I! What! You! Amali!!!
A bat gets stuck in the steaming kettle’s spout and lets out a panicked squeak. And it’s all poor Hazel can do to bury his blushing face in both hands as he is mercilessly assaulted by cunning grannies and catboys.
(Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Cutie! Him! Cutie! Wow wow wow wow wow! He was hoping maybe Alcideo would, but then also Amali? Wow??? And then Alcideo! Picks it up and runs with it?!
He’s so nice? He’s so nice. Lookit how he properly deflects a compliment. Hazel couldn’t do better himself. Lookit how he says such nice things about Hazel’s chest. As if he could know what it looks like. But. Still. It’s nice. It’s really nice, for him to say that. And let him feel like it could be true.
…are horns actually considered cute here? Purnima did seem to like them. Hrm. Maybe? No, no, it’s a silly thought. How would he even ask? Maybe there’s a book on the subject? Shoot, how would he even find that? There’s probably not a dewey decimal system here, there’s definitely not a wiki here-)
Hold on, he’s being handed a note…
The dutiful office workers at the Chrysthanamum are in for a treat. It’s not often performances are done this side of the bathhouse. Watch in awe as a lanky deerboy taps an intricate dance across the smooth tiles; slipping, sliding, scrabbling, but never once falling over or falling behind. See how he cleverly balances his own weight against the pull of his assistants. See how his face is frozen in a tight mask of alarm. What showmanship! Why, if you didn’t know any better, you might think this poor boy was actually so gobsmacked he could hardly walk! But how could that be? How could he reach the inner sanctums of the Chrysthanamum and not realize what he was walking into? Surely, by now, somebody would have told him what he was here for.
Right, Amali?!
Dancing?! Drinks?! Impractical outfits?!?! You gotta! You oughta! Were you going to warn him about that? Ever?! Because that is a LOT different from relaxing in a nice spa for, for, for however long he needs to lie low! And that is a LOT to take in! I mean. Him?! Entertaining!? That’s! Augh!!!
I mean, okay, it is a good cover. Is it a good cover? It might be a good cover. If he stops and thinks about it, it might be a better cover than staying in a room indefinitely. That doesn’t usually happen…anywhere. You don’t check into a hotel for “until further notice.” That’s kind of suspicious. And he just assumed that was the plan, but he should’ve thought about it some more, because then he’d realize it was a stupid plan. Now that he sees at least one fake fawn running around, working here seems like a much better idea, right? Idiot. It’s a good cover.
But why didn’t she tell him? Because he didn’t ask, for one. He just made a dumb assumption. Not her fault. How long did it take him to ask what the Chrysthanamum even was? He should’ve asked earlier. He should’ve asked earlier. But. Still. It does feel like the sort of thing she should mention beforehand. Maybe. Did she think he couldn’t keep a secret? Because he can. He totally can. He thought, or, well, maybe, they haven’t known each other that long, really. Did she know he could keep a secret? He really should’ve asked her earlier.
So. Drinks, right? Serving up drinks, maybe in a dapper little vest? And a whole bar in between him and the world? That doesn’t sound so bad. Would’ve sounded better with some time to get used to the idea and you stop that right now mister, you’re not actually talking to Amali, you’re having an imaginary argument in your head and that’s not fair to anyone. Drinks. Or something. Maybe tidying up? Folding laundry? He could fold laundry. He was good at folding laundry. He was
good at
The bat whimpers. In a voice so small the room gobbles up the sound in one bite.
There’s not catboys and grannies holding him anymore, as it turns out. Not quite sure when they stopped. He finds out when he takes a tiny step forward and nobody stops him. Not even himself.
What is he doing? Why is he moving? What? What? What??? He shouldn’t. This. Her. This isn’t. He. Him. Her. Good. Him?
Step. Step. Step by tiny step. She’s bigger with each step. Closer with each step. So far to go. So far. Hands flat by his side. Ears flopped. Shoulders tight. Hunched in. Small. He’s so small. Little scuff of a tail stands straight up. On alert. Twitching. He’s looking around the room. It’s all her. Everywhere he looks. It’s her. And he always. Looks back up.
To her eyes.
He stops. Paws from foot to foot. Does he stand here? There? Is this close enough?
“Is,” he swallows. “Is it okay to talk now?”
It’s the only sentence he can pluck out of the swirling mess in his head.
[Activating Friendly Benefits. Yaz takes a string on Cutie.]
A bat gets stuck in the steaming kettle’s spout and lets out a panicked squeak. And it’s all poor Hazel can do to bury his blushing face in both hands as he is mercilessly assaulted by cunning grannies and catboys.
(Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Cutie! Him! Cutie! Wow wow wow wow wow! He was hoping maybe Alcideo would, but then also Amali? Wow??? And then Alcideo! Picks it up and runs with it?!
He’s so nice? He’s so nice. Lookit how he properly deflects a compliment. Hazel couldn’t do better himself. Lookit how he says such nice things about Hazel’s chest. As if he could know what it looks like. But. Still. It’s nice. It’s really nice, for him to say that. And let him feel like it could be true.
…are horns actually considered cute here? Purnima did seem to like them. Hrm. Maybe? No, no, it’s a silly thought. How would he even ask? Maybe there’s a book on the subject? Shoot, how would he even find that? There’s probably not a dewey decimal system here, there’s definitely not a wiki here-)
Hold on, he’s being handed a note…
The dutiful office workers at the Chrysthanamum are in for a treat. It’s not often performances are done this side of the bathhouse. Watch in awe as a lanky deerboy taps an intricate dance across the smooth tiles; slipping, sliding, scrabbling, but never once falling over or falling behind. See how he cleverly balances his own weight against the pull of his assistants. See how his face is frozen in a tight mask of alarm. What showmanship! Why, if you didn’t know any better, you might think this poor boy was actually so gobsmacked he could hardly walk! But how could that be? How could he reach the inner sanctums of the Chrysthanamum and not realize what he was walking into? Surely, by now, somebody would have told him what he was here for.
Right, Amali?!
Dancing?! Drinks?! Impractical outfits?!?! You gotta! You oughta! Were you going to warn him about that? Ever?! Because that is a LOT different from relaxing in a nice spa for, for, for however long he needs to lie low! And that is a LOT to take in! I mean. Him?! Entertaining!? That’s! Augh!!!
I mean, okay, it is a good cover. Is it a good cover? It might be a good cover. If he stops and thinks about it, it might be a better cover than staying in a room indefinitely. That doesn’t usually happen…anywhere. You don’t check into a hotel for “until further notice.” That’s kind of suspicious. And he just assumed that was the plan, but he should’ve thought about it some more, because then he’d realize it was a stupid plan. Now that he sees at least one fake fawn running around, working here seems like a much better idea, right? Idiot. It’s a good cover.
But why didn’t she tell him? Because he didn’t ask, for one. He just made a dumb assumption. Not her fault. How long did it take him to ask what the Chrysthanamum even was? He should’ve asked earlier. He should’ve asked earlier. But. Still. It does feel like the sort of thing she should mention beforehand. Maybe. Did she think he couldn’t keep a secret? Because he can. He totally can. He thought, or, well, maybe, they haven’t known each other that long, really. Did she know he could keep a secret? He really should’ve asked her earlier.
So. Drinks, right? Serving up drinks, maybe in a dapper little vest? And a whole bar in between him and the world? That doesn’t sound so bad. Would’ve sounded better with some time to get used to the idea and you stop that right now mister, you’re not actually talking to Amali, you’re having an imaginary argument in your head and that’s not fair to anyone. Drinks. Or something. Maybe tidying up? Folding laundry? He could fold laundry. He was good at folding laundry. He was
good at
The bat whimpers. In a voice so small the room gobbles up the sound in one bite.
There’s not catboys and grannies holding him anymore, as it turns out. Not quite sure when they stopped. He finds out when he takes a tiny step forward and nobody stops him. Not even himself.
What is he doing? Why is he moving? What? What? What??? He shouldn’t. This. Her. This isn’t. He. Him. Her. Good. Him?
Step. Step. Step by tiny step. She’s bigger with each step. Closer with each step. So far to go. So far. Hands flat by his side. Ears flopped. Shoulders tight. Hunched in. Small. He’s so small. Little scuff of a tail stands straight up. On alert. Twitching. He’s looking around the room. It’s all her. Everywhere he looks. It’s her. And he always. Looks back up.
To her eyes.
He stops. Paws from foot to foot. Does he stand here? There? Is this close enough?
“Is,” he swallows. “Is it okay to talk now?”
It’s the only sentence he can pluck out of the swirling mess in his head.
[Activating Friendly Benefits. Yaz takes a string on Cutie.]