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Right, deaf, sorry xD.

No worries! Take your time :)
So, question: how do you want to proceed from here? I was thinking we could skip ahead to a banquet later that night and Vol could stumble upon the room where the blind princess is...what do you think?
"My queen, if it is acceptable to you, I would be more than happy to have Princess Helena return to her training. As a captain, I understand the importance of training the mind and body whenever possible. Far be it from me to interrupt the training of such a promising young soldier in Your Majesty's guard." Volgorl knew that Helena didn't want to be there and he couldn't blame her in a sense. Just one look at her and Vol knew that she was a soldier at heart, one who valued self discipline, sacrifice, honor and duty over the royal trappings of wealth. Not that wealth was a bad thing to the captain, but Vol also could respect Helena's work ethic.
"My regards to you, m'lady." Vol bowed politely to Helena before turning to Ada and Katherine, the two beauties now what occupied Vol's attention. They were gorgeous to be sure and upon initial glance, both seemed to be wonderful choices for a bride, but he needed to know more about each individually before making up his mind.

"You are too kind to us, Captain." Ada said with a smile, the princess rather impressed with the soldier's behavior. Volgorl could have very well demanded that all three princesses wait upon him hand and foot...and yet, he refused. He seemed to be a humble enough man to love and care for a woman while being battle hardened enough to ensure that no one would ever cross him. More and more Ada was beginning to see why so many young women in the court talked about Volgorl. He was a...remarkable man.
"We shall lead you to your quarters now and you will have time to prepare for the banquet tonight. Hopefully you will find your quarters suitable."
"I believe I shall, your Royal Highness."
"Of course, if the Queen would have us spend more time with you now, that would be a very fine alternative. We're very curious to ask you about all the goings-on out in the world."
Volgorl issued a greeting about wonderful it was to meet Katherine in response to her courtesy before smiling slightly at Helena's abrupt introduction. She was obviously the "rebellious" daughter of the family. With three daughters, the odds were high for the royal family to have at least one of their daughters go down the route of refusing their birthright in favor of some other philosophy or ideal. Helena seemed to be enraptured with service in the Royal army: her rigid stance, her fierce gaze and tensed muscles indicated that she was indeed trying to become a true soldier. Maybe she was trying a bit TOO hard, but Volgorl could admire someone who wanted to throw off the shackles of wealth and fame for the life of a servant. However, it wasn't she that truly attracted his attention. Both Katherine and Ada were...well, in a word, breath-taking. Their beauty was indeed worthy of all the praise that was lauded upon them.
"You honor me with your presences." Volgorl once again bowed politely.

"And you honor us, dear Captain. After all, is it not you who routed the Rakya with nothing but one hundred troops? You saved our Kingdom. It is our pleasure to have you featured here in our palace." Ada took Volgorl's arm and linked it with her own, the young princess going through the same exact welcoming routine that she always used: tell the person how great it is for them to be there, praise their accomplishments, get just slightly physical in order for them to further let down their walls and then, if negotiating, begin to plant the seeds of change. They weren't in negotiations this time...although, in a sense, they were. Even if the three girls were put into these proceedings against their will, they were negotiating who had the right to marry this man. Ada noted his handsome face, especially his eyes...it was as if his eyes could peer into your very being and extract nothing but positive energy.

She admired that.

"We have much planned this evening, including a grand feast for you and all those who have returned home. You will of course be staying in the castle the next few days. I hope you don't find that too objectionable?"
"No, no, of course not, m'lady."
"We'll guide you to your quarters in just a few moments."
Cool beans. By the way, I love how utterly different the three princesses are xD
I just did the third one...do you want me to go back and edit it so it's all three?
With her feet propped up on a couch cushion and a book in her lap, Ada was rather pleased with the world. She was finally alone with her thoughts and a wonderful tale from that mysterious author simply known as "The Weaver". Whoever this "Weaver" character was, he or she knew how to spin a good story. Ada could get lost in these books for days on end, shirking her responsibilities as princess and royal representative to the kingdoms around her. Of course, the dutiful Javier was always there to snap her out of her ruminations in order to appear at this banquet or speak at this occasion. Out of the three royal daughters, her father had chosen her to represent the royal family to other nations as an ambassador. She was honestly surprised at first that he hadn't chosen Katherine; after all, Katherine was the prettiest. However, Katherine had a penchant for arrogance and wouldn't be well received at locales where she had to exhibit any sort of social grace or tact(at least, Ada thought her sister was full of herself). Then there was Helena who would be glad to switch places with the common soldier and shirk her birthright for the glories of battle. Helena was the odd duck of the family, yet Ada got along much better with her than Katherine. Helena wasn't caught up in her own image and therefore was much more willing to sit down and talk TO you rather than AT you. A big difference inde...
"Ms.Ada?" Javier's dark brown face peered into the library.
"Yes, Javier?"
"Captain Volgorl is here. Please go down to the main hall."
"Of course, Javier. Do you think I look somewhat presentable?" Javier smiled.
"Ms.Ada, you look marvelllooouuuss."
"I can always count on you for some moral support, can't I?" Ada stood up, stretching her arms overhead.
"Fine then. Let's see this Captain."

Volgorl followed the Queen into an even gaudier space where a retinue of servants stood on either side, their lines perfect and symmetrical. They would make great soldiers if they could swing a blade. In the center of the large space was a long table covered with the finest silk, an array of finger foods situated on the table. The trio of princesses stood at the closest end of the table, two of them in very stunning dresses, while the other appeared to be rather haggard in appearance. Vol couldn't help but feel slightly guilty about this "selection process"; he didn't know these women and they didn't know him...yet he was going to be essentially forced to choose one? He would have to see how the next few days would play out and hopefully, maybe he can convince himself and the woman he chooses that he isn't just some power hungry captain who wants a piece of the royal pie. One of the princesses, dressed in a gorgeous green gown, approached him and curtsied, saying:
"My lord Volgorl, welcome to the Royal Castle. I am Princess Ada." Volgorl bowed slightly, responding:
"Princess Ada, it is my pleasure to meet you."

Would the others be so brave to introduce themselves?
Maybe have it be the Queen who introduces the princesses?
The palace glistened in the sunlight, it's ivory facade polished so fine that it almost reflected light back onto any who stared at it. Towers jutted up haphazardly at various places on the castle roof, the structures serving as vantage points for archers as well as excellent hiding places for deeds that the royal family wouldn't want exposed to their adoring public. To be fair, the royal family had engendered a peaceful and prosperous reign ever since they had seized power from King Larien forty years ago...and yet, rumors about their illicit affairs behind closed doors leaked through to the commoners, pubs and inns across the Kingdom crawling with what the Prince did to this other Princess and what the King had told to one of the ambassadors of Nagalyen, the most gracious and conservative Elven realm known to all. In all honesty, Volgorl despised the controversy that surrounded the royal family.

How ironic it was then that he had been invited to become a member.

A few months ago, the Rakya tribe had deemed the entire Kingdom a blight upon the land and attempted to conduct a religious cleanse, sweeping through villages and burning whatever and whoever they could to ashes. They were closing in quickly on the capital city and the King was getting desperate, so he sent Volgorl's unit down to intercept the raiders as a distraction. Essentially, Vol led one hundred soldiers on a suicide mission to ensure that the rest of the army had a chance to mobilize and pick off whatever Vol and his unit hadn't taken care of. By some stroke of magic or luck or divinity, Vol and his unit managed to catch the raiders by surprise and slaughtered the whole company, inspiring fear in the Rakya. Vol was commissioned to lead the charge into Rakya territory a week later and a campaign in the south occurred for two months which finally broke the Rakya's back, the tribe surrendering after thousands of casualties on both sides. A weary, bloodied Volgorl was greeted by his King on his return with an invitation to marry one of his daughters and become a part of the royal bloodline for his heroic actions. He had wanted to turn it down so desperately, but he knew that if one was given an invitation of this magnitude, one should not turn it down.

"Captain Volgorl!"

Vol's piercing aqua irises peered down to one of the royal servants who had intercepted him at the entrance of the palace.
"Please go inside, my lord. I shall take your mount."
"I can lead it to the stable myself."
"But my lo..."
"Thank you, but I'll lead him there." Vol dismounted from his steed and clapped his hand on the servant's shoulder, shooting him a half smile.
"After all, you probably have preparations to make for yet another feast, eh?" Without a word, the servant scuttled off.

His horse situated in the royal stable, Vol entered into the palace, his broad shoulders at attention. He smoothed his short ash brown hair back, the hair rebelliously going forward once more. He could lead men into battle and yet his own hair couldn't be tamed. Sighing to himself, he continued to stroll forward into the main hall. The grandiose nature of the hall was explicit: gold and purple drapes hanging on the walls, ornate carvings lining the silk carpet that ran down the center of the room and up the marble staircase. He noted that a young woman of comely appearance stood at the top of the staircase..
Well, that was awkward. Here it is xD
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