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4 yrs ago
Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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Well, with consistancy out the window, Lord zee replying to himself and some peoples not posting, I guess I'll wait for me to play my part and do it as best I can. (poorly at that probably tooo... xD)

But ok, sure. Let's roll with it and see where the story takes us.

It's just that introducing a new character in the middle of an ongoing RP is difficult. The second post was necessary to give me a hook to write from. We should return to regular posting rounds now, once I've devised a reply.
@ineffable The King still considers her a daughter of sorts, and as such, he wants her rescued with Evelyn.

I have some plot items in mind I need to go over with you, so I'll definitely have to take advantage of that when I have a free moment today. :)
Edward lifted his chin. “Come with me, we need to speak,” he commanded. Then he glanced in the direction of the others.

“In private.”

At the words 'in private,' the Reaper shrank a little. It could either be something really bad worth protecting others from hearing, something really good that might spark envy in others, or something really embarrassing that could hurt someone's reputation. Considering the individual requesting the private audience...

"If this is a marriage proposal, I have bad news: I'm single. Jokes aside, please make this quick, because I have some catching up to do with my friend here." @AtomicNut

Having injected sufficient levity into the conversation, the Reaper sat down at the table, crossed out every line in the contract, and began drafting one anew on the other side of the paper in legalese while waiting for Edward to begin his spiel.

The Reaper looked up to see Edward rocking back and forth. "So? What did you wish to speak with me about?"
Well shit. So they would speak the same language then?

Language can change a lot in a couple hundred years. We can barely understand what our fellow Americans were saying back in 1776, for example. It's not wholly implausible. ;)
@Lord Zee
Just so you know, any RP titled The Faraway Land takes place in the same timeline. This one occurs a couple hundred years prior to the events of the original RP. Druth Vanaerys, the main villain from The Faraway Land, is a young and hormonal teenage battlemage in the service of the Draganites.

Speaking of which, that was who I forgot to bring back to the story!
@Thinslayer I like it but I've always found Tiberius better looked with brown/hazel hair and it's long.

Btw I take it I'm accepted?

Dangit, I didn't read the description closely enough. And yes, you're accepted.

Going picture-hunting again. :P
@Lord ZeeFound a nice face for Tiberius! :D
Oh, snap... Did you just say.... orcs? heavy breathing

*takes bag to breathe into*

Moar plox!

EDIT: I just read the post. I'm curious. What decisions am I allowed to make? Can I just rampage through the lands?

Making decisions is one thing; getting your party to agree to them is another. If everyonw is on board, you can rampage to you heart's content.
Please rescue my daughters!"

Edward gave a toothy grin. “Well what are we waiting for then? Chance to get some revenge on that old Salamander, count me as one of the forward team.”
The Reaper rolled its eyes at him.
Sykes, however, had a different response to the king's request - a facepalm full of salt, not for the King, but for the Reaper. "Come on, Reaps, really?" He rolled his eyes and huffed. After a dramatic pause to survey the city, he folded his arms and turned to face the Reaper. "Princesses and Volcanoes. Mutants and kings. What the hell have you been doing all this time while I was struggling about, Reaps?"
The Reaper shrugged palms-up. "Oh, I was just guiding civilizations, creating races, playing god...you know, the usual. What have you been up to? Building ancient relics for the younger races to stumble upon?" Reaper squeezed Sykes's shoulder and chuckled. "It is good to see you again, friend."

A low growl got everyone's attention. They all turned to locate the source: Ravadon's stomach. It was the Reaper's turn to facepalm. "Ravadon..." the Reaper groaned, dragging its fingers down its face, "...please do not turn into Edward. I have enough hungry gluttons to deal with."

Thankfully, Ravadon didn't have food on his mind.

"My liege, we know there to be very little that can locate dragons, let alone harm them. If we are going to return your daughters here, we can't hope to make it back without any form of support. I'm certain your men will be needed here to defend against all those that lure in the woods, hoping to get in." He paused for a moment as it seemed people were starting to look his way. Ravadon was getting louder again. "As we know, you are a good king. One that places no price on the safety of others, whether these are foreigners in service of you or your very own blood. As such, I'm certain and fully confident that will spare no expense in providing us with the support we need to bring back your daughters. And I know it pains you every second to be without your daughters, so I will keep this succinct. What we and your daughters require from you right now are 3 things..."

"Firstly, a sum of coins. One that is sufficient to get the specialized transport, weaponry and magical ingredients to take down the great red dragon and open the way for your daughters to return.
Secondly, a representative of the crown. A person that might follow up on us and allow for safe passage in name of you, the king.
And thirdly, a specific subset of partners to help us overcome any other obstacle along the way."

Ravadon whipped out a pen and paper and wrote up the draft of a contract. He specified the following party members to be included:

  • The bard, Ravadon of Xyllodan
  • The leader, the Grim Reaper
  • The half-dragon, Edward
  • The representative of the crown, Isabella
  • The ranger, Herodotus Sykes
  • Another ranger
  • A paladin

Admittedly, the last two party member roles remained unfilled. He handed it to the king, expecting it to be signed and stamped. The Reaper ripped it out of his hand and looked it over.

It shot Ravadon a look of contempt - if he could even see the Reaper's face (which he couldn't). "Why do we need two rangers? And why are we contracting people we do not even have yet? No, you know what? Don't answer that. You are the hero now. Do whatever you want. I have had enough crud to deal with for one day." With that, the Reaper turned its back on everyone and let out a long sigh.

Ravadon, the new de-facto leader, had some decisions to make.
@Lord Zee Dude, why are you apologizing? I'm the one who left the RP because of incurable writer's block. I felt so bad about it. I don't blame you at all. I'd be happy to have you! :)
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