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Mary Hawthorne - her house

Mary stirred slightly as a gentle touch moved down her arm, unearthing memories of all but forgotten pleasures that awakened a throbbing in her womb that would not be denied, followed shortly by a gentle shaking.

"It's still morning, Dearest", Mary murmured huskily in mock protest and she rolled over onto her back, looking forward to what was coming next, "You can have me, but least let me wake up, first.."

Then she opened her eyes, and the moment was gone.

Instead of her husband John, sitting on the edge of her bed next to her was Shelby, in a rather pensive mood. This irritated Mary greatly. It was bad enough the young woman had dredged up memories of the only man that had ever really satisfied her....she had also reminded her of why she had suppressed the memories of what she had given up for her power.

“Mary", Shelby said impatiently as she nudged her again, "Wake the fuck up, I need something.”

"What do ye want, ye slattern?", Mary hissed as she sat up with a start, leaning forward until she was nose to nose with the younger woman. "Did I not tell ye to come back after sundown?.

Mary's teeth bared slightly as Shelby explained.

"A mason jar?!?", Mary bellowed, "Ye woke me up for a damned Mason Jar? What is the matter with ye?" Mary then leaned back and rested on her arms, then planted a foot on Shelby's back and began to push. "Go ask the damned robot for one....and why don't ye make yourself useful and draw me a bath!"

"Miss Mary", the Robot, hovering in the doorway began to say. "I...."

"Damn you!", Mary bellowed as she snatched up a pillow from her bed and hurled it successfully at the robot, "go tend to the horse, will ye?"

"Yes, Ma'am", the robot replied obsequiously as it retreated out of the room and floated away. "Right away Ma'am".

It was then that Mary noticed that Shelby was armed to the teeth, carrying several weapons and had left a stout staff leaning against the wall.

"What are ye up to?", Mary demanded, "Why are ye armed for battle to collect a mason jar?" Her eyes narrowed accusingly and she hissed in a whisper. "Are ye thinking of trying what you saw this morning? Ye know nothing of what I know....it would end very badly for ye to try thy hand at something that powerful."
Vault 0 - Knight-Captain Murphy

Murphy opened his eyes wide with surprise at the stranger's reply.

"Lancer-Sergeat Robert Kyte," Robert replied, as he stood up, "I'm with the eastern chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel. I was sent east to reconnect with our former Brothers...I'm the last survivor of a group of holdouts in The Commonwealth. Can you take me to your commanding officer?"

Before him, seated and wired up in their command chairs in a circle facing each other, sat his four comrades, three men and a woman. Their eyes were still closed, still concentrating on controlling their avatars. He turned to face one in particular, a rugged and wiry looking man in his late fifties, and spoke.

"Sir?", Murphy asked, "What are your orders?"

The man opened his eyes and looked at him and smiled.

"Bring him home, son", Barnaky answered warmly. His voice then changed to a no-nonsense tone as he began to issue orders rapid fire. "Alright people, new mission parameters. The new objective is to cover Murphy while he leads Brother Kyle...and the civilians if possible...to rendezvous with Delta and Echo Squad at the State Route 3 Bridge for extraction. I will create a distraction at that whorehouse on the West side of town since I'm already over here. Price, Whitman, Haddad....drop what you're doing and clear a path for Murphy!"

Markle Police Department - seconds later

"With pleasure", Murphy said through the assaultron as he twirled the laser rifle around deftly and offered it to Kyle butt first through the open cell door. "The rest of your gear is up front...once my comrades are in position, we'll get you and the civilians out of town." He then added, "I'm Knight-Captain Murphy, by the way...but you can call me Alex if you like."

Highway 3 Bridge, North end - about twenty minutes later.

Knight-Sergeant Harkness peered over the rusting chassis of a Chryslus sedan...it's pathetically unsafe atomic engine thankfully scavenged years ago...and waited patiently as the dot, representing Murphy, approached on the map provided by his suit HUD. He was curious about the man from Lyons's Brotherhood that Murphy had found. He had only been a Initiate of 12 when Lyons and his Chapter had passed through their lands, heading for the old US capital of Washington DC, they had heard little since beyond the occasional group from the West or couriers.

Eventually, he..thanks to the advanced sensors in his suit...saw a blur approach the pair of very nervous Raiders guarding a small building about thirty yards away and dispatch them both with a sword....shortly after that, a small group, three terrified looking civilians and a man that had to be Brother Kyle appeared around a corner and headed straight down the road for them.

"Package is inbound", Harkness radioed on the Tactical net for his command, "Echo...check fire until further notice, Delta, be ready to cover the package." Delta squad moved up, and took up firing positions. Once the party passed through the firing line, Harkness spoke again.

"Delta, weapons free", Harkness said, "Prepare to fall back once the package has reached the bridge."

As the group approached, Harkness stood up so they could see him.

"Welcome, Brother", Harkness said to Kyle as he switched his laser rifle to his left hand and offered his right to the man, "I am Knight-Sergeant Harkness...I command the force at this position." He gestured at the bridge behind him then continued. "We hold the bridge, so you're safe from this point. Please lead your charges across quickly...we have this bridge wired for demolition and we'll be dropping it into the river once you, and Delta squad behind you, are across."
I-70 Brotherhood Border Post - outside Bethune, CO

From the watchtower at the Border post, a small cluster of buildings beside and between the lanes of the old Interstate 70, two Brotherhood members watched the approach of the Legion.

"Impressive, isn't it?", Paladin Kaminsky said as she scanned the massive column marching East down the Interstate with his binoculars. "Hasn't been a organized force this large in one place in our lands since the Mutant Wars....even Maneuvers doesn't involve more than a couple Brigades at a time."

"It is indeed, Sister", replied Knight Amanda, who commanded the Office of War Information field detachment sent to record this historic moment for posterity. "Twenty-five thousand men joining the fight against the Cult changes everything....it'll boost morale at home greatly to know they are not shouldering this burden alone."

"It certainly boosts mine", Kaminsky replied, "I was in the Brimstone Brigade's Mounted Infantry Regiment before I was selected to enter the Order...I fought alongside the Legion in the Mojave War from Albuquerque until we pushed the NCR back to their side of the Colorado. They're real soldiers...Lord Barnaky was wise to get them on our side."

"People had their doubts when the Lord-Paladin chose to intervene in the Mojave War", Amanda replied, "Caesar, the first one, Edward Sallow, had a mixed reputation to put it mildly. We had to stretch the truth somewhat to make the argument that the Legion's virtues outweighed the vices. Lucius's leadership style is far more....helpful in our work when it comes to educating the public." She then headed for the ladder and added, "they'll be here soon, need to get everything ready to shoot."

"Right behind you", Kaminsky replied, "I need to notify the Sappers at Burlington that our guests will be arriving there in about 3 hours."

I-70 - about 20 minutes later

The guard did his best to look natural as the rider approached. The rider wasn't why he was nervous...if they had been enemies the small post would have been overrun in minutes, after all...it was the cameras focused on him and the knowledge that his family back in Missouri, not to mention everybody in the Order's lands, were going to see him in the newsreels made from this film. The Legion officer looked like something out of a history book, a mailed knight astride a massive charger. He stopped just a few feet before him, and the rider's keen, piercing eyes transfixed him from above the chainmail hood covering his face.

"Tell Lord Barnaky," the officer began, as his horse stamped the ground before him, "That the Legions of mighty Caesar have come. We march to the east, and to war."

"On behalf of the Lord-Paladin, and the Midwestern Order of the Brotherhood of Steel", the guard responded, as he gestured for the crossing gates to be opened, "We welcome our friends and allies of the Legion to our lands!".

Amanda grinned as the rider wheeled his horse and returned to the head of the column and it marched through the now open gates as the cameras rolled. As Kaminsky said, even though their equipment was somewhat primitive, their demeanor and discipline shone through..they indeed were real soldiers, not some Tribal or Raider rabble. Once again, the wisdom of the Lord-Paladin's policies had been vindicated.

Burlington, Colorado

The Sapper company, aware that the Legion force would be arriving in a few hours, raced to put the finishing touches on the campsite at the edge of town. Thankfully, the residents of Burlington had stepped up and were using their own wagons and vehicles to haul materials from the train parked at the siding in town to the site...it made things far easier. Expanding the site, used normally by the Barnaky Youth Corps for a summer camp, to accommodate 25,000 men for several weeks was a major undertaking. Going off plans provided by the advance Party the Legion had sent to make preparations, they had prepared the ground and then concentrated on ensuring proper drainage and sanitation, as well as adequate supplies of clean water, would be both ready and sited where they would be needed. Everything else would be done by the Legionnaires themselves, in the manner they were accustomed to, though materials sufficient to fortify the site would be pre-positioned to ease their workload. From here, they would deploy Eastward to a identical site being prepared in Danville, Illinois....the end of the line until the rail gangs could extend the rail net to their first stage objectives in Indiana.

Markle, Indiana - Police Station - 2:15 AM

"Nice shooter", Slade said as he picked up the battered AER-9 laser rifle from the pile of belongings and damaged electronics on the table before him and examined it, "even if it is beat to shit." He then continued. "So, where did you find this fucktard?"

"Down by Mt Zion, Boss", Luke said, "we were collecting the "insurance" payment from the squares there, when he practically dropped into our lap. He put up a fight, but we got to him before he could get into his suit so it wasn't long before we got a collar on him."

"You lost five boys, right?", Slade replied, "Heck of a fight, i'd say."

"He only shot two", Luke said, his face turning red with anger at the memory, "The other three he got with the bomb. Shithead triggered some kind of time-bomb in the airplane and didn't tell us. That cost me three good boys I had stripping the fucking thing when it went off. Boys tried to beat him to death on the spot for that...had a hell of a time stopping them before they could fuck him up too bad."

"Why did you?", Slade sneered. "Gone soft or something?"

"If he hadn't been Brotherhood, I'd have shoved a sign post up his ass and planted him alongside the road to die", Luke retorted hotly, "But I figured you, and the Big Boss in Ft Wayne would want him alive and able to talk!"

"Fair enough", Slade replied, it only then occurring to him that the Big Boss would reward him greatly for handing over a live Brotherhood soldier, especially if he kept Frank and that bitch Peg out of it. "Just fucking with you."

"OK", Luke replied shortly, deciding it was better to accept the excuse than to press the point with his dangerously unstable boss, "No harm, no foul."

"Lighten up", Slade said affably, for him, and slapped Luke on the back", I'll make good your losses...you did good!" He then continued. "One thing, though....don't tell Frank or that c..."

Slade was interrupted as a Raider burst in through the front door of the station.

"Boss!", the Raider shouted upon recognizing Slade, "we've got a problem in the barracks! A full blown gunfight has broken out inside, and the power is out on that whole block!"

"Fuck!", Slade bellowed, "That bitch Peg is making her move, I just know it!" He whirled to face Luke, and jabbed a finger into his chest. "You stay here and watch the fucktard...everyone else, with me!"

Slade, followed by the other Raiders, stormed out and headed for their gang's barracks in the old City Hall.

Luke paced around anxiously, making sure he was actually alone in the small building...aside form the prisoners...and wondered what was actually happening. Having pledged his support to Peg some time ago, enticed by her offers...not to mention her bed...he knew full well she wasn't behind whatever was happening, because the time wasn't right, yet. She needed Slade to fuck up bad enough to give her a pretext to take him out.

He went to the back to check on the prisoners in the old cells....not noting the front door quietly open, and then close again. Entering the lockup, there were four cells, three occupied. One cell contained two male Wastelanders, and another a single female. All three had been taken from local settlments as payment in kind for "insurance" as they didn't have enough caps or food to make the payment. they would be sent to Ft Wayne as tribute, to be sold at the Slave auction or disposed of as the Big Boss saw fit. the fourth was a grizzled figure, wearing a tight fitting black jumpsuit, who looked like he had been knocked around a bit, though not seriously. He glared daggers at Luke.

"Like your new home, Brotherhood bitch?", Luke sneered, "Well don't get used to it....we'll be taking you to Ft Wayne soon enough, the Big Boss will no doubt have some questions for you. By the time he gets down with you, you'll wish I'd let the boys finish you."

He had hoped to put a scare into the man, or at least get a reaction...but the way he responded was completely unexpected. Rather than fear, or anger, or false bravado, his eyes opened wide like he was suprised, and then he smiled a terrible smile. Worse, the other three prisoners began to react themselves, and the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand on end. He turned around to find himself staring into the emitter of the Brotherhood soldier's laser rifle, pointed straight at his face. Before he could react, the rifle fired, causing his now superheated brains to erupt out of the back of his head. Dead where he stood, Luke crumpled to the floor.

The Assaultron, stealth field off so the Brotherhood logo, and the name "Murphy, A.J.", neatly painted on it's chest was clearly visible, slowly lowered the laser rifle it had been holding out with one hand, and looked around for the cell controls, as the three Wastelanders clamored to be let out. spotting the controls, it casually threw the lever for all cells and all four doors crashed open.

"You three", the Assaultron said with a male voice that did not sound in the least bit synthetic, "go up front and arm yourselves but don't leave the building until I say so, if you want to live to see the sun rise....it's not safe for you to make a run for it yet. " It then looked at the Brotherhood prisoner and added, "Stay here for a moment, Brother."

After the Wastelanders scurried out as instructed, the Assaultron spoke again.

"You do not appear in our Codex, Brother", the Assaultron said, "Who are you?" it then added, "The short version, please...we have maybe fifteen minutes before the shit hits the fan here."
Mary's House - towards the end of the attack.

> Diagnostic complete: All Systems nominal
>Beginning startup .....done.
>ADVISORY!! System Downtime 108 years 4 months 12 days 18 hours 6 minutes 39 seconds!
>ADVISORY!! Last duty assignment update 108 years 4 months 13 days 12 hours ago! Contact supervisor for reassignment immediately!
>ADVISORY!! MasterControlMainframe@sandyhomesconvalescent.us.net not responding! File trouble ticket with supervisor immediately!
>ADVISORY!! SysAdmin has been changed to rnoel@robco.us.net
>ADVISORY!! SysAdmin has changed supervisor to mhawthorne@robco.us.net
>Good Morning, Jeeves!
>You have 0 Duty assignments pending! Report to supervisor for reassignment!

Jeeves activated it's optical sensors and looked around, immediately realizing that it was not at the Home anymore...it was sitting in what appeared to be the living room of a private residence on Federal Street, across town, based on the crumbing edifice....St Peter's Episcopal Church....clearly visible out of the front windows. Peering out of the window was a young woman in a bathrobe, leaning unsteadily on a double barrel shotgun nearly as long as she was tall. "In the distance, Jeeves detected sounds that it's logic center told it was gunfire.

"Ma'am", Jeeves intoned as it floated up to it's usual height, "Is there a Civil Disturbance in progress? Should I dial the police?"

The woman whirled around, beginning to bring up the shotgun, but she paused when she realized it was just the robot she had turned on.

"There are no police anymore, ye infernal contraption!", she said in a slurred voice, taking a couple steps towards the robot, "Start the other one up, these damn idiots stirred up the Deathclaws and led them right into town!"

Now that he could see her face....Jeeves realized this woman was, according to it's database, his supervisor. She was also clearly intoxicated...if her degraded motor functions and flushed face weren't proof enough, Jeeve's built in breathalizer told it she currently had a BAC of .18 and was severely intoxicated.

"Miss Mary!", Jeeves said archly as it reached out with it's manipulator arms to take a hold of the weapon, "You, Ma'am, are drunk! I insist you give that firearm to me for safekeeping at once, before an accident happens!"

"Stupid robot!", Mary bellowed as she struggled against the implacable robot. to her fury, it managed to trip the lever and open up the breech, so that she couldn't fire it, "Get your hands off my shotgun! Do you have any idea how much danger we're in? there are Deathclaws roaming the streets looking for someone to eat!"

"You're talking nonsense, Miss Mary", Jeeves replied brusquely, "There is no such thing as a deathclaw!"

“They're real”, a voice came from behind. Jeeves rotated a optical sensor to look, near the door was a very young woman, with a stricken look on her face. Jeeves also noted that she appeared to be wounded.

"You appear to be injured, Miss!", Jeeves said, alarmed, "Should I call a ambulance for you?"

“I need to go home”, she said, then turned and walked outside, closing the door behind her. Preoccupied with the struggle with it's drunken, gun-wielding supervisor, Jeeves, reluctantly, did not follow. After a short struggle, Miss Mary let go of the shotgun and heaved, putting both hands over her mouth, wide-eyed in horror as she realized she was about to throw up. Forgetting the shotgun, she dashed up the stairs, stumbling for the bathroom. Now in possession of the shotgun, Jeeves unloaded it and floated up the stairs after Miss Mary. Hearing retching noises from a bedroom, Jeeves floated in, placing the shotgun on the bed then entering the bathroom where he found his supervisor on her knees before the toilet, violently throwing up into it.

"At least she managed to do that right", Jeeves mumbled under it's breath to itself. "Whatever possessed Mrs Perkins to hire her escapes me, let me tell you!"

Jeeves waited patently until Miss Mary was finished, then cleaned her up and helped her into bed, where she almost immediately passed out. Placing her on her side so she wouldn't choke on her own vomit should she begin throwing up again, Jeeves picked up the shotgun and floated out of the room, closing the door behind it. Putting the old weapon back in it's place above the fireplace, Jeeves looked around with a disapproving eye. Though the residence showed signs of having been recently cleaned, it had clearly suffered from years of neglect. While it's supervisor slept, Jeeves began to examine the house, to identify any problems that it could bring up to Miss Mary...who hopefully would be more reasonable once she sobered up.
Vertibird Crash Site

“You’re gonna be ok", a man's voice echoed as if from the bottom of a well, "You’ll make it, buddy”.

Steve felt something prick him in the arm and chest, each time a pleasing warmth began to flood through him. Finally fully conscious again, he looked around, seeing Corrine to one side of him, and Castner, pocketing a empty stimpack, on the other.

"You OK, Corrine?", Steve said weakly, as he tried, and failed to sit up. "I don't feel so good."

Somewhere behind him, a woman cried out in despair.

"NOO!" She screamed again, "T-t-they're" She sobbed, "..they're...Synths."

Castner looked over at Corrine.

"I'll see what she's talking about", Castner said, and got up and left.

Corrine nodded and held the bandages against his wounded arm.

"Well now..." Longfellow began, "The only thing I can think of is that crazy spirit those Children of Atom fruitcakes used to go on about. Their missionaries would always go on and on about the 'Mother of The Fog'. Not sure if this 'Mother' is the same one, but I guess it could be. The cultists don't look like the children at all though. For one thing...they've got full heads of hair..."

Corrine wiped her nose on the back of her sleeve in an attempt to regain some composure. She swallowed and finally spoke, her voice initially coming out as a gargle. "Suh-smooth skin, too. Many long-time cultists don't tend ta look so...well...fresh." She glanced around at the other islanders who had turned to face her while she spoke. "Well, it's true, ain't it?" Corrine shrugged. "Not like I know what it means. Maybe they just haven't been goons long enough ta have lost their hair an' their skin."

She crouched back down to take Steve's hand in both of hers, once more. "Can we just finish up, here, an' get back to down? Steve and James both need to see the doc. Nothin' about those cultists is gonna change in the time it takes us to get back to town."

Corrine looked into Steve's face and squeezed his hand. "You just hang in there, all right? We're gonna get you back to town, to a warm bed, and some medicine." As an afterthought, her gaze shot up to meet Longfellow's eyes. "Don't you forget about Avery, neither."

"Avery", Steve said slowly, "That explains it....I'm so sorry, Corrine." He squeezed Corrine's hand gently.

Finally feeling strong enough...thanks to the Stimpacks, he sat up, and with the rock he had tried to use for cover as support, with Corrine's help was able to get on his feet. Thankfully, the townspeople had come to their aid....Corrine seemed to be the only one of them that wasn't seriously hurt. Looking into the clearing near the Vertibird, he saw what he expected to find....the still form of Avery, and snuggled up to her, the creature, with a blood trail leading straight back here. The vision he had seen while unconscious was uncannily accurate....something Steve found highly unnerving.

"Corrine, if we're taking her back to bury her...", Steve said, nodding at Avery, "We oughta take the critter, too and bury them together....it's what both of them would have wanted."

Ultra-Luxe - The Gourmand

"I request the floor once more," Titus said, raising a hand, "All military actions between the NCR and Legion have been halted. A state of armistice has been declared by General Shu and Caesar. Delegates, with this turn of events I propose we adjourn this meeting and return home to our respective states. Furthermore, I propose that we reconvene in one months time to negotiate the full and lasting peace terms that will ensure stability in the West. If there are no objections....I will take my leave."

Barnaky raised his hand, and when given the floor, rose to speak.

"I second the motion to adjourn..", Barnaky said, "...and to reconvene in one month's time for the purpose of negotiating a final settlement. I would like to say at this time that my delegation and I shall remain in New Vegas for another day, and would be pleased to meet with anyone who has business with my Order. Thank you."

He then sat down.

After the formalities were out of the way, and the meeting was formally adjourned, a member of the Alaskan delegation approached.

"I had hoped we could meet after this", North said, "I had a matter to discuss. One you might find interesting. Perhaps we can meet later at my room, 108?"

"Certainly", Barnaky replied, "I would be pleased to meet with you...would 6:00 PM be convenient?" @VATROU

30,000 feet above Northern Indiana - 0130 CT the next day

"Four minutes", said a voice coming from one of the speakers in each trooper's helmet, "opening rear cargo door".

The red interior lights suddenly went out and before them, the rear cargo hatch of the old C-130 smoothly swung open, revealing the inky black night sky behind their aircraft. Inside the cargo area, three lines of armored figures, stood shoulder to shoulder, with nine others right behind them, all excited and apprehensive at the same time, as they waited patiently for the command to proceed. They had done this before....but only in training exercises, this time it was an actual mission.

"Two minutes", the voice spoke again as a buzzer sounded and a red light on each side of the open hatch lit up, "Form up." Immediately, each trooper put their right hand on the shoulder of the trooper ahead of them, and prepared themselves to drop. After what seemed an eternity, the buzzer sounded again and the red light changed to yellow.

"One minute.....stand by."

Finally, the buzzer sounded again, and the light turned green.

"Able squad...GO, GO, GO!"

The troopers in the right hand column immediately rushed forward, and stepped off the open ramp of the aircraft and began to plummet into the night. As the last trooper stepped off, the voice spoke again "Bravo, GO, GO, GO!" and the middle column followed, and finally Charlie squad on the left was given the cue to join them. At the same time, on the second aircraft in the fight, Delta and Echo squads, as well as a group of five specially configured Assaultrons, deployed from their aircraft as well. Their troops disembarked, the two pre-war cargo aircraft closed their cargo doors and banked sharply Northwest, towards their base in Chicago. In the air, each squad joined hands and formed up in a circle, and glided towards their unsuspecting targets below as they fell.

Markle, Indiana - 2:15 AM

The Mutant shook his head sadly as he approached the old Super Duper Mart. Two in the morning, and the place was still jumping, he could hear the music ten yards away. Perhaps the Raider crews...human and ghoul...that made up the garrison here thought they were ready for anything, but he knew better. Worse, he wasn't really sure if Rocksalt...he refused to call him "Rog'Resh" as he styled himself now...understood that Barnaky's Brotherhood was far more dangerous than the East Coast Brotherhood that they'd beaten before....though of course he failed to credit whoever took out their robot up in Boston and wiped out much of their leadership for making that success a whole lot easier, if even possible. He'd tried again and again to explain it to him, and that they needed to prepare, but it all fell on deaf ears. When he'd suggested...a error as he saw now...that perhaps he should consider asking The Prophet for aid, once he calmed down from the tantrum he threw over it, he exiled him here. Rocksalt didn't call it exile, of course....officially he had been put in charge of defending the frontiers. But exile it was....it'd be a while before he was allowed back into Ft Wayne again.

The Mutant trudged past the old Super-Duper Mart sign, altered with letters in half a dozen different fonts to read "Animal Planet". For the edification of anyone who viewed it as to what one could find inside, atop the sign....carefully illuminated with spotlights, was a giant mannequin, in this case from a "Big Boy" Burger Shop, cheerfully mounting the Atomic Tire Girl, bending over a giant pair of dice, from behind. The burger he originally held up on a plate had been replaced with a giant can of Duff beer. Someone had clearly gone to great effort to cobble it together. The Mutant shook his head again....if only they had shown such effort when it came to the defenses at the bridge.

The Mutant walked past, and approached the door. One of the pair of Raiders on guard opened the door for him.

"Evening, Boss!", the Raider said.

"Evening", the Mutant rumbled. "Seen Butcher Peg?"

"No Boss", he replied, "but our shift just started....don't know if she's inside or not."

The Mutant emitted a grunt that meant thanks, and walked in. The stench of stale cigarette smoke, booze, sweat...and sex...hit him like a blast to the face as he walked inside. the Bouncer at the weapon check counter pressed a button and the door leading inside opened for him, and he went into the main room. The place was packed, as usual. Raiders from all across Eastern Indiana and Northern Ohio, not to mention traders and locals with guts, lounged about, or sat at tables eating, drinking, gambling, and screwing. The business model was unusual, to say the least...it was a brothel with no fixed stable of girls, or even private rooms to do their business. Instead, any girl (or man, though that was not common) that wanted to "work" traded thier clothes..locked up by the House for safety and collateral...for a order pad and serving tray, and worked as both a waitress and a menu item for a shift of not less than four hours. When hired, they did it then and there, in full view of everyone. The customer paid for sex, booze, chems, chips, whatever, with tokens purchased from the House which the girls turn in for caps paid out when their shift is done. As neutral ground, it was a popular place for Raiders from rival gangs to conduct open negotiations...and behind the scenes liasons. The Mutant...not having entirely forgotten his Vault upringing....thought it was disgusting but interfering would incite a full-scale mutiny, especially since the leaders of both Raider groups based here were receiving a substantial cut of the profits to provide security and guarantee the safety of people they would normally kill on sight.

As the Mutant made his way to the bar, the music stopped and the PA turned on with a whine as a spotlight turned on and focused on a spot on the dance floor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...if there are any here", a oily voice called out with a laugh, "If you'll direct your attention to the dance floor, we've got a surprise for you!" some laughter and catcalls began as a female ghoul, clad in a rough woolen robe, walked out on the dance floor, pulling along a somewhat reluctant Caravaneer by the hand with her. The Mutant recognized her as one of the feral handlers. Once under the spotlight, they stopped and the ghoul raised her and the Caravaneer's arm above her head. The crowd began to cheer.

"Let me tell you good folks a little story. Once upon a time there was a man named...wait, what's your name again, dude?", the announcer asked the now very nervous man.

"B-Billy", he stammered.

"Right", the announcer said. "There once was a fellow named Billy, and he liked to play cards. But fortunately or unfortunately depending on your point of view, he sucks at it. Well, he comes to this fine establishment to play some cards. And he meets the heroine of our story....Sandra. Sandra is faster than a Corvega Rocket 69, but she has a problem...ever since she made some unfortunate life decisions that ended up with her taking a bath in the Detroit River, she has a hard time finding a driver who can get her motor running, ifyouknowwhatImean." Sandra replied to this by giving the finger in the direction of the announcer booth in mock anger. "Anyway, unlike Billy she happens to be really good at cards. Just look at him, ladies...handsome isn't he?" Several female voices shouted out in approval. "Well, it was a match made in heaven...for Sandra at least. You know how this goes...one thing lead to another and Sandra wins all his caps at the poker table. Isn't that sad?" More laughter and catcalls from the crowd. "Well, he has a wife and three kids to feed...don't we all?..so Sandra took pity on him and made him a offer....they would play one more hand and if he won, he got all his caps back and got to put Sandra to work for a shift, and pocket all her proceeds! Generous?" The crowd replied approvingly. "You're damn right she is! Out of the goodness of her heart, she even agreed to give him half of his caps back if she won...all he had to do is earn his "Rad Wings" with her right here, and right now, in front of God, Atom, someone best not Named, and whoever else might be up there, and everybody." He then added, "I don't think I have to explain who won that hand, do I?"

At this the crowd began to applaud, stomping on the floor shouting "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!

"Yes!", the announcer said, "It's Ghouls night out! Sweetie, take the Juice to the floor!"

A rather sweaty waitress, wearing nothing but high heels, strutted out to where the pair stood, holding up a tray with a single shot glass on it. She stopped before the couple and held it out for Sandra shrugged off the robe, revealing herself to be nude underneath, her radiation ravaged form adding to Billy's discomfort. Sandra took the shot glass, emptied it into her mouth, then placed it back on the tray upside down, and the waitress retreated. She then pulled Billy to her, gripping his head tightly and kissing him hard on the mouth, pushed her tongue into his mouth. At first he struggled to get free, but as the ant queen pheromones took hold his struggling became increasingly feeble, then suddenly he began to return the kiss heatedly. The crowd roared with approval as the pair, now both in the heat of chemically induced passion, began working together frantically to disrobe Billy without breaking the kiss.

"Aw look", the announcer said with amusement as things began to get really heated, "Billy seems to have made a new friend!" The music began again, at a low volume to avoid drowning out the main event.

The Mutant sighed with resignation. For some reason the Raiders here never seemed to tire of watching Wastelanders and ghouls fuck.....but at least they kept it consensual here. He'd seen far worse in his time. He then turned to the bar, and leaned on it with one massive arm.

"Peg here?", he asked the Bartender.

"Upstairs", he said, nodding in the direction of the second floor that had been erected inside he cavernous building, where the set leaders traditionally held court and plotted schemes with and against their neighbors. "She is "negotiating" with the Huntington Boys."

"Thanks", the Mutant replied, rolling his eyes as he got up to head for the stairs. Peg...or Butcher Peg to use her full name...was by far his most able lieutenant, but she was very ambitious. Her ambition and ruthlessness...and a lot of buffout...had gotten her out of slavery. Taken from a farm somewhere in Ohio in her teens, she started at the bottom as a slave who, when not being raped herself, made herself useful to the gang by volunteering to dispatch the other sex toys her gang had tired of and butcher them for their meat. From there, she worked her way up to being essentially a common wife for the gang..a small but important distinction as a slave could, and often was, killed on a whim but a "wife" could only be killed by order of the Boss...using that role to get enough support to win her spurs as a full member, and more recently, with some assistance from him...he had found it necessary to establish his authority by strangling her predecessor to death with his bare hands shortly after he arrived...rise to become the Boss herself. He was aware she had designs of eliminating Slade, the leader of Markle's other gang, and making herself Overboss of both gangs. While he could do without Slade....he was a hopeless Psycho addict and dangerously unstable, not to mention incapable of thinking strategically....the last thing he needed was a Gang War here. One look at a road map made it clear that one day, soon, Barnaky's Legions were going to be rolling up the Interstate and if they weren't ready he would squash them like bugs. He had already lost one war to that monster, and he wasn't about to lose a second. He had mixed feelings about the Cult...he did not approve of their methods...but he hated Barnaky with every fiber of his being and was willing to pay any price to bring him and his Regime down. The man had taken too much for him to ever let it go.

As he approached the crude wooden stairs, a pair of men in the colors of the Huntington Boys sheepishly descended the stairs, the rear one still fumbling with the fly of his road leathers. They nodded at him in acknowledgement, then scuttled away with guilty demeanor. The Huntington Boys had started just after the War as a "Farmer's Militia" to protect the settlement in Huntington...a goal they were quite successful at due to the presence of a National Guard Armory. But like such groups often do...when the threat they faced receded...they eventually became what they had originally banded together to fight, Raiders. Once Rocksalt left The Pitt to come to Fort Wayne, they, like every gang in the area, were faced with a choice between Rocksalt's way or the highway. They, having roots in the area, were one of the gangs that chose to serve....as Rocksalt was not concerned with the day to day affairs of his affiliates, it worked out for them quite well. As for those who didn't, they either left or ended up dead or on the auction block....he'd led several of the campaigns himself. Obviously Peg had been tipped off in the middle of her "negotiations" he was coming and sent them away....for now, at least.

As he climbed the stairs, he heard Peg's voice...a single word, "clean". Reaching the top, he saw Peg, nude and sweaty, lolling in her favorite arm chair. Peg was in her prime, a woman of about thirty, tall and well-muscled, even before her Buffout regimen made her look like a Amazon out of a Grognak comic. Her entire body, except her face, hands and feet, was covered in tattoos. Her head was shaved on the sides, the rest of her hear was left long and gathered in a pony tail. She was gently toying with the hair of her favorite slave Kitty, wearing a red sequin dress, who was crouched between her open legs, obediently carrying out her Mistress's order, while Peg watched with interest the show on the dance floor. The Mutant glanced over and noticed that Sandra and Billy had been joined by another female ghoul....before the chems wore off the hapless Wastelander will likely have been coaxed into servicing every female ghoul in the place....he would certainly earn his caps back.

"What do you need, Frank?", Peg asked distractedly, keeping her eyes on the dance floor. "I'm in play...House rules...you caught me naked. If you've got a token and looking for some...what was that word you used, frottage?...I've got the rubber sheets and Wesson Oil. You seemed to like that....I know I did." She chuckled then added sincerely, "No shit."

"I'm not here for that, Peg", Frank replied, "What are you planning with the Huntington boys?"

Peg leaned forward and reached over to the side table next to her chair with her free hand, and fumbled with a pack of Victory cigarettes and pulled one out and stuck it in her mouth, then settled back into her chair and turned to look at Frank.

"Spark me", she said. Humoring her, he picked up the battered old lighter from the table and lit her cigarette, then put the lighter down. Peg blew smoke in Frank's direction then answered. "do you really want me to answer that question, Frank?"

"Want? No", Frank said. "Need? Yeah. Just got word....Barnaky's people overran Castleton a few hours ago. Indy is cut off, now."

"Fuck me", Peg replied, exhaling another drag, "They're on 69 already? Seriously, what the fuck are those idiots doing down there?"

"I warned them and Rocksalt that this would happen", Frank said grimly, "And now it has. We're squarely in the path of a shitstorm, Peg, and I don't need the distraction of you trying to move up in the world right now. When the time is right, we'll discuss your future...but not before then."

"Alright, alright!", Peg exclaimed, conceding defeat, "You win!. I'll leave Slade alone until this shit is sorted." She then pointed at him. "but you know as well as I do that fucktard is a liability. You should have killed him too and you know it!"

"Baby steps, Peg", Frank replied sternly, "I could only kill one of those idiots....I chose Roach as a favor to you, and you'd do well to remember that! I..."

Frank was interrupted as the power abruptly went out, plunging the whole interior into darkness. At first, the reaction from the crowd was bemusement and irritation. Flashlights snapped on and one of the bouncers, flashlight in hand, headed for the back to check the breaker box as the patrons kvetched and catcalled at him.

"Why haven't the emergency lights come on?", asked Peg ominously. "They're on batteries...I had that shit checked out last week!" She then spoke to Kitty. "Stop that and get me a flashlight!"

it was then that one of the bouncers heading to the back suddenly cried out in pain and dropped his flashlight, which went skittering along the floor.

Then the music began....a recording of a wild martial air played on shrill instruments backed up with drums....and Frank's blood ran cold as he recognized what it meant.

And all hell broke loose.

As the infernal music played loudly, people below began to scream, and before long pistol fire began to ring out as frightened patrols began shooting blindly in all directions, hitting others and panic spread like a virus. Frank readied his Super Sledge and stood at the top of the stairs, trying to gauge where their unseen assailants were. Suddenly, someone wormed their way under his arms.

"Open your mouth, Frank!", Peg hissed. Though the request seemed odd, he complied, and what felt like a plastic bottle was pushed into his mouth, dumping pills into it. "It's Cateye...swallow it!" Frank did, and after a moment, he found he could see. Peg ducked out from under his arms, and grabbed the belt-fed 5.56 LMG that had been leaning against the side table. "there's a ladder in back that leads to the emergency lights...I'm gonna get the lights back on...you deal with whatever the fuck that is!" She looked over at Kitty, cowering nearby. "You hide!". she then darted off. Frank turned and headed down the stairs. Thanks to the Cateye, and the holes in the ceiling of the decrepit old building, he could now see. It didn't take long before he spotted the attacker...there seemed to be only one...running on a Stealth Boy, cutting down helpless patrons left and right as they darted about. Frank charged, and with a mighty roar, took a swing at the fast moving assailant that caught them unawares and sent them flying at least ten feet right into the jukebox, smashing it, and causing the shrill music to come to a sudden stop. The stealth field also dropped, revealing the assailant was a Assaultron, a Brotherhood logo painted neatly on it's torso. Frank snarled in triumph and rage, and rushed forward, winding up for another swing. But once he had committed to the swing, to Frank's surprise the robot suddenly moved, and the Super Sledge connected with the already ruined jukebox.

"Missed me, Mutie!", brayed the robot in an all too familiar voice, then it took a thrust with the sword in it's hand at his leg, which glanced off the armored plate on his calf, "You'll have to do better than that!"

"Fuck you, Fascist!", Frank retorted angrily, taking another swing, "You wouldn't talk that way if you were standing there, instead of being safe in your jar!"

"Did I trigger you, snowflake?", Barnaky sneered as he dodged the massive hammer, "Well, my pussy hurts!" He then added, "But as far as your accusation...I killed plenty of you..things..myself before I ascended, and I'm not nearly done yet!"

Suddenly, the lights came back on, revealing the carnage that Barnaky had wrought. Bodies were everywhere....and groaning wounded were crawling for the exits.

"Now that's just wrong....", Barnaky said with distaste as the robot's optical sensors switched back on from infrared and he could see all too clearly Billy and Sandra were still furiously copulating on the floor, completely oblivious to what had just happened around them, "What the hell is wrong with you people?" He then looked back at Frank. "Frank? Frank Mitchell? Yes....It is you!" Barnaky crowed with a laugh. "Outstanding! Today must be my fucking birthday!" The Assaultron's headlaser immediately began to charge, Frank dived for cover just in time as it fired a beam through the spot he had been standing a split second later, blasting a hole five feet wide through the far wall.

"Damn!", Barnaky exclaimed, "I missed!" He then looked over at the front, the commotion coming from the entrance made it clear that reinforcements were arriving. "It's been fun, Frank...but as I say, 'business before pleasure'.....got places to be, Ta!" Barnaky then headed for the door, but as it jumped through the still red-hot hole in the sheet steel wall, a burst of automatic weapons fire from the rear connected with the robot, blasting both it's legs off. Momentum caried it through, though. Peg, still naked, ran up to the wall and looked outside. The robot was actually walking on it's hands, heading for the old truck terminal, where they housed the ferals, at a surprisingly quick pace.

"It's heading for the feral pen!", Peg shouted as she raised the LMG to her shoulder and fired a long burst, "Stop it before it frees them!"

Frank charged past her, and out into the night....thankfully she stopped shooting. Barnaky was moving quickly, but Frank caught up without much trouble and a short swing wrecked one arm and the now immobile robot crashed to the ground. Frank flipped it over with his foot so it could see him.

"I bet you're feeling rather proud of yourself right now", Barnaky said, "You killed a robot...congratufuckinglations, Frank!"

"You'll pay, Barnaky!", Frank seethed, "For Lincoln, for the people you've just killed, for everything!"

"Your Cult friends gonna get revenge for you, Frank?", Barnaky replied mockingly, "Wake up genius, they're playing you like a sucker! Trust me, I've never lied to you...they're using you like a Jimmy Hat, and once they blow their goo in you, they'll peel you off their pecker and throw you aside without a thought! Ha!" Barnaky scoffed, "All you are is a pawn, fighting other people's wars...first for the Master, and now for that freak in Pittsburgh! Have you even listened to the shit they put out on the radio?" He then added, "I've always been true to my principles....you, on the other hand, you're selling out everything the MLA claimed to believe in, and for what? To get even with me? Guess what, Frank, I'm not the one pissing on the memory of your friends....it's you!"

"Shut up!" Frank bellowed as he raised the hammer and brought it down on the robot with all the strength he had, not because Barnaky was lying but because he knew what he said was true. His allies were just using him, and Rocksalt, and all the others. What hurt worse, though, is that it didn't even bother him anymore.

"Heh heh", Barnaky said, his voice now crackling from the massive damage the robot had suffered, "My work here is done....but it's gonna be a long night for you, Frank. Oh, yes... a long night indeed." with a wry chuckle, Barnaky's voice disappeared, replaced by that of the failing robot.

"Critical damage to all sub-systems", the robot said in the mechanical, female voice of an assaultron, "Mission complete. Self-destruction protocol initiated. ten...nine...eight..."

Frank ran back towards Animal Planet....when the count reached zero the robot exploded violently, and Frank felt the warm glow of the radiation from it's micro-nuke self destruct charge. He stopped and watched the small fireball boil up over the remains of the robot, a triumph if only a empty one. Peg ran up to him and stopped.

"Why was that robot talking like a real person, Frank?", Peg demanded, "What the fuck was that thing?"

"Barnaky", he replied softly, "It was Barnaky. He was controlling that Robot like a puppet."

"But why?", she asked.

A series of explosions just outside town, to the south....the exact direction of the State Route 3 Bridge....answered Peg's question before Frank could. They looked at each other in horror.

"The Bridges!", they said together. For the first time, they noticed the faint echoes of gunfire coming from far down the Interstate, which ran right along animal planet.

"Fuck!", Frank bellowed, "They're here to destroy the bridges!" Frank was furious with himself, he should have seen this coming. He turned to Peg. "I want everyone capable of carrying a gun and every vehicle in town still running in Animal Planet's parking lot in ten minutes!" Peg hesitated a bit, she had never seen him angry before. He then shouted, "Go!"

You got it, Boss!", Peg said, then whirled and ran towards the barracks as fast as her legs would carry her.

Frank bellowed in rage at the sky in helpless frustration. All he could hope for now is the bodies he had stationed at the bridge would be able to hold out long enough for them to get there.
SAC Command Bunker - Conference Room

The spartan, but well furnished conference room was alongside the second story of the cavernous Operations room, where long ago the Strategic Air Command Staff had controlled the Old World Government's nuclear forces before and during the Great War...and now was from where the Midwestern Order controlled it's forces, under the ever watchful eye of the Lord-Paladin. The north wall of the room was tempered glass, giving the occupants a panoramic view of the operations room, and the maps and status boards on the walls. But the occupants, sitting around the long, ancient wooden table, had their attention elsewhere....a speaker sitting on the center of the table.

"....The New California Republic - in its core, will remain the same", the speaker crackled. "In the coming weeks, there will be a change to the political system. We will transition from a Republican system, where everything is run from Shady Sands - to a more federalized system, where many states that make up the NCR will have more word and say."

"What will that mean for you? Less taxes and less bureaucracy in your dealings with the government. Shady Sands will still remain our capital - but most of your political work, can be done in the state in which you live in. In the following days, I will be in contact with the Governors that are there to manage your states. There will be new elections, and well as new laws that will be drafted up in the near future."

"We will be looking more inward, starting to develop and build upon what we have. We can't expand forever, there are others whom do not like what we are doing. Once we might have ignored them. We can longer do that. We have a choice - we can either change with the growing times or go the fate of our predecessor. If one has to wonder what that is - one has to only look out the window."

"This is General Lee Shu. Out.

General Tsu's voice was replaced by music, and in response to a gesture made by the robot sitting at the head of the table, the radio broadcast was speedily cut off as the echo he was receiving from hearing this in two places was irritating.

"It appears that Kimball's death has sparked a coup", Barnaky said, "Your thoughts, ladies and gentlemen?".

"Tsu is certainly saying the right things. My Lord", replied Paladin-General Wilson. "Perhaps the repeated defeats have finally forced them to face reality....their current policies are simply not sustainable in the resource depleted world our thrice damned ancestors left for us." He then cleared his throat and continued. "In any case, such rhetoric should be encouraged. I would recommend the contractors we have in California be recalled immediately."

"Agreed", Barnaky replied, "I'm giving that order as we speak." He then turned to a Scribe on his left. "Brother Harold, what news have we of Lucius Caesar?"

"He was wounded in the battle but still lives, but that is all we know right now", Brother Harold, one of Martin's deputies, said. "Our Embassy in Santa Fe is trying to get in contact with his Field HQ to learn more."

"Paladin-Commander Jeffries has arrived in Santa Fe and is taking steps to organize the defense of the city as agreed to previously", Wilson added, "he says the local Legion commanders are quite cooperative, but don't know any more about the situation with Lucius than the Embassy does."

"We need to get someone to Lucius asap", Barnaky growled, "I need to know what Lucius is going to do next. Defeating Kimball and his Expeditionary Force is a major achievement, given the disparacy in tech, but it's just the sort of achievement that can go to a man's head and make him overreach. Lucius is a prudent man, but they have endured much these last five years." He looked at Brother Harold. "Expect orders from Brother Martin regarding this."

"Next item on the agenda is Oklahoma", Barnaky said, "What are the Texans up to?"

"They've made camp in Norman, about 20 miles South of Oklahoma City", Wilson replied, "5000 Infantry, 300 Cavalry...and we believe a reinforced Company of Texas Rangers. They've also got several hundred civilians with them."

"Settlers, My Lord", added Sister Mason, the Inquisition representative. "Part of a official settlement initiative sponsored by the New Dallas government. An opportunity we took advantage of....it was advertised locally to the general public." She shrugged. "No doubt a few Texas Rangers are traveling with the civilians as well, for the same reason."

"We believe they mean to push their border to Oklahoma City", Wilson continued, "While a powerful force, it's not powerful enough to make a credible offensive on our lands, which could be a deliberate calculation on their part. Not to mention the logistical problems supporting an opposed invasion of Kansas would present to them." He then added, "but once secured, and connected to Texas's rail net...it would make a excellent staging area for incursions Northward."

"Is that what you think they intend?", asked Barnaky.

"That question could be better answered by the Inquisition or Office of State, My Lord", Wilson answered, "For my part, I fail to see what they would gain by doing so....but if they are acting on ideological beliefs, logic, not to mention perceived economic or strategic benefit, might have nothing to do with it."

"It all comes back to this 'Co-Prosperity Sphere' Tenpenny mentioned", Barnaky said, "What is it's purpose? And why is it being formed in secret?"

Barnaky looked back to Wilson.

"I take it contesting a Texan occupation of Oklahoma City and southern Oklahoma is not an option at this point", Barnaky said. Wilson shook his head, though Barnaky knew the answer already. "Very well, then....we'll just have to maintain our current defensive posture and wait and see. We've got bigger fish to fry anyway."

Communications Room - @Kouropalates

The Duty officer pulled the message off the teletype the moment it finished printing and read it.




*****MESSAGE ENDS******


Immediately, the Duty Officer barked out the orders to begin the process of transmitting the message....
Mary Hawthorne - Between her and Brandy's house

The Deathclaw shrieked in pain as the sabot slugs hit and bit deep, whirling around and roaring out a challenge. Fortunately, before it could leap at Mary while she was reloading, Shelby stepped in with what appeared to be the poker from her fireplace, and took a swing at the deathclaw, connecting with it's head and sending it reeling until it fell at Brandy's feet, thrashing spasmodically in it's death throes, Shelby's blow being the final straw.

“Holy shit, you don't fuck around,” Shelby winked at Mary and spun the poker around once, grasping it with both hands and preparing to charge in and finish the Deathclaw off when she stopped in her tracks and looked back, over Mary's shoulder in the direction of the church. Immediately, the sassy expression, and the color, drained from her face.

“A fucking mutie”, she said. She then turned and sprang forward, grabbing Brandy by the arm and trying to drag her away. Brandy, frightened out of her wits, just sat there aiming at the dying creature and pulling the trigger of a pitifully small (and empty revolver) over and over again. “You're fuckin’ funeral Twit.”, Shelby hissed and then she dashed off towards the church. Mary raised the now loaded shotgun to finish the Deathclaw, but it finally expired. Mary then lowered the weapon, and looked around to take in the situation. The streets were in total chaos...by the church Shelby was helping up the blond mercenary woman from under a dead Mutant. Gunfire was sounding all across town, another Mutant with a huge gun of some sort was killing another Deathclaw over by the Diner.

At this point, the bourbon no longer shielded Mary from the realization of how much danger she had placed herself in. While she could use a gun...at least a simple one like her shotgun or revolver...a double barrel shotgun was not the tool to be hunting a Deathclaw with. while she did have means of dealing with these creatures....it would completely blow her cover to make use of her magic. She had to get indoors at once. The clicking from Brandy dry-firing her revolver reminded Mary of her presence.

"How did you make it to adulthood?", Mary thought irritably. "I haven't seen someone so shielded since I was her age."

But it was clear, if Mary left her there, she would die. For some reason, that bothered Mary...stirring feelings she thought long dead. After a moment of internal struggling, she rationalized that helping the younger woman would ingratiate her with the others, and wasn't just fooling altruism. the decision made, she tried to take her by the arm to lead her away.

"Come on, Brandy", Mary said, "It's not safe here! We need to go inside!" But like with Shelby, she resisted and continued blankly staring at the now dead Deathclaw and pulling the trigger of her empty revolver.

"Damn ye, ye foolish girl!", Mary said, "Ye don't have the good sense God gave ye!" She then leaned the shotgun against the dead creature, and bodily picked up Brandy and threw her over her shoulder. The younger girl resisted, but Mary was stronger and once she picked Brandy up, she grabbed her shotgun and headed back towards her house, ignoring Brandy's feeble struggle to get free. She walked in her front door, pushing it shut again with her foot as she passed, and took Brandy upstairs to her bedroom, throwing her onto her bed.

"Stay in here until this is over, you silly girl", Mary said sternly, then closed the door behind her and went back downstairs. Walking back into the living room, her eyes lit upon the two dormant robots in the living room.

"Looks to be as good time as any to try you out", Mary said, as she examined the nearest one. "Now, how does one turn you on......".

After some pushing and prodding, she found a small panel that opened, revealing a flip switch marked on and off. She flipped it to on, and some whirring noises began to emanate from the robot. Something was happening, but Mary wasn't sure what. She then went to the window and peered out around the curtains, to see what was currently happening.....
Steve Miller - Vertibird Crash Site

Steve opened his mouth, releasing his foe and staggering back crying out from the pain from the two fiery wounds that had coursed through his body with the shouts from his foe and the loud noises. He crumpled to the ground and rolled up into a ball, hoping the pain would go away, but it only lessened, leaving behind a dull throbbing that made it hard to breathe. He felt something wet on both his back and his chest...he knew that something was very wrong. In front of him he heard a strange click click, just like the two he had felt before the pain began..so he opened his eyes to see what it was. A few feet away, he saw a human he knew, though for some reason he could not remember their name, sitting and leaning on one arm, blood welling out of his forearm, and with the other pointing an object at him that he recognized but could not name for some reason. His face was a mixture of great pain, and a feral look of vengeful glee. It was clear now that the end had come. Emotions flooded through Steve, pain, anger, loss, sadness because he had failed an a obligation that was important to him....as well as a question, a simple question, but one he could not put into words.

All he could do was wait for the final blow to come.

But it didn't.

After a pause that seemed to go on forever, his foe's expression changed. While the pain remained, the glee ebbed away, replaced by sadness and regret. His arm lowered, and the device fell into his lap, and he looked at him and sighed.

"I'm sorry, little guy", he said. He then struggled to get up. But as he began to do so, something moving too fast for him to see hit the arm the man was leaning on with a gout of blood and he fell back down. "For fuck's sake!", he exclaimed, then collapsed, no longer moving except for his breathing.

His foe was helpless, but Steve didn't want to fight any more. His desire to seek revenge for what had been taken from him unjustly had ebbed out of him just like his life was, leaving only the terrible sense of loss and need to grieve....and a unaskable question he knew now would never be answered. He knew the end was near, and that he wanted that end to be by Her side. A new determination filled him, and he forced himself onto his hands and knees and began to crawl. Slowly and painfully, Steve advanced hand over hand towards his goal, ignoring the noise and yelling as the other humans fought, focused on Her crumpled form, the one person who had meant everything to him. Another human, a female, was sitting by Her. He recognized her as well, though like the other, he could not remember her name. She was grieving for Her, just like he was. That also made Steve glad, and reassured him as well....if others grieved for Her, then his love for Her couldn't have been misplaced. Finally, he reached Her side, the other human moving aside slightly without even noticing it as he snuggled up to Her body, which was still warm. As he felt her warmth, the pain finally ebbed away, and peace settled over him, and scattered memories of happier times flitted through his head as he drifted off to sleep.

As the darkness of sleep enveloped him, one final thought occurred to him....now, at the end, merely idle curiosity...the question that had been on the tip of his tongue ever since She had been taken away from him right before his eyes.

* After a long period of darkness *

"Shit," a voice said, distant as if from the bottom of a well, "He needs bandages. Bring me my bag!"

In the background was some distant movement, then something hit the ground nearby and the voice spoke again.

"I can't have ya die, too", she said, "Please."

A sharp pain shot up his left arm as something was pressed hard against it, enough pain to wake him up.

"Why?", Steve shouted in anguish, "Why did we have to die? What did we do wrong?"

He then opened his eyes to see Corrine hunched above him, deep concern written on her face. He began to cry.

He had finally understood what the question was.
Mary Hawthorne - Her house

“Teach me", Shelby said, "Tell me what type of shit I have to do to learn. I still am in disbelief, but I can't unsee what I witnessed so I know it's real.”

"Are you sure?", Mary asked sternly, "I'm concerned that you don't realize what the price of such knowledge is." After a pause, Mary continued. "For one thing, you can forget normal relationships. Everyone and everything you care about will turn to dust while you live on. Fame, renown, wealth...learning what I know will bring you none of those things. You will learn and see the most amazing things....but one terrible day you will realize that the world of men has passed you by, and that you are truly alone....and you won't care anymore. And if that wasn't enough....you'll know about those Outside...who, if they could, would gobble up this whole world and every soul in it like you would a Fancy Lad Snack cake."

She settled back in the tub and continued.

"Ignorance is bliss, Shelby", Mary said, "Those Outside cannot enter our world unless someone lets them in. People have tried to let them in, but so far they have failed....because there are those who will gladly kill someone like me to make sure that door is never unlocked. Witchfinders, Hunters, whatever you call them...you'll always be looking over your shoulder for them, iff'n you aim to live, that is."

Before Shelby could answer, the faint report of a pistol came from out in the street. Mary climbed out of the tub and reached around Shelby to grab the bathrobe on a hook on the door behind her.

"Think on it and come back to me after dark and we'll discuss it some more", Mary said as she put on the bathrobe and tied the belt, then walked out into the hallway and into one of the front bedrooms.

"What the hell is going on now?", she muttered to herself as she approached the window. Just before she got there, more shots were fired and a bullet flew through the window and hit the wall with a thud. Mary looked out to see the young woman who lived next door frantically running down the street, with a familiar looking Deathclaw hot on her heels.

"Damnation! A Deathclaw!", Mary exclaimed as she whirled about and sprinted towards her bedroom, where her double barrel 12 gauge leaned in the corner. She opened a drawer on her dresser, rummaged through the contents until she found a worn, half full box of shotgun shells marked "12g Sabot Slugs - For Police and Military Use Only" and dumped the box's contents into her pocket, then snatched up the shotgun and broke it open, jamming two of the shells inside, then closing the breech and running for the stairs. As she ran out the front door, the Deathclaw had cornered the foolish child between the houses and was closing for the kill. Mary raised the shotgun and fired, first one barrel and then the other, then as smartly as she could broke open the shotgun, ejecting the spent shells and loading two more, hoping if that didn't do the trick, others were on the way to help out.
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