Alright, here he is.

Real Name: Taron Song(宋塔伦)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Alias/Nicknames: Taron
Color Choice: #AF7AC5
Appearance: Taron stands confident and relaxed at his height of 6’2 that lets him look down on most people he meets. This plus a lazy toothy smile that often graces his face give him the appearance of a predator of some sort. This smile rarely reaches up to his strange pale eyes swirling with magic that reinforce the inhuman feeling he gives off to those around him. His black hair is kept at a medium length and is often just swept out of the way of his eyes.
Fortunately for Taron, his other features are alluring enough to offset the natural red flags he sets off on this around him. One might think him a model for how sharp his facial features are, and that sharpness appears to translate to the rest of his body. He is highly defined to the point one might wonder if he is the first ever human with zero fat on his body. Unfortunately for those around him Taron is well aware of how he looks and has decided his crime fighting outfit will simply be a compression shirt and some sweatpants. Of course Taron would never delay a fight just to get changed, so he is just as likely to jump into a fight wearing his street clothes.
Personality: Vain, selfish, and confrontational are all words that have been used to describe Taron, or at least they used to. Ever since returning after being snapped away for five years Taron has been trying to be a better person for both his parents and his new little sister. Of course people don’t change overnight and Taron still has a long way to go before he is considered agreeable or charitable.
Taron loves a good fight, but he doesn’t take losing as badly as one might think. One thing he loves more than fighting is learning better ways to fight, and if he is beaten in a fight he will bug that person to teach him how they did it. Taron is also great at picking fights, especially since he cares little for what others may think of him. This plus his honestly decent people reading skills really help him push the buttons of those around him. Funnily enough if you can get him to stop being an instigating troll he can be pretty insightful and therapeutic to talk to, but good luck with that on.
Unfortunately Taron’s motor can run very low when he finds a topic uninteresting, and he often will either run late or not even show up to these events. This has plagued him all throughout life, and doesn’t appear to be a part of his personality that he is working on.
History: Taron was born in Beijing to a pair of professors from Peking Univerity during an extraordinarily harsh snowstorm. His mother,Anne Cooper, was an American there in the country to teach English, but had fallen in love with a coworker. Now the product of her and the coworkers' love was bundled in her arms, and he was beautiful. They had decided she would get to name him, and his last name would be his fathers. As Anne cried with joy her husband made no move towards the baby. Yuze, Taron’s father, could feel something from the boy that no one else in the hospital could sense. Unbeknownst to his wife, Yuze had previously been a member of Kamar-Taj and was a proficient user of magic. What he could feel from his son was a sort of pull. Like the magic around him and the air was being drawn into the small baby. Yuze put these worries aside for now and chose to celebrate his son's birth alongside his wife, ready to have a very difficult conversation another day.
A few days later Yuze and Anne had a very difficult conversation that mentioned rabbits a few too many times to be productive. That conversation was had many more times before Anne would even consider letting her new baby boy be taken across the country to meet some sorcerer, no matter how supreme they might be. Eventually an exhausted couple and cranky baby arrived on the steps of Kamar-Taj, hoping to find an answer to the strange affliction affecting the child. Taron was put through a multitude of tests by the sorcerers of the temple, and they all came back inconclusive. Magic was being absorbed at a startling rate by the child, but not a single drop of it was emitted in return. Even some of the magic they used to try and test him seemed to not work, merely passing over the child as if he was not there. Unable to come to any real decision about the baby, they decided to send him home, but planned on keeping a close watch on the growing child.
Early on Taron was no different than any normal baby, just as crabby and clumsy as the rest. He cried a lot, but Anne was pretty sure he just inherited his father’s sensitive nature. It wasn’t until he was in primary school that the flashes of what he was truly began to show. A door handle snapped off, a basketball launched over a tower, jumping out of a second story window to win a race. His parents knew they couldn’t put off another visit to Kamar-Taj much longer, along with another explanation on Yuze’s past. Once again Yuze was exasperated with the amount of times rabbits came up in this conversation, but overall Taron took the news that his father knew magic pretty well.
This time the tests came back with some actual answers, though none of them offered explanations. Taron’s body had been continuously absorbing magic his entire life, but never at any point had released it. This high volume of magic had slowly been absorbed into the cells of his body and had begun strengthening it. Unsure of how far this would go it was decided for the rest of the year Taron would be kept on Kamar-Taj to be studied and learn the the tenants of the order. It was thought that perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to educate this superpowered third-grader on the ideas of humility, restraint, and charity.
Taron spent his school years in Beijing with his parents, and his summers in Kamar-Taj training and studying many of their techniques. It was discovered that Taron in no way could use magic, as his body in no way could be made to release any of the energy within it. As such they instead taught him what they could of martial arts as a way for him to calm his mind and channel his strength. Back in Beijing Taron picked up a habit that his parents did not appreciate, vigilante justice. He enjoyed the feeling of saving people, of being thanked, and most of all being in a good fight. The way his blood pumped made him feel a joy that nothing else he experienced could. In search of a good fight his “heroics” turned from stopping a purse thief to hunting down criminals of a more dangerous variety. As he got faster and stronger, he had to get more and more risky with the prey he hunted.
After graduating high school he began to attend his parent’s university where he was a decent student. While he was doing well, he was clearly distracted by his “extracurricular” activities and would often show up to class completely sleep deprived. He was having fun for a few years before the blip occurred, and he was one of the many that were taken away. Suddenly he was in a world that he struggled to recognise, one that had gone through so much with him gone. With the current state of the world Taron is reluctant to admit it, but his need for a good fight is being overwhelmed by the urge to help as many people as possible. The best way to do that appears to be becoming a hero.
Issue #0/Testing Post: The lights of Beijing skyscrapers flew by Taron as he hurled through the night sky. As gravity caught back up with Taron and began to drag him back down to the surface the speedster began to tuck his legs up into his chest. As his legs hit the ground Taron leaned forward and rocketed down the street past the busy traffic. Cars appeared to be in standstill as Taron sprinted through an intersection jumping over a pair of cars that were side-by-side. As he neared the reached a T-intersection instead of stopping he jumped up through an open third story window and ended up in a small market.
Nearby startled shoppers jumped at his arrival before recognizing the college student and returning to their shopping. Taron walked through the aisles and picked up some odd items while whistling a disjointed tune. While Taron rarely did favours for others, his mother was one exception to that policy. After collecting a few items Taron made his way over to the counter and began to chat with the old woman behind the register.
”Any way I can get a discount granny, I am a hero after all?” The old lady shook her head and wagged a finger at the smiling boy, ”The only thing I’m gonna do is make you pay double for the bread for scaring my customers.”
Taron giggled and acted shocked as he grabbed the grocery bag and walked away. ”All I do for this city, and this is how I’m treated? I see how it really is.” The store owner sighed and grabbed a pack of gum and tossed it up for Taron. His lazy smile returned as he jumped up to catch the pack of gum. Then everything went dark.
It felt as if someone else had forced him to blink as light returned to the world once more. Taron’s mind raced as he noticed it was now dark all around him, before he realised the people around him were not the same from before. There was no old granny behind the counter, nor a young couple trying to decide which milk was best, instead a bunch of rough people in dark clothing were moving packages of white powder. Taron at this point had begun his descent back towards the ground from his original jump as he tried to figure out what was going on.
Milliseconds felt like and eternity as Taron struggled with what was happening. Where did everyone go? How did the time change? Did this happen everywhere? Are my parents ok? No, I have to focus on surviving right now. By this point a few of the figures in the room had noticed Taron and in what felt like slow motion began to call out to their allies. As the young man neared the ground he steeled his mind and clenched his fist. I have to get home.
As soon as Taron’s feet connected with the ground a rocketed forward across the room slamming into one of the thugs. As the both tumbled over a table gunfire flew right over them as the gang members let loose. Taron rolled back onto his feet and took off again, this time appearing behind another of the armed thugs. He quickly knocked the thug out before holding him up by the strap of his rifle. Taron squeezed the trigger and let loose a burst of bullet fire forcing the gang members to scatter and take cover. After that he dropped the captured gunman and sprinted towards a table that had been transformed into a barricade after being flipped. Taron fired a kick into the makeshift cover and the two men hiding cried out in pain as they went flying.
Gunfire rang out behind him as the young speedster dashed to a nearby wall, appearing crouched against it for a moment parallel to the floor. Taron quickly surveyed the remaining enemies in the room before launching off of the wall. To the gunmen he was merely a blur only becoming visible for a moment as he changed direction off of the walls. Suddenly one of the remaining food racks exploded as Taron flew through it clotheslining a stray thug. He immediately appeared in front of another one quickly throwing three quick punches before grabbing the man's skull slamming him through another table.
Silence finally filled the room as Taron stood alone in the room amongst a variety of bodies, eyes scanning the room. Suddenly Taron broke the silence with a soft chuckle before letting himself relax for a moment. He strode over to a body and began to search it for any identifying items. Other than a decent combat knife Taron found nothing he thought important before he was interrupted by shouting coming from the other side of the shop's entrance. With a lazy grin Taron strode over to the door and rested his foot against the steel board. With a sudden push the door flew off its hinges into a crowd of armed thugs knocking many of them to the ground. Taron lazily followed the door and strode into the hallway with his arms outstretched.

"I hope you make this a fun fight, cus it was a long walk to get here."
Real Name: Taron Song(宋塔伦)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Alias/Nicknames: Taron
Color Choice: #AF7AC5
Appearance: Taron stands confident and relaxed at his height of 6’2 that lets him look down on most people he meets. This plus a lazy toothy smile that often graces his face give him the appearance of a predator of some sort. This smile rarely reaches up to his strange pale eyes swirling with magic that reinforce the inhuman feeling he gives off to those around him. His black hair is kept at a medium length and is often just swept out of the way of his eyes.
Fortunately for Taron, his other features are alluring enough to offset the natural red flags he sets off on this around him. One might think him a model for how sharp his facial features are, and that sharpness appears to translate to the rest of his body. He is highly defined to the point one might wonder if he is the first ever human with zero fat on his body. Unfortunately for those around him Taron is well aware of how he looks and has decided his crime fighting outfit will simply be a compression shirt and some sweatpants. Of course Taron would never delay a fight just to get changed, so he is just as likely to jump into a fight wearing his street clothes.
Personality: Vain, selfish, and confrontational are all words that have been used to describe Taron, or at least they used to. Ever since returning after being snapped away for five years Taron has been trying to be a better person for both his parents and his new little sister. Of course people don’t change overnight and Taron still has a long way to go before he is considered agreeable or charitable.
Taron loves a good fight, but he doesn’t take losing as badly as one might think. One thing he loves more than fighting is learning better ways to fight, and if he is beaten in a fight he will bug that person to teach him how they did it. Taron is also great at picking fights, especially since he cares little for what others may think of him. This plus his honestly decent people reading skills really help him push the buttons of those around him. Funnily enough if you can get him to stop being an instigating troll he can be pretty insightful and therapeutic to talk to, but good luck with that on.
Unfortunately Taron’s motor can run very low when he finds a topic uninteresting, and he often will either run late or not even show up to these events. This has plagued him all throughout life, and doesn’t appear to be a part of his personality that he is working on.
History: Taron was born in Beijing to a pair of professors from Peking Univerity during an extraordinarily harsh snowstorm. His mother,Anne Cooper, was an American there in the country to teach English, but had fallen in love with a coworker. Now the product of her and the coworkers' love was bundled in her arms, and he was beautiful. They had decided she would get to name him, and his last name would be his fathers. As Anne cried with joy her husband made no move towards the baby. Yuze, Taron’s father, could feel something from the boy that no one else in the hospital could sense. Unbeknownst to his wife, Yuze had previously been a member of Kamar-Taj and was a proficient user of magic. What he could feel from his son was a sort of pull. Like the magic around him and the air was being drawn into the small baby. Yuze put these worries aside for now and chose to celebrate his son's birth alongside his wife, ready to have a very difficult conversation another day.
A few days later Yuze and Anne had a very difficult conversation that mentioned rabbits a few too many times to be productive. That conversation was had many more times before Anne would even consider letting her new baby boy be taken across the country to meet some sorcerer, no matter how supreme they might be. Eventually an exhausted couple and cranky baby arrived on the steps of Kamar-Taj, hoping to find an answer to the strange affliction affecting the child. Taron was put through a multitude of tests by the sorcerers of the temple, and they all came back inconclusive. Magic was being absorbed at a startling rate by the child, but not a single drop of it was emitted in return. Even some of the magic they used to try and test him seemed to not work, merely passing over the child as if he was not there. Unable to come to any real decision about the baby, they decided to send him home, but planned on keeping a close watch on the growing child.
Early on Taron was no different than any normal baby, just as crabby and clumsy as the rest. He cried a lot, but Anne was pretty sure he just inherited his father’s sensitive nature. It wasn’t until he was in primary school that the flashes of what he was truly began to show. A door handle snapped off, a basketball launched over a tower, jumping out of a second story window to win a race. His parents knew they couldn’t put off another visit to Kamar-Taj much longer, along with another explanation on Yuze’s past. Once again Yuze was exasperated with the amount of times rabbits came up in this conversation, but overall Taron took the news that his father knew magic pretty well.
This time the tests came back with some actual answers, though none of them offered explanations. Taron’s body had been continuously absorbing magic his entire life, but never at any point had released it. This high volume of magic had slowly been absorbed into the cells of his body and had begun strengthening it. Unsure of how far this would go it was decided for the rest of the year Taron would be kept on Kamar-Taj to be studied and learn the the tenants of the order. It was thought that perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to educate this superpowered third-grader on the ideas of humility, restraint, and charity.
Taron spent his school years in Beijing with his parents, and his summers in Kamar-Taj training and studying many of their techniques. It was discovered that Taron in no way could use magic, as his body in no way could be made to release any of the energy within it. As such they instead taught him what they could of martial arts as a way for him to calm his mind and channel his strength. Back in Beijing Taron picked up a habit that his parents did not appreciate, vigilante justice. He enjoyed the feeling of saving people, of being thanked, and most of all being in a good fight. The way his blood pumped made him feel a joy that nothing else he experienced could. In search of a good fight his “heroics” turned from stopping a purse thief to hunting down criminals of a more dangerous variety. As he got faster and stronger, he had to get more and more risky with the prey he hunted.
After graduating high school he began to attend his parent’s university where he was a decent student. While he was doing well, he was clearly distracted by his “extracurricular” activities and would often show up to class completely sleep deprived. He was having fun for a few years before the blip occurred, and he was one of the many that were taken away. Suddenly he was in a world that he struggled to recognise, one that had gone through so much with him gone. With the current state of the world Taron is reluctant to admit it, but his need for a good fight is being overwhelmed by the urge to help as many people as possible. The best way to do that appears to be becoming a hero.
- Superhuman Strength - Taron can throw a car with ease and break concrete with his fists, all thanks to the magic swelling within him.
- Superhuman Durability - Taron can take very strong blows, and more importantly can survive some very fast crashes.
- Enhanced Senses - His magic enhanced body has also increased the capabilities of his eyes and ears.
- Flash Step - Taron is able to move at speeds just below the speed of sound, but he grows faster constantly and can feel himself getting close to breaking this barrier. He has no clue what his peak potential is, but is continuously pushing to reach it.
- Bullet Time processing - In order to keep up with his body the magic energy within has sped up how quickly his brain processes information. This has also raised his reaction time to keep up with his insane speed.
- Magic Resistance - Thanks to his unique condition, Taron has a strong resistance to magic of most kinds.
- Combat Knife: A simple yet effective weapon he took off a gang member that he had beat up.
- Straightaway: While Taron can move faster than the human eye can see, he can only do this in a straight line. Turning is proving the most difficult skill to master while training in his ability.
- Hungry for a Fight: Taron is always looking for a fight, and cares little for the consequences that might come from this.
- Magic Resistance: While magic resistance is typically a good trait to have, it becomes much less helpful when one is attempting to go through a portal and ends up just face planting into the wall behind said portal.
- Mostly Self Taught: While the monks of Kamar-Taj attempted to teach Taron what they could, much of it went right over the bored teen’s head.
Issue #0/Testing Post: The lights of Beijing skyscrapers flew by Taron as he hurled through the night sky. As gravity caught back up with Taron and began to drag him back down to the surface the speedster began to tuck his legs up into his chest. As his legs hit the ground Taron leaned forward and rocketed down the street past the busy traffic. Cars appeared to be in standstill as Taron sprinted through an intersection jumping over a pair of cars that were side-by-side. As he neared the reached a T-intersection instead of stopping he jumped up through an open third story window and ended up in a small market.
Nearby startled shoppers jumped at his arrival before recognizing the college student and returning to their shopping. Taron walked through the aisles and picked up some odd items while whistling a disjointed tune. While Taron rarely did favours for others, his mother was one exception to that policy. After collecting a few items Taron made his way over to the counter and began to chat with the old woman behind the register.
”Any way I can get a discount granny, I am a hero after all?” The old lady shook her head and wagged a finger at the smiling boy, ”The only thing I’m gonna do is make you pay double for the bread for scaring my customers.”
Taron giggled and acted shocked as he grabbed the grocery bag and walked away. ”All I do for this city, and this is how I’m treated? I see how it really is.” The store owner sighed and grabbed a pack of gum and tossed it up for Taron. His lazy smile returned as he jumped up to catch the pack of gum. Then everything went dark.
It felt as if someone else had forced him to blink as light returned to the world once more. Taron’s mind raced as he noticed it was now dark all around him, before he realised the people around him were not the same from before. There was no old granny behind the counter, nor a young couple trying to decide which milk was best, instead a bunch of rough people in dark clothing were moving packages of white powder. Taron at this point had begun his descent back towards the ground from his original jump as he tried to figure out what was going on.
Milliseconds felt like and eternity as Taron struggled with what was happening. Where did everyone go? How did the time change? Did this happen everywhere? Are my parents ok? No, I have to focus on surviving right now. By this point a few of the figures in the room had noticed Taron and in what felt like slow motion began to call out to their allies. As the young man neared the ground he steeled his mind and clenched his fist. I have to get home.
As soon as Taron’s feet connected with the ground a rocketed forward across the room slamming into one of the thugs. As the both tumbled over a table gunfire flew right over them as the gang members let loose. Taron rolled back onto his feet and took off again, this time appearing behind another of the armed thugs. He quickly knocked the thug out before holding him up by the strap of his rifle. Taron squeezed the trigger and let loose a burst of bullet fire forcing the gang members to scatter and take cover. After that he dropped the captured gunman and sprinted towards a table that had been transformed into a barricade after being flipped. Taron fired a kick into the makeshift cover and the two men hiding cried out in pain as they went flying.
Gunfire rang out behind him as the young speedster dashed to a nearby wall, appearing crouched against it for a moment parallel to the floor. Taron quickly surveyed the remaining enemies in the room before launching off of the wall. To the gunmen he was merely a blur only becoming visible for a moment as he changed direction off of the walls. Suddenly one of the remaining food racks exploded as Taron flew through it clotheslining a stray thug. He immediately appeared in front of another one quickly throwing three quick punches before grabbing the man's skull slamming him through another table.
Silence finally filled the room as Taron stood alone in the room amongst a variety of bodies, eyes scanning the room. Suddenly Taron broke the silence with a soft chuckle before letting himself relax for a moment. He strode over to a body and began to search it for any identifying items. Other than a decent combat knife Taron found nothing he thought important before he was interrupted by shouting coming from the other side of the shop's entrance. With a lazy grin Taron strode over to the door and rested his foot against the steel board. With a sudden push the door flew off its hinges into a crowd of armed thugs knocking many of them to the ground. Taron lazily followed the door and strode into the hallway with his arms outstretched.