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Unfortunately, due to a number of IRL issues which have completely destroyed any free time I have, I need to drop from the RP. If anyone wants to take the reigns for Tyron or just let him pass on, since it doesn't seem like he's locked in yet, either works for me. Sorry about this.
Yeah, it wasn't so much writer's block as a need for clarification and not wanting to put out a crappy short post. I don't much like my last post either, but I got there.
Tyron seemed slightly puzzled by the turn of events, though as Mara went through her transformation, he sheathed his sword. He made his decision as the mist began to clear from the air. "I'm going to see if there are any survivors." He spoke as one of the others went to help the now unconscious girl. He looked to the woman who'd checked Mara and seemed to be somewhat unnerved. "You're a healer, are you not?" He asked calmly. "I'm going to do my best to help the injured to somewhere safe, but I don't have any actual skills. Where do you need me to get the injured?" He asked, already starting in the direction of the village as not to waste any time.
I'm still here, just have, honest to god, no idea what to post. For now I'm just waiting for a moment of inspiration.
Having seen the woman run and heard the noise that she had, Tyron followed behind, soon seeing the giant scorpionlike beast and blinking. "I assume this is the monster you came here for?" He asked with a neutral expression on his face. "I can see why it would be something of concern..." He drew his claymore from the sheath, taking wielding it with both hands to deal with its imbalanced weight.

"... Hmmm..." He observed the scorpion's moves, and when it struck at Mara, he thought to run forward, but when she dodged, he held off. "We should try to sever the tail! He exclaimed, moving off to the side so that if the scorpion came at him, it would expose its tail to the others, then he slammed his sword into the beast's armored hide.

It did about as much as anyone would expect, only sending shakes through his arms, but hopefully annoying the monster into paying attention to him.
"Ah, then well met, miss Mara, miss... I still don't think I have your name," Tyron admitted while looking at Raena. As they explained the monster and the reward, Tyron couldn't help but notice the two young ladies looking at his sword, and at one point, the lady whose name he didn't know exclaimed something about it. "Ah, I hope my blade isn't bothering anyone," he spoke before setting it down into the grass. "It's simply a bit unwieldy to sit like this with it strapped to my back." He laughed a little bit after the statement, before picking up the weapon with both hands and slowly putting it on his back as he stood. "Though I suppose that one should not be sitting about if things are dangerous as you all say."

Once he'd stood up and brushed some errant grass from his pants' leg, he looked between the three. "Miss Caelyn, miss Mara, miss... Booming voice?" He tried to think of something quick to call Raena, and no doubt failed miserably. "It may be prudent to find your beast, preferably before it finds us."
That stinks.

On an unrelated note, Tyron's sword has a few stats I need to put somewhere, but can't do in a post without it being clunky.

Of the seven foot length, it's about six feet blade, one foot handle. The blade itself wouldn't be much wider than 2 inches, Its a hefty weapon, probably around 40 pounds, maybe more if I'm remembering wrong, and he does wield it as such.

So yeah. I'll go and post.
When he finally felt he wasn't going to appear threatening, Tyron lowered his arms down to his side, his left arm passing the hilt of the blade that was strapped to his back. "Actually, I'm just... Here," he said with a laugh. "Though I don't know where here is." He grinned as he crossed his arms. "So I guess now's a good a time as any... Caelyn, um... Other people..." He blinked. "Ah, right, my name's Tyron! Anyway, what's all this about a monster?" He looked around. "I honestly had no idea there was something like that around here." He admitted with a stark honesty in his voice. "If it's something dangerous, I don't mind helping out a little, if you would be willing to feed me some after the fact," he spoke with a laugh. "I mean, if it isn't too much of an issue," he laughed once more before taking his sword and sheath from his back so he could sit down. He set the 7 foot long weapon across his lap and smiled again.
"Hm?" Tyron looked to the side, hearing someone speak to him. He did not lower his arms, as not to seem threatening, though he did return the smile. "Ah, well met, then," he spoke. "But I'm afraid I don't think you're who I heard just now, in fact..." He heard another muffled voice from the same direction as before. "It seems that another person has joined whoever it was I heard." He explained calmly. "If it not too much trouble, I'd beg your leave for a moment, or that you follow me, so that I may find out who else is around here." He started continuing down the direction he'd been walking before he stopped once more, a part of what the woman had said finally processing. "A beast?" he asked, a bit puzzled. "Is there something about these woods I've not heard?" It was a bit of a silly question, and he couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I guess that's no surprise. I've not even any idea where these woods are!" He spoke, smiling a little bit. "Erm, anyway... I'm going to go over there," he said with one more chuckle, pointing forward, before starting down the path, not concerned whether he was followed or not.

What he saw when he finally arrived were two women, both of whom looked somewhat agitated, though it appeared not to exactly be over the same thing. "I do beg your pardons, but I heard some voices from this direction." He spoke, both arms still up in the air and doubtless starting to feel a little heavy.
Alright, cool
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