"Hello and welcome to the Velvet Room. Here, you must post your character after being accepted. Remember to add an inventory field for items and money you gain throughout your journey. More things to come."
Elizabeth's Requests
Here, you can accept tasks given by me in exchange for rewards. Most have no time limit and can only be done once by any particular person.
Requests for April
4/9 - Draw me a picture.
Description: Draw me a picture of SEES together. Bonus points if it's in color.
Reward: 1500VT,
Bonus: 500VT
4/9 - Battle Speechset
Description: Record a battle speechset for your character.
Reward: 500VT, Skill Card [See shop for Skill Card]
4/9 - Defeat the Guardian.
Description: There is a powerful Shadow on Tartarus's fifth floor. Defeat it for me and bring back proof of the kill.
Elizabeth's Shop
Welcome to my Shop. You can find various items for sale here. Keep in mind, the only currency we accept are "Velvet Tokens." These tokens can be found throughout Tartarus and by defeating both regular Shadows and Boss Shadows. Some of my requests also offer Velvet Tokens as a reward.
Items for April
-Skill Card: Choose a skill from your Persona's skill list. Your Persona learns that skill. Note that you must have the skill before your chosen skill in order to obtain it. For example, if the next available skill on your Persona's skill list is "Bufula", you must select Bufula with this card. Cost doubles with each purchase.
Cost: 10,000VT
-Grenade: Deal moderate fire damage to all enemies.
Cost: 1,000VT
-Emergency Signal: Enter the Velvet Room from any location.
Cost: 5,000VT