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  • Old Guild Username: CheshireTulip
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    1. TheFriendlyFoe 11 yrs ago


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Mika kept her head low an proceeded to eavesdrop into as many conversations as possible, but nothing was really catching her interest. “It feels like people are avoiding the conversation, all together.” Canon nodded and sipped her mug of ale, peering around her from the shadows of her hood.

It was no surprise that amidst the dancing and hollering, someone had decided a fight was overdue and threw a punch. It just so happened that the strangers fist made contact with little Loraine, stroking the ego of a rather large bearded man with rotting teeth. Little Loraine stumbled against the table and fell sloppily onto her ass, looking stunned and bewildered.

Mika was on her feet in a matter of seconds, her hand on her hip where a blade had been tucked away. Little did she know Loraine would have a handle on the situation. After being knocked down, Lorain had easily picked herself back up onto her feet, dusting her rear and looking around for the culprit of the ‘slight inconvenience’. Her eyes zeroed in on him and that’s when an incredibly astonishing event took place.

Her cuffs began to softly glow as she tapped the man on the shoulder. He spun around, fist flying through the air, aimed directly for her jaw. She caught it in her palm like it was an egg tossed by a child. Her eyes glinted and she squeezed, his hand crumpling onto a tighter grip. The man howled and fell to his knees, trying to pull away. “Say you’re sorry.” She said calmly, her soft brown eyes locked on his. The man only continued to yell and holler for the release of his paw, but she was relentless and tightened her grip, a sickening crack and pop interrupted the silence that had recently fallen over the room. “I-I’m sorry!” he whaled; face reddening beyond that of a turnip. “I’M SORRY.” He repeated his voice more shrill and dripping with fear.

Her intense stare had relaxed and released his hand, cupping his elbow and helping the man who cradled his hand against his chest. In the blink of an eye, Loraine had kicked his foot out from beneath him and aided gravity with the inevitable smack of his head against the table top. Blood splattered the wood table and the filthy panels below it. The man lay motionless on the ground, Loraine’s small frame looming over him like the grim reaper.

“Ya think he’s dead?” Canon whispered, standing stiffly by Mika’s side. As if on cue, the man groaned and pushed himself up onto his elbows, blood dripping from his mouth. The tavern erupted with deafening hooting and hollering as a group of men lifted Loraine onto their shoulders, cheering her for her strength. “IRON MAIDEN.” They chanted as they guzzled down more ale and made up a song about her beauty and strength.

“I was definitely not expecting that.” Mika laughed, raising her mug to salute Iron Maiden’s gleeful expression. “Although I am happy to see her making a legend of herself, I have yet to discover the legendary crew that took down Frederick Harolding!” she yelled, raising her voice above the noise of the tavern, throwing her arms up in frustration.

“I’m going to walk the streets, see if I can get anything from out there.” Mika whispered into Canon’s ear. Canon waved her hand and nodded. “I’ll stick with the wee one!” she smiled and then proceeded to get lost in the crowd. Mika chuckled and shook her head, finishing her mug, leaving a few coins for the cute bar maiden, and then heading out. She took in the fresh sea air than mingled with the mud that lined the sidewalks. “I shouldn’t have coined this off so easily.” She muttered, plucking the coin from her chest and rubbing it between her fingers.
Oh man, thanks for your support, haha.
I'll whip up the post right now!
The morning was incredibly slow, seeing as she slept most of it away. Amelia sat up from her plush pillows, rubbing her hands over her hot face. “Gibli!” she groaned, kicking her blankets off of her. Her dark locks plastered to her forehead and the skin along her neck and back, slick with sweat. She whimpered and fell onto her side, very naked and vulnerable.

Gibli entered the room, already dressed and ready for the day, his cool expression quickly turned to that of concern when he witnessed the state of his mistress. “The cabinet...” She growled, pressing her palms to her stomach, clenching and unclenching her hands at her abdomen.

Gibli nodded and walked to the other side of the room, opening the cabin he rummaged through it. As is back was turned, Amelia threw herself to the edge of the bed and began heaving until a mass of hair passed her lips and fell to the floor. She sneered, drained of color and sickly; she got to her feet and stumbled to the cabinet, knocking bottles around in search for the cure.

“It-it isn’t here, madam.” He said softly.
“N-no. It has to be. It has to be.” She whimpered, gripping the cabinet hard enough to crack the wood. She gasped and bent over once more, heaving and gagging until another hair ball hit the floorboards. “Those wretched beasts.” She growled, whipping spit from her chin, she carried herself to her bed, slumping into it and curling up. “Gather the sisters here. I need their help.” She rasped, preparing for the next ball of hair to push its way out of her.

Gibli rushed out of the room to gather the women. It was rather easy to get a hold of them seeing as it only took a letter and a simple incantation before offering the piece of paper to the flames. It only took about fifteen minutes for a woman to appear on their doorstep.

Gibli recognized her from previous gatherings at his home. He bowed and took her coat as she entered. He didn’t need to escort the elderly woman; she knew where her withering sister lay.

Sister Gwennith slowly opened the room, wrinkling her nose when a wall of sickly scent hit her. “Goodness, Amelia. What have they done to you?” she sighed, removing her gloves and sitting herself at Amelia’s bedside.

Amelia, looking as white as paper, sweat glistening from her skin, still had it in her to roll her eyes and turn her head to face the woman. “A nasty trick. Must have been the drinks from the other night.” She muttered through dry lips, cringing and bowing her head as another hair ball fell onto the floor. It was then that she began to tremble and shake uncontrollably.

Gwen grimaced, averting her eyes. “Alrght. Enough of this.” She muttered. “I know what you need. This is a petty trick. Much like the one you pulled last night.” She tutted as she walked to the Vanity. Gwen produced a few tubes and jars from her bag and got to work.

“Where are the others?” Amelia asked softly, rolling onto her side. The sound of the grinding mealing stone was comforting and reminded her of her childhood. “Sister Liza is also plagued by a nasty spell so Sister Nora is at her aid.” Gwen replied, dripping lavender oil into the powder mixture she concocted. She brought the mealing bowl to Amelia, sitting herself onto the soiled sheets. “Part your lips, dear.” She whispered. Amelia, as if in a daze, looked up blankly at Gwen, her lips parting slightly, as if staring at a ghost. Gwen drained the potion into Amelias waiting mouth, and Amelia mindlessly swallowed.

Gibli cleared his throat to remind Gwen that he was still available to her if she needed him. “Why haven’t you gotten her any clothes? It surely isn’t decent for a subservient being like yourself to see her so bare she muttered, tucking Amelia in. The girl seemed to gain some color in her flesh, and her trembling had stopped.

“She prefers to remain nude in her domain, Madam.” He replied whilst bowing his head. Gwen chuckled, shaking her head. “Truly a child of earth.” She breathed and kissed Amelia’s forehead, then replaced her gloves. “She should be able to make her way about the house in an hour. Bring us some tea.” She ordered and got up, walking to a desk in the corner of the room.

Hours later, Amelia draped herself in one of the plush couches in her waiting area, clad in her flimsy robe and looking as pissed as ever. All of her sisters had arrived and made themselves at home in her lobby, looking through drawers, books, and art.

“They have to be stopped.” Amelia said through clenched teeth before popping a grape into her mouth.

“They know we’re getting close to expelling them from London. They don’t want to move out? They think they can outdo us?! We are the eldest coven of old magic here. We want the peace and they mean to tear it down! This is our city and they will not run us out of it.” Nora huffed, her pudgy cheeks reddening. She sat herself into one of the arm chairs, crossing her arms to hold in her outrage.

Gwen sighed and shut the book she was reading, replacing it back onto the shelf. “Calm yourself, Sister Nora. Your hot head will only get us in trouble. Take Amelia for example.” She made a pointed expression that Amelia vehemently ignored.

“After her little show last night, I’m sure they will have bigger plans in retaliation.” She sighed, drawing her eyes to the crystal ball that sat on the mantle over the fire place.

Liza, in all of her quiet and timid demeanor finally piped up. “Maybe you should also tell them about the Brotherhood at St. Dominic.”

Amelia turned her steely gaze to the petite figure that sat by her feet on the couch, attentively looking in the opposite direction. “Ah yes, that is nothing new. They had sent a rookie so, all went better than expected.” She said coolly and jabbed her foot into Liza’s hip, sending her awkwardly the couch, landing on her knees.

“Amelia!” Gwen snapped. Amelia rolled her eyes and sat up, righting herself. “Muscle spasm.” She mumbled and continued to eat her grapes. “It’s time we started planning a real attack on them. The fact that only Amelia is called a witch is a little ridiculous.” Nora spat, rubbing her gloved hands over the crystal ball. “It’s only a matter of time before someone tries something stupid. I say we blame the other witches, wipe Amelia’s name clean and have them either burned or running for the hills.”
“I second that!” Amelia chirped around a full mouth.

Gwen rolled her eyes and checked the grandfather clock that silently clicked by the entrance to the room. “Let us go. The night draws near and I have no intention of staying for supper. Also, I expect to see you all at the full moon ritual tonight. We have work to do, ladies.”

“Lady Lorain’s coven will be there as well.” Liza whispered, her eyes fogging over, as if mist were moving across them. “They will make a threat.” She continued and ran her hands over her face, her eyes clearing just as quickly as they fogged. “Then we will be ready.” Gwen said, her words dark and foreboding. With that, one by one, they filed out of the room and out of her life.

Amelia pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned. “This is absolutely ridiculous. I hope those beastly witches move to the colonies—way across the waters.”
My barracks didn't have internet for a while, or it just had everlasting problems, so I haven't been able to connect. I hope this hasn't deterred you from continuing this roleplay.
My barracks didn't have internet for a while, or it just had everlasting problems, so I haven't been able to connect. I hope this hasn't deterred you from continuing this roleplay.
pCarmen does not settle, except for in this very instance. This is the only time. Pandas really sell it.
To her amusement he had easily fallen for her charm, although she could feel the ties of bewitchment, something plucked at them. Something fought her hold over his mind and that was interesting al on its own. She wondered if she could plant something on him, some sort of item enchanted to spy, or maybe a spell? She racked her brain for any ideas and one certainly came to mind. She smiled to herself and nodded, pulling a handkerchief from her décolletage.

“Oh, no I didn’t see anyone but perhaps someone spiked one of her glasses? Rumor is, she tortures and torments her servants mercilessly. In the past several weeks, she has had three seek serious medical attention, and one died. I would suspect that would make her a target to the working class.” As she finished, she dabbed the handkerchief onto her tongue then, in a very bold and forward move, cleaned a spot of dried blood just below his lip. “You had a little something.” She laughed softly and folded the piece of cloth, clutching it in her hand.

“Well, sir. It has been a very long night and I have important matters to attend to before I seek the comfort of sleep.” Gibli appeared from the shadows, strolling behind Amelia, a cold blank expression on his young face. “If you will excuse me—have a peaceful night, sir.” Gibli helped her into her coat before leading the way to the carriage.

“What do you think?” he asked quietly as they walked along the moonlit cobblestones. “He plays as a simple boy, but I feel like there is more to him than he is letting on.” She muttered, a sly smile widening her lips.
“Madam?” He questioned her smile and Amelia laughed, shaking her head. “I sense a storm brewing, Gibli.” She sighed happily and stepped up into her carriage, glancing back as Gibli started closing the hatch. She whipped her hand out, stopping the door from closing, staring directly a the boy with a doll in his hands, flinging it about. “What a pretty little thing that is, may I have it?” the boy looked up at her, his mouth falling agape and without much thought, he reached the doll out, placing it in her palm. “Thank you, darling.” She cooed and Gibli shut the door, walking around the stricken boy and to his seat. He cracked the whips on the terrifying beasts that played horse and they made their way back home.

“Meet me in the attic.” She called to Gibli as she raced up the steps and into her home. Amelia unclipped, unzipped, unbuttoned, and untied until she was completely dressed down. She kept the handkerchief tightly clutched in a fist. Gibli would pick up the trail of clothes on his way to the attic.

If one were looking for it, one could see a faint line in the ceiling, and if one was educated in the art of hidden doors, one would twist the knob on the nearest door counter clockwise. Amelia did just that and in the dead silence, a soft click could be heard. The hatch popped just a little bit, a string falling out from its tight spot. Amelia eased down the door and ladder and then hastily climbed up.

You would expect it to be cold and smell of dust, but instead, it was a cozy room that smelled of lavender. Ili wasn’t too far behind, and having known his mistress for so long, he had brought a night robe with him.
“Oh Gibli, I believe I have finally found my way in. I might have eyes in St Dominic.” She laughed in disbelief, gathering bottles and bowls of ingredients. Gibli watched her move about the room with a real sense of purpose and familiarity. Books staked across many tables, most spoke of history and witchcraft.

Sometime in her rush around the room, Amelia had plucked the robe from his hands and donned it. “I know just the spell, too.” Her hand flung out, fingers all pointing in one general direction. Books shuffled and moved, dust appeared in a cloud over the table. A book lifted into the air then flew towards her, landing in her working space, then flipping to a page that read “Fly on the Wall”.

“I’ll cast a spell on a fly, tying it to this blood. It’ll follow London’s little hero around, gathering information for me.” She explained as she flicked the little specks of dried blood from the handkerchief and into a bowl with other ingredients. She lit a few candles, recited the spell and from a small mason jar, she picked out a dead fly, dropping it into the frothing bowl.

In a poof, the fly buzzed out of the bowl and hesitated, then flew off to his new assignment.
The night had been going so well, she had caught up on the latest gossip and Gloria didn’t talk too much, then the entertainment started. “I’ll have a splendid night indeed, Annie.” She grinned to herself, watching the woman flail about as if a child were handling her like a play thing.”

Right as the surprise started to die down and awareness began to arise, the help made an appearance. This time, she laughed aloud, up into the gilded ceiling. It drew the attention of some of the people that stood closely around her, and she didn’t bother to explain her amusement. Some probably suspected, anyways.

It wasn’t long before the two fell, little Annie had been knocked unconscious upon impact.
“Not dead.” she stated simply, getting a short glimpse of the paper white woman. Amelia whispered a few words under her breath and her eye color changed to a smoky white and moved like a rolling fog. “Maybe incense will help.” she breathed into a passerby’s ear. The person halted for but a moment, as if struck by an idea and raised their voice. “Maybe incense will help!” they blurted out and kept on moving.

Gibli appeared behind her, watching the scene unfurl before them. Someone had smelling salts and wafted them into her face. Mrs. Lemmingworth regained consciousness and was propped up into someone’s lap, the color that had drained from her cheeks earlier slowly made an appearance.

“Madam?” Gibli cleared his throat. Amelia turned her head slightly, keeping her eyes on the disarrayed woman. “Yes, little kitty?” she asked softly, finally resting her eyes on his calm expression. “The one who pulled the pin is currently outside.” Amelia rolled her eyes and shook her head. “How do you know he is still here if you aren’t out watching him?” she muttered. “I can smell his blood through these awful perfumes these women have doused themselves in.” he grumbled, glancing around. “--but it is fading…” Amelia nodded and began to move again, assuredly and quickly towards the exit.

Just before reaching the exit, when she was sure no one was observing her, Amelia rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times until they began to water, she even let a few tears streak her cheeks. With quick small steps, she imitated the movement of a frantic ninny, running out into the cool night air, sobs racking her chest.

“Oh good God!” she whimpered, holding a hand over the front of her corset then hysterically waving her hand in front of her face. She turned her head slightly, her teary eyes falling onto the man of the hour. “Oh! I didn’t see you there.” She huffed and cleared her throat as if to gain composure once more, she stood a little straighter and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes flashed recognition and she gasped in surprise. “Oh! You’re the man who helped poor Lady Vanderbilt!” she exclaimed and quickly made a deep curtsy. In that moment she stared at him through her lashes, committing his face to memory. “Y-you’re a hero, sir!” she continued, righting herself once more.

“Lady surely would have been badly injured if you hadn’t stepped in in time to save her! If there is anything I could do for you,” she leaned over slightly, smoothing her hands over her gown as if she were smoothing out wrinkles with her palms, the scoop of her gown made it’s obvious appearance, “anything.” she repeated slowly, “Let me know… you have done the work of God.” She finally finished, batting her lashes, her large blue eyes resembling that of a doe.
If you reply tonight, I will be a very happy cow.
Preparing for the ball had been easy, a simple spell was casted and she was dressed in a very old fashioned ball gown. “A classic.” She grinned, staring at herself in the mirror. Her brown hair had been pinned up into a loose bun so locks of hair fell about her face and neck. Her crimson gown had a neckline that scooped and revealed a generous amount of décolletage, more cleavage than a proper Christian would agree to. The real show stopper hung around her neck and had more sparkle than all the stars in the sky. Diamonds dripped down her neck and into the crevice between her heaving breasts.

“Need’s more.” She breathed, lightly drawing her fingertips across her cheekbones, temple, and around her eyes in small swirls and lines, black ash followed her movements until she had her mask set. Amelia licked her lips, and they turned a dark red that matched her dress. She rubbed her eyes with her knuckles, darkening her lashes then ran her hands over her hair as if to catch any fly always, and it turned ink black under her touch. “They want a witch, they’ll get a witch.” She smirked and picked up her gloves.

When she stepped outside, her carriage was already waiting. Gibli opened the gate for her, then the carriage door, bowing as she entered and settled herself within it. With a shot crack of the reigns, the two large looming mares began at a steady pace and in a matter of minutes they had arrived at the estate. She gave herself time so that plenty people would have the honor of witnessing her entrance. The gathered coachmen and stable boys gawked at the large menacing mounts. Amelia laughed softly to herself; if only they knew that her horses were that of the apocalypse.

Gibli handed her out of the carriage, and this time, Amelia carried an item under her arm. “Have the stable boys keep watch of my carriage, you will stay as a feline and roam the halls discreetly You will also take this.” She pressed a doll to his chest until he tucked it under his own arm. “Give it to a child, I don’t care who.” she stared him dead in the eyes, making sure he knew his orders. He nodded quickly and set off to accomplish his tasks.

Her grand entrance was amusing, to say the least. She had managed to startle the Harold. “Good evening.” Amelia said cooly, staring down at the guests at the foot of the stairs and swaying around the dance floor. They all mingled and laughed in their little groups, gossiping about who knows what. The Harold turned his head and visibly jumped to his toes. His face reddened and he cleared his throat and without her having to identify himself, he made the announcement. “Lady Amelia Vanderbilt!” The room fell silent and the music died off in the distance. You could say she had the crowd bewitched. Having pale skin really paid off when it came to vibrant colors. She slowly descended the stairs, keeping a knowing smile in place. “Oh my, have I interrupted something?” she asked as she approached the host and wife of the party. They sat up in their plush chairs, handing their drinks to their faithful butler. “Lady V-Vanderbilt-“ the man choked over his words, his eyes continuously drawn down to her chest. The wife had no problem staring, though and only blushed when she met Amelia’s eyes. Mrs. Lemmingworth rolled her eyes and looked at her husband, revealing the pin nestled prettily in her hair. “He’s had a few drinks. What he’s trying to say is that we hope you have a splendid time here.” She said stiffly and picked at invisible threads on his overcoat. Amelia curtsied deeply “Of course, you have always hosted the most impressive balls in London.” The room hummed with whispers behind her, as she righted herself and plucked a drink from the tray of still caterer, sauntering into a new group. The music began again and the voice level rose considerably. Amelia chanced one last glance at Mrs. Lemmingworth and her hair pin before smiling into her fluke and downing the rest of it in a large gulp.

As his mistress had commanded, Gibli had ordered one of the stable boys to care for the carriage in his absence and all it took him was a raggedy doll and a few coins. The rest of the night he would watch over the crowd from the foggy windows and make sure Lady Vanderbilt’s plans went according to plan.

“I wonder what spectacles Annie has set up for tonight?” Carol giggled into her 3rd glass, sipping from it once more before setting it on the side table. Gloria and Amelia sat in one of the many open lobbies, on a very plush gray couch imported from some exotic country. “Anne Lemmingworth would never fail her guests.” And as if on cue, the main ballroom grew louder with shouts and cries of astonishment.

Gloria gasped and shot to her feet, fleeing to the ballroom to see what all the commission was about. Amelia smoothed her hands over her gown, and with the serenity of a lake, she rose to her feet and followed the shrieks and cries that erupted from the next room.

Gloria was not disappointed, although, maybe she was a little frightened. Poor Annie popped up above the crowd then fell, less than gracefully, back into the crowd. Upon closer inspection, you could see that she was moving in a very unnatural way. Her arms flailed about, uncontrolled and her legs dangled limply beneath her.
“She’s levitating!”
“By Gods!”
“Someone help her!”
“She’s cursed!”
The people cried simultaneously, but Amelia remained silent, watching as Annie rose above them, hovering over their heads, even knocking a few heads with her heels until they fell off into the crowd. Annie was still very much aware of what was happening, in fact, she was the loudest screamer in the room. She wailed and shrieked for help as she whirled around the room. Obviously everything but her ego was unharmed, but the woman continued to release blood curdling screams. Amelia gigged into her hand and shook her head. “Well done Gibli.” She sighed under her breath.

Although so many eyes were on their hostess, no one seemed to notice the shimmer, glowing, golden hairpin in poor Mrs. Lemmingworths hair.
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