Oh. Good. She was alive and conscious for the embarrassing portion of the landing. What a blessing.
“Captain, are you alright?” Clever hands made short work of her restraints, and Dolce offered her a hand up. It was not quite…
Oh, leave off it. She rose like a dream, escorted from her seat like royalty from a carriage on their way to a fancy dress ball. There was absolutely no difficulties with either knee-high water or legs that refused to function as they should. When she reclined against the front viewport, it was to better take in the surrounding scenery. And if anyone had any complaints as to the accuracy of her account, they could submit them in writing, in triplicate, and she would burn them immediately.
Dolce squeezed her hand comfortingly. Well. Perhaps she’d burn them at her earliest convenience. “Sound off, everyone. Quietly now, we’ve already made enough of an entrance. Galnius, to me, when you can stand.”
Dolce hurried off to help the others up, and she returned her attention to the viewport. When the sound of wading hoplite drew near, she turned briefly to take him in. Still standing, a bit unsteady, none too pleased, but what else was new? Whatever, she could work with it. “What’s your read?” She asked, turning back to the window. “Everything this side of the planet must have seen us go down. We need someplace to get our feet under us, but if stay here we’ll end up fighting room-to-room in a spa.”
[Rolling to Look Closely: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7: How can we all get out of here to someplace safe to regroup?]
“Captain, are you alright?” Clever hands made short work of her restraints, and Dolce offered her a hand up. It was not quite…
Oh, leave off it. She rose like a dream, escorted from her seat like royalty from a carriage on their way to a fancy dress ball. There was absolutely no difficulties with either knee-high water or legs that refused to function as they should. When she reclined against the front viewport, it was to better take in the surrounding scenery. And if anyone had any complaints as to the accuracy of her account, they could submit them in writing, in triplicate, and she would burn them immediately.
Dolce squeezed her hand comfortingly. Well. Perhaps she’d burn them at her earliest convenience. “Sound off, everyone. Quietly now, we’ve already made enough of an entrance. Galnius, to me, when you can stand.”
Dolce hurried off to help the others up, and she returned her attention to the viewport. When the sound of wading hoplite drew near, she turned briefly to take him in. Still standing, a bit unsteady, none too pleased, but what else was new? Whatever, she could work with it. “What’s your read?” She asked, turning back to the window. “Everything this side of the planet must have seen us go down. We need someplace to get our feet under us, but if stay here we’ll end up fighting room-to-room in a spa.”
[Rolling to Look Closely: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7: How can we all get out of here to someplace safe to regroup?]