Avatar of Tim the Yeti


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current The older (and subsequently busier) I get, the more I have come to understand and appreciate shorter posts. It's all I seem to have time for these days :/
4 mos ago
¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
4 mos ago
Ever since I learned that the 2005 King Kong film directed by Peter Jackson features a companion book outlining the fictional biology of Skull Island, I have wanted to use it as a setting for an RP...
4 mos ago
Absolutely LOVED Primal and eagerly awaiting more episodes. The dinosaur designs in that show hit perfectly on the part of my brain still living in my little kid dino obsession.
1 like
4 mos ago
I gotta say, using the stone age as a backdrop for a fantasy world rather than the typical medieval and beyond is an interesting idea and should be done more often imo.
1 like


Please take a look at my current interest check here to get an idea for what sort of roleplay I'm seeking at the moment.

As it stands, this bio is a little outdated, I just don't have the heart to get rid of it just yet. Cheers!

Hello and welcome to my all-inclusive interest check! Please come in and have a look over everything I've laid out. I hope to keep this up to date with plots, pairings, and other general bits of roleplaying inspiration.

If anything interests you, I ask that you PM me instead of replying to this thread. I really want to keep this thread looking nice and tidy, and it is incredibly likely that I won't see your reply. PMs are the best way to reach me.

Thank you!

Status: Open and Searching

Current Plot Craving(s):
"An Autumn Wedding"

Current Pairing Craving(s):

My name is Tim and I'm a 25 year old Male who got hooked on roleplaying around 2009 when Deviant Art chat rooms were a big thing. Since then, I've been in and out of the game, but I've never stopped writing. I'm well out of school now and have entered the general workforce, and on top of my job, I have several hobbies that have been known to demand my attention. But, no matter what happens, I am the sort of person who believes in maintaining an open line of communication with my roleplaying partner(s), and regardless of how busy I can get, I tend to churn out at least a post a day (sometimes two) most of the time, and a post every other day at all other times.

That being said, I recognize that things happen and schedules change. If something is to happen in my life that will draw me away from our roleplay, I will not hesitate to notify you. And I do ask that you offer me the same courtesy.

= optional but strongly desired!

  • High Preference for Romance
  • M/F Romantic Pairings (Female Partner Preferred)
  • Smut
  • Story:Smut Ratio = 60:40 or 70:30
  • High Casual - Advanced (except during scenes with heavy dialogue/action)
  • Multiple Characters1
  • Focus on World Building and Character Relationships
  • Character Sheets
  • OOC Planning (Story Arcs, Character Arcs, Villains, Plotting, etc.)
  • General OOC Communication (Discord is Ideal)
  • Monster Girls2 (not furries!)
  • Harem Romance

1 Please note that, while I do ask that my partners are open to playing multiple main characters, I do not expect for the bulk of the roleplaying labor to be placed upon their shoulders. Therefore, on top of playing my main character, I am more than happy to take point when it comes to playing villains and side characters, coming up with story arcs, and the general flow world building. Naturally, I would like for this roleplay to be a collaborative endeavor, but I also want to ensure that my partner doesn't feel as though the burden of storytelling is tipped unfairly.

2 Please ALSO note that my request for monster girls does not mean that I ONLY wish you to play monster girls. To be frank, such a lack in variety would be truly boring and I GLADLY accept more common races such as Humans, Elves, and the like. My request was never meant to replace the standard, but rather to accent it.


Fantasy || Action || Adventure || Romance


Medieval || Victorian || Steam Punk || Silk Punk || Diesel Punk

(note that all settings take place in an entirely fictional world)

"An Autumn Wedding"

Palara has not seen war in nearly a century – a feat due in no small part to the actions of Queen Anwyn the Wise, the first noble from house Thiria to take the throne, and her diplomatic prowess that secured alliances between nearly all of her country’s neighboring kingdoms. Since then, the Royal Court of Thiria has held ruling power over Palara, and has made use of the peace that followed their first queen’s reign to shift the kingdom’s focus from warfare to knowledge.

With this era of newfound peace upon them, the rulers that followed in Lady Anwyn’s wake have saw to the construction of magnificent universities and great libraries which bolstered the already impressive cities of Palara with their intellectual pursuits. However, when it came time for discovery, researchers looked not to the lands beyond Palaran borders, but instead to the catacombs that lay beneath their feet. For as long as anyone can remember, the maze of crypts and tunnels that expand endlessly downward have remained enshrouded by the unknown.

Who build them?

For what purpose do they serve?

What knowledge is hidden away in their depths?

When at last researchers discovered the answers to these questions while under the reign of the most recent Thirian King, a man named Lord Ifor, they were stricken with regret. For, caught up in the excitement of discovery and intellectual advancement, they carelessly stumbled upon an ancient and powerful force that, if roused, could level the world without much thought or remorse.

Fear gripped Palara as the news of these new and terrible findings reached the surface. Hastily, the house of Thiria tried to bury the secret – only to find their efforts in vain. Rumors escaped through their fingertips and made their way across the lands to allies as well as enemies who, being mortals subject to greed and lust, demanded a share of this “power” without quite realizing what it was that they were asking for.

Needless to say, King Ifor denied all of them, certain that they and their people would be driven to ruin if they were given just a taste of what lurked beneath his kingdom. But his refusal only led to insistence, then accusations of betrayal, and, tragically, declarations of war. Suddenly Palara, a kingdom that had not known warfare in nearly a hundred years, was threatened with annihilation at the hands of people it once saw as friends.

Left with no choice, King Ifor called upon a distant country for aid and, forced to go against his wishes, organized a royal wedding that would secure the bond between them. On his side, a young bachelor prince, the son of the Grand Duke and Duchess of the Thirian court, was offered up for a marriage with their high princess.

"The Second Coming of the Eternal Shadow"

Long ago, in a time almost beyond memory, a powerful curse blinded the Gods and forced the world into what would come to be known as the First Century of Darkness. Without their sight, the divine could not see the fractures between the realms. And so, Demons slipped through into the mortal realm where, in their lust for bloodshed, they embarked upon great, terrifying conquests filled with death and torment.

Their arrival harkened the birth of a shadow which fed off of mortal suffering and spread throughout the lands. Insatiable, it swallowed up entire provinces, leaving nothing behind but rot and decay.

After just a decade, more than a dozen great empires fell to ruin, and entire races found themselves threatened with extinction.

For a time, it seemed that all was lost.

But then, in the darkest hour, a few mortals rose up to bring hope to the hopeless. On the surface they were simple folk: farmers, merchants, florists, blacksmiths... Nevertheless, they stood in spite of the overwhelming tide of despair and took up arms against the Demons and their masters. Although the odds were against them, they fought. Indeed, many of them perished. Yet, those among them who lived continued to push back against the great shadow, undeterred by the threat of death.

And they were the ones who kept the world from falling completely into the maw of shadow.

In the end, every hero who rose up against the Demons died a gruesome death. Even so, their willingness to stand when no one else could is what kept the waves of darkness back until the sight of the Gods returned and the encroaching shade could be banished once and for all.

Then, in an act of gratitude, the Gods and Mortals came together to erect a magnificent feast hall that was dubbed The Hall of Eternity; which was then transported into the afterlife and given as a gift to the heroes who fought for the people during the First Century of Darkness. There, the heroes were free to eat, drink, and rest until the end of time.

Unless, of course, they were called upon again.

Now, around two millennia have passed since the First Century of the Darkness and the mortal world has largely forgotten about the heroes of old. Certainly there are stories, but written records of that time (and ages that came before it) are scarce.

Stories -- bard songs and fireside tales told by half-blind old nurses to the children in their care -- were some of the only things that endured the years to serve as a vague reminder of what those hundred years were truly like.

And for a time, the myths and legends were satisfactory.

That is, until the Gods fell silent once more. All of a sudden, prayers went unanswered, holy warriors lost their blessings, and century-old pacts between the divine and their loyal servants were severed. Without warning, the very presence of the Gods vanished behind their ancient temple doors, and try as they might, no mortal could budge them to see where their beloved deities had gone to.

Despair settled across the lands.

Then, three great storms erupted in the corners of the world. These unnatural tempests tore through the kingdoms of mortals, bringing with them obtuse weather patterns that threw the very seasons off of their normal cycle. Crop fields flooded. Thunderstorms split ancient trees in twain. And blizzards raged through the southern plains.

Naturally, the Demons showed themselves not long after -- taking advantage, yet again, of the ever-growing fractures between the realms to slip through and resume their crusade for mortal bloodshed.

But neither storms nor Demons could compare to the most unexpected threat that would arise from the Silence of the Gods:

The Iron King.

For it was he, a mere mortal, who would drag the world down into another Century of Darkness. By his own hand, he fed the eternal shadow. Beneath his fist he crushed the provinces that once saw the birth of great heroes. And at his word, he was deemed the One True God of Man, and those who did not bow to his name were executed as heretics.

Fifty years passed, and no one rose against the darkness.

Truly it began to seem that the Iron King was immortal. With each passing day, his empire grew. Monolithic gateways between the realms were erected atop the bodies of slaves. More and more Demons poured into the land, ravaging it to the brink of annihilation. Those who did not bow were slain. Those who were not slain were drained and slaughtered. And those who fled were parted from their flesh by the winds of the tempests.

All seemed lost.

But a small sisterhood, working in secret, took it upon themselves to call for help from the Hall of Eternity using a circle of ancient, forbidden magic. And Ulios, the God of the Hall sent them a hero.

Just one.

A gentle-faced man with mahogany eyes and a honey-toned voice. His name was Sir Benedict. But the stories called him Gentle Ben. Certainly with a title such as that, he was ill prepared to vanquish anything -- let alone face the Iron King.

But the deed was done, and the circle was spent. The sisterhood, having used up the last of their magic, was then left with no choice but to trust Ulios' judgement and accept that this simple man was to be their hero.

"The Price of a Wish"

Once, a great many centuries ago, there was a family of faeries who had the ability to grant a mortal any wish that they desired in exchange for a single precious memory. With such a potent magic at their fingertips, they were often sought out by tenacious humans who desired fame, fortune, and power of their own. As such, over the years, the faeries granted hundreds of wishes; and in the process great heroes were born, terrible tyrants rose to power, and bizarre fauna were crafted from the fantasies of mundane folk looking to escape their simple lives.

Yet, although satisfied with their ever-growing collection of memories, the fae grew tired of the pestering and desired nothing more than to be left alone.

So one day, they vanished.

Unsurprisingly, most humans, fickle as they were, forgot about the wish-granting faeries within just a couple of generations. But, there were those who remembered; and who, determined to a fault, continued to seek the fae out – for they and their wishes would not be denied.

Then, over the next decade, each member of the faerie family was hunted down and forced to grant wish after wish for the insatiable, greedy humans who would go on to birth an empire so great and so terrible that the sun never set on its sprawling kingdom. And the fae, pushed to their very limit, perished at the hands of these mortals until only one was left – the old grandmother who managed to escape thanks to the help of a few kind souls. Alone, she fled into the wilderness where, although back in touch with the mothers of nature, she collapsed just off of an old abandoned road where a young, kind faced boy happened to be passing by humming an old folk tune to himself.

Desperate for a drink of water, the old fae overcame her distrust and asked the young human for help. The boy stopped and looked to helpless woman. He did not know the stories of their wish-granting powers, for they had well enough faded from mortal memory. No, the boy only saw a gentle old woman in need of help, so he quickly reached for his pouch and handed her his water sack. She thanked him and drank, but it was not enough.

The old fae was going to die.

Realizing her demise was close at hand, the old woman beckoned the boy close and decided that, for his simple act of kindness to a stranger, she would pass her wish-granting powers on to him – though this had never been done before and, certainly, she was not sure how they would manifest within a mortal. Nevertheless, in her final moments, the old faerie placed a kiss upon the boy’s forehead and died.

All of a sudden, the boy felt the great old magic begin to flow through him. In that moment he knew, but could not explain how, that he had been given the ability to do great things. And so he looked to the tall, obelisk-like towers of the empire that had, for his entire life, enslaved his father, whipped his mother, and starved his friends and he wished for the power to stop the pain once and for all.

Then, just like that, a memory slipped away (a mundane memory, to be exact, for the wish-granting powers work quite differently in the hands of a mortal), and the boy’s mind was flooded with skill and knowledge that he had never before imagined. At once, the boy knew how to hold a sword and how to fight; he knew how to maneuver through the midst of a battlefield and how to beat opponents twice his size; he knew how to inspire people and raise entire armies out of farmers and countrymen.

The boy knew how to be a hero, so that is what he became.

Although he was just a child, he, armed with the wish-granting magic, went on to inspire and lead a revolution against the tyrannical kings in a war which ended in liberation. And with the empire defeated, the boy was celebrated for the amazing things that he had done, and the world slipped into a brief, quiet age of peace.

But the boy’s mind could not rest. His head buzzed with the magic of the fae and his body, having been granted amazing skills, wondrous gifts, and terrible magics, would not calm. He yearned for another taste of fame and recognition, yet no evils rose for him to conquer.

So, the boy closed his eyes and wished – and out of his wish came a great and terrible dragon which burned entire villages, wiped out vast fields of livestock, and slaughtered innocents all across the countryside.

Suddenly, the boy was needed once again.

He sprung into action, defeated the dragon, and found himself showered in praise, gifts, and political influence once more. But then it was only a matter of time before boredom struck and the boy felt compelled to give up more of his memories for more opportunities to be seen as a hero.

The cycle continued until the boy became a man. Every so often, a new monster or demon or tyrant would rise out of the blue, and the hero would step in and save the people. Sometimes, the boy would accidentally wish for a creature that he could not defeat. But more wishes easily fixed that problem. In time, the people ran out of ways to thank their savior.

Yet it was never enough for the boy, who continued to fill the world with darker and more twisted monstrosities for him to face off against. After a while, he stopped craving the fame and began to crave a challenge. But when even that no longer became satisfying enough, the selfish, impulsive “hero” began to make wishes just to cater to his own passing whims.

The world fell into chaos, and people quickly learned who was responsible. In their eyes, the young man stopped being a hero, and instead became a plague. He was shunned at first, but the didn’t stop the wishes. Then, they begged him to relent. Nevertheless, he continued. So, faced with the torment being unleashed upon their lands, a coalition of kings and queens conspired to have him assassinated.

The silent mercenary attacked the once famed hero as he slept. But he awoke and killed his assailant. Then the young man fled deeper into the forests, away from the society that now hated him, and compulsively wished himself down to only a handful of memories.

In the end, the boy, now a man, wished away almost all of his memories and awoke in the middle of a dark and sinister wood with nothing but the face of his mother lingering in his mind. Knowing not even his name, the young man made a small home for himself in the trunk of an enormous old oak. And it was there that he lived alone and afraid, because every so often a stranger would come to his door and try to kill him, and he never knew why.

But what if, instead of trying to harm the young man, someone recognized that he was no longer the impulsive, sadistic fool that had wished the world into turmoil, but rather a frightened and confused man who wanted nothing more than to know compassion?

Perhaps, then, something worthwhile could be done to heal the discord.





F I N .

Most Recent Posts

Welcome back!

I sympathize strongly with the sentiment that RPing got you into DMing. It's no doubt been a gateway drug for many, myself included!
I've got nothin'
Layered World by Yanick Dusseault

In many ways, classifying it as a catastrophe feels as though we are grossly understating the sheer magnitude of the event for those who lived through it. While it is impossible for us to truly approximate what it may have felt like, what we do know is that the The Shattering was nothing less than apocalyptic.

The very fabric of the cosmos came undone, you see, unraveling like a broken tapestry beneath the feet of countless billions of people who had, up until that very moment, thought their entire existence stable. For something like that to happen — and without warning, no less — was nothing less than utterly cataclysmic.

To the people alive back then, it was the end of the world; an absolute precipice to everything they had ever known. We have yet to experience anything similar.

And I dearly hope that fact remains true for the foreseeable future.
Grand Sorceress Theopenia, year unknown

When The Shattering first struck, folk felt the world shift beneath their feet — a tremor in the dirt, not unlike a sigh, that happened only moments before the ground itself split apart. From the fissures which formed, something new emerged. The fractured shards of unknown worlds bubbled to the surface while other, even more disparate realities crashed down from above.

In these early days of the cataclysm, chaos thrived. People watched as their lives were pulled apart in moments; as everything they’d ever known was ripped into pieces and sent sprawling throughout the rapidly crumpling cosmos.

The particularly unfortunate were themselves torn asunder.


And yet, despite being picked apart piece by agonizing piece, unmaking seldom resulted in outright death. Rather, the poor souls were cast into the fracturing abyss only to find themselves in unfamiliar lands. Even those who perished would learn that the afterlives, too, had crashed into one another and what borders lay between life and death were oftentimes blurred in unpleasant ways.

It had seemed to take years for the early Shattering to subside. In truth it had only been seven weeks. By the end of it all, an eerie calm settled over the marred lands. Those who remained, having been spared the unmaking, were left to pick up the pieces.

People came to understand, accepting perhaps in their minds more than in their hearts, that the world they had known was gone.

For many, it took years to grow accustomed to the new, albeit broken normalcy they landed in. Others, however, accepted the change readily, seeming prepared to leave everything behind and plunge themselves into the unknown. Perhaps they saw their new surroundings as an opportunity — the new beginning that they had always longed for.

Of those who had lost everything, Emerson could not help but feel that he had lost the most. Even before the Shattering came, he was the last living member of his family. Having inherited his older sister’s bakery, he’d lived a simple life, tending to the garden they’d planted together and keeping up with the business she’d always dreamed of starting.

But the Shattering had taken everything.

While he supposed he should’ve considered himself fortunate to have been spared the unmaking, Emerson could not help but find preference in the agony of being pulled apart over the quiet nothingness he was left with instead. Despair took hold of him for a time — long enough to clear him of his sorrow and leave him with the determination to take back what he’d had before.

And so, armed with a few meager supplies, a simple sword, and his own wits, Emerson plunged into the unknown hoping to find what the Shattering had stolen from him.

Em hadn’t been a terribly good baker to start with. But he’d learned. For his sister Izzy’s sake, and for the sake of the bakery she always wanted, he’d learned. He would learn this, too, and anything else he needed to get it all back, even if it wouldn’t quite look the same when he got it.

Then again, neither would he.

Monastery by Reza Afshar


Hello! My name is Tyler (he/him) and I'm a 30 year old who is returning to the guild after a brief (*cough cough* 5 year) hiatus from roleplaying. That being said, I've never stopped writing and so I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. I have ample roleplay experience dating back to around 2009 when DeviantArt chat rooms were a thing. Needless to say, I've been hooked ever since.

Outside of writing I work and have a few hobbies that keep me occupied, but I try to never let my duties slip without notifying my partner. Open communication is key! That being said, things can come up and I completely get it. If you happen to need to vanish for a while, I will understand. Life just happens sometimes whether we want it to or not.

In regards to roleplaying itself, I am looking for someone who I can vibe with on the story and world building. As I will expand upon later, I have a few special interests relating to fantasy worlds that I am hoping you will be amenable to including. Overall, though, I'm willing to discuss and work together to make something we will both enjoy. On this note, if you have anything that you are hoping to roleplay, please let me know!

Ideally, the story will feature romance (with a decent sprinkling of spice) as well as adventure. I myself am a switch and am interested in a fair variety of things, so someone who feels the same way will get preference for this RP. As we discuss things further, I'd like to have a conversation about kinks and limits so that we can make sure we're on the same page with everything there.

I'm also in the EST time zone if that helps decide anything for you. I know I would certainly prefer someone closer to me so we don't have to do the time zone dance, but that's not necessarily a deal breaker either.

= optional but strongly desired!

  • Willingness to play Multiple Characters1★★
  • Roleplaying via PMs or Discord
  • OOC Planning/Chat (Story & Characters, Antagonists, Plotting, etc.)
  • Casual Post Length on Average
  • 3rd Person Past Tense Writing
  • A focus on World Building and Character Relationships
  • Romance! Specifically M/F Romantic Pairings2 (Woman Partner Preferred, 24+ only)
  • Story:Smut Ratio = 60:40 or 70:30
  • Monster Girls3 (not furries, sorry!)

1 On this front, my personal preference is that I will largely just control Emerson as my main character, dipping in to play certain NPCs and Antagonists as needed. However, while I do request that my partners are open to playing multiple characters, I also do not want nor expect for the bulk of the roleplaying labor to be placed upon their shoulders. In this way, if you ever feel as though the division of labor, as it were, is ever skewed, please let me know and we can discuss how to make things feel more fair.

2 If you're amenable to it, I'd be quite interested kicking around the idea of having poly romance options (harem, closed polycule, etc.) with Em having relationships of varying degrees with a number of characters along his journey.

3 My request for monster girls does not mean that I am only looking for monster girls. I'll gladly accept more common fantasy races such as Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Vampires, etc.

Sylvan Guide by Chris Knight


Those who are familiar with TTRPGs at all will recognize my character's basic motivation as the fairly standard "excuse to adventure" type. This was on purpose. Generally speaking, I don't have an overarching plot planned for this RP. Instead, I've imagined this as a nebulous sort of journey filled with a bunch of side-story adventures that are broken up with the occasional large, reasonably expansive plot arc. As well as the typical fantasy and adventure nonsense, I think it would be fun to roleplay out the mundanity of traveling, arriving at a new town or city, finding a place to stay there, and possibly having to figure out how to buy supplies before moving on again. In this regard, I have a few particular interests that I'd like to include in the RP and wanted to therefore expand upon somewhat:


Even in a world that has not experienced an event like The Shattering, there are a number of different languages that can be found spread throughout the various cultures and kingdoms. With more worlds colliding together, the number of different tongues that are possible to encounter must of course jump significantly. Therefore, I feel like it would be fun (and realistic) to pay attention to what languages a character would reasonably be able to speak given their circumstances. More than that, I think it would be interesting to roleplay out a little of the learning process of. Perhaps Emerson needs to speak a particular language but doesn't know much beyond the very basics. He therefore has to learn for himself or get a teacher. There's a lot of fun story moments in that! Of course this can get tedious if done wrong, so I wouldn't want to play out every nitty gritty detail, nor do I have any desire to actually create a boatload of conlangs just for a roleplay. But the general spirit of needing to actually know a language to communicate with another character or NPC is fun and intriguing to me.

There is a pet peeve of mine here, though. I strongly dislike the idea of "racial" languages that is too commonly found in fantasy. The idea of there being a language called "elvish" that ALL elves everywhere speak really takes me out of a setting because it feels so unrealistic. Similarly, "dwarvish" being known and perfectly understood by disparate kingdoms of dwarfs from opposite sides of a continent that haven't seen or interacted with one another in thousands of years is just nonsense. It feels more honest to give each language their own name and maybe make certain clusters (like ones spoken dominantly by elves, for example) branches perhaps from some sort of core language.

Needless to say, having multiple additional worlds added on top of this can make things a bit messier. But I feel like there is a lot of fun to be had in that messiness.


There isn't much to say on this category, only that I find it interesting having to consider how long it takes to get from point A to point B. Maybe this is a bit of bleed over from playing TTRPGs, but I think there can be a lot of tension in needing to get somewhere quickly, knowing how long it would take to get to that place, and then having some things stand in the way of that. A lot of my preferences here all sort of necessarily lead to story moments that I think are fun to play out.

F O O D & S U P P L I E S

Similarly to travel time. I think that needing to keep track of how much food our characters have on them and what supplies they need can be really good for a roleplay like this (the nebulous adventuring sort) because it would force our characters to have to do things to get more of what they require. Perhaps they can try hunting or foraging. Maybe they'll settle into a town and take up work to pay for more supplies. It could also be that they just run out of food and end up making questionable decisions like accepting an offer from a fae king just to get something to eat. There are a lot of possibilities for how this would go, and I think, when done well, all of them will lead to neat story and character moments.


I like TTRPGs, sue me. Characters can't carry everything, and having to make considerations for what our characters are able to take with them can, in my opinion, be a lot of fun. Needing to be conscious of how much things weigh also allows certain characters shine in different ways. Maybe there's this absolute beefcake of a bovine lady (no pun intended) who can carry lots of stuff around because she's so strong, making her a great asset to the team in that way. Or maybe the characters decide to buy a wagon and hitch it to a creature of some kind so that they can travel more comfortably. What would happen, then, if that wagon is suddenly destroyed? Or if it loses a wheel? Or if its attacked by bandits? Again, there's a lot of story there that I think would be fun to play out.


It is a sad truth that currency makes the world go 'round. For a lot of the above (food and supplies, a place to stay), the characters will need money to pay for it. But how do they get that money? Do they take on bounties, hunting down criminals for cash? Or do they dungeon dive, hoping that they can survive whatever lives at the bottom so that they can make out with some artifacts that are worth a pretty penny? Heck, maybe they just take on some menial jobs to get by for a while. Emerson is a baker, after all.

If we really wanted to get into the minutiae of things, we could discuss the possibilities of currency exchange rates between kingdoms and countries. There's also the added complication of other worlds and what their currency is. It could be that a universal sort of currency starts to emerge as people from different universes are forced to mingle with one another, creating whole new interconnected societies.


Admittedly, this one is more of a pet peeve of mine than anything, but the truth is that I really dislike the idea of healing magic in a story setting. For a game it can be fine because there's mechanics and balancing involved, but for a story, it really sucks all of the fun out things for me. The idea of having a type of magic that can just be dashed onto a serious wound, allowing a person to get back to it without consequences is not one I find interesting in the least. When a character gets hurt in some way, it's far more intriguing to have to deal with that injury. If it's a broken leg, how will they deal with it? Will they go to a physician in a nearby town, or try to set it themselves in the woods? They'd need bandages on hand for all other types of cuts and scrapes, since things like that can become infected if left untreated in the wilderness. What about a character getting sick? These are all problems that need solutions, and in those solutions there is a lot of story to be had. To be able to wave a stick or say a prayer and get rid of all of that is such a missed opportunity in my opinion.

I want to say, though, that I'm not opposed to the aesthetic of healing magic; of someone in the back lines of a tough battle trying to make sure that all their companions stay standing long enough to make it out alive. Because of this, I tend to think of healing magic as a sort of temporary solution done in the heat of combat. Sure it can be used to stitch up certain wounds for a time, but it won't last. That wound will eventually open back up and real medicine will be needed. But for keeping people going, I think that some compromises can be made. Though there has to be a limit. A severed limb or a broken bone should probably be fairly untouchable by healing magic.

Consequences is really the name of the game here. When characters make a mistake, they should probably face some sort of consequence for that, forcing them to change and grow in some way. Honestly, I'm not opposed to a character dying. Even losing my own character, Emerson, could be interesting if played right. But the idea is that the story shouldn't end right there. Perhaps we can explore what the afterlife looks like in this post-Shattering world. What if it's possible for someone to crawl out of the realm of death? The borders once keeping it contained are so blurred, after all.

For now, these are my particular interests. I may add more over time if something strikes my fancy, but until then I hope you are open to at least discussing some of these so we can see which ones fit within an RP that we are both interested in doing. As I said before, if you have any of your own interests that you'd like to try and throw into the mix, please let me know! I'm always fascinated by niche world building proclivities and would love to hear about your particular inclinations.

Huru, Agora Nomade by Pierre Coubard


When worlds collide into one another the edges between them blur or sometimes merge. Those who are around to see the places where worlds meld together have begun to call them "convergences". And no two are the same. Some are jagged and ill-shapen, while others appear almost seamless. It is just as likely for a world that experiences perpetual rain to find itself nestled against an unending desert as it is for two seemingly identical forests to wind up mingled together with the only difference between them being the turn of the seasons --- while one experiences a pleasant spring, the other might be gripped within the throes of autumn.

The myriad of universes to be found having smashed the boundaries of their own individual realities is, in truth, uncountable. There may simply no telling who or what might wander from one world to the next; braving the tenuous, oftentimes hazy borders drawn between.

Even the lines of death may have become broken in some way. To suppose that there are infinite worlds would necessitate the conclusion that there are also infinite afterlives. What, then, of their borders? Would it not be possible for someone to climb their way out of a realm of death itself?


Fantasy || Action || Adventure || Romance || Slice of Life || Horror


Stone Age || Bronze Age || Medieval || Victorian
Steam Punk || Silk Punk || Diesel Punk

While it is possible that any sort of world would have been pulled together thanks to The Shattering, my preference is that they should all be closer to the pre-industrial fantasy end of the scale rather than the sci-fi side. Nevertheless, I am more than happy to push the bounds of that by engaging with worlds that are fantasy-inspired ancient Rome/Greece, Pre-Colonial Mesoamerica, or have a touch of regency-era Europe. Perhaps we can even toy around with a fantasy world that is still in its own stone age, with prehistoric beasts roaming about (dinosaurs, of course, but what might a stone age dragon look like, I wonder?). Even without dipping our toes into any sort of science fiction, the possibilities are endless and I am hoping that you will be willing to explore those possibilities with me.

Wasteland Sky Station by Chenxi Kang


While I intentionally left the story as open-ended as possible, I also couldn't help but think that maybe it would be a good idea to offer up some ideas that I had for what sorts of adventures might take place in a fantasy world that has experienced an event such as The Shattering.

I hope to add to this gradually over time if only to give ample inspiration! By no means are any of these must-haves. If you see something in particular that interests you, I am more than happy to talk about incorporating that into the RP, but don't feel completely beholden to what I've written here. We can tweak things to fit your vibe and interests or play them as they are, it's totally up to you~


Similar to the Story Seeds, I wanted to offer up some ideas for what sorts of romantic pairings could come out of this roleplay. As mentioned before, nothing here should be taken as a must, just inspiration; jumping off points from which we can spin the story. But as always, if you see something specific that you like, let me know!


While traveling, Emerson happens upon what can only be described as a large egg made from some kind of strange stony material. As he examines it, he unintentionally disturbs it, causing it to split apart and reveal that it wasn’t an egg at all --- not exactly --- but rather a pod with an alien creature hibernating within. Upon being awoken, it hops out of the pod and confronts Emerson who fears that it will kill him. However, it seems instead to take an immediate liking to him. From then on, the pair travel together, forcing Emerson to take extra precaution to keep his new companion concealed so they don't cause some sort of panic. Over time, the alien manages to gleam enough of Emerson’s language to communicate her name, though she neglects to tell him why she was in the pod in the first place. As their travels grow more harrowing and long, the two get closer, with a strange, unexpected romance blossoming between them in that time. Though unorthodox, it isn't wholly unwelcome.

B A K E R ' S W I F E

In a town that has been torn in half by the shattering, Emerson finds work with the local baker who also allows him to stay in a spare room. Every morning, Em gets up early to prepare the breads and sweet crumble cakes for the day while the baker himself, already a lethargic and lazy man, sleeps. As it turns out, the baker hasn't been doing any of the actual work. Rather, its his wife who has been waking up at the crack of dawn to do what needs to be done to keep their bakery afloat. It is therefore her company which Emerson keeps most often. But with each passing day, the two grow closer, with the woman lamenting the life she could have had if she'd married somebody else. It isn't long before the two, having fallen headfirst into a forbidden romance, wonder what life might have been like if they'd found each other sooner.


Having stumbled into a pit and cast into darkness, Emerson survives only thanks to the timely intervention of the being trapped there as well. It is a demon who has been cast into the shadows and made to live within the darkness until the end of days. But in spite of her supposed demonic nature, she nurses Emerson back to health, perhaps not wishing to condemn another to share in her fate. Once he is fit enough to travel again, however, he finds that he cannot just leave behind his new companion. In the time that they have spent together, they have come to feel strongly for one another. So, he insists that they escape together, though it will not be easy to do so.


After winning the favor of some wood elves, Emerson has been staying with them awhile, having been offered a place to stay near the royal family. During his time with the elves, he has come to know many of them on a friendly basis, but none quite so much as the princess. Due to the internal politics of the forest, the wood elves are being forced to bolster their strength by allying themselves with another group of their kind. In order to strengthen this bond, the princess has been betrothed to a noble from their home. However, the princess does not wish to marry her future spouse, instead having found her heart captured by the traveling Emerson, who feels similarly toward her. The two must grapple with their feelings while the princess alone must decide to what extent her duty to her people should come before her own desires.

F A R M E R ' S D A U G H T E R

Needing a place to stay while in a new town, Emerson makes a deal with a local farmer. Recently, the man had been injured by wolves when tending to his livestock, so Emerson offers to take up the job in his stead so long as he can stay in the farmer's hayloft. While there, he catches the eye of the farmer's adult daughter, who often brings him meals while he is working or reading. It isn't long before the lingering glances shared between them grow more bold. As their affection grows, Emerson may be faced with the fact that he was never meant to stay for very in this town. She, too, must decide if her life as a farmgirl was all she'd ever wanted, or if maybe she longs for more.


After getting himself into a hairy situation involving a minor chimera, Emerson is rescued by a knight clad in armor. When he expresses his gratitude to the stranger, they remove their helmet revealing to him that they are a woman. She accepts his thanks but points out the fact that he is still injured from the attack. Therefore, she offers to treat his wounds and look after him until he is fit to travel again. Though not one to impose, the knightess leaves Emerson little choice before hoisting him into her arms and carrying him to her small cottage where she cares for him. It takes some while for his injuries to heal completely, and in that time they are taken off guard by the affection they feel for one another --- an affection which quickly blossoms into an unexpected romance.


Seeking to find the whereabouts of a particular artifact, Emerson seeks the help of an oracle. He travels to her secluded temple to request her services only to learn that her powers can only manifest when satisfied with the fulfillment of certain... carnal desires. Though surprised, he acquiesces and the two share a night together. Thereafter, she is able to give him the information he needs and he is sent along his way. But Emerson soon returns, needing more information. Over time, the two share many nights together. It isn't long before they find themselves reluctant to part, with unspoken feelings having taken root, intertwining the two. However, the oracle may never leave her temple and Emerson cannot imagine giving up on his quest.


While traveling through a seemingly abandoned city, Emerson happens upon a sickly-seeming woman. It turns out she is a vampire who has run out of her source of food and has begun to starve. Though apprehensive of what might happen, Emerson offers his own blood as sustenance, allowing the woman to feed off of him in small quantities to restore her strength. For the time that she feeds off of him, the man sets up camp in the city, exploring by day and staying with the vampiress by night. Before too long, she is well enough to carry on her own. But by then, the two have come to feel strongly for each other, making them reluctant to part so readily.

1001 Cathedrals by Anthony Brault


I really appreciate you taking the time to read my post, lengthy though it may have been. If any or (ideally) all of it seems interesting to you, please reach out to me via PMs so I can get an idea of who you are and what your writing preferences are.

I would appreciate it if you would include your pronouns and what you prefer to be called in your initial message, as well as some ideas regarding what you'd like to explore with this RP. It's all fairly open ended and, while I do have many ideas of my own, I'm largely seeking someone who can bring their own imagination to the table! In that regard, I'm down to hear all about the sorts of characters/scenarios/spicy situations you may have in mind. Moreover, if you had any samples of past RPs you've done to give me a sense of your style, I'd greatly appreciate it.

If we vibe well, we can discuss things further as far as kinks and limits are and even get to hashing out the first arc of the story. I can't wait for us to sink our teeth into this world together!

F I N .

Art Credit: When Worlds Collide by YouveBeen0wned

To say that The Shattering was a cataclysm is to grossly understate the sheer magnitude of the event for those who lived through it. While it is indeed difficult to approximate what it might have felt like so long after the era in question, it cannot be understated just how apocalyptic it is for the fabric of the cosmos to come undone as it did; the way that it unraveled like a broken tapestry beneath the very feet of those who'd not realized that they'd made a mistake in thinking it stable was nothing less than a force of utter existential doom. It was, to all who were present, the end of the world. The end of everything. And even some thousands of years later, we have yet to experience anything that can compare.
Archmagus Erasmus, year unknown

Emerson supposed he should have counted himself fortunate when he was spared death at the hands of The Shattering. In the early days especially, it wasn't uncommon for someone to just up and disappear as worlds collided into one another; as whole realities that one hadn't even been privy to the existence of folded on top of one another. But it was only in the beginning that people believed their neighbors were disappearing. The horrible truth that they'd later learn was that those who vanished were being dissolved by the cataclysm, their very essence picked apart piece by agonizing piece until they were no more. Folk called it being unmade. Some even believed that the very memories of these poor souls were consumed as well. But it's hard to say when nobody can remember them.

Though lucky to have his life, Emerson didn't come out of the early Shattering wholly unscathed. He lost his home. The bakery his late older sister left him, and the little garden that went along with it, had been picked apart right before his eyes and sent cascading through the rapidly shrinking cosmos. He'd spent a lot of time in that garden. Putting his hands in the dirt and coaxing flowers to take root made him feel close to her, somehow. His whole life in pieces, splayed out across disparate worlds and fractured realities.

All of it, just gone.

And for a while, Emerson wept over that fact. His neighbor, bless her, kindly let him stay at her house --- what was left of it, anyway --- until he'd cried all the tears he had. By the end, he'd not run out of sorrow, just space in the well of his heart to put it in. What overflowed had to go somewhere and Em wasn't known for being the idle sort. So he set to work. Fueled by the ache in his chest, he went about with a plan to find what had been taken from him.

Maisie let him use her kitchen on the condition that she got to sample a little bit of everything he made. He agreed, of course, and set to work. For days he got up early and made all sorts of things --- rich and doughy breads, flaky butter-glazed rolls, and sweet tea-cakes of lemon and lavender. By the end of almost a week, he supposed he had enough to bribe his way into what he needed.

Emerson went about the remnants of his old home. The village didn't look so much like he remembered it, but ghosts of what used to be still lingered in places; memories that were harder to break apart than the buildings they clung to. The blacksmith was still there, but the man who kept the bellows going was nowhere to be found. Only his daughter remained, and she was more than happy to trade a couple of swords to Emerson for a tray of cakes and some good loaves of bread. She even pointed him in the direction of a leather worker for an extra roll.

In this way, Em gathered up all he needed to set out into the world: a couple swords, a bow and some arrows, a pack to travel by, and some shoes that'd last him a good long while. The rest of what he needed he'd have to get along the way.

And with that, Emerson bid Maisie farewell and plunged into the unknown.

Em hadn't been a terribly good baker to start, but he learned. For Izzy's sake, and the sake of the bakery, he learned. He would learn this, too. And anything else he needed to to get back what was his. His home, even if it wouldn't quite look the same when he got it.

Then again, neither would he.


Hello! You can call me Tim (he/him). I'm a 30 year old man now who is returning after a brief (*cough cough* 5 year) hiatus from roleplaying. That being said, I've never stopped writing and so I'm excited to hopefully get back into the swing of things before too long. I have ample experience dating back to around 2009 when DeviantArt chat roleplaying was a thing. Needless to say, I've been hooked ever since. Outside of writing I work and have a few hobbies that keep me occupied, but I'm never the sort to let a roleplay slip without notifying my partner. Open communication is key!

= strongly desired!

  • A Game Master1
  • Using Discord to Roleplay
  • High Casual - Advanced (except during scenes with heavy dialogue/action)
  • Focus on World Building and Character Relationships
  • OOC Planning (Story Arcs, Character Arcs, Antagonists, Plotting, etc.)
  • M/F Romantic Pairings (Female Partner Preferred)
  • Story:Smut Ratio = 60:40 or 70:30 (ask about my kink list in DMs~)
  • Monster Girls2 (not furries, sorry!)

1 Please note that, while I do ask that my partner is open to acting as a Game Master of sorts, I do not expect for the bulk of the roleplaying labor to be placed upon your shoulders. Ideally, the process of crafting the story will still be collaborative, with both of us having input on various story elements, plot points, and aspects of the various worlds coming together in this cataclysm. Please, if you ever feel like you're taking on too much of the roleplaying burden, let me know so we can talk about re-configuring the division of labor so to speak so that it's more amenable to both of us.

2 Please ALSO note that my request for monster girls does not mean that I ONLY wish you to play monster girls. I'll gladly accept more common races such as Humans, Elves, Vampires, etc. My request was never meant to replace the standard, but rather to add to it.


As mentioned before, I am looking for someone who is willing to take on the role of GM. What this means, at least to me, is that you will largely be in charge of the overall scope of the world, the adventures, and the myriad of other people that my character, Emerson, comes across along his journey. In this way, I hope you will feel empowered to come up with all sorts of fun and interesting characters that you enjoy playing! Perhaps some of these characters will even stick along for the journey, or maybe they'll only be around for a short while. It's totally up to you and I'm absolutely happy to keep an open line of dialogue for brainstorming characters and situations (ideally even spicy ones) that you will have fun with.

Beyond just the story and world, there are other, perhaps more game-like elements that I would also really be interested in including such as:
  • Keeping up with semi-realistic travel time
  • Tracking food and supplies
  • Needing to make money to buy said supplies (or a room to stay for the night)
  • Picking up odd-jobs for a while when there isn't an adventure to be had --- after all, somebody has got to scrub the royal dishes
  • Carry-weight consideration, forcing Emerson to perhaps rent a wagon if he really wants to fully loot that abandoned old mine

Overall, I want to make sure the experience is as fun for you as it will be for me, so if there is an element that you're not as enthusiastic about, please let me know so we can talk about it and find a solution we are both happy with!






Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. If any or all of this seems interesting to you, please reach out to me via PMs so we can discuss further and really get to sinking our teeth into the world together. In your initial message, please try to give me a good sense for who you are, your writing proclivities, and what sorts of scenarios/characters/plots/spicy situations you may be interested in playing out. I'd even love it if you gave me examples of some of your writing to give me a sense of whether or not our styles are compatible.
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