Avatar of TheNextNewGuy
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    1. TheNextNewGuy 10 yrs ago


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Most Recent Posts

(OOC: I added vehicles and fuel/energy.)

Post from Mark Thomas

10 April 2018 (the next day): midday.
Henry's Tavern and Brewery, (Google Map link)
NW 12th and W Burnside, Portland, Oregon


  • Everyone is staying busy:

    • 4 are working on better securing the perimeter.
    • 2 (including Mimi) are preserving food as best we can. (It won't change the number of meals available, but it will reduce the loss that would have occurred due to spoilage. Good call, Antonia/Mimi.)
    • 2 are collecting and organizing other resources.
    • And I am coordinating and helping anywhere that is needed.
  • There is still some despair and resulting loss of efficiency, but I am still happy with the amount of work taking place. Considering the circumstances, we are working well.
  • Nothing spectacular or concerning happens today.

I got my small group, "I Am Legend"-inspired tabletop-like role play up and running. If you are interested, PM me.

And I am eager to get my 1x1 survival tabletop-like role play going, too. This requires one player to write a handful of long term, frequently posted for primary characters and many short term -- even expendable -- infrequently posted for secondary characters. (No profiles necessary. I will manage all of that, as you and I will discuss.)
Post from Mark Thomas

9 April 2018, ~9pm:
Henry's Tavern and Brewery, (Google Map link)
NW 12th and W Burnside, Portland, Oregon

ACTION: I gather my 9 fellow survivors in the 1st floor brew pub, but the noise from the mayhem outside the barricaded doors is overwhelming. We move the gathering up to a 5th floor store room (where we are in the process of setting up a sort of "Command Room").

We talk for an hour or so about our current situation (as outlined in the actions below). I see such a wide variety of expressions and reactions amongst the 9 people with me: fear and anger, despair and determination, panic and clear thinking. In my mind and to myself, I don't blame those who fear that this is the end of their world ... that they, too, will die a horrific death just as those on the streets below have in the days leading up to this one and very well might in the days to come.

I am one of them, to be honest. I may have a plan and a seemingly secure place in which to execute it, but ... I know we're all gonna die here eventually. I don't tell anyone that, of course. One of my greatest qualities as a business owner and people manager is my ability to convey confidence and assurance. These 9 people will never see me falter, I can guarantee that.

ACTION: The following conversation starters from Mark occur during the hour I mentioned above.
  • "The only way we get through this safe and secure ... alive ... is organization and cooperation ... team work."
  • "We need a complete inventory of everything we have in the building and on the grounds." (See more about this below).
  • "We need to check every potential access into this building, too. Windows, doors, sewer man holes, the top of the walls. We HAVE to make sure that these Darkseekers cannot get inside, or we are all dead."
  • "We need to set up living quarters for all of us up here on the 5th and 6th floors. The fire doors will add to our security at night. And we need to organize a rotating watch ... maybe 2 people awake at all times ... I don't know ... does anyone have that kind of military or security experience, to organize something like that?"
  • "And we need to see what kind of help is available to us from the outside ... the government, the army, the national guard, the cops ... whoever."

Everyone pitches in, and we begin.

ABOUT INVENTORY: The result of the inventory we take is as follows. (I am sure I will add more areas of inventory as they are suggested to me.)
  • Food:
    • Because we are a tavern, brewery, and restaurant, we have LOTS of food.
    • Meals: 1,000 servings
    • Well balanced, for now.
    • We don't have lots of "canned" or "packaged" food because our menu was relatively local, green, and sustainable.
    • We have more perishable food than we can possibly eat before it goes bad, though. Any ideas?
    • We have a freezer full of various items, but -- like I said -- the menu didn't call for lots of long lasting food stuffs.
  • Drink:
    • Beer: lots!
    • Wine and liquors: enough.
    • Fresh water: we are still getting water from the City, which goes through our filtering system. We're good for now.
    • Juices and such: lots!
  • Weapons: We could get very detailed about models and calibers of weapons, but we won't.
    • Rifles: 5; 2 with a scope. Ammunition: 200 rounds.
    • Shotguns: 3. Ammunition: 60 rounds.
    • Pistols: 6. Ammunitions: 120.
    • Bows: 2. Arrows: 20.
  • Vehicles (in the parking area inside the "secured" parking area):
    • Compact electric delivery cars, 2. Charged.
    • Compact hybrid delivery vans, 2. Charged.
    • Personal vehicles: 4 (yet to be described). Fueled.
  • Fuel and energy:
    • Electricity: still getting power from the grid.
    • Emergency generator, diesel. Fuel: 200 gallons.
    • Gasoline (stored): none. (See vehicles above.)
  • Sleeping needs:
    • Everyone brought their own sleeping bag(s), and most brought some sort of pad.
    • It would be nice to have some real mattresses.
    • Mark has a fully furnished bedroom (for late work nights).
  • Flashlights: 18 (of various types). Batteries: insufficient, depending upon use.
  • Tools: the Brewery has a small shop, but its just your basic repair tools.


  • Mark Thomas: Owner/Operator of Henry's Tavern and Brewery, NW 12th and W Burnside, Portland, Oregon. (Google Map link)
  • Mimi Bryce: Mark's friend; "Henry's waitress; PSU student.
  • (To be named here as the position is filled).
  • (To be named here as the position is filled).
  • (To be named here as the position is filled).
  • (To be named here as the position is filled).
  • (To be named here as the position is filled).
  • (To be named here as the position is filled).
  • (To be named here as the position is filled).
  • (To be named here as the position is filled).


  • 2016: A genetically re-engineered measles virus, originally created as a cure for cancer, goes into human testing.
  • 2017: Preliminary results are spectacular. FDA approval results in worldwide distribution of the "cure".
  • 2018:

    • The "cure" mutates within the immunized, becoming a lethal, highly contagious virus.
    • The new virus comes to be called "Rabies 2.0" because, after it kills 90% of those immunized, the remaining 10% turn into predatory cannibals.
    • The Press comes to call these mutated survivors "Darkseekers" because sunshine -- specifically the ultraviolet light in it -- causes them intense pain and, with long enough exposure, can kill them.
    • And the illness quickly spreading across almost the whole of the planet comes to be called the "Darkseeker Plague".
  • April:

    • 6th: The first cases of Rabies 2.0 are reported in Portland.
    • 7th: Mark Thomas invites friends and employees to hide with him behind the secure doors of his business, Henry's Tavern and Brewery. (Google Map link.)
    • 8th: As mayhem erupts across the city, Mark and his new "roomies" secure the building's doors and windows.
    • 9th: Our story begins. (See the IC thread.)

  • This role play currently (16 April 2016) has two players, one of whom is the host, who are each writing one player character, so far.
  • We are accepting 1-4 more writers for 1-3 characters each.
  • My goal is to have 9 long term, very involved PCs and, possibly, a few more PCs and NPCs who are short or long term and called upon as necessary.
  • PM me to join or post your interest in the Interest Check Thread. Please do not post your interest in this thread.


  • Will like both short, action-based replies and longer, descriptive posts.
  • Will post at least 15 times a week (once the role play is up and running). The short action-based posts should make this frequency easy.
  • Will check their spelling, grammar, and punctuation before posting.
  • Will not disappear for days at a time.
  • Will play more than 1 character of different types. 2 each would be nice, while 3 or more would be even better. However, don't take on more than you can handle. I would rather you wrote 1 character well than 3 characters poorly.

Okay, we have begun this: link

Check out the IC, OOC, and Characters threads, and if you are interested, PM me. Please do not post your interest in the OOC. Post it in this interest check or -- better yet -- PM it to me.


The judge emerged from his chambers and ascended the steps to the bench. He looked out upon the packed court room, setting his gaze for a moment on Mark Thomas who had been sitting in the last row of seating every day of the trial. He looked down to sheet of paper before him, then -- after a deep, steadying breath -- told the gathered what they all had been expecting: a lack of concrete evidence, shaky eye witness testimony, and a questionable but legally acceptable alibi were forcing him to dismiss the case against the accused.

Even as the reluctant dismissal was still being read, Mark stood, glared first at the judge draped in black robes and then at the defendant dressed in a $5,000 suit. He turned and departed without a word, even though he had some choice ones he could have spoken. Mark was down one hall and a stair case and heading down a second hall and around a corner, when he turned and hesitated. A man in a cheap suit came around the corner and found himself first face to face with Mark then slammed against the wall by the man.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm a cop!" the man said as he held his hands out to the side in a surrender gesture. "Relax. I was told to keep an eye on you. Sergeant Davis. Tom Davis, Chicago PD."

"Why?" Mark growled. "Why are you following me?"

"You're kidding, right?" Davis laughed. "Ruben Lewis killed your girl friend--"

"Fiancee!" Mark corrected, still holding the cop tight against the wall. "She was my fiancée!"

"Yeah, sure ... for about five seconds," the cop responded, showing the depth of his knowledge of the case. In a softer voice, he continued, "You proposed to your girl friend. Then, before you can even get the ring on her finger, Lewis puts a bullet through her. Then ... the judge lets him go...? And you want to know why I'm following you...?"

To both sides, Mark caught motion. He glanced quickly both ways to find the court house's uniformed security hurrying his way.

"Relax, guys!" Davis said in both directions, waving the cops down. He looked to Mark and asked a bit annoyed, "Do you mind?"

Mark backed away a step, checking his surroundings to gauge the situation as was his nature.

"Listen, Mark ... do you mind if I call you Mark?" Davis asked respectfully. "Or do you prefer Special Agent Thomas."

"I don't do that anymore," Mark responded. When the local LEO gave him a questioning glance, Mark explained, "I quit the Agency yesterday."

"Why?" Davis asked, adjusting his mussed suit and shoulder holster. "Why quit? And why now?"

Mark could see in Davis's eyes that he knew the answer already. Mark couldn't very well continue to be a Special Agent with the CIA, working undercover in foreign locations, and simultaneously seek retribution for his fiancée's murder, albeit collateral damage in an attempted mob hit. No, just as he did with each of his espionage assignments over his 14 years with the Agency, Mark was going to have to give his all to his new assignment.
Weathering the Storm: A "Black Sails" Adventure


William Blakeson rose from the throne-like chair as his oldest friend entered his quarters. The crew of the Stormy Dawn had spent more than three hours discussing William's future as Captain of the pirate ship. The expression on Quartermaster's face was the first indication that the vote hadn't gone William's way. The four men following in behind Louis -- flanking him with their daggers, swords, and pistols at the ready -- were his second clue.

"So, are they sending me to shore?" William asked, the sound of his own sword dangling at his side reminding the four men that he was still armed. He continued his inquiry as he rested his hands casually on the butts of the already cocked flint locks in his belt, "Or just sending me overboard?"

"You know the Articles, Captain," Louis said. One of the men behind him cleared his throat conspicuously, to remind the Quartermaster that Captain Blood was Captain no more. Louis took notice of the correction with a half glance back and the continuation, "You will not be harmed so long as you go willingly."

"I know the Articles," William repeated back to his Quartermaster. William was, after all, the primary author of the code of conduct that for the past six years had governed the Storm Dawn, its captain, its crew, and its distribution of revenue. William glanced to the four nervous crewmen spread throughout what used to be his quarters, then looked back to Louis. "I don't suppose anyone a little less likely to shoot me in the back is here to escort me from the boat."

A short while later, William was looking up at the Stormy Dawn as the four men who had chosen to disembark with him rowed their launch toward shore. On the deck, some of William's former crew men jeered, while others simply stared on. Even at the growing distance, William could see regret in the eyes of some of the men. While he knew that some of the pirates were angry about the lack of recent prizes and the low revenues that came from those merchant ships they had boarded, William knew that some of the men had likely voted him out because of pressure from the men upon whom their lives depended.

It didn't take long to reach the Nassau docks from the Stormy Dawn's anchorage, and yet by the time the launch was being tied up, there were more than a hundred people there simply to gawk at the deposed pirate captain. William's men pushed a path through the crowd for the man they would continue to call Captain regardless of his true position until finally they passed through the doors of the Black Gull brothel. William had kept a room here for years, and -- after snatching a bottle of rum with one hand and a scantily dressed whore with the other -- he went directly to it. His men dropped his pair of trunks and weapons -- all he now had to his name -- and, after being ordered to do so, headed back downstairs to get what they needed from the brothel as well.

He set about trying to push from his mind the loss his life had just incurred: he fucked, he bathed, he drank, he fucked again. The next day, he repeated. And the next.

It wasn't until the fourth day, that he called his men to his room and sat them around a table. They visited, laughed, poked fun, and more. But there was an air of concern as thick as an ocean fog all about them.

"What's next, Captain?" one of them, Rollo, finally ventured. "What do we do next ... without a ship ... a crew."

The other three began talking about opportunities of which they'd heard, with other ships. Rollo knew, however, that those opportunities were for crew men only, not former captains. Once a Captain, always a Captain. He looked to William and said with deep sincerity and obvious loyalty, "We're with you, Captain ... no matter what you decide, we'll stand with you."

The other three nodded or spoke confirmation of their shipmate's statement, despite each knowing that they would likely have to go their own separate direction to earn. William thanked the men for the loyalty, toasted to their futures with the last of the rum, and told them with total honesty and humility, "I know not what our next move is, men. But ... I assure you ... we will sail together again ... and soon."

They finished their drinks, laughed some more, talked about whores and alcohol and their love for both, then broke up to return to spending their quickly emptying purses on both. William caught Rollo by the arm, asking him to stay. Once they were alone, he pulled out a second bottle of rum, sat down closely to the man, and whispered to him, "You know what my next move is."

Rollo looked hesitant, even doubtful. Also in whisper, knowing that even in these private quarters -- possibly even more so than in the whore house's other rooms -- the walls have ears, he responded, "Captain ... we have no ship ... no crew ... and no specifics on the Urca's location."

William only smiled, swigged at the bottle, and confirmed his friend's statements. He added with a laugh, "But what else do I have to do? After the coin runs out ... after the bottles are empty, the thighs clamped shut--" He nodded toward the closed door. "The room locked to me. What am I to do then but dream ... dream big ... dream big of shiny things...?"

Rollo nodded his agreement, lifted his mug for a toast, and said, "To shiny things."
Sorry, wrong thread
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