Memory matrix, regeneration boost, limited copy, DNA development, come again? Your magic system is flying over my head with all this terminology.
That's partially deliberate. Magic is often said to require Intelligence, and this detailed system puts some teeth into that. Honestly, though, the main reason it sounds complex is because it's highly thought-out.
I'll try to explain the system a little better.
The concept is this: in order to do something with magic, you must be able to fully comprehend what you want it to do. If you want to hurl a fireball, you can't just picture it in your head and snap your fingers. I mean, technically you could, but the effects would be extremely unpredictable.
For a simple fireball, you must define what's causing the fire, how long you want it to burn, how you're making it ball-shaped, the size of the ball, its position in space, how fast it will travel, and what it will do when it gets there. Calculating everything and keeping all of that in your head simultaneously is a royal pain in the neck.
This is where the "memory matrix" comes in. It's a magic spell that can "remember" all the stuff you want your spell to do, without you having to keep everything in your head simultaneously. You can specify parameters piecemeal. This is a core component of most custom spellcasting.
Healing is an even more complicated beast because human bodies are complicated. The simplest healing spell, and the one we're most familiar with, heals wound faster than normal. This is called a "regeneration booster spell," or booster for short. In real life, though, if you sever a limb and let it heal naturally, the limb doesn't grow back. It just closes. To make the limb grow back, you need to develop it according to the person's genetic profile.
Your spell doesn't know how to do that. You must tell it how to do that. So you must "copy" the person's DNA and write it into the magic spell so your regeneration boost will regrow the missing flesh, not just close it up. But you don't want to copy the exact piece of flesh you're templating from; that would be disastrous. You just want to copy the DNA. So it's a "limited copy."
Most of this spellcasting work can be handwaved away, so you don't really need to know most of this stuff if you don't want to. This is just how it works behind the scenes. That's why I stuck it in a hider. :P