It'd been a week, maybe more, unsure in this facility due to hardly seeing the daylight, mostly he was tested on over and over again like always, moved on weekly basis. The tests this time were based on combat, using the scythe, using the grimoire I coveted (I like first person best). I remember the spells were weak, not great for a test of the caliber I was in, nearly died, then I heard the guards moving quickly for some reason, wasn't meant to leave my room for any reason so I stayed in, read my grimoire, it didn't warn me of any danger yet so I was in the clear, hoped it would stay that way, the scythe said he was called Nocturnus last week, not usual for the artifacts I covet to talk but I'll do it. I opened my mind to the idea of a possible ally a while back, didn't expect it to be my weapon but hey, it works. His voice, thin, soft, almost childish sung in my head like a melody of a song I couldn't name "Got trouble nearby or no, guards seem on edge and are running around like chickens without heads" I chuckled at that. My dark, solemn voice sung its own dark and cryptic tune like a Halloween melody, ready as if a skeleton ready to pounce its target. "No, no danger, the Grimoire hasn't warned me yet, opening or closing my mind does no good against it, only you Nocturnus" I hoped nothing was happening to take me from my norm, knowing my luck though, I was about to be moved again.