"If it exists, I can fix it. If it doesn't, I can make it." - General Characteristics -
Full Name Jerry Rig Jordan
Nickname/Callsign Black Finger
Age 28
Gender Male
Face Claim Appropriate Concept art.
Dialogue Color Dark Blue. Bet you didn't see that coming.
Appearance Under the grime and filth or scars Jerry is possibly the most handsome looking man in the Wasteland. Even with these he seems like something like a pre-war model compared to most Wastelanders. With medium Brown hair and eyes to match, they fit his athletic build nicely. It is still obvious that the Wasteland hasn't been kind to his body. While no mutations have formed, burn, bullet, and slash scars are found in almost every piece of his body. Save his face. He stands average to most people who ate often as a child although looks a lot more stronger than even those who had such a pampered upbringing. A few fading tattoos are painted on his Chest, Back, and Arms. Most of them identify him with other factions, while some are just of his own design.
Personality Jerry is a man of action rather than words. Not because he doesn't like talking, but more that his mouth had usually just landed him in more trouble then he already was in a previous life. When he does talk it usually is in response or dry humor. While rare, he will occasionally speak more than a sentence when needed. Due to his past, he is quite a solitary Man as of late. Which has been harder than he would like. The word 'Survivalist' is a adequate word to describe Jerry in a nut-shell. Scarred, Troubled, and Solid. Jerry is a primary example of a Man who will do anything to survive, but wishes it would just end. Still, Jerry is a kinder Man than most. Helping out whenever it was convenient or more rarely, it mattered to him. Possibly to atone for his sins or maybe he was just born that way. Even he doesn't know where his occasional generosity comes from.
Fears/Limitations Jerry doesn't fear much. While of course he will be startled at a jump scare or even feel the pinch of fear when almost stepping on a mine. He doesn't fear Dangerous Creatures or Legends or even his eventually death. People. Jerry's biggest fear is people. Maybe not really fear, but distrust. Animals have no sense of control, they aren't smart enough to make any other decision that isn't survival. Humans have this ability, but due to the harshness of the Modern World they act like Animals. Even when they have a chance to be more than just Animals. Super Mutants honestly scare Jerry Shitless, even though he would never show it. Luckily for him he has only seen one up close. They represent everything that makes him cautious around people. Yet they are stronger and have enough basic intelligence to operate weapons and talk. The thought sends chills down his back.
Place of Origin Detroit, Michigan
Background To understand Jerry's past we must look long before he was Born. We must look at Vault 239 and the Wild Cats...
The Wild Cats
Vault 239 was placed under one of the biggest Garages in the world. Specifically a Chryslus Motors Garage. The garage had laid in the far outskirts of Detroit. The garage was three stories high and was the Main manufacturing garage of Highwayman in Michigan. Vault-tec had also added additional security to the Garage such as Blast doors, Protectrons, and Turrets. Hoping to keep the Garage still functional once the Vault opened. One day it did.
Vault 239 was composed of the greatest Mechanics of the Michigan state or at least the ones who made it before the Radiation or out right Nuclear Blasts took them away. Four whole new Generations had passed before the Vault had finally opened and the treasure of the Garage laid waiting. While it was Vault-tec's intention to have the greatest Mechanics held under to be sent to the world and fix everything, they did not expect the people to start worshiping machines. That's right, they Worshiped machines. Anything from a working blender to a Car had great value to them. They worshiped the 'Machine Spirit' more specifically and for each type of Machine held another deity. Such as the Angel of Combustion or the Angel of Fusion.
Now the Vault-dwellers had a whole fleet of vehicles, a warehouse of spare parts, and enough gas then they knew what to do with. They eventually began to send single vehicles to collect any other supplies, Weapons, and food they couldn't create in the Vault themselves. Until their Waterchip failed, for two whole days they sent out Three vehicles instead of their usual One while the Water chip was repaired in record time. While the little event might seem irrelevant to the story, it changed the Vault-dwellers of Vault 239 into the Wild Cats.
On the final day of their Waterchip failing Three Highwaymen were sent to Detroit to grab additional Water and food, just in case. So, they all headed off, but only Two returned. This worried them greatly and they sent a search party, but not their usual. They had already made preparations with some of the Highwaymen for when they had to finally push back against the Wasteland. Known as 'War-rigs' these vehicles held great reverence and veneration from their Builders. They had been given reinforced armor plates, frame, wheels, spiked rims, and a cut off rear to mount weapons. At the time, their were Five of these Matte black vehicles. All composed of Corvega Atomic V8s. Off the War-rigs rode and as expected faced a large Raider force stripping the lost Highwaymen of parts. It seems like they tried to drive it and crashed it into a pile of rubble. The sight had enraged the Vault-Dwellers and they began a vicious attack on the Raiders. The ones that didn't run by just the mere sight or sound of the Car's V8 engines were quickly cut down by Mini-gun and Missile fire. Even those who revealed their back to the Highwayman were stomped out. The missing vehicle was towed back. Leaving the name of Vault 239 behind and bringing back the name, The Wild Cats.
Several Generations passed after that event. The Wild-Cats becoming a Major Faction, yet extremely solitary having no real connections to other settlements. Only that they had working vehicles and legends were known. This is where Jerry's story begins.
Jerry's story
Jerry Rig Jordan was lucky to be the Son of the leader of the Wildcats. This fact let him grow as so many did in the Vault generations before, while still taught useful skills of his clan. His father made sure he was one of the Healthiest children of the Wasteland and was properly cared for. His Father had big dreams for his son. Not only to be the next leader, but to also be the next 'Imperator', the Driver of the last Original War-rig, Wild Cat. A great title only held by the strongest, smartest, and most blessed by the Angel of Combustion. Jerry's well upbringing made this task easy enough and when the Imperator before him died from disease he held the title at the age of 17. He rode for his people for Four whole years before the end of the Wild Cats.
Taken in his sleep and beaten, Jerry awoke one day with his Father, Mother, and Two Sisters lying dead in front of him. A Coup had begun unknowingly to him. Although it wasn't much of a surprise. At the time the Wild Cats were split in a decision to leave the Garage and Vault to find new lands and other's wanted to stay. While it was obvious to all the resources in their territory of the city were almost completely gone almost a half of the Cat's wanted to take the resources and wage war with the nearby settlements. They all knew it would be easy enough, but Jerry's Father refused to turn the Wild Cats into Raider scum. So, the others decided they will take their future in their own hands.
Jerry was stronger then they were and quicker. He fought the two men who had captured him killing one and knocking out the other. He raced outside to see the main garage bay in chaos. Their sacred machines were being shot out, workbenches flipped over and used as cover. Wild cats killing one and another with great zeal. Jerry took a few minutes to say his final goodbyes to his dead Family and grab his and his Fathers gear. He then charged through the Bay. Killing any who stood in his way, but still taking a few wounds of his own until he finally reached his vehicle, The Wild Cat. He smashed through the reinforced main sliding door and began to drive North. His garage, his home, beginning to be engulfed in flames.
Eventually making it to New York where he took his car to a the Settlement "Little Town". The journey their was hard and took months of surviving on his own, but he made it. He had survived. He vehicle however had been badly damaged on the journey and by the time he had reached the settlement it couldn't move faster than 15mph. He settled in the town. Allowed entry not only due to his arrival with a legendary working Car, but
the promise of being the Settlement's Mechanic if need be. He stored his vehicle outside his small shack and removed some key parts so no one will be able to move it. It took about three months until he was contacted by the Pariah. The reward for his mission was enough to finally be able to buy the Parts he needed to repair his vehicle and continue his journey. He didn't have a destination, but after what had happened with his home he didn't enjoy being forced into another. Jerry made his way on foot to the meetup location. Hopefully the last time he would have to deal with people again.
- Medium Ruck-sac
- Tool Box
- Food and water
- Camping equipment
- Pen and Notepad
- Compass
- Gas-Mask and filters
- Shiny Pocket Watch
- Brown Leather Racing Jacket
- Racing Goggles
- Blue and Purple Bandana
- Steering Wheel
Non Combat Skills
- General and Advanced Mechanic: If it can be fixed with Human Hands and tools Jerry can fix it.
- Jerry-Rigger: While he claims to be able to fix anything, sometimes the proper tools or parts can't be found. Jerry has a knack for creating those parts from other materials as temporary use or even improving the original part.
- Driving: Due to his time in the Wild Cats, Jerry probably is one of the most experienced drivers in the Wasteland.
- Survival: Having to fend for himself for quite awhile has taught him useful survival skills. Such as where and what water to drink or how to skin and cook Wasteland creatures. He learned most of these skills the hard way.
Combat Skills
- Plinker: Advanced Knowledge and use of Pistols or small caliber SMG weapons. Bigger Weapons seem to never give him any luck and the complicity of Energy weapons seem more of a hassle then their power is worth.
- Reaction shot: Jerry has a good reaction time with his weapons. Usually able to hit closer targets from the Hip very accurately.
- Watch out, watch out, WATCH OUT! : When Jerry fight's it a show to behold. Using moves passed down from the Wild Cats, Jerry attacks are brutal. From hand reversal and arm bars to deadly suplexes and RKOs.
- Pure-Bred: Jerry was born in better conditions then most and fed well as a child. Naturally making him stronger, taller, healthier, and better looking than the average Wastelander. At the same time he seems to be effected more heavily by radiation.
- Perceptive eye: Because of the detail that comes with his Mechanic skills, Jerry can easily notice when enemies are unnoticeable injured and sometimes even able to view their spirit(Such as timid, Rage induced, Weak, or calm). Helping him better asses the enemy and prepare for the battle ahead.
- "Industrial hand" Power Fist
- Shanxi Type 17 Chinese pistol
- Combat knife
- Ballistic Weave Vest
- Sawed-off Shotgun
- 10mm Round(17) 12guage shells(10)
- Small Medkit