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    1. TheMasterNarrator 11 yrs ago


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I was going to make a post, but I was waiting to see if it was dead or not, because nobody had posted in several days by the time I got back from Xmas family visiting.
((I'm assuming here that swords are Dex-based.))

Name: Rick Stanson
Gender: Male
Age: Physically 33, Mentally much more
Race: Originally Human, now Fae (boost to Agility/Dexterity, penalty to Strength)

User Handle: Arcturus
Status: Alpha Tester
Elemental Attribute: Air

Role: Fighter, dabbling in Mage
Weapon: Katana, magic

Appearance: Tall, about six foot four, with long black hair, a closely-trimmed goatee and blue eyes that were once bright but now are dull and dead. Pointed ears from the race change.
Personality: Cold, emotionless and pragmatic for the most part, though just occasionally a spark of what he once was before the Alpha Test will shine through.

History: Taken from his home for the Alpha Test, Arcturus was the favoured labrat for the combat system, as he was skilled in several martial arts and with the sword. At first, it was easy - clunky, jerky movements with no skill or tactics, and he cut them down imagining them to be his kidnapper. But they learned quickly, and soon it was a struggle to stay alive. Even as the rudimentary stat system boosted his ability, the monsters grew almost too fast for him to manage. Soon enough, his days became a constant haze of frantically battling against overwhelming odds, trying to come up with new tactics over and over again, only to get cut down in agony as a sword or axe or spell ripped him open.

However, it went both ways - in time, Arcturus learnt the loopholes in the system, the way the mob AI worked, and unlike them, he was not limited for the sake of the players. He discovered exploits, and while many were patched, some were inherent to the very nature of the game and had to be left in. He gamed the system, learning to control and shift the attention of mobs, how best to kite them, their tactics, their allies, spawn rates and common stomping grounds.

By the time of the release, he had long since stopped using sword skills, recognising them for the trap they were - the pause at the end left a dangerous opening for an enemy attack. Instead, he relied on his learnt abilities, altered slightly to avoid triggering any of the preprogrammed attacks. Today, he is one of the most deadly and combat-effective players in the game, but also one of the most broken, countless cycles of violence and death having irrevocably shattered something inside him.
Ellri said
One issue we can see with the concept. The society is more medieval than anything, thus clocks aren't readily available. This isn't steampunk or gearpunk, but rather relatively low fantasy. The only known source of magic are the Relics. everything else operates on a standard medieval basis with normal laws of physics. The few clocks that might exist would be situated upon massive structures, typically things like great universities. Solar clocks and water clocks could exist all round, though. Oh, and this isn't earth. The clocks, if they exist in reliable fashion at all, probably won't be base 12. The relic concept's ability to disintegrate objects seems too easy, with no real restrictions. Like we're doing in the criticism on another sheet, we'll suggest exploring the idea of a single primary ability rather than the numerous ones here.One quick question: how controlled would the object disintegration/aging be? If he can't quite control the level of aging or exactly what is aged, it would be more acceptable to have it powerful. Kinda like the ability of the character Alessia by Sundered Echo (see CS thread). She can for example create a hemisphere of knee-shaking fear, but she can't control who it affects. It affects everyone in range except herself, allies and foes alike. As such, it is a double-edged sword. The more powerful an effect is (especially ones that are physical), the shorter the range is. Moving outside of time can too easily be abused, thats how we feel about it. Still, we see much potential in a time-messing relic concept.

Alright, fair enough.

Eye of Time, v2

Chronal Drain: The Eye has a constant minor draining effect on everything in close proximity to its bearer. This serves to fuel it, but also accelerates the aging of its bearer's possessions. This can be accelerated in an emergency, but the disparity between energy drained and charge gained increases drastically. The maximum charge is reached over [whatever base the world's time is in] days.

Chronal Shunt: The Eye can discharge some of its stored chronal energy. This energy is ejected along the line of the bearer's vision and ages the first thing it comes into contact with by an appropriate amount considering its mass, composition, the energy discharged and inherent Spirit, the last of which greatly mitigates the effect.

Chronal Inversion: The Eye can invert the time of objects which are fully within the bearer's field of vision and can be seen with clarity. This allows burnt paper to be restored, blotted writings to become legible and so on. The amount of chronal energy this takes depends on the mass of the object, its composition and its inherent Spirit, the last of which greatly mitigates the effect.

Relative Chronology: The bearer of the Eye can expend its charge to increase his personal time relative to the world's, making him appear to move much faster. This costs a great deal of charge, and can only be sustained for [whatever base the world's time is in] minutes.

Chronal Knowledge: A passive effect, the bearer of the Eye always knows exactly what time it is and can tell how old anything he's looking at is. He also gains a rough judgement of how much chronal energy is required to produce a desired effect, but the constant flux in the world's timeline means that the precise amount changes from moment to moment, making the measurement an average rather than an absolute.

Preliminary character concept:

Arcturus, Knight of Stars
Precognition/Clairvoyance. Passive combat precog and 360-degree awareness, requires focus to look further afield or into the future. Skilled in spatial magic such as teleportation and temporal magic such as haste/slow. Special ability The Stars' Cold Light, allowing him to see through all illusion and deception.
If I knew it any more, I'd have gone straight to that. Thanks anyway.

I've been having a bit of problem recently. A while back, I lost the password to my old account. It's here. I haven't been much bothered by it until recently - I'm trying to reboot an old demon/human 1x1 I had going on there, and I wanted to take a look at the original version. The thing is, it was done on PM, so I've not been able to get at it. If it isn't too much trouble, could I possibly get the posts copied? It should be somewhere in the inbox.

At present, I have enough RP partners. This thread is currently closed to new interest. Sorry.

Greetings, reader, and welcome to my search for RP partners!

A little about me & my expectations
I am a bit of a Grammar Nazi. High levels of grammar, punctuation and spelling are a must in my RP partners. Similarly, posts must be well-written and flow properly. I don't mind if they're short, provided there's a good reason for it - dialogue, for example - but all posts should be written to a high standard.

My Rules & Preferences
I am fairly open in what I will RP; where I draw the line is largely determined by my partner's preferences and the context of the situation - I'll go further if it would fit with the RP. There are lines I will not cross (incest, for example), but most things are fine - gore, swearing and so on simply adds to the realism.

I play male characters exclusively, since I have no experience at playing female characters and I'd probably do it horribly. I don't RP MxM, as I'm not comfortable with it personally, though I have nothing against such a paring in general.

RP Ideas - Please PM me if you find one you like. I have intentionally left the titles ambiguous and open to interpretation. Don't hesitate to make other suggestions.
Key: * is something I especially want to do. The more asterisks, the more I want to do it.

Science Fiction
The Genius & the Military
Stranded on an Alien World
Alien Invasion*
Terrible Discovery / What Man was Not Meant to Know / Breaking the Laws of Nature
Origins of Man
The End of the Universe / Travelling Between Dimensions
Empire of Man*

All Wizards are Evil
Human Overlords
The Last Wizard
A New Type of Magic*
From Across the Sea*
A Self-Taught Mage
An Unlikely Friendship

Discovering a Lost Artifact
The Mechanism
The Expedition
The Lost City**
(Demon)/Human Researcher *** - this is a reboot of an old game on an account I've forgotten how to access. The original iteration involved a human researching dimensions, and finally building a successful portal only for a Demon Lord to emerge and offer her incredible power in exchange for her help in taking over the world. If the person I was running that with actually reads this and it sounds familiar, please do PM me if you want to reboot it. It was one of my favourites and I'm extremely annoyed that I can't get back into my old account to so much go over it, never mind find your name and PM you about a reboot as I'm going to do with all the dead ones on this account. Partner Found

Fandoms - I will usually be playing as the protagonist unless otherwise noted or you make a good argument for a different character. You may take any canon character or OC you wish.
Harry Potter (Luna Lovegood is a favourite here, by the way)*
Artemis Fowl
Lord of the Rings (I will be playing as an OC. I don't like hobbits. Not badass enough :P)*** - I just saw Battle of the Five Armies. I'm in a Tolkien mood. Partner Found
Percy Jackson*
Septimus Heap
Anything by Garth Nix (Sabriel, Keys to the Kingdom, the Seventh Tower)**
Star Wars
Star Trek
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (no Dovahkiin NPC; if there's a Dovahkiin, they'll be a PC.)
Anything DC or Marvel (may include any established characters as NPCs)
Sword Art Online (absolutely no Kirito, even as an NPC - PCs take the place of the badass solo character(s))
Attack on Titan (like SAO, absolutely no Eren. My character will be the Titan Shifter.) Partner Found
Rosario + Vampire
Wildbow's Worm****
Ellri said
Interesting concept. How is it balanced out? What are the disadvantages? How is it "fueled"?just noting down listed abilities:Predict futureAging non-animate objects rapidly to point of disintegrationTurning back time on some objectsShort-term time stopsThe aging one seems the one with greatest potential for being overpowered. It needs some means of limiting itself. Perhaps related to how the relic is "fueled"?Also, the short-term time stop doesn't entirely make sense. Perhaps replace it with something about him tweaking time to seemingly blink across greater distances, but keeping the limiter of once every days at best.

Alright. Essentially, you know that aging effect he has on things around him? That's the Eye drawing in local time to fuel itself. From exhaustion (the hand on 12 and dull), it can fully fuel itself in 12 days (the hand on 12 and glowing gold.) He can accelerate the drain for an emergency charge, but the discrepancy between the charge he gains and the time drawn from local objects increases massively - his armour and weapons would just disintegrate from age.

Thus, the aging of something is actually simply discharging time from the Eye into other objects en masse. This has to do with W=J/s, - the same amount of chronal energy hits harder when introduced in a smaller timeframe.

Disintegrating a single arrow would take up perhaps a quarter of an hour's time, a siege bolt two hours, a stone from a trebuchet half a day and so on for larger objects. The reason people are resistant to this is that their Spirit naturally compensates for temporal flux - the expressions 'killing time', 'the time flew by' and 'it seems like only yesterday' are far more literal than anyone thinks.

The time stop thing doesn't seem illogical to me. What it's really doing is projecting Raxas outside the timestream. To him, it seems like time has stopped, but really he's just in a little loop off to the side of the main timeline. And this is also key to its function - the very presence of the Eye affects time in a fundamental manner, the way it manipulates it causing tangles in the timeline. When an external loop is created, it's due to the Eye unlocking the snarl of time that its presence has created in such a way that the threads of the timeline snap back into place, creating a temporary surge of chronal energy that fuels the external loop.

This means that, contrary to what the Kalesians think, it would be a very bad idea to go for a whole year without discharging the Eye's time stop function - wait too long and the timeline can be irreversibly altered and damaged.
NoobCW said
TheMasterNarrator: Not sure what you exactly mean but ima try to explain :P . Lets say that MP's a fuel tank and casting ability's a Car. The larger the fuel tank, the larger the capacity of use. But, no matter how big is the fuel tank, if a car is something like Pinto, the car wouldn't drive well. Sooo the damage comes from casting ability~

Right, that's what I wanted to know. Long hours of stat-grinding ho!

But yeah, definitely interested in this now. Would have been rather SoD-breaking for your casting stat to have less utility than the size of your mana pool.
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