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…how long was he out?

(Not “out” in the traditional sense. Just making out. Don’t you forget it.)

It has to have been a long time, right? It took this Nagi Princess a long time to fight off the hammer monster, and nobody else was close enough to reach him, so. It has to have been a long time.

If it wasn’t. Then. Then the Crysthanamum was ruined in the space of a few minutes. That’s how long it took for things to get this bad.

(He doesn’t know how bad it really is. He can’t see much through the smoke and the rubble. The battle downstairs is a mass of rumbling and shouting, and he doesn’t recognize any of the sounds but not a one of them is good. There’s no time to look. Plenty to use his imagination.)

It’s the only thought in his head as he runs alongside the Nagi. It’s bad. It’s getting worse. It’s all because of him. None of this would’ve happened if he’d not been here. He needs to run. He needs to get out of here.

They stop.

Cutie’s hands open and close, halfway between re-drawing his heartblade and balling up in bitter frustration. “Ma’am.” (He knows it’s not going to work.) “Please.” (He’s not able to stop himself.) “Whoever you are, can you just. Let us get out of here?” (Don’t shout. Don’t scowl. Keep it together.) “Before anyone else gets hurt?” (Keep it together Hazel) “Please!!”

A golden light glows overhead.

Over his head, specifically.

Oh no. Not now…

[Rolling to Entice the Khanum, but unfortunately, Women Want Me, Fish Fear Me: 5 + 3 - 2 = 6]
Dolce says nothing. Not a word. Not a sound. He sits safe and comfortable in the company of wolves, glowing like the first, fond whispers of sunrise, but without any birdsong to accompany it. Not until Vasilia looses his tongue with a gracious sweep of her hand.

“Perhaps - long, long ago - I thought a poor chef would only deprive a noblewoman of the treatment she was due. I dreamed of a day when I could give you everything I thought you deserved and I could not provide. Perhaps by succeeding there, I would no longer feel as though I was falling short of you.”

“I do not think that anymore. Yet the dream remained.”

He holds his tea with both hands. Still, and thoughtful.

“I grew. We grew. And I think love must grow along with us. Was this the sheep you swore an oath to years ago? True, he might have been living somewhere inside me, hidden away, but neither of us knew it at the time. How could we? You are not the same either, which also is not a criticism. Every day, we wake up to see somebody who is and must be different than the person we first married. How can our oaths be fulfilled unless love, too, is a growing thing?”

“Today, we get to share an old, fond dream. Whether or not the tea we drink here can compare to the tea shared in the late and lonely hours, what does it matter? I would not dare insult your love, Mistress, and suggest there are reserves you have not or could not give to me. But if I am permitted the boldness of a wish?” It is a risk, to speak without waiting. But it is also a performance. One he cannot keep from seeing through. “I would wish, with all my heart, to share this new, old dream with you. Grant me this precious choice and chance, to love and be loved anew.”
Five breaths between the invitation, and the first sip.

Their chests rise and fall in patient unison. They breathe the same blend of steeping tea, plum blossoms, and delicate perfumes. They sit in the same hut, sit upright in the same pink glow. They rest in the embrace of the same music. All that differs is the view they savor. For even the love in their eyes is one and the same.

Dolce sits in his same outfit, minus only the boots. Ember herself had removed them, one by one, that her guest of high honor could sit more comfortably. His fan sits safe in his pocket. There is no need for it here. The table, the tea, the breaths, they are barrier enough.

Vasilia wears a suit sharp enough to duel with, elegant enough to dance with. The shirt beneath, closest to her heart, is a creamy white. The color of his wool.

Five breaths end far too soon. Five breaths end precisely on time.

They take the same cups. Slowly, deeply, the same drink dances on their tongues, and leaves behind the same complex, bitter notes.

Dolce sets his cup down. Vasilia sets hers next to his. One breath passes.

“Sweeten my tea for me, darling.”

It is all she need say. He takes her cup, and no finer treasure has this precious sheep held in his soft hands. A ripple in the tea would be as devastating as a crack in the glass. Up, up, up, until the steam tickles his nose. Until he can lean in, and press a kiss to the rim, as gentle and lingering as a butterfly perched on a blossom. One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths. He parts, leaving the faintest memory of pink behind. And then. He. And then he…

Oh, how he wishes, with all his heart, to get up and carry the cup back to her. Let him sit on her lap; there is a perfect spot for him, he knows it. Let him raise the tea to her lips, that her arms may be free. Let her take his softness. Let her take his loveliness. Let her take his flowers. Let her smell them, so deeply, so sweetly! All of this is for her, is hers, let him give it to her at last!

He sets the cup down, precisely where she placed it. Bows his head. Flutters his eyelashes, and smiles with all the sweetness she could ever ask for. “Your tea, Mistress Vasilia.”

No makeup could make his cheeks glow so beautifully.

He doesn’t get a say in the sound. She pulls it from his throat. And he’s not allowed any other words either. He tries. He really, really tries. There’s a question in his eyes, there’s a plea in his wide eyes, but he can’t get it to reach his mouth, stuffed full of flowers and fear. No. She doesn’t allow it.

“Ah! Wh, uh! Mm! Mm!!!”

His gasps for air get faster. His cries drip with desperation, higher and fainter with every. Stinging. Inch. To no avail. She grants him no mercy. She blots out the skylights. She pushes her body atop him until the banister bites through his worn vest. The pain brings clarity. Only enough to taste how thick the air is with her scent. The world shrinks down to a tugging on his head, a biting at his neck, a smothering weight grinding him down, wild eyes, teeth, breath, laughing, laughing

This is the part where running would be a fantastic idea. It has been a long, long time since he had a say in ideas. Legs scrabble at the floor. Arms fight for purchase. He wiggles. He gasps. He is drowning in honey. He. Danger. Pain. Held. Fighting. Helpless. Toy. Plaything. Resist. Trapped. Kissed. Can’t.






He opens his eyes.

Is he floating in space, or have his legs gone out on him? How long has he been here? Where’d this Nagi come from? How’s the lady making that awful noise? Why’s she staring at him like that? What was. Any of that?

All good questions. They’ll have to wait. He’s much too preoccupied figuring out which of these arms are his, and he’s got to. He’s, he needs to. Once he finds his hand. He clutches her wrist tight and woahhhhhhhhh everything melts into a shimmer of motion and vertigo and he hits something soft and he wraps his free arm around it or else he’ll tumble over into heaven knows where.

And. And he’s maybe had enough. Tumbling. For now.


He looks up. And up. Past the curiously smooth bands of color pressed against him, past the hand holding his, up, up, up a gently swaying curve, past weight and softness, guided by a frame of dark hair, to land at last on a pair of shining, glittering, golden eyes. And the eyes are looking back at him. Stricken with worry.


(Okay. Okay. We see what happened here. Now. Say thank you. And apologize. It's the least you can do.)

“Thhh…thankk…” The air’s clearing? The air might be clearing. He’s panting for breath, and each one tastes just a little cleaner than the last. “Thank. Yyyy.”

(You can stop pretending this is difficult. It’s just some words. You know how to talk.)

Right. Right. He sniffs. He swallows. He breathes. “Sso…sorr…” He clings tighter to her waist. Her solid, strong, warm waist. “I, uh, I…I.” She’s holding his hand. His fingers are all tangled and discombobulated, but. She. She’s holding his hand. Tight. “I’m, sh-she, that was.” Scales are so, so nice to rest against. The texture’s, mmm, feels so lovely against his cheek. “I’m, I-I-I…”

(Come on. Say it.)

Cutie gazes up at a Nagi Princess, and she must be a Princess. Why else does she dress so pretty? How else could she be so strong, and so kind? So. He has to say it. He opens his mouth. To say it. For her. The Golden Faun gazes up at a Nagi Princess, cheeks flushed, vest battered and torn, eyes sparkling with a memory of starlight, mouth open and panting and trembling, and he says,

“I…I’m s-sorry…”

[Rolling to Entice Sulochana, and spending a String on her to boot: 3 + 5 - 1 + 3 = 10]
Turns out stabbing someone was the one thing he never practiced.

You don’t stab with practice swords, see. There’s actually a lot of people who put in a lot of work to make sure you don’t stab with practice swords. There’s special helmets, there’s padded clothes, there’s swords with the tips blunted, there’s the duelists never really thrusting with all their might, etc. Come to think of it, had he ever imagined it? Stabbing someone? He’d made a lot of imaginary AMVs in his time. Had quite a lot of material to choose from. And. Well. There’s a woosh. An attack lands. The opponent falls over. Never really dove into the in-between bits.

Cutie has to learn. Now.

(This is bad. We need to get out of here. We need to stop her. We promised we’d stop her. That Nagi is counting on you, Alcideo is counting on you, Yuki is counting on you, and two of those people are watching you right now. You’re so close. You beat her in your first ever real duel and you’re about to throw it all way. Just lift your hand up. Lift it up. You’ve got to lift it up.)

That Nagi, Purnima? She’d looked at him like that. Almost like that. She wasn’t as…warm. Soft. Sweet, a-and, adoring? Purnima was happy to have him in her clutches. Right now, she, this pretty lady, she looks so happy to have him. To. To. To, do, this, with him. Like she’s been looking forward to this for a long, long time…

(These people are wrecking the Crysthanamum. They hurt everyone they could get their hands on. The dragon could’ve got Yuki. They’re going to do horrible, awful things to Thellamie if they get their hands on you, and you can stop it. You can stop it right now. Do it. Stop it. Stop her. What are you waiting for?)

She’s tilting his chin up. She’s holding him. She’s holding his head, in her hands. Her thumbs carefully wipe the dust from his cheeks. Brush. Brush Brush. It feels. She feels. Every time, it’s. W. Waow.

(Go go go go what are you doing lift your sword stab her stab her right now stupid Hazel what are you doing you can do this why aren’t you doing it why aren’t you listening why aren’t you listening you’re messing up what’s wrong with you no no no no no don’t don’t you can’t you can’t you’ve got to run run run run run run-)

He’s. Breathing really hard, from. The duel. His heart. Pouding. Really, really fast. Hands trembling. Flowers, and fruit, and, it’s all around him, getting thicker, she, she’s so close and, and, something fascinating might happen next, if he just,

”Wh…what are you…” he whispers.

It’s so easy to make a mistake when you don’t have to do anything.


Time gets a little funny. There’s a jolt, surprise and rushing and oh all knocking him flat at once, and it’s only a jolt, right? But, in the space of a jolt, she. She. She engulfs his lips in hers. And! There is! A lot! To be engulfed in! And she’s going so, so, slowly, caressing, humming, tasting, and then pressing deeper, again? Somehow?! How?! Every, she, with every, every time, there’s explosions scattering his thoughts, melting them all to mush, and, there’s probably something he ought to be doing at this part? But nobody ever told him and he’s not really had time to, practice?

“Mm! Mrr! Mmm, mmmphrrrrrrrr!!!

Right! Yes! How! How dare she?! This is, this has got to be, she, you, you can’t just, in the middle of, duel, like this?! His hands find her shoulders and oh no there’s also very soft but that’s not the point he’s got to, he’ll, if he can just, get, push, some distance-

Wait when did her arm wrap around his back?

Wait when did her arm get that low on his back?!


Hey! Bad! Extra cheating! On top of cheating! He wiggles, and he squirms, and he strains with all his might, but. But. It’s like he’s pinned against stone. It’s like he’s sinking into a pile of plush cushions. He. He can’t do a thing. Without her. And then. She. She guides his head up, up.

Her lips part. He tastes. Sweet. And distantly, bitter.


She pours herself in.


Is he still trying to wriggle free? Or are his legs threatening to give out? Are his fingers sinking into her shoulders to grip and throw her off? Or is he clinging on for dear life? How long does she spend savoring his mouth, filling him with breath after dizzying, melting breath, before she at long last pulls away?

He’s not aware. Time got a little funny. Let’s see…

He’s aware she’s up to something. He’s aware she tugged at his lip just now with an indulgent purr. He’s aware she can’t beat him here. He’s aware of her eyes, her curls, her cool skin, her wonderful perfume, her glowing smile, her, her lips…

“You…I-I…y, you…I’m, st-still…not, gonna, be king…”

He’s not aware of much else besides. Not even how his defiance fades off into a tiny, tiny whimper.

[Rolling with Allure to Entice Walking Elm: 6 + 5 - 1 = 10. Cutie takes a String on her, Walking Elm chooses one from the Entice list.]
Up he comes. One foot in front of the other. Never a foot placed wrong, in space or time. A chef must move with precision; he must be where he needs to be without getting in anybody’s way or being noticed before his time.

“The walk is not just swaying hips and flattering clothing. Our precious conquests may tell a different story, but we’re not here to speak of captives, aren’t we~? Watch these three approach you: Which one could you most easily talk to? Which of them is the highest ranking? Which is the most dangerous? You know, don’t you? And yet none of them have spoken a word to you. The body is an instrument, and oh, what songs it can play…”

He struts. He sways. The robe hugs his wooly frame snugly, tied with a high-waisted belt of gold. The hem flutters with his rhythmic step. Rivers of flashing embroidery wave up and down his body. His curls bounce, and sway, and draw the eye to the perfectly poised shifting of his shoulders. Back and forth. Back and forth. A soft, delicate little thing. Wrapped and bound in luxurious comfort. Is he not made to be nestled up so lovely, held in a tight embrace?

It’s too much. It’s too much for a sheep to bear. He stops, and he must stop, and his fingers trace up his sleeve. The texture, the material, the shine, he is utterly enraptured. He leans back with ease. The curve of leg to robe over wool to cheek to curls beckons the eye upward. To shining bell. Gentle smile. Parted lips.

“Eyes closed, now. Fear not the pen and brush. A Daughter of Ceron holds within her a soldier, an officer, a peasant, a princess, a slave, a conqueror, and hundreds more. It is a petty trick to wear paints and masks. Far better to bring forth what always hid within.”

He is drawing closer now. Close enough for her to reach out and seize him. In the shadow of her claws, he steps through a slow dance. Step, and turn, and lift, and hold. Hold. Offer what the distance so unjustly denied her.

Drink in his curls, Mistress Vasilia. Are they not lovely? They have been brushed, washed, combed, blessed, and they are as luscious as the finest silk. They are as smooth and rich as fine cream; drink them in. They are adorned with fine, curling ribbons and a single, beautiful flower. Gaze through them. Follow curling lashes flitting through the clouds. Bask in the joy coloring his cheeks. Spy a light splash of pink at his lips.

But spy no more than that. The dance continues. Step, and turn, and stretch. Be satisfied with only passing glances. Again. Again. Again.

He passes beyond her reach. He passes untouched.

For a moment, his body blocks his right hand.

“Turn. Snap. Look. Hold. It must all happen in a moment; surprise is your greatest weapon. Strike from concealment. Use sudden motion to sow confusion. Find your target.”


The fan blooms, bright and brilliant. Noble regalia on a sea of pure white. Your symbol, Mistress Vasilia, and beneath it, his mark:

The long ladle. For serving. For providing.

The keen knife. For sharpness. For precision.

All this is yours. All this belongs to you. All this hides behind a thin sheet of silk. Save for his eyes. They are all you are permitted to see now. Shadows of gold and orange - bright as the new sunrise - frame long, curling lashes. Watch them blink, slowly. Here and there, just faintly, freckled dots of stars glimmer in the radiance. And his eyes themselves.

He meets your gaze, Mistress Vasilia. He is startled. Breathless.


“And make them want you~”

A slow smile curls Vasilia’s lips. With one hand, she bids him to continue. With the other, she has not stopped kneading the cushions of her throne. With her eyes, she devours him.

Dolce turns at her command. Dolce faces a long, long walk to the other end of the runway. Where he will turn, and face a long, long walk back. Then Dolce will face her again. And strut for her again. And feel his heart and head melt into a molten puddle. Again.

Dolce can’t do it.

Dolce doesn’t have to do it.

The wolves of Ceron bear him aloft. Again.

-jingle jingle jingle-

Picture a shark’s fin cutting through the surface as it approaches its next meal. Or a silly pup’s ears poking up out of a cornfield, scooting back and forth as they make their stealthy sneaky approach.

-jingle jingle jingle-

Your pack is all around you. There is much work to be done, and little time to do it, but you are Daughters of Ceron, one and all. You move as one. You work as one. You perform as one. The miracle will be done, and it will be done on time. Over the hustle and bustle of hundreds of wolves, that delicate sound floats above them all.

-jingle jingle jingle-

It bumbles along, neither hurried nor lazy. It weaves through the pack, snaking a route through the tightest of openings without missing a step. The only time it slows is when a passing wolf bends low and it must dance beneath their fingers.


But not for long. Never for long. It always keeps moving. Inexorably, obediently,

-jingle jingle fwump!-

Back to you.

A mass of fluffy curls (politely!) places itself in your waiting hand, ringed by a crown of flowers, as if to say, “Here! Here! This is where your hand goes!” There’s no struggling bleats. His breathing is steady and sure. His head is still beneath your hand.

“I finished the letter, and sent it straight to Vasilia. She knows when and where to expect us.”

It was his idea. You could have sent the invitation yourself, but what better way to assure Vasilia that everything was good than a letter from her beloved’s own hand? A pity to have your precious treasure put himself to such pains, but for love, an exception could be made. And he asked so, so eagerly.

Besides. You’ll make it up to him soon enough, won’t you?

He’s doing such a good job of not looking where the tailors are hard at work. Even with a potent rush of nerves and excitement coursing through him. He wouldn’t dare ruin the surprise.
In an empty field back on Earth, tucked away off the beaten path in the woods, there is an old stump, and there is a patch of clover. If he was standing by the clover, and Yuki was farther than the stump, he was safe. If she was any closer, and he wasn’t ready, she’d get him. It’s a distance he’s gotten quite familiar with. It took him an awful lot of afternoons getting got to get acquainted with it.

The autumn lady’s hand reaches out. Past the stump.

Cutie’s hand closes around the outline of a hilt. In one motion - like he practiced! - he draws forth the outline of a sword, and doesn’t swing it wide and dramatic-like, but remembers to stop when it’s properly centered. When he could see her through the blade.(1)

Yuki had said duels were scary. Sometimes a good scary! Sometimes not. As she’d told him of more and more of her adventures, he only now realized he’d forgotten to ask if they ever got *less* scary. Had her stomach tied itself in knots before she jumped into action just a minute ago?


And that’s all the time he has.

He blocks low to ward off the lunge as he takes a half-leap back. Thank you, Yuki, for picking a sword that did lunges for him to practice against. Thank you, Yuki, for letting him practice with you long enough for him to ignore the instinct to keep running away from the scary venom sword. (Thank you, Yuki, for letting him hear stories of a brave knight-in-training, who stood her ground and fought for her friends.) Though the thanks will have to come later. Right now he’s trying very hard to keep breathing.

Cutie plants his feet, swipes back, and only yelps a little bit as he barely catches her counterstroke. “To be faIR! Your knights -eep!- are breaking everything,” sidestep, lean, but back to the center. “And hurting people badlYYY,” he can’t get pushed back. Hold his ground. “And putt-woah putting all our guests -woop! hup!- in danger,” swing when he can. Remember to make her defend too. “and you're trying to king, kidnap, king and kidnap me!”

A clang, a feint, a twist, and their swords lock, striving to push the other back.

“I think those are some pretty good reasons to be at leastalittledifficult!”

A knight of Kel would beat her. Cutie can at least hold her here. He has to.

[Rolling to Defy Disaster with Daring, like Yuki would. Cutie is risking his own composure, remembering the duel and forgetting the heart: 4 + 3 + 0 = 7]


He is doing good.

Everything is good.

Good. Good. Good.

The individual breaths of the pack melt into a warm, hazy cloud. There is pressure that holds fast, pressure that scratches gently, pressure that drifts luxuriously across him, and there is only a memory of hands. One voice speaks of performance. One voice continues its litany of whispered honey. Many voices speak, of wool, of collars, of peace, of treasure.

Dolce does not consider which is which. There is nothing he needs to mind. There is no task or protocol he needs to remember. There is no one he must help. They’re all good. He’s good. This, is good. Good. Good. The worries are answered and disassembled before they can be thought.

He is completely limp, floating in darkness, borne along in a sea of wolves. To where, from whence, he cannot say, and doesn’t bother remembering. There is a click. There is a pressure that lingers around his neck. Soft, lovely, not so tight to squeeze, not so loose he can forget, so good nestled in his wool.

There is a jingle.

A beautiful, delicate note, ringing bright in the rumbling sea. And the sea takes notice of it. The note mingles with whispers, and the whispers bring with them fond nuzzles and playful touch. So cute. So lovely. So pretty.

Imagine. In the darkness. Beyond the darkness. Imagine that Vasillia…that Mistress Vasilia might hear this note too.

Poor Dolce’s heart aches to bursting, and he must, and he must say,


Cutie remembers to hold his breath.

…after the first breath.

It’s not as bad this time? His head does feel a little dizzy. The warm coils, the relief of Alcideo’s escape, they’re suddenly so, so tempting to sink into. And he’s distractedly aware every time the lady in the autumn dress takes an elegant step closer. But he can still think. He can remember to keep holding his breath. He can piece together that a faint whiff from far away must not be as bad as getting the full blast up close. He can see what’s going to happen if this Nagi has to fight two on one.

(Well. Nothing for it, then. Just one step in front of the other, Hazel.)

“Excuse me, could you please let me go? I can help.” He spends his stored breath to free himself. He doesn’t take another just yet. Cutie is a professional of Cafe la Faune. Never late to a shift, can’t be kept down by the odd spilled drink. With a one and a two and a zip and a bop bop bop, off goes his shirt, on goes his vest, and it does take him a little longer to remember how to properly tie a shirt into an impromptu mask. Then, he breaths again. And his head only stays a little bit dizzy. “I think her perfume does something if you smell it too much. It made me feel really loopy when she grabbed me. This seems to be helping?”

Funny. He’d asked for this shirt on day one. Some of the other hosts went about their jobs with only the vest and the very very very short shorts, but thank everything that wasn’t a requirement. Miss Yaz had told him so, told him that he was doing just as good a job in a shirt and vest. That he didn’t need to be that daring to make the customers happy. He wasn’t sure there was enough encouragement in the world that would make him wear that to work.

He stepped behind the Nagi, and took up his post. Between her and the autumn lady.

Well it’s a good thing he’s not working right now, isn’t it? If there was supposed to be a uniform for dueling, then his got lost in the mail.

“If you go ahead, I’ll hold her off as best as I can. Maybe try and get some distance too? I think that’ll help your head. Miss Yaz - I mean, the Nagi with the bow, is a friend too, she should back you up.”

Another crash of magical arrow meeting magical hammer.

“I practiced a bit with Yuki, no worries. If we’ve got them outnumbered, we might as well take advantage of it, right?”

He hopes that’s a good enough reason for the plan to be a good one. He can’t think of a better one. Squinting into the light, he puts one foot back, holds his hand ready, and focuses on the silhouette before him.

“Could you please just leave, then? I’m pretty sure nobody would get hurt that way.” His wrist itches. Now is probably a bad time to scratch it. “And, besides, I’m not really interested in being King? Or transforming anything? Really, it’s neat enough to be here.”

Thank goodness he practiced talking with Yuki while practicing with Yuki.
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