Name: Jacob Sterling
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Gaia, Sovereign
Current Home: Valira, stationed as a medic for the Leginian army
Personality: Although raised in the capitol in the highest of echelon of nobility, Jacobs parents had come from the lower middle class, having worked their way up the ranks , making sure that he remebered their humble upbringings. Thus he is able to integrate easily between the two worlds, often rubbing elbows with the nobility, and later that evening will be in the slums doing hat he can to help the sick.
While he finds it quite easy to relate to the lower classes, his phrasing and mannerisms often reflect his noble upbringing, often seen in his mannerisms and speeech, and while he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty,he will also be the first rushing to the showers.
Bio: As previously stated Jacobs family was a rather middle to lower middle class family in the years before, but after taking a loan out at a ridiculous amount of interest, they took their chances on striking out and headed to Warshire, starting a mining operation and striking a rich vein of core in Warshire. After paying back their loans, they had more than enough to continue financing even more mining expeditions and are in this day one of the largest providers of core to the populace.
Jacob, being the youngest of 5 siblings, was free to choose his path in life, rather than get laden with the responsibility of carrying on the family business, a task left to his eldest sister. So it came as much of a surprise when he opted to join the Leginian army, and went through basic and continued his training as a field doctor. While offered a chance to serve as a doctor in the capitol's garrisons, Jacob opted instead to stay on the move, often changing stations every few years. Although he has been reprimanded many a time for using "military" supplies to help the common populace, his skills with a scalpel outweigh the cost of any supplies that go missing.

Special Traits/Weapons:
-Tends to keep his head easily during high tension situations
-Extensive medical knowledge
-Specialized tech and engineering knowledge to fix his medical equipment
-Basic military weapons and CQC training
-Standard military issue fire pistol
-Sword Cane
there are three different pommels for the cane, one for earth, one for lightning, and another for fire, but only the earth one has a charged core at the moment, he needs to restock next time he heads to the capitol.

Theme Song:
Kage Type: Kamikage
Kage Name: Edwin Samarsan
Kage Primary Power: Transference- Edwin enables Jacob to take any injury or illness from a person he is touching and absorb it into himself, as well as transfer and injury or illness he has into a target of his choice he has physical contact with, he can store fatal illnesses and wounds for a day or two, but he will be severely fatigued during the time during he stores them. The longer he holds them however the more they start to break through the barrier, for lack of a better word, and start to inflict themselves on him. However wounds caused by another Kage interfere with his own spiritual powers, reacting as two north poles of a magnet might, and and when trying to absorb these kinds of injuries, depending on how much he has to take in, he will often feel a large amount of pain, often times enough take him out of any fight he may be in, and likely kill him if he doesn't find a place to release the energy soon.
Kage Secondary Power: When storing multiple fatal diseases and wounds, Edwin and Jacob form into a merged being, Jacobs face shifting to resemble that of Edwin's plague mask, and from his mask can issue a wave of small insects that seek out targets and enter through wounds and other...orifices, and can inflict any disease he has been in contact with before.
Kage Personality/Description: Edwin, while fully having the best interest of humans at heart, has also had an interest in the human heart for awhile now, as well as the spleen, the kidneys, and most of the other organs that make a human human. He has long wondered what makes them tick and how they all come together, and how it can stand years of wear and tear, yet something so simple as a cold virus can bring them to their knees. He is very inqusitive, and while he does wish to help humans recover from their wounds and illness's, he will often wait till the last possible moment to see the effects they have on a human body.