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    1. TheRedWatcher 7 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Married. I got married. To Elden Ring. Gave me a ring and everything and I am like yes please
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“Can you cover a smidge more of rent this time?”

“I’ll see what I can do,” he tried to mumble quietly on the phone hidden in an alcove between two school buildings.

“Oh honey thank you,” his mother replies with breathiness. Exactly did she expect him to do? He had school and then had to go to work immediately after.

Seemed the only thing he had to himself these days was this stupid deck and even that didn’t seem like it was worth anything. A few kids had already begun to talk about the past, which is the reason why he wasn’t in any clubs. He was called The Student Killer Transfer Student. Long winded titled that irritated him.

“Yeah no problem, I’m at school though so don’t call me in class,” Katsunosuki told her. He hears his mother scoff on the other end.

“I am your mother, I’ll call you when I want,” she tells him.

“And that gets my phone taken away then you can call me all you want, but that time I really won’t answer,” he tells her.

“When did you get so rude?”

When did she gets so naggy? When he was younger he was the one taking care of her. He remembers her coming home drunk and how them living together now was some kind of redemption for her. And his second chance for her. She may not be drinking any more, but she always found a way to dodge responsibility. Nothing seemed to have changed and he felt rage boiling over at every slight indiscretion.

“I’m at lunch, I want to enjoy it,” he tells her and hangs up before she can say anything else. When he was younger he probably would have sought to seek hitting some punching bags. But these days that didn’t seem to do it with being overtired from school and juggling work. Paying the bills and other adult responsibilities. Maybe he should drop out?

But imagine how he’d look in Japan then? The things people would say about him then. They already called him a lazy student, who didn’t care about his education. Who didn’t put any effort into his work? Yet here he was trying to take a call from his useless mother and study for this next big test. He spent most of his lunch hour trying to catch up.

But it was tiresome and he couldn’t focus because he was tired and unfocused. How did they expect him to get home at 9 pm, to do homework, and somehow manage four to five hours of sleep and focus in class? Fuck them all. Fuck them. He wished to see them get their just desserts. Or something in this world to make them understand his position.

They try being a student, an employee, doing homework, taking care of their mother, making dinner, paying the bills, and then ask them to focus in school when you have all these other worries. He needed something to punch or beat on. He felt so bottled up most of the time.

What was this dumb card deck anyway? And why couldn’t he throw it away? He had never had interest in this sort of stuff before. Now he was holding onto in his backpack as if it were anything important. Maybe he should join that stupid Trading Card Game Club. The very thought made him laugh though. What a lame thought.
WO WOO WOO CHOO CHOO CHOO. Get on this Hype train yall.
<Snipped quote by TheRedWatcher>

Yes that works, your deck is finished by the way, I'm just finishing up the final touches on your Battlemage, but if you want to post in the IC while I get that done go ahead.

Ight I'll post here soon.
@TheRedWatcher what colour ring did you want?

Blood Orange work?
<Snipped quote by TheRedWatcher>

Id be down for that but only one character per player, so make a decision who you want to choose.

Then Sugita the one I chose. -salutes-
I feel kinda bad for Yamada being the token girl character, all things considered.

Funny thing about that. Was wonderin' 'bout havin' a girl with fairies or elves. As well as Sugita. Gotta wait for the GM approval tho.
@The Narrator@AngelofOctober

Since you guys are the ones giving good advice. You think Fleabite is okay?
Sugita Katsunosuki

Age: 16

T.I.S: 4 months

Nationality: Japanese

He’s kind of cute. Yeah, but I heard some rumors about him. Like, what? Didn’t you hear he threw another student in front of a train? If that really happened he would have been put in jail. Doesn’t allegedly just mean he did it. He seems kind of dangerous, cute, but I think it’s best to stay from him. Has anyone ever asked him his side of the story? No, and why should they? Maybe he’ll throw them in front of the subway too.

Black hair and blue gray eyes, he stands at 5’7”, 170 cm, and weighs 120 lbs, 54 kg. He’s rather appealing to the eyes and also tends to speak in a rather appealing way. The way he structures sentences and formulates his thoughts makes him sound educated, but his grades show the opposite sometimes. He has very even voice and speaks very silvery and honeyed, like velvet being poured into ribbons.


It doesn’t seem like Katsunosuki really wants to be in school. He gets poor grades and seems tired in class all the time. It’s like he doesn’t put any effort into anything. He’s just lazy, but just look at who his mother is.

Is what many say about Katsu. Is what many assume when they see his grades or his lack of focus in class. They rarely get to talk to the hardworking Katsu. Or they rarely get to talk to the Katsu who is trying to make it work.

Or the Katsu dealing with the sense of regret and shame he feels about a current circumstance he cannot talk to anyone about the truth. He has all these secrets inside that make him come off like a dangerous sort of person.

Then again he doesn’t help with the image when he flies off the handle, can be temperamental, odd things tend to trigger him like discussions about suicide or someone insulting him in someway. It’s like the only thing he has to hold onto is his pride and reputation and because of that he lashes out at others who poke and prod his sensibilities.

Simplified he could be described as very tsundere. While he’s prickly in personality, those who get to know the deeper part of Katsu see a gentle, warm individual. Who throws himself out loyally to protect his friends and those who have put their trust into him. He tries to show ways of appreciating them, but often ends up not knowing how.

Katsu is a fire. He is warm and inviting, comforting to be in his embrace. He is a protector and someone who is very shield. But those who get too close to him or simply leap into the flames end up burning the worse.

Hobbies and Interest:

He enjoys high energy task, often choosing to join sporting activities in school such as football [soccer] and basketball despite the criticisms. He also enjoys mixed martial arts and picked some stuff up from school. Video games and board games have always made him feel antsy like he should be doing something else, but if it is something that can gravitate his attention then he’ll sit down and focus on it.

He enjoys also baking, which doesn’t at all suit his personality. Especially the one presented at school. The lazy student who gets poor grades and needs to spend extra time studying to get good grades in school.


He doesn’t think he’s ever lived in a place for more than a few months at a time. Always saying goodbye to schools and going to new ones. He was always the transfer student. There were a lot of rumors about his parents. His father died in a car accident when he was very very young, he barely has a memory of who his father was.

It had just been his mother and him for many years. Except she wasn’t really a responsible adult. In fact half the time he spent time trying to take care of her as she succumbed to drink and different taste in men every night. She’d always lose her jobs and never had enough money to stay in the places they lived in.

Always moving in with strangers he barely knew, but apparently his mother knew them. When he was eleven things started to look like they may have changed. His aunt took him, so his mother could get help and he may have no longer been the transfer student. He looked like he could start a shot at a stable life in Sapporo.

He made friends. He excelled in sports and martial arts, his grades may have always fluctuated, but things were starting to look to the better. His best friend was Arata. They met in the same football team and seemed to like all the same things. Similar taste in music and foods, with of course differences that made them individuals. Always rough housing and spending time together at his Aunt's house.

Arata enjoyed coming over to their house, probably had something to do with the fact that his parents were always fighting and using him as a swinging weight to negotiate their arguments. By the time they were thirteen the happy go lucky Arata seemed sad and sullen.

It also was the time his family dynamic changed when his mother came back, “clean” from her problems and promised him she would do better. His mother lived with his Aunt for a while. Everything could have probably worked out. Till one day Arata and him on their way to school started to weave a dark conversation.

It happened within seconds. He tried to reach out to help Arata as he slipped on the subway dock. Every witness claimed they saw Katsu push his best friend, except the security feed and further investigation would get Katsu off the hook. It sullied his reputation and his name. Fourteen and the constant looks he was given at school. The things other students said about him, the things other families said about their family and the type of child they were raising.

His Aunt was not looking towards moving. She encouraged him that over time the kids would get over it and that it would all disappear. When? When would people forget? It being his mother the offer for him and her to try and make it working living together somewhere else. And they did for a while.

They moved from Sapporo to Asahakiwa. He didn’t know how the news spread, but it seemed like every student here knew the story. And the story was growing into a bigger and bigger monster each time. No one asked him his side of the story. No one believed the police reports or the security footage release. Everyone just painted him off as a monster.

Him and his mother rarely saw each other. She was supporting the both of them with two jobs and he was supposed to be going to school. There was a point at fifteen that this monstrous story nearly consumed him. He almost considered taking his own life.

At sixteen they moved to Shibuya when his mother heard of cheap rent. She also hoped that students in Shibuya wouldn’t have heard the harrowing tales of Katsu’s friend. Again he was the new student and furthermore to help support his mother so she wasn’t breaking her back working so much, he took on a job. But no one in school wants to hear his side of the story, the juggling a job and school and adult responsibilities to help pay phone bills. No they label him a lazy student.
Will work on a character.
<Snipped quote by TheRedWatcher>

Okay then man, write up a CS sheet and I'll get a deck ready, I cant make any promises, but did you have any themes in mind?

Your Interest Check said it was Yugioh based. Was wonderin' if something, something Dragons. Red Dragon Archfiend and Red Eyes Black Dragon was my shit.

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