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Character for GM review.

Thank you for the warm introductions.
Have you ever noticed it is easier to be someone you are not? Just to slip into the roleplay and enjoy a brief stint in a life that is not yours. To escape the humdrum, the consequences of the real world. To be able to express more of yourself through others than you can be purely as yourself. To show that shine and glitter, the sparkles of your personality, without feeling exposed and vulnerable. In life, we wear many faces, we are holding contradictory and conflicting versions of ourselves, even if some don't recognise it. I imagine many of you do, and I am here to join you.

I have been roleplaying for a long time, on and off. This started through games online roleplaying games and MMO's, which expanded into tabletop RPG when I found likeminded people in the 'real' world.
My preferences are genuinely diverse in so much as if I am interested, I am interested. So has led to a breadth of difference experiences in multiple universes and system types. If there is a commonality on what I am interested in, I like to change the world, to change the story. I want to make meaningful contributions which change things. It is not about being the biggest or most badass, it is about the journey of a motley crew of screw ups saving the world and succeeding. It is contributing to the world building, so a part of you is part of the world, not simply residing into, being engrained in the fabric of it. The things that cause me to lose interest are usually around railroading and lack of opportunities, or severely punishing systems which turns basic tasks into a chore.

I am into tabletop RPGs, board gaming, fantasy & sci-fi universes, anime/manga, video games, etc. I am into real world mythology, history, and travelling. I am glad to be in a career where I am saving lives, very hard work and can be rewarding.
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