"At first, I was easily tired by a couple of miles, but If you keep your mind set on something like the sights and all that. As a courier, your head is either in the clouds as you travel, or you're facing some bandits wanting to auction off your deliveries. Haven't lost a delivery yet, though. Apparently, that's rare enough for me to be one of the more reliable couriers."
Rose remembered the early days of her training, when she'd have to run for miles every day and come back with lungs burning and vomit pooling in her throat. Courier work had to be intense. Its only saving grace during those times, she agreed, would have to be all the new sights. During her short time in the Scouts, she visited more new and wonderful places than she'd ever seen in her life. Bandits were a nuisance, and could be trouble if they ever caught her alone, but she never went alone.
Her eyes lit up when he mentioned that he hadn't lost a delivery yet. "No. Way. That is incredible!" she gushed. "I can't- I can't even. My boss would love you. You're like the Super Courier! All the other couriers lose a package or two during their careers. No wonder you get clients like Lord Fardsworth."
Solomon looked ashamed of himself for having boasted. He cleared his throat and tried to change the subject. "Anyways, how about you, Rose? I'd certainly like to know more about you," he asked. His warm smile and undivided attention made her feel like a million crowns. She folded her hands behind her back and changed her gait to a playful march.
"How much more?" she replied. "I mean, I could tell you about healing work, army jobs, and such, but all the really good stuff you're dying to explore is locked behind a ring, three words, and eight letters." That teasing smile of hers tugged at her lips again. Easy on the innuendo, girl. This isn't a date.
Rose laughed and added, "I'm just messing with you. Let's see, where do I start?...oh! Did you know I was a noble's daughter? It's true. We didn't have much land holdings, though, and we were perpetually poor. But I am thankful that we weren't in debt, because it would have been a royal pain in the neck when our parents were killed in the war. Father was a soldier and mother was an alchemist, and they were both serving together on the battlefield when they were caught and killed in an enemy ambush. I was ten at the time. I wanted to follow in mother's footsteps, so when I finished basic education, I entered the Tamren Academy of Sciences to study alchemy. Healing magic was more my thing, however, so after finishing he first year of chemistry, I transferred to Durvain University and never looked back."
She elbowed Solomon in the arm. "Your turn. I have to hear more about your courier work. Can you reveal which clients you worked for, or is that secret? No, I'd better not pry about that. How about this: Do you get lots of high-profile clients? Do you get jobs that would raise more than a few eyebrows if word got out?"