Avatar of Thinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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Yup! Come on in!
NPC: Aaron Jaxter

  • Birthdate: 03/04/3170
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: Bulky
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Skin: Brown
  • Blurb: This is the primary antagonist, the huntsman tasked with capturing you and bringing you to his master. He is a lean, mean, killing machine, and capturing people alive isn't his forte, but he will still try with every fiber of his being. He is an honorable man, which may give you the impression he can be converted to your side, but that same honorable nature means that his loyalties are not easily swayed. For the foreseeable future, he will be a royal pain in your side.
NPC: Winter Valentine

  • Birthdate: 02/14/2450 (making her 750 years old at the time of this RP)
  • Height: 6'4"
  • Weight: Athletic
  • Eyes: Gold
  • Hair: White
  • Skin: Dark brown
  • Blurb: This is the Immortal ruling our world of Aion. She has worked tirelessly over the centures to cultivate the human race through its many trials and tribulations, bringing her vision of peace and harmony to as many lives as possible. While many leaders throughout history disagreed with her on numerous issues, they all respect her authority, partly because of her kindness and wisdom, but mostly because of the overwhelming power contained within her ancient weapons. In this world, power is everything, and she knows all too well (to her dismay) that only with great power can she enforce her vision on the nations. With the appearance of magic, her authority is threatened for the very first time, and controlling it has prioritized her attention.

    You, the players, shall be her eyes and ears on the field.
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Character Sheet
* Name: Feel free to use anything from modern names to fantastical ones. Jessica Turner is just as valid a name as Unghys Npheria.
* Picture: Verbal descriptions just don't cut it for me unless they're memorable. Pictures spur my imagination much better.
* Data: Species (if not human), birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy, standard Roman calendar), height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin color (if not the default medium-dark)
* Blurb: Introduce your character to us and tell us what makes them interesting. Advertise them. Do NOT tell us their whole personality or biography - that should be revealed in-story for best impact. Short and sweet is the rule here.

And that's it! I don't care if you develop skills and abilities on the spot, or if you happen to be carrying something useful that you didn't know you had. This isn't D&D. We're making a story here, so go wild and have fun!

Feel free to create NPCs at your pleasure, so long as they don't usurp your player-character. If you think they might take over your interest, post their character sheets here.

For reference, the current date is January 1st, 3200 A.D.
Interest Check
@Lucius Cypher@ReusableSword@Norschtalen@TheForgottenArc

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The Faraway Land: Arcane Adventures

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a village. It was small, unassuming, and unimportant. One day, the earth split with a loud crack, and out of the chasm sprang forth mystic energy, which they dubbed "mana." This mana could be controlled by will of thought, easily at that (or so they thought), lending them great prosperity. But the chasm did not stop releasing energy, and in a few years time, the whole world became enveloped in mana.

Thus magic was born into the world.

You, the players, are at the forefront of research into this phenomenon. Armed with little more than a sword and your wits, you set off from your respective tribes on a pilgrimage to where it all began. Naturally, you are not alone, and your journey crosses the agendas of entities high and low. Some may aid you, some may hinder you; watch therefore, and guard your life and knowledge from those who would use it for evil.

The journey is long and arduous, but great power lies at the end of it. Will you persevere to the end?

Gameplay will be a lot like lorebuilding, except it's all IC. Your characters will be expected to experiment and create new spells, documenting them in a tome. The strength and quality of the spells you can create/cast increases as you approach the Chasm. Additionally, there is another sentient force in the world using magic to create and genetically modify life. This phenomenon should be investigated, and terminated if need be.

Some tribes are more technologically advanced than others; some have developed in different technological pathways. Feel free to come up with creative new tribes to encounter. The highest known tech level is Renaissance, with guns, germ theory, and rudimentary electricity. The lowest tech level is early-Medieval.

Working on the opening post of the OOC/IC. Nailing the intro scene is important to set the tone, theme, and pacing of the RP, so it'll take me a little while to sort it out. I'll tag everyone and link it here when it's created. Feel free to create more lore in the meantime.
Aye! And worldbuilding is sometimes the most fun part of roleplaying, and I love seeing other people's ideas. Ooh, speaking of which, I've been developing a set of antagonists for our story. No pics of them yet.

* The Seventh Immortal: There are seven Immortals who hold sway in the universe, and while most of them are benevolent leaders, one of them seeks to undermine everything the others have built. Enigmatic, elusive, and bearing the wisdom of centuries, he is the most dangerous opponent that the Immortal Council has ever faced. He appears to have set his sights on Aion, much to the resident Immortal governor's dismay.

* The Headhunter: A beautiful and powerful female bounty hunter enslaved to the Seventh Immortal. She was promised her freedom in exchange for capturing the Protagonists.

* The Void Queen: A human woman who once served as a combat medic for the ancient empire, she was captured by Voidspawn and brought to their lair. Upon witnessing the fragility of their lives, instead of hunting them like many of her kin, she sought to help them. She remains the only living creature in existence to retain her soul while serving the Void.

* Faren Rodswiler: A snarky, arrogant, and wealthy son-of-a-gun who joins our party of heroes to steal their secrets. Stealth is not his forte; he's quite blatant about it, brazenly trying to copy and steal everyone else's work. The only reason anyone puts up with him is because he's also quite charming. He'll turn his back on you in an instant, but it's hard not to forgive him when he calls you beautiful and gives you Free!* presents.
That is an excellent question. I've been torn between linking them to magic or giving them their societal place, and since I've established in other lore elsewhere that they once had their own civilization, I lean toward them being nearly as old as humans (~1000 years on Aion).

So I support your endeavor! The orc tribe is a go. ;)
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