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Brother Joseph - Allied Technologies

"Welcome, Brother Joseph", Furman said, "Have a seat, if it pleases you."

"Don't mind if I do", Joseph replied as he took a seat in one of the chairs before Furman's desk. "We were intrigued with your holotape...your wish to speak with us was fortuitous, we have a proposal of our own for Arctic Haven. But that can wait for the moment."

Furman pulled up a big jug of water and poured a glass for himself and for Joseph, which he gratefully accepted.

"I'm not one for theatrics", Furman began, "So I'll skip right to the chase. We need the Brotherhood's aid, one that will be clear in a moment." He closed the metal shutters, then took his seat behind the desk once more. "Much like the Brotherhood, our outfit has its origins tied in the Pre-War US Army. A key to our history is our residency on a chain of islands used as a small sector of Alaska's missile silos. Recently, our excavation crew clearing out collapsed tunnels found a long lost secondary command silo, overrun with weeds, vines and dust. But one thing they did find before I ordered them out until further notice was an ICBM. Now, according to our top technicians, all it'd take to repair this missile is to repair the rocket's boosters and recalibrate some....I don't know. Some kind of circuit board gizmo the eggheads were trying to explain. But the point remains, this missile poses a threat to the world. We have no desire to ever use nuclear arms, but we always prepare for the 'if' of should our home islands fall into enemy hands." He paused, scratching rubbing his beard in contemplation before he continued.

"A ICBM with a functional payload", Joseph replied grimly, studying Fulman's face for signs of what he planned to do with a weapon that should never have been forged in the first place, much less wielded. "A serious matter indeed. I would be very interested to know why you are bringing this to our attention."

Serious was an understatement. The remnants of the Old World's nuclear 'deterrent' was a positive menace. The seizure of the SAC Headquarters bunker had put the Order in control of thirty-six ICBMs, while some had failed to launch, and a few had payloads of communications and reconnaissance satellites to aid in followup strikes, twenty four of them had been launch capable....enough for the Calculator to have ended any hope of human civilization rising from the ashes. There was discussion on what to do with them, but in the end there was really only one decision that could be made. The Midwestern Order had deviated far from the Codex by that point, but they were still at one with their Brethern to the West when it came to the weapons their ancestors had used to destroy the world. By the Lord Paladin's command, the warheads of each missile had been removed and dismantled, their plutonium cores reprocessed into reactor fuel, well before Joseph was born.

"I get why you might wonder why I am bringing this up", Furman answered, "'Are you bragging?' you may be wondering, but it's quite the opposite. The only people I could ever trust to lock this weapon away....is the Brotherhood. If need be, we'll cover the costs of removal if need be, but one this is clear: That weapon of our ancestor's sins must be hidden from the world for good. Especially given factions like Kimball and those freakshow cultists running around. The beefs we've had with the Brotherhood have all been business, but on a personal level, we have a degree of respect for the Brotherhood, so we're looking to your people to take it away and keep it secure in your hands."

Joseph nodded, inwardly relieved that his hopes had been proven correct. Fulman wanted help destroying it....help the Order would cheerfully provide. There was no need to consult with the Lord-Paladin before making a decision, His Will on this matter was crystal clear.

"It's a harsh world, Commander, and we all do what we must to survive.", Joseph said. "It is true that there is a checkered past between Arctic Haven and the Brotherhood, both our Brethren to the West, and our Order. But we recognize that you and your men are professionals, bearing grudges over past conflicts helps no-one." He paused then continued. "I can speak for the Lord-Paladin on this matter with authority...we shall aid you in making sure this weapon is never, ever used. For that matter, we will dismantle the device or devices on-board, and destroy them, as we have many others before." Joseph pulled a notebook and pen from his satchel. "If you could kindly give me the coordinates of the silo the weapon is housed in, and the designation of the control center you found, we will research military records in our possession to learn precisely what we are dealing with. We will assemble a team that can, with your permission, evaluate the weapon and determine the best way to neutralize it before transportation. Does your command have access to a crane that can hoist a weight of forty tons?"

Once a basic agreement was hammered out, Joseph retrieved a folder from his satchel and offered it to Fulman.

"For your perusal, Commander", Joseph said, "A contract offer I have been authorized and directed to make by the Lord-Paladin."

(OOC- That last part I would like to discuss off board.)

Lord-Paladin Simon Barnaky - Ultra-Luxe

"Simon.", replied a cold and educated voice the moment Joseph had left. After a short pause, it continued as Barnaky began to pace again, listening raptly to what House was saying. "Kimball is an imbecile. It is only fitting that this pathetic excuse of a representative they have sent us was a very convincing double. 'Pickle' is not a word I would use, Mr. Barnaky. None of what transpired today is at all a surprise -- I predicted the NCR's course of action long before this summit. My representative, on the other hand, has succeeded in creating a cloud of subterfuge without my even planning of it. His extreme lack of poise and impulsive reactions have given the others an inaccurate picture. When I join the fray, tomorrow, things will be very different."

"Hmph", Barnaky replied. "I knew Kimball was preparing for war, Robert, a 'Democracy' like the NCR cannot hide troop movements of the size we were seeing. The NCR's economic figures are appalling as well, and they have a history of papering over their fiscal mismanagement at their neighbor's expense...not that I have to tell you, of all people, that. I expected the attack to come after the conference ended...if only to gain some support from his allies from the last go-around....I must admit that moving now was a surprise to me. But it seems I gave him too much credit."

"You are not known for being a fan of 'fluff' and insincere small-talk", House said, "so I will make simple the reason I have opened communication with you. I believe that our technological empires were made for each other. You have the power to curate some of the most dangerous and wildly spectacular technology left in this world. I have the power to cultivate and build an entire civilization around it. This summit has only confirmed my speculation -- the days ahead will be far too turbulent for me to accurately predict them. But we can help each other. My vision for the west is grand, and the NCR will not stand in its way."

"Please excuse me, Simon. Just a moment." his next words appeared to be directed at someone else, his voice also displayed slight irritation. "What is it?"

"First day is over, boss-man. Not sure what to think of it," muttered The King.

"I know what to think. You were a fish-out-of-water. You could not keep your own personal nomenclature off the table and made a fool of yourself. You made us look frail in front of the NCR and accomplished the direct opposite of everything I had hoped you would."


"You will be running errands for me tomorrow. I will be attending the meeting. Have a lovely evening."

"O-oh... All right. Good night, Mr. House."

Barnaky sadly shook his head as he listened.

"You can't talk to the kids like that", he thought, "It only discourages them." Barnaky counted himself fortunate that he had able and reliable lieutenants, but then he had spent decades developing talent that would serve his Cause, something that House had neglected until very recently. Personally, he thought the King had done as well as he could, given what little he probably knew of his Boss's thinking. That was a mistake he had not made, Martin and Joseph knew exactly what he hoped to get from this conference, and he trusted them to do their utmost to carry out his will.

"My apologies", House said as his attention shifted back to Barnaky. "As I was explaining -- your people are part of my vision. The landscape of western America is ripe, and only we know what exactly to do with it."

"I understand", Barnaky replied. "That is quite the compliment coming from you, knowing your opinion of the Brotherhood, or at least my late Brethren of the Mojave Order....not that I want to dredge up past tragedies. I grieve for them, but they chose their path and I see no point bearing a grudge over where that path led them to."

"I only know the outlines of your vision", Barnaky continued, "I know that the much of the money you are extracting from the NCR is being poured into industrialization and a space program....long term investments to be sure. I am very interested in what your long term goals are, though I suspect that at the moment, you wish to discuss a short-term goal....namely putting the NCR back in the jar they were placed in by you and I five years ago."
Brother Joseph - Ultra-Luxe

"Runner!.....", said a man's voice from the holotape player's speaker, "Right, let's see.... Greetings, Men of Steel. I am commander John Fulman of the Arctic Haven mercenary force. I apologise for all the loops, spy games and mystery surrounding this message, but I assure you I have good cause for this, as you will soon learn. Please come to our temporary command outpost set up at the old 'Allied Technologies Offices' just south of the McCarran walls. It's the base with old Navarro Class vertibirds and concrete walls. I dare not explain my purpose for these security measures even in this tape I've obfuscated for fear of this falling into the wrong hands."

"That is all that was on the tape, My Lord", Joseph said as he reached over to the holo-tape player and pushed the stop button. "There was no supporting documentation at all, whatever Fulman wants, he is afraid of it getting intercepted."

"As well he should", Barnaky said as the robot began to pace back and forth pensively. As many years as he had served the Lord-Paladin as his lieutenant and advisor, Brother Joseph had never quite gotten used to the human-like gestures of the Lord Paladin's robot avatars when he was controlling them. The robot stopped, and pointed at a portrait on the wall, a print of one of Rembrandt's self-portraits, then waved at it. "The walls here...have ears. And probably eyes, too." He then looked back at Joseph and added. "speaking of that...for Christ's sake, stand the hell back up or take a seat, I don't need our host thinking there is something to what that moron Kimball sent to pretend to be him said about me thinking I'm a 'Man-God'."

"Yes, my Lord", Joseph said as he got up off his knee and sat on the couch. "Kimball's deception does not seem to have been well received, that could be useful to Lucius...and us."

"I hope that idiot is only a 'body double'," Barnaky growled as he begun to pace again, through the area where Joseph had been kneeling, "if his 'intellect'", Barnaky emphasized by raising his hands and sarcastically making quote marks to each side of his head, "matches Kimball's as closely as his looks do, they both must eat lead paint chips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Barnaky stopped directly in front of the reproduction of the Rembrantdt and faced it.

"So tell me, Robert", Barnaky asked, "what do you think of Kimball and the pickle he's putting you in?"

At that, the terminal sitting on a desk in one corner of the room emitted a single beep, then it's screen popped into life. The cursor scrolled across the screen, leaving behind a single sentence.

Mr. Robert Edwin House is available for communication.

"Out-standing.", Barnaky said in a satisfied voice. "Brother Joseph, go at once to the location in Fulman's tape and find out what he wants, then report to me from the plane. While you're there, give Fulman the offer we discussed before you left." Barnaky then added, "And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a robot to screen chat with our host. Dismissed."

Allied Technologies - Later

"The Allied Technologies Offices", intoned the Securitron he had requested as an escort and guide from the Ultra-Luxe's front desk as it swept it's arm to take in the decrepit single story office building, surrounded with concrete barricades and armed guards. "I will wait here for your return, Brother Joseph."

"Thank you", Joseph said as he walked forward alone, approaching what appeared to be the security checkpoint. As the tape said, there were several Vertibirds, of the type once used by the Enclave, parked near the building, well back from the barricades. He reached the checkpoint, and halted as requested by the guards.

"I am Brother Joseph of the Midwestern Order of the Brotherhood of Steel", Joseph said in a dignified manner. "I am here at the request of Commander Fulman, I wish to discuss with him matters of his interest...and ours."
Is there any room for a Communist Chinese state formed from the remnants of an army that landed during the War?

Plenty of room in Western Canada.......check out our discord!


edit - Ninjad!
Brother Martin - The Gourmand

"It's out of our hands now, old friend", Martin said quietly to Joseph. "Steel protect us all."

"Our faith in the Lord-Paladin is our armor", replied Brother Joseph simply.

Martin turned his attention back to the King and President Kimball, reflecting sourly on the fact that one of the primary goals of the Delegation were to get at least an extension of the Goodsprings Tready. But that, apparently, was never in the cards. Not surprisingly, an uproar ensued as it became plain that the War had already begun. House, speaking through the King, made it plain he opposed the NCR's move...hardly surprising as he knew full well how the NCR coveted the Hoover Dam and access to the Colorado River. Kimball's only response was to dare him to act and threatened an embargo. If the Legion were removed from the chessboard, House would probably be next and he knew it. Lucius spoke again, reproving Kimball harshly for his action, then he and Vulpes took their leave, leaving Quaestor Titus to represent him. The Lord-Paladin would be disappointed that he would not be able to speak to Lucius directly, but that couldn't be helped.

More delegates began to arrive, the Texans...led by ghoul, President Harris himself...and a young red-headed woman announced as the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Martin regarded the Texans impassively...but was pleased by Governor Littlehorn's presence, he...and the Lord-Paladin...had much to discuss with her about their common Enemy, whether she realized the danger she faced from the Cult or not.

Then came a move that truly surprised him. High Elder Gladstone approached the King and addressed him.

“If I might speak to an envoy of New Vegas in private, that would be much appreciated", he intoned gravely. "In addition to this, my associate scribes wish to speak with representatives of the Midwestern Brotherhood, and with a representative of the NCR.” After a pause, Gladstone continued. “The position of the Western Brotherhood, is peace. To that end, we seek trade agreements with as many of our neighbours. Should you wish to engage in such a dialogue, please make it known, and the Western Brotherhood will endeavour to strike an agreement between our nations.”

"On behalf of the Lord-Paladin", Martin replied as he hastily rose to his feet, "We would be pleased to meet with our Brethren from the West. We have been estranged for far too long."

Martin noted the Texans sat next to the Key Delegation...several of whose members were disturbingly enamored with the Cult's delegate.

"Fools", Martin thought darkly, "The Cult will only bring you ruin and bloodshed."

He was disturbed from his reverie by Joseph, who nudged him in the ribs.

"Our "friends" from the North are here", he said ironically, "Good luck!"

Martin looked towards the door, just in time for the doorman to speak.

“Please welcome The Jade Empress and her protégé from The Jaded Empire,”, the doorman called out.

Martin restrained himself from sighing as Calypso and her Lieutenants strode in like they owned the place. Not surprisingly, they noticed Bequine immediately, ogling her before smiling in recognition at Governor Littlehorn. Then Calypso strolled over to the Cult's delegation and commiserated with that child...looking at him mischievously all the while. Martin was somewhat confident this was mainly to get a rise out of him....the Order's relations with the ever Mercurial Calypso were tumultuous as best...but if she actually allied with the Cult it could be a problem. Calypso then came and sat down next to him. One of her lieutenants...Shelby if Martin remembered correctly...plopped down a mason jar full of liquid in front of him. On it was a crudely printed label saying "Papa's Potion Moonshine".

“That’s some good shit right there", Shelby said brightly to one of the waiters, as she offered him the rest, "Brandy knows what she’s doing.”

Before he could decide what to do, Calypso reached out and grabbed his hand and squeezed it uncomfortably hard, Martin steeled himself to not wince as her fingernail dug into his hand.

“I do wish to discuss your occupancy of Chicago and my waterways,” she said imperiously.

"The Order has ruled Chicago since long before either you and I were born," Martin said conversationally, "It is ours and we'll fight to the last Brother and Sister to make sure it stays that way." He then continued. "As far as your claims on the Great Lakes...we have respected your control over the Soo Locks and pay your tolls, but the Lord-Paladin considers free passage of Order flagged vessels between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron to be his sovereign right, a right which he will defend." After a pause to watch Calypso's eyes begin to fill with anger, he continued, "With that said, the Lord-Paladin has directed me to make a proposal regarding transit under the Mackinac Bridge that I believe will interest you greatly."

As Calypso and Martin spoke, a uniformed mercenary approached and saluted him, offering him a holotape. Calypso and other delegates all turned attention to the mercenary.

"Pardon me a moment, dear", Martin said to Calypso then turned to Joseph. "Brother Joseph, would you be so kind?"

Joseph nodded and accepted the holotape from the mercenary, who promptly spun smartly on one heel and left the room, followed by Brother Joseph, intent on retreating to their suite to examine the tape.

In the meantime, a television was wheeled into the room and turned on and switched to one of the NCR's State television channels. Eventually the picture settled, and none other than President Kimball appeared, dressed in a military uniform. He then gave a most extraordinary speech announcing the NCR campaign to the public, apparently from near the front lines. He was justifying his invasion as a per-emptive strike. Martin laughed out loud when Kimball spoke of the Lord-Paladin being a God-King that was worshiped in the Order's lands, but was not in the least surprised by his attempts to belittle Lucius for accepting the Brotherhood's aid in the Hoover War, and accuse him of doing what Kimball himself had just done.

"You have learned nothing from your father's failure", Martin thought with amusement and sorrow. "Once your people realize you have created a self-fulfilling prophecy at their expense, you will be swept from office just like your father was."

After concluding his speech, he donned a leather helmet and boarded the Tank behind him, rolling off in a cloud of dust. The broadcast switched to commentators back in the studio, opining on their President's remarks as Titus, now the Legion representative, rose and made some acerbic remarks about Kimball's behavior, opining if that was merely another double, and he was actually back in Shady Sands with the cronies who got him Elected. It really wouldn't surprise him. He also noticed that Kimball's move was not received well by the other delegates, the Van Graff Patriarch, Salvatore, looked beside himself with fury.

Then the King, obviously stricken, spoke. He bitterly reproved Kimball's actions, and the NCR in general, indicating that they would take no action but any NCR troop movements in the vicinity of the FZM would be assumed to be hostile.

"Perhaps something can be salvaged from this fiasco after all", Martin thought. "I'll see if the King can arrange for a direct meeting between House and he Lord-Paladin."

He then turned back to Calypso.

"My apologies, my dear", Martin said apologetically to Calypso, who still hadn't released his hand, "Kimball's poor manners must be contagious...I forget myself. As I was about to say, perhaps we could discuss the Lord-Paladin's proposal over dinner?"
Brother Joseph Hansen - The Ultra-Luxe Gourmand

Brother Joseph sat next to Martin and observed the assembled delegates around them. so far, things were going as expected...Lucius and the Van Graffs returned Martin's gesture, the Elder from the West was icily polite, but little else, and the bodyguard of the horrid teenager that the Cult had sent to represent them mocked them with a Brotherhood salute. While Joseph did not recognize him, he could well be a turncoat from the group that had followed Owyn Lyons East to old Washington, another failed bid by their Brethren to the West to find a technological means to deal with the NCR.

For that matter, the Midwestern Order was born of the first failure....though likely they neither expected or wanted him to succeed. The Western Elders now called the Lord-Paladin a traitor and a madman, but he had shown them the path to the Brotherhood's salvation, if they had only had possessed the wit and courage to walk it before it slipped out of their reach. Rather than hide from the world and try to blunt mankind's struggle to rise from the ashes "for their own protection", Barnacky planted his standard and called upon them to take up arms and join with him to fight for a future fit for themselves and their descendants. Needless to say, a comparison of Omaha and Electric City (in the end they had been forced out of their bunkers) made it plain who had been right.

One thing he hadn't expected, was the entrance of the "Vesyanian Confederation", from what he could immediately recall was a confederation of Tribes from Louisiana ruled over by the descendants of the dwellers of Vault 24. When their nubile and barely dressed delegate made her arrival known, at first he thought it was some sort of joke, but as her credentials were accepted by House's representative and she was seated, it was clear she was really here on their behalf.

Another was a pair of conversations that had been initiated by the NCR President, who seemed to be going out of his way to be obnoxious. His attempt to intimidate the Enclave...who had sent a representative, much to Joseph's surprise...backfired spectacularly when the so-called Vice President skewered him over the NCR's embarrassing defeat at the hands of House and his robots, much to the amusement of the assembled delegates who weren't focused on Bequine's ample bosom. While Kimball's behavior boded ill for prospects of peace, it was his earlier conversation with, apparently the leader of the Children of Atom, Pontiff Cromwell, that had gotten his attention.

"...One of my shepherds", Cromwell said, "spoke of one such peaceful mutant living near one of Atom's sites, whom even more strangely, she claims has since turned back into a man."

Joseph had no idea how that would even be possible, but if a solution, even if merely a cure, to the Super Mutant plague, actually existed...it was his sworn duty to look into it. It humbled him that Barnaky's hunch regarding the Children may have been be uncannily correct...not that it would be first time events had proved him right when the Council doubted his decisions.

He ceased his ruminations for the time being as House's representative, calling himself the King, called the meeting to order with a stern reminded that House would not tolerate misbehavior from the delegates. He then opened the floor to Lucius, who made what was essentially a thinly disguised appeal to Kimball to not re-open hostilities. Kimball's behavior so far gave little hope to Joseph that Lucius's appeal, though wise, would not fall on deaf ears. Next was Commander Fullman, one of the several representatives of mercenary companies invited who, in short, indicated that while he heartily despised the delegates assembled and who they represented, he was still prepared to fight their battles for them if paid enough. Tempted to point out that the same opinion could likely be coaxed out of the average harlot at the nearby Gomorrah, he demurred as they would probably have a use for mercenaries in the near future...especially if the persistent rumors that Paladin-commander Cranz was not only alive, but had betrayed them to the Cult were true.

Next was President Kimball, whom Joseph noted had been checking his watch frequently for some time now.

"Well that's a.... interesting little speech Mr Fulman,” Kimball said, “Good way to advertise your company but unfortunately you have wrongly assessed the NCR or what I plan on doing as president but you probably correct about what Foxy plans or had planned to do." Kimball chuckled a moment, then continued. "As the President of the NCR I have no intentions of playing some proxy cold war with the Legion and would be more than happy to resign and agree to an updated treaty of Goodsprings.... after a few... Border changes that is."

One of Kimball's aides moved around the table handing out copies of a map. Looking over Martin's shoulder, he noted the NCR was making a claim on Northern Oregon, largely unclaimed by a regional power, though it was close to the territories of the Western Brotherhood, and Arizona in it's entirety. Lucius would never agree to such terms.

"This is unacceptable!", exclaimed Brother Martin. "I cannot speak for Lucius Caesar, but I do speak for the Lord-Paladin, and I can tell you he is no more agreeable to the NCR attempting to solve their internal problems by embarking on military adventures against their neighbors now than he was five years ago!". He then added, "I beg of you to reconsider this rash course of action while you still can!"

Kimball smirked as he lit a cigar, then continued. “I figured that suggestion would be rejected.... which is why I started the invasion of Arizona two hours ago.” The room immediately went silent as Kimball turned to one of the white glove waiters and asked “Would it be possible to have a TV or radio brought in?”

“As we speak", Kimball continued, "the NCR 101st division storm troopers have broken though the legion lines, the 8th and 12th will follow them though and surround the legion forces as the 101th & 102th Marches on...Freeing and rally every slave they encounter they will turn an strike force into a small army...This time tomorrow that army will Marching on Phoenix!"

At this time, Martin's aide slipped in and approached Martin, whispering in Martin's ear first, then his.

"The Lord-Paladin directed me advise you", the aide whispered, "Our Ambassador in Santa Fe, as well as NCR State Radio, is reporting that the NCR forces began advancing East along I-10 and I-8 towards Phoenix about two hours ago. He wishes you to attend to him at the earliest possible moment."

Lucius looked over at Commander Fullman.

"You were saying?", he quipped sarcastically. He then rose and addressed the assembly.

"What Legion lines, President Kimball?" Lucius asked in a tone of voice that sounded like he was speaking to a child, "I know you haven't broken the Legion's lines, because there's no such thing." He then added icily, "By all means, march your armies into Arizona. See how far you get."

"But there's still a chance to turn away from this path, President Kimball," Lucius offered, "One last opportunity to save your soldiers lives, and those of your people. To spare them the experience of the utter horror of total war. Renew the treaty, keep the borders as they are. And my Legion will take no action against you. Otherwise continue down this path, and I will rain hell down on you. That is all I have to say."

Martin looked at Joseph with a wry expression on his face.

"It's out of our hands now, old friend", he said quietly. "Steel protect us all."
Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel - Brother Martin Wilson

15,000 feet above Northern Arizona

Far above the Grand Canyon flew a jet black Pre-War airliner, one of the small "puddle-jumper" types used in happier days fo flights between regional hubs. On it's tail and wings were the insignia of the Brotherhood of Steel, painted in blue marking it as that of the Midwestern Order. The aircraft was flying West, in the distant horizon the glow of the lights of New Vegas were just starting to become visible. Inside, in a cabin in the rear, two men kneeled on one knee before a humanoid robot, seated in a chair and wearing a seat belt. It was smaller than the typical humanoid robot the Order had inherited from the Calculator, only slightly larger than a average adult.

"The latest word", Barnaky's gruff voice emanated from the seated robot, "is that Kimball's Vertibird left NCR airspace two hours ago. He should be there when you arrive....if not, report immediately."

"Yes, My Lord", said the two men in unison. Both were elderly, in thier late fifties or early sixties, in simple black robes. "Should we return if that is the case?".

"Only if the conference does not go forward without him", Barnaky replied, "House has too much to lose for you to be in actual danger there, no matter what Kimball chooses to do, and I need to know what support we can expect from the others regarding the Cult. Hopefully the Atom Cultists will be willing to share what they know about them."

"We will seek an audience with them, My Lord", the elder of the two said, a tall, guant man with a distinguished air. "But given the confirmed accounts of them deploying atomic weapons against their enemies, I cannot recommend you grant them toleration in Order lands."

"Your objection is noted, Brother Joshua", Barnaky retorted. "Their faith...if you can call it that...is ridiculous, but those same reports indicate they are mostly harmless if not persecuted, and they hate the Cult even worse than we do." He then added, "In any case, if I'm wrong, I know I can rely upon you, my Inquisitor-General, to deal with them appropriately."

"Yes, My Lord", Brother Joshua replied. "We shall do as you command."

"Steel be with you", Barnaky concluded, "Closing connection".

With the link to the robot closed, the robot froze, then a moment later spoke in an entirely different and mechanical voice.

"Your orders, please, My Lords", the robot intoned obsequiously.

"Enter hibernation mode", the younger man said as he rose back to his feet. He then turned to look at Brother Joseph, who had also stood.

"Why do you keep questioning him about the Children of Atom?", he asked. "Their cult has not even spread out this far yet"

"Because it's my job to ask questions, old friend", Joseph said, "As it is yours to win us allies." He took a seat and continued. "The Children of Atom are dangerous, Martin, even if they do have potential value as allies, it is my duty to remind him of that."

The cabin PA crackled into life

"My Lords, Brothers and Sisters", announced the pilot. "We are beginning our descent to McCarran field. Please take your seats and fasten your seat-belts."

As Martin took a seat next to Brother Joseph, Joseph slapped his college on the back in a friendly manner.

"Into the snake-pit we go, old friend", he said with a wink.

Arrival Terminal - McCarran Field

The Nevada heat hit Martin like a wall as he stepped out of the open door of the air-conditioned aircraft and descended the stairs towards a Securitron waiting below, Joseph and their aides, and the robot behind him, carrying Martin and Joseph's suitcases. As Secretary-General of State, he was in charge of the Mission, with Joseph, his equal in rank as the Inquisitor-General being in an advisory role.

Stepping off the stairs, Martin approached the Securitron, which had a cartoon image of a pre-war policeman on it's view screen.

"Secretary-General for State of the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel", the Securitron said, reciting his title. "Welcome to New Vegas. How do you prefer to be addressed, sir?"

"Brother Martin will do", Martin replied calmly. "with party of three and one robot."

"Very well....Brother Martin", the securitron replied. "Please be advised, by order of Mr House your robot is subject to search for weapons and is to be confined to your assigned suite unless otherwise authorized."

"That is acceptable to me", Martin said, "Have reservations for the Aircrew at Vault 21 been arranged?"

"Affirmative", the securitron intoned.

As the robot was led away for security checks, Martin and the others entered the terminal and made their way to the monorail, and the short trip to the Strip. Disembarking from the monorail, they made their way past the milling crowd, Joseph shaking his head sadly at the spectacle of tourists plopping coin after coin into the slot machines even here. exiting the monorail station, they entered the Strip, ablaze with lights.

Martin conceded it was a truly impressive sight, in a few short years House had turned this city into something resembling the old pre-war images of the "Sin city" of the Old World. Striding beside him towards the Ultra-Luxe, the aides several steps behind, Joseph leaned towards Martin and quietly said something that made Martin wonder if he could read his mind.

"Look at this", Joseph said, "How can the NCR let it's people throw away their money like this? House is sucking them dry, can they not see this in Shady Sands?"

"They certainly don't have their priorities straight", Martin grimly agreed, "but then we knew that five years ago, didn't we?"

"Yes", Joseph replied with a chuckle, "and they appear to have learned nothing since then."

Walking past a massive water fountain, which a securitron was vainly trying to order a half-dozen people stripped to their underwear playing in it out of, the party made their way to the door of the imposing edifice. A shocking waste of resources...but it was not their problem nor their place to make a fuss about.

Entering the Ultra-Luxe, he was grateful for the cool blast of air that hit him, eliminating the oppressive heat outside. the four checking in their 10mm pistols at the coat check, the aides made their way to prepare their rooms while Martin and Joseph strolled about the casino floor. The luxury here was a stark contrast to what they were used to, even senior Order leadership such as themselves...it would take some getting used to.

Arriving at the Gourmand, a waiter led them inside, as their arrival was announced.

"His Excellency, Brother Martin, the Secretary-General of the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel, and party."

Looking around as they were ushered to their seat, Martin noticed a group of delegates he did not recognize (the Key Republic?), then saw that Caesar Lucius, accompanied by Vulpes, was already present and seated. He nodded respectfully to Lucius to acknowledge him. He also saw President Kimball was present, currently speaking animatedly to a man in brown robes that he did not recognize, who he suspected might be from the Children of Atom. Also seated was the Van Graffs, Gloria, Jean-Baptiste, and their father were present, to Martin's mild surprise. He did not expect that their entire leadership would be present. He nodded to them as well. Sitting alone, he spotted a man in the garb of a Brotherhood Elder...most likely the new High Elder, Gladstone. He nodded in recognition, curious if there would be a reply....he knew they wee still angry with the Lord Paladin even after nearly a century.

Then he saw them, and one side of his mouth momentarily curled in distaste before his self control assumed itself and he regained a blank impassive expression.

"So the Cult arrived after all", Martin thought darkly to himself. "Putting your best face on for those who know not yet what you really are...."

Martin and Joseph took their seats, each requesting a glass of water, calmly waiting to see what occurred next.
Welcome back, Martyr!

I would like the MWBoS. Borders with Caesar's Legion to be negotiated. Would control IL, MO, IA, and much of NE and KS.
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