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4 yrs ago
Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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@ineffable Vomiting and profound weakness after meager exercise certainly isn't a clean bill of health. I'm getting a checkup with the doctor on the 29th.
It's proving to be a busy and exhausting week, especially with some of the new developments in my health.

Thank you for your advice! It's spurred me into action!

I'm going to be updating Izzy's CS soon, if that's okay with you?

Also, to be sure Izzy was the product of her concubine mom marrying the current king (Alexander). A failed marriage right?

Yes. An edit is fine. Yes, Isabella was the product of a concubine mother marrying the current king, followed by the mother being put away. :)
Could a minor edit be made to the post with Ravadon's contract, like deleting Isabella's name? It seems to be a sticking point for ineffable (and I can kinda see why, having looked at the post again), and it would be a fairly simple edit to make.

Regarding the wait period...the king doesn't have much more to say. If we were all at court during a peaceful meeting, the king would be giving long and glowing speeches about how wonderful his daughters are, discussing compensation and rewards, and examining each potential rescuer in detail. But since he's been pretty traumatized, all he can muster is a desperate "plz halp." He might have much more to say if we waited a few more in-game days, but leaving ASAP is the wiser course of action. The Reaper can provide lore dumps along the way as needed.
Characters that are immobile are in an excellent position for introspection and deep thinking. Caradras insinuated that Isabella would have questions for him; as a noblewoman aspiring to run the country, she should have many.

If I were writing in her position, I would describe how it feels to be so up high and flying, how the scales of the dragon's paw feel, and the chill of their altitude. She would recall everything she witnessed - the giant clawed hand snatching her from the dungeon, and the ruins of Midhaven as they flew away. She would get a passing glance at the golems. Given that, she might wonder why Caradras, the freaking Guardian of humanity, would attack humanity. There might be a brief lore dump on Guardians, followed by some musings on the possible rationale behind the attack. After considering all the facts, she would pose her questions.

Consider spending some time describing what it's like to be Isabella at the moment. Now, descriptions are a little funny because there's more to them than meets the eye. One often thinks of them as simply establishing the setting, but as in real life, the observer's subjective bias greatly influences how the world is perceived. Descriptions reveal the observer's state of mind. Consider the two following examples:

Example 1: Isabella yelped and laughed as Caradras whisked her into the sky. She peered down to see a carpet of green earth stretched out beneath them, with houses like quaint little models peppered across the landscape. Isabella imagined taking one of the houses between her fingers and turning it over to look at the tiny dolls inside. How vast the world seemed now, and how miniscule the concerns of royalty appeared against the endless expanse of the earth! She settled back into the dragon's paw and closed her eyes to let the cool wind caress her face.

Example 2: Isabella clung to the scaly paw with all her might as Caradras whisked her into the sky. Pressure rose in her chest and dragged her down, threatening her grip with every passing moment. As the earth shrank away beneath her, she imagined what might happen were she to climb over and fall. How many seconds would it take before she splattered on the ground? Already her stomach lurched every time Caradras raised his wings to beat them down - she shuddered to think how having her organs stuck in her throat would be the last thing she ever felt. With her head spinning from the altitude, Isabella shrank back and huddled into the dragon's paw as the icy wind seeped through her clothes. Even breathing became laborious, since every inhalation froze her nostrils and burned her throat.

Both descriptions witness the same event, but from radically different mindsets. In Example 1, Isabella is having fun, and flying with Caradras is the ride of her life. In Example 2, flying frightens her, challenging her warrior's courage. How she interprets the world reveals something of Isabella's character. Use descriptions thusly to your advantage.
Just thought of some neat character arcs I could take the two girls. The princess must wrestle with an unpleasant destiny, while the assassin must cope with the contradictions of her skills and character. Solomon's choice will not be at all clear for a while. xD
Eh, no worries, I was entering a writing slump myself, so I should apologize for the delay too. :3
"I- uh- yeah, alright," Solomon stammered. "It has been a while since I have visited a larger shopping area. Rose, would you like to join us?"

Amalthea had a split second to work out how to keep Solomon for herself. Drag him away faster than Rose could respond, overwhelm Rose during the shopping trip and make it joyless for her, or give her something to do elsewhere?

"Rose, why don't you go start getting lunch ready for everyone? We'll all be starving by the time we get back."

Rose looked for a moment like a deer caught by a hunter. Then her face brightened as an idea struck her. "I do need to find foodstuffs from the market, after all. It's settled then! Very well, Princess, I am joining you on the shopping trip."

Princess Amalthea inadvertently let her jaw drop. "O-oh, okay then..." Rose smiled and strutted to the front to take the lead. As they walked, the princess found her voice and made to speak again. "So- uhm, so, Solomon! What do you think of this- of this- um, town?" Her foot fell in a puddle of suspicious brown mush. She tried to wipe her foot on the dirt as they walked, but it was a little hard to concentrate at the brisk pace Rose was taking them. "It's a...lovely place, don't you think?" she continued, trying to stay upbeat. "So many- so many wonderful sights..." She finally got the large gob off the side of her boot. It was still an ugly black-brown, but at least it was tolerable.

Ugh, could this date go any worse? she whined inside.

Rose glanced back. She considered making a snarky comment, but decided against it. Besides, Her Highness just suffered the indignity of stepping in a pile of dung. It might be fun to watch her try and retrieve her dignity.

So Rose smirked instead. Amalthea covertly gave her the finger while looking at Solomon for an answer, anything to inject a little happiness in this increasingly wretched experience.
I mean that Isabella is included in the band of adventurers...to rescue herself.
In the contract?

In Ravadon's contract, yes (though I expect the parenthetical names are OOC, not IC). See the Reaper's rewritten contract.
Btw, I've been reading the light novels for Spice and Wolf, and Oh My Gosh, the dialogue is amazing. Every dialogue scene between Kraft Lawrence and Holo is like a fight scene, with plays and counter-plays to evoke a reaction from one another. It's gripping! Replies will thus be a tad slow. xD
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