Solomon looked between both girls, surprised at the idea of being trained in archery. "You mean with a bow and arrows? I've never been keen on them. I prefer my staff."
"No, I mean with a bow and swords, silly, like that one character from the Fate: Stayed Night novel," Rose replied, that smile creeping up her cheeks again. "Yes, with a bow and arrows. Archery with a staff doesn't work very well in my experience." She palmed his shoulder and giggled. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't tease you. Seriously though, the Mark of the Hero supposedly gives you the ability to never forget anything you learn. You could master anything you want in a heartbeat. Archery training will give you an invaluable advantage over our enemies. I'm not much good at it, or at fighting in general, but the Princess is a dead shot. She could whip you into shape in a matter of hours or days."
The princess nodded, arms folded and eyes closed in mock solemnity. "Mmm hmm. I'm an expert at shooting with the bow and arrow. I'd make you a master in no time!"
Rose chuckled. "Not tonight, though, not when it's pitch-dark. I say we get some rest."
Amalthea scooted over to Solomon and laid her head on his legs. "I claim the Hero's lap!"
A spark of jealousy came and went. "Enjoy. I'll keep watch as promised."
"I'm not the only one enjoying it, I hope?" The princess asked, deliberately fidgeted over the more sensitive part of his lap before turning up to look at Solomon.
Rose rolled her eyes and settled into a prone position.
I don't really deserve him anyway.
After a few moments of silence, Solomon asked, "Do you think that our enemies would just drop their weapons, turn tail, and retreat if they saw that I had the mark?"
Rose glanced back at him and deadpanned. "No." After a moment's thought, she added: "They might, but then I'd be more worried about what happens afterwards. Why, do you have an idea?"