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Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Fenix Valentine

Fenix Valentine is the CEO of one of the largest industries on the planet, and married to its owner. Many years ago, he worked as a contracted assassin for the government. Together with Gwen Valentine, the Ambassador for the nascent Crescent Empire, they brought down countless Imperialist spies and crime syndicates with their combined skills. They were an unstoppable power-couple. When the Revolution ended, Gwen asked Fenix to marry him (yes, you read that right), and they settled down in an ordinary-looking house in the city.

As a former assassin, Fenix knows both how to swagger and how to lay low, and it shows in his poise. He holds his head high, yet hides everything else under his long brown coat. His eyes seem cold and stern at first, but there is a warmth in them, their hard gaze softened by a deep love for his family. While smiles didn't used to come easily for him, today, there is rarely a moment when the deep rumble of mirth cannot be heard in his belly.

He'd long dreamt of creating a world where people could live free and happy, unbound by the chains of fear or despair. He and his wife fought desperately, with every fiber of their being, to make that world a reality.

They succeeded.

It is now Ed's and Sofie's turn to take that dream and spread it where such dreams are little more than whispers on the wind.
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Decided to kill two birds with one stone. Having a father figure for the characters to rely on for relationship advice will be invaluable, and while we're at it, why not introduce Ed's actual father? I'm tired of characters' fathers always being absent, and figured now would be a great time to break that trope. Since he's got a lot of adventures and experience under his belt, he'll also give me an excuse to tell other stories in-character - thus giving me a reason to write you something more heartwarming or uplifting. ^_^

It's a tad cheesy, I know, but I really wanted to break that Absent Father trope. >_<

EDIT: Also writing a side-story for ya. Too tired to finish it tonight though.
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Aww. I know all too well how exhaustion really does a number on one's creativity. Sounds like someone needs an uplifting story to raise her spirits! ^_^
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Also...what do you think of Moglet?

He's got a head start in the race for her heart, it sounds like, so Ed will have to work his magic to take first place.

And I've also left the stone throwing at the window for you to determine. It could literally be anyone so I've opened up the idea for you to take wherever.

Ah, I didn't know that's what that was. I thought it was Moglet. I'll see what I can do with it.

Do you want to do a time skip after a couple of posts to when the classes actually start?

I think after they've had a chat with this guy throwing rocks at their window, sure. I'm torn between putting them in orientation and putting them in a classroom. Both have their merits. Ideally, I'd like to stick the characters in a starship and throw them in an asteroid belt, but I think we're a little ways off from that yet. We may need to change up the class structure to make things more exciting.

Ahhh...would it be okay if you could formulate a longer reply? I know it's a lot to ask but I'd like to speed up the current events and I don't think I'll be writing much today since I'm in a horrible mood.

Sure! It's no problem. Writing more is easy - it's making the hook for you to reply on that's hard. ;-)

What happened that soured your mood, though? Wanna talk about it over PM?
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Who in the stars are you?" Sofie asked.
"WHAT?" the man yelled back.
Sofie reddened, building courage to shout louder, "WHO ARE YOU?"
The man stepped back and chuckled. "OH, ME?"
As the man laughed again, Ed drew a gasp.

"No way."

Ed charged out the door and raced down the stairs.

"No. Freaking. Way."

He ploughed through the door and flung himself into the man's welcoming arms.


Ed buried his face in the older gentleman's trench coat as a pair of lean, powerful arms embraced him. Who else could have pinpointed the one dorm out of hundreds where he was staying, at exactly the right time he was staying in it?

"I thought you'd be gone for another week?" Ed asked.

Fenix chuckled. "If that were the only surprise I had in store for you, I'd have just called." He took Ed by the shoulder and walked with him back toward the dorms. "The martial arts instructor took ill, you see."

He raised an eyebrow.

Ed gasped, and began to laugh. "You're kidding. You're going to be our substitute martial arts instructor?"

Fenix nodded, smirking.

Ed did a fist-pump. "Best. Semester. Ever. Oh! I have to introduce you to my roommate. You gotta tell me what you think of her."


"Y-Yeah." Ed scratched the back of his head and made a nervous chuckle. "I swear I had no idea she'd be my roommate. Totally not my intention! You see-"

But Fenix was no longer listening - he was busy sizing up the woman his son would spend the next four years with. Beautiful, poised, and alert, she carried herself like a lady of some refinement, not like the borish creatures polluting the average school. Her attire was a bit understated, but not at all unfasionable, and brought out her best features in attractive ways. There was a slight air of caution about her, as if the sublime peace wrought in this city hadn't quite sunk in yet. It would serve her well.

He nodded his approval, and reached out to shake her hand. "I am Fenix Valentine, substitute Martial Arts instructor here at Purcell and father of Edward Valentine. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss. Your name, if I may?"
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Um...just my dad," was all she said.
Still, it was revealing. As I thought. She lost one of her parents. Poor girl.
"I'm sorry to hear that."

He watched her place a picture on the nightstand. In it, she stood beside a boy, whose features were disguised by a hood and sunglasses. "May I ask who this is?" he inquired.

Just then, a stone hit the window. Ed glanced back.
"What is going on?" Sofie asked aloud.
Ed wandered over to the window and scanned the area.
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ed listened to the gentle patter of Sofie's feet on the carpet as she set about unpacking her things. Her steps were careful, measured, like those of a court lady in the Imperial dance hall. The quiet grace of her movements entranced his ears, and even with his eyes closed, he could tell she was beautiful.

What could have made such a lovely woman so fearful?

He'd been reluctant to think about it, but there was no mistaking her pale skin and golden hair. She lacked the stocky build or shaded complexion of his kin. It was still possible she was Crescent-born, but it was more likely she was an immigrant. The Zeranians were known for their delicate beauty, and she would have fit right in with them, but theirs was a generally peaceful (if decadent) society. There would be no call for such wariness as Sofie exhibited. The only other nation who could have produced such a person was the one place no human should ever have to call home.

Ed opened his eyes and looked up at her. His heart squeezed in pain at the idea that anyone could ever think to harm her. Who could raise a hand to her soft, delicate cheek? This was a girl who, just moments ago, cried because she almost stabbed someone who did her no harm. What monster would hurl abuse at such a purehearted girl? Whatever darkness lay in her heart, Ed was sure it was through no fault of her own. Whoever made her life hell would pay. He would make sure of it.

But first, he had to get to know her better.

"Do your parents still run that bakery?" he asked quietly. If his guess at her origin was accurate, there was no guarantee that her parents were still alive. His question would draw that out.
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Seriously, don't sweat the knife incident so much. I know how you feel - you're probably feeling like Sofie ruined the romance, or Ed overreacted, and you're trying to regain your footing. Really, there's no need to worry. I liked the knife scene! It peeled back the curtain a little on her background, while at the same time introducing more questions than it answers. What kind of life did she lead that could have made her that wary? Plus, having a frightened lady to protect offers Ed an excellent opportunity to win her heart. If he can show that she doesn't have to be afraid when she's around him, he's already halfway there.

I don't write my posts to make people regret the content they made. If there's a problem with a scene, we have the OOC thread for that. I'm here to make a story. Be true to your character, and don't look back except to make it your stepping stone on the way forward. When I write, I trust in that, in your characters staying true to who they are. I ask only that you trust me a little in return.
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The Crescents established a strong system of law and order very quickly after the Revolution ended, so the nation Ed grew up with was a peaceful, law-abiding one. While most people have an armament of some sort, actually using it is an extremely rare event. He's trained in basic marksmanship, but being attacked with a knife is an utterly new experience for him, and he won't soon forget it. He knows no self-defense techniques, has no experience de-escalating deadly fights, and to top it off, he barely knows this girl and has no clue what she's capable of. He genuinely thought he was going to die. If he had been next to that door, he would have been stabbed for sure.

Her lack of restraint is the reason he doesn't trust her very much. The thought that he could get stabbed on accident just by being in unexpected places at unexpected times frightens him. Technically, he should have gone to the authorities, who could have arranged for Sofie to get professional help as well as ensure his safety, but...well, she's attractive, and he doesn't exactly want her to leave. Male hormones are definitely playing a part in his decision-making. :P

Plus, he's still curious about her, and like he said, he's prepared to give romance another shot with her. He just has to be more wary from now on until he can work out a way to make her feel safe (and thus not feel the need to barge into rooms with a knife).

Making his lady feel secure is one of the foremost duties of a man, no? ;)
In Star Trader 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sofie didn't emit enough deception signals for Ed to recognize the lie. He did catch on from the gaze-aversion that she didn't completely believe her own statement, but he figured it for excessive modesty.

I can't be god-moding, after all, or the mind-games wouldn't be fun. >:)

Also, I declined to put a response hook on my post to give Sofie an opportunity to take initiative.
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