I'm going to convince you how a boy went from a boy to a ten foot tall lizard man in a way that is fairly realistic, and if I can do that you best be betting that I will use it.
Allen knows whatsup
You have my attention.
I'm going to convince you how a boy went from a boy to a ten foot tall lizard man in a way that is fairly realistic, and if I can do that you best be betting that I will use it.
Allen knows whatsup
<Snipped quote by my Lalia>
2/10 thread. Would not creep again.
Also, Lizardwizard, I am a reptile keeper. You are spared.
EDIT: I am now creeping again to directly go against what Allen is telling me to do. Eat yourself, @Mr Allen J.
<Snipped quote by TheWizardLizard>
No and no, it has nothing to do with explosions. Try re-reading the part about John being thrown ;3
<Snipped quote by TheWizardLizard>
Yeah, Valkyr wasn't supposed to arrive until much later.
Also, you made a very terrible decision. If you can't guess what it was, you'll find out in my next post.
Where is everybody? Twelve hours without an OOC post? D:
Who's posting next in the IC?
I want a four door if the group gets a new member but something fast for getaways but not expensive looking.
And also, why did you make John's voice pink? XD