September 19th, 2015After Disney was so terrible and fans dissed Disney, the whole TV series's that we're currently on stopped. That's right... Disney stopped.
After the lights went off and directing went terribly wrong, where the fans ganged up to attack the directors, the place shut down soon.
That's right, it shut down. Mickey, one of the characters who belonged to Disney was shipped to another company that was beginning its dream.
"USA Kids!" Is a American only show that requires face scanning only for Americans. This was found racist by the government and soon banned, along with Mickey being completely SCRAPPED. This meant also that Walt Disney was scrapped 9 years after Mickey was scrapped. What a relief, everyone says about Disney.
After Warner Bros tags along to get other characters to take Mickey's place such as; Tom, Jerry, Bugs Bunny, and more. Finally are aired on a new channel in 2030.
This also meant that no one was allowed to even mention Disney...
.... (Say YES if I should continue, say no if I shouldn't.)