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Current Married. I got married. To Elden Ring. Gave me a ring and everything and I am like yes please
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@Old Amsterdam

Ye- I might need to clean it up. I realize that I was dead tired. And rereading it my dyslexia may have become apparent. With that said I am not sure what type of Quinque to give him.

WIP - finish when I am not dead tired

Kirihara Haseo

Age: 28

Faction: CCG - First Class Investigator


“Honestly you don’t need to profile me. It’s not like I am going to go off the rails or something. Shit, did I just dig myself into the grave to make you think I will? Forget I said anything.”

Some would honestly call Haseo crazy. He’s honestly been the more dedicated investigators over the years and some think he has a vendetta against Ghouls. He holds a deep seeded animosity towards ghouls it seems. Some have speculated the reasons.

He’s definitely employed some brutal methods in the past when it came down to interrogations. It always seems to everyone that he doesn’t mind being the bad cop, in fact he seems to enjoy making Ghouls piss their pants when he questions them.

Some have questioned whether or not he should be on the force, but his efficiency and hard work has always spoken for itself, even if he doesn’t seem well liked or just a bit off. The fact that he has risen in the ranks on the high profile cases he has in the past makes him a viable asset despite the fact that some think he has cracked.

His love life doesn’t seem to be much better either. A year ago he found himself deeply in love with one very beautiful and compassionate woman, Naoga Yukina. They seem perfect for each other. Her compassionate heart seemed to sooth the deeper bitterness and resentment he had felt over the years and he seemed to bring some confidence out of the timid woman.

Then he stopped speaking about her. Nowadays he avoids the topics and seems to be one of the many triggers he has. Some say he still suffers from his partner's death, some say his cases get into his mind, and others really think he’s always had a screw loose.

He seems paranoid and wildly unstable with his temper at times. But he’s a clever individual, cunning, and clearly can think steps ahead some people. It’s the reason he has closed cases behind him. And why the department keeps him despite his ability to go too far sometimes.

Some of the older guys will complain about Haseo’s wardrobe, while true Haseo wears suit jackets and suit shirts, he refuses to wear a tie, and tends to wear jean pants and shoes with comforting grip. Usually some sort of sturdy treaded boot with a heavy sole.

He is rarely seen without a pair of sunglasses, which often cover the heavy bags around his eyes, though not really his intention to be hiding anything. His clothes often have slight wrinkle to them and some say he’s been sleeping in the office more than usual.

Standing at 5’8”, 172 cms, he’s not the tallest man, but is an imposing figure. He often is a very intimidating, he often has this expression said to pierce into the souls of others. He alone can get the truth out of someone with his piercing blue iris gaze. At 125 lbs, 56 kg, he’s light, but not necessarily thin. Lean and tone you can tell his compact frame has muscle.

He smells of tobacco, often the menthol cigarettes he tends to smoke. And his black hair is often messy and unkempt. His voice, hoarse, though not necessarily in a way that detracts. It’s often husky and silky enough that some say that’s his appeal to women mostly. Elsewise the wrinkly shirt unkempt man probably have nothing else left beside his intelligence.

Quinque - His Quinque is known as the Viper and Tail. They are specially crafted knives that have a thin thread attached to their hilt made of some quinque as well. It's technically an Ukaku type that he throws and can either cut those with his knives or trap them in the threads.

A more modern version of a kunai with chain, but built for speed and trapping. Rather than necessarily outright combat. The knives are a lot thinner than a kunai though, and thus the name Viper as they have the appearance of a viper head. The tail comes in the thin thread that is often heard to see other than in dim light.


Interrogation -

He cracks his knuckles and wears a smile. Taking a puff of his smoke, he flickers the ash on the floor to the chief’s annoyance, he gives a slight “heh, clever bastard thought you’d never get caught, have news for you sunshine.”

He’s always been the one willing to get his hands dirty. Does he have a lack of regret? Or is it some greater sense of self loathing that he chooses the harder job. The one everyone else sometimes is too scared to do, he seems to have no qualms of being the bad guy. He cracks his knuckles and gets inside the heads of even the most notorious Ghoul.

Intimidation -

“If you don’t think I’ll force feed you like ghoul foie gras, then you have another thing coming.”

No one is going to deny the fact that Haseo can be intimidating. He is blunt and cutting and says just about anything that could send a shiver down someone’s spine. But it gets results when you need them.
Two shifts kill me. Workin' on an NPC and an Investigator. Have it done tonight. After I wrangle dinner.
I'll get a response up soon man. I took an extra shift at the corner store. So bare with me. K man.
@TheRedWatcher Ghouls don't taste that well anyway.

The Ghouls are somewhat friendly with the Den. So Fleabite doesn't have to worry about aged meat.
<Snipped quote by TheRedWatcher>

There aren't too many investigators D: Only four (I'm not sure if the fourth one is permanent because they seem to have some secret plot going on). MORE INVESTIGATORS!

Ye boy. I will make an investigator then.

edit - it may or may not be my original idea I just Pmd the GM about tho.
<Snipped quote by AngelofOctober>

Jesus man... I understand it's the wasteland and all but jeez... hope my character doesn't cross your path

Fleabite won't eat you as long as you prove yourself useful to him and not meat. There's meat and there are brains. Brains aren't eaten. Meat is.
Well that's good.


tho tbh if there weren't already so many ghouls and investigators, I'd been one of them. But I feel forced into makin' a human.
<Snipped quote by TheRedWatcher>

Same here.

Hell ye! Cannot wait. Fleabite goin' to confuse the likes of so many people. Cordial and respectful, but then you see his people decorated in bones and shit. Wearing tribal robes.
'Ey, got room. Are you dropping Humans from this RP? I seen this happenin' in other Tokyo Ghoul Rps. Most people don't want to be human humans, and always go for investigators and ghouls.
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