Pending approval
Name-Tony Thompson
Alias-The Paradox
Race-Human? If not, he can be half-hispanic, half-caucasian
Parents-His father was a low-level telekinetic operating out of Franconia New Hampshire.
Skills-Student of philosophy and debate.
Powers-He can confound the minds of his foes using examples of basic paradoxes.
Tech-Smart phone. He's constantly snap-chatting.
Look-Thin and lanky, he's devoted to the wisp of blond mustache that encroaches on his upper lip. His hair is shaggy and greasy.
Costume-He dons a fedora and bike goggles because he thinks they make him look cool.
Other-Like any teenager that stumbles upon the phenomena of paradoxes, he immediately began using examples of them way out of context. One day he asked his pastor "If God can do anything, can he make a rock that he can't lift" the pastor began babbling and was incoherent for a week. At first he thought he had unlocked some magic wisdom, but when his friends tried the same line, they were met with chides. He knew he had to be special, like his father before him. But instead of moving things with his mind, he was able to inhibit the cognitive processes of others by spewing nonsense. He was... The Paradox!