by the door of his study opening. Deoxys floated through the open passageway, stopping a few feet in front of the desk. ”You have been...summoned? I believe that is the word Suicune used... Yes, Princess Zokura has summoned you to a meeting, these were the words Suicune used. What do they mean?” Deoxys tilted its head slightly staring at Zion inquisitively.

The tension that Zion had been feeling broke down at Deoxys’ words, as they brought a low chuckle out of him. “Oh Deoxys, despite how long you have been at my side you still haven’t adjusted to this world. Summoned means that the Princess as called for me to appear before her, I am guessing to discuss this darkness.”

”Darkness? What darkness? The candles seem to be lighting up the room just fine Zion, and as far as I know there isn't any issues with light anywhere else in the castle. It seems like quite a silly thing to need an advisor for anyway, couldn't she handle that on her own?”

Zion simply chuckled again, his head shaking side to side. ”Never mind Deoxys, would you be so kind as to teleport me to councilors chamber?” Deoxys nodded, wrapping its four tendrils around him. His study twisted and contorted, before everything went blank. Just as suddenly as his vision left it returned accompanied by slight discomfort, a sensation that he had long since gotten used to, and he appeared in his seat at the table. Turning towards Zokura he bowed his head slightly. ”These are troubling times Your Highness, I am sorry that they fall upon your shoulders.” Turning away he nodded to Prince Alex and Chau before turning to acknowledge Claire as well.
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