Flickr 3rd party linking tutorial
Let's say I wanted to show you some art I commissioned for one of my original characters, Gwenivere Valentine. Here's the image on my Flickr Photostream.
Click "Download this photo," but do NOT click any of the sizes! That will just download the photo to your computer. Instead, select "View all sizes."
That'll take you here. I selected the Original size to give you a feel for just how big this image is. The artist who rendered it did a really good job, IMO. That was money well-spent. Anyway, let's go for the 500 width size instead.
Much better. Copy the image address.
Now select the Image button here in RolePlayerGuild (or press Ctrl+G) to yield the following string of characters:
[ img ][ /img ]
Put the your image link between them like so:
[ img ]… [ /img ]
And presto!
To center it, use [ center ][ /center ].