Yoromatsu's eyes had a slight bit of surprise in them. He turned his head to Unmei. "Excuse us." Yoromatsu stood up and dragged Takahiro out of his seat and out of earshot of everyone. "Would you mind keeping your voice down when speaking of things like this?" Takahiro shook free of Yoromatsu's grasp.
"Don't blame me for her superhuman hearing." Takahiro rolled his eyes.
"She would not need superhuman hearing considering how loud you were. But tell me more about this... "bad mojo." you sensed." Yoromatsu kept an eye on Unmei. He definitely did not want her hearing this conversation.
"It feels... cold. And malicious." The two were careful to keep their voices down. "But the strangest thing is that when I try to get a lock on it, it's able to push me out."
"Her power?" Yoromatsu guessed, deep in thought.
"Not likely." Takahiro shook his head. "It feels foreign. I fear to see what will happen when she awakens. If she awakens."
"What are you trying to tell me?" Yoromatsu asked, straightening the tie of his school uniform.
"I think we should send her home. Dude, i'm scared of her. I fear what will happen if we allow her to realize her potential and awaken." Yoromatsu shook his head.
"Takahiro. I will not send her home. We need recruits. Even you can't deny that. The Shadows are getting out of control. It's getting to be more than you and I can handle. Our numbers are thinned. Whether by death or by resignation, we're not as large as we were before. If we're going to protect mankind, we have no choice but to accept all the help we can get." This seemed to put Takahiro out a bit.
"Tsk, whatever man. But don't say I didn't warn you." He turned off and walked away, back upstairs. He glanced at Unmei as he passed her. Yoromatsu approached Unmei.
"I'd like to apologize for my friend. He's a hard ass, not too easy to get along with, but he's mostly harmless."