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    1. TissueCube 11 yrs ago


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I am a cube of tissues.

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So I had this all planned out, but I wanted to know who would be interested or not...Kinda just give me a boop if you are!!!


This is my first time posting up an "Advanced RP" forum! I'm not a casual-roleplayer, nor do I like one-liners. But this is my first time on a roleplay site, so forgive me for my mistakes!

Writing Preferences:: 4-5+ paragraphs
-Main: Fantasy
-Side: Romance/Comedy/Drama
SUMMARY:: Although it is a modern era, there are still monarchy’s in different areas. A particular tropical island that has been under the reign of a monarchy is now in need of a new king or queen. The current monarch is an odd but kind king who wanted nothing more than to have his daughter be with someone. He does not care if the island loses it’s monarchy. However, when asked how he would determine the next to reign, many think it would be his daughter, the princess.
The daughter has since ran away from home before he could announce it.
So by order of the king, he has announced a “drawing” competition.
People took a survey and with their name pulled out, they were called into the tropical island as “vacation”. Little do they know, they may actually be the next stranger to rule the island, despite whatever background they may or may not have.
Age appropriate characters:: 21-30

Are OCs accepted?:: YES

Can they be any species?:: Yes, they may. They may also be human-haters or monster-haters. They may or may not be aware of other species.
Can they work for your character:: YES. There is a certain amount of roleplayers that are allowed to roleplay and workers are one of them. (I'm sorry, I just won't be able to keep up if otherwise)
May I play as a canon character from another fandom:: Although Original Characters are more encouraged, you are allowed to use a canon character. Just please fill out the form as well and make sure that you are able to use them IC as much as possible. This is also a romantic/comedy-based roleplay, please be comfortable enough to have the canon character you play as flirt or be flirted with.
How many characters are we allowed to use?:: It would be best to use 1 character, but the max characters you may use is 2.

What jobs can my character take?:: Although most of the contending winners of this game are greatly loved, you are able to have another character to take a job within this island. The jobs included are first come first serve [and will be slashed when someone reserves]
These jobs are first come first serve basis:
1. Limo Driver
2. Butler/Waiter/Maid/Waitress [The other waiters/waittresses will be NPC's]
3. Night Watch Guard [You must be able to interact most with my character. Please be aware that she is not allowed outside at dark, but likes talking to you. So make a decision.]
4. Day Watch Guard [Another character that must interact most with my character. Please be aware she will sleepwalk and you might have to take her to the nurse often.]
5. Lifeguard [beach and pool guard. You must follow the guests when they request you. Please pick one group if a group decides they want to go to the beach and the other, the pool]
******6. Nurse/Doctor [Your job is simple. Take care of the other characters. HOWEVER you are also considered a guest so you CANNOT know what is happening on the island except that people are on “vacation”

Day and Night guards MUST be close to Aspen at all times because of her actual status. They DO NOT HAVE to be close to eachother.

Where does this take place:: An island near South America that is actually two islands connected by a bridge. The island you will reside is tropical with one inactive volcano. The island you will stay is private. A large mansion on top of a hill and across the volcano is where your character will be staying. If you want to shop, eat at a restaurant, or anything else, you must call a limo driver who will take you to another island where it is public. Most tourists travel there and take pictures of the private island you currently stay in.

If I win, what island will my character rule?:: Both private and public islands. The king also owned the public marketing island close by. The job of the king is to keep trade going so the people on the island are happy with money and food supply. The island’s special exports and imports are salt-water fish, urchins, and hand crafted fabrics from a newly discovered silk thread made from their national bug.

National Bug? What is it?:: A made up species. The national bug is like a silk worm, but is as large as a cat. They are found in the tropic forests in the trees. BE CAREFUL.

What is the Island’s Name?:: There is no name. It is merely called Island. Tourists who come to visit Island were MAINLY locals before they moved out the island. Real tourists either came by chance when plane hopping or a friend has told them about it. When the island did a drawing number for people globally, it was VERY sketchy!!!!

What year/era does this take place?:: Modern era, but a character may dress however they like.

If someone leaves and I’m new, how do I approach this roleplay?:: If a person leaves, that only means that they wanted their character to leave the island for any personal reason [or the roleplayer did not feel like roleplaying]. It is natural and a character will ALWAYS be free to leave. However, for new people just coming in to replace them, you must already be a local and have the great luck into meeting my character (we can do a brief talk about this, we can roleplay through a meeting, or you can make up a story that my character saved you, etc.) OR your character is trying to fill up a job application.

What if I win? What if my character does not want to be ruler?:: Then your character will end up being a worker of the island with a new set of contenders to win the contest! HOWEVER, your character is also free to leave! The rest of the roleplayers whose characters lost will have to either leave or be a worker (yes, the other rpers may have new characters). Whether you choose to accept or not is okay. This is just for fun, so there is no actual prize. In fact, I may leave the forum one day, but I will be sure to hand it to someone who is willing to keep it up. (with proper planning, of course.)

If you leave, it means you no longer want to roleplay this theme (and you are able to have a new character if you want to rejoin, but that does not mean you are allowed to rejoin immediately after departure!). If you leave you are also resigning your position to someone else who takes your position. You may rejoin after waiting a full week and nobody claimed your position. Please be sure to tell me if you want to change your character's OCCUPATION instead of saying you're leaving. (There is a difference). Once roleplay is started, YOU MAY NOT CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER. You must be absolutely sure of your decision! If you don't like your character, you will have to resign your position until another opening is available. [please keep checking in for openings!!! First come first serve!!!]

If you become a worker, that means you want to continue to roleplay with your current character ONLY. NO NEW CHARACTERS.

How will my character “lose”?:: Your character loses by the most drama created among people. It is ENCOURAGED to have drama! LOADS OF DRAMA. Because if your character GETS CAUGHT doing something scandalous (such as eavesdropping, flirting TOO much with a maid, or getting involved with another contender romantically/sexually) you can be SECRETLY disqualified. However, even if you lose, you can continue to roleplay to become a corrupted character and cause more drama on the contenders who could be the next island's king! YES. YOU ARE STILL IN THE RP.

How will we know how much time passes?:: I will post a time and date before each of my posts. Please be aware then when I say it is bedtime, you do NOT have to post a reply, (just say "pass" when it is your turn in the OOC) but it will be good to see your character’s thoughts of the day before bed. UNLESS you want to go out into the night, you have a few hours until a NIGHT GUARD FINDS YOU (does not have to be the nightguard. It can just be me playing an NPC!). Bedtime is at 10:00PM (sooo early. Right?). Your limit is 3:00 AM to talk to people secretly or wandering around the castle.

How will we roleplay:: Each contender must post up their reply in order of which they replied to my first post. This will be chronological order. Your reply will have a limit of 3 days. If you do not reply in 3 days, the next person is allowed to make his/her reply next. You ARE allowed to jump back in. But the chronological order will remain. I will make a long list before each post to show who will be next in posting (don’t worry, I promise it will be easy to understand once we start)

For newer people who replace someone:: You must reply at the time the person you replaced was in.

For example, I will put Tissuecube – Person1- Person B- Person 4 on each of my reply posts. That is the chrono-line. You replaced person B. So after person 1 makes his/her reply, then you are able to post yours in at most 3 days. If you don’t post in under those 3 days, Person 4 is able to reply in under 3 days. So on and so forth.

Getting Romantically Involved:: A BIG YES TO THIS. It is definitely encouraged to find love. Depending on how you love a person or when it happened or even who it IS can lead to either a happy ending where you both COULD be king/queen or a bad ending where you’re both secretly disqualified. One may betray the other or you both could be loyal towards each other.

How will we know when someone wins?:: My character Aspen and the other workers will kidnap you and take you to an attic area. There, Aspen, the Night Guard, and the Day Guard will talk to you about what has been happening. Your character can react either way. But a secret passage will open revealing the island to it’s fullness and the view will be dramatic. It is up to your character whether they stay or not.
If not; then the contest will have to continue with NEW contenders.

If yey; the roleplay will end with your character having a wonderful island and I will think of a new theme for the future<3

How does Aspen choose the winner of the island?:: If you are a worker of the island, you are to roleplay with me on a separate forum. That will be our “meeting room”. All participants are free to become the peanut gallery for the guards and Aspen’s meeting. However, your character must not have any knowledge towards the meeting unless one of the workers decide to spill it to you.

I am a guard, may they be corrupt?:: ABSOLUTELY. Please keep in mind that they are the closest people to Aspen, BUT, they also may be corrupt and lie to her! Rivalry or an alliance between both Day and Night Guard is encouraged!

Important Jobs and Roles::
Although guests on the island seem important, the most important are actually the workers. You work under Aspen if you take on a job. She will have to be very close to the Night Guard and Day Guard since she is more of a night person and during the day she can harm herself. She sleep walks during the day and at times will often seem too tired to walk around the castle. Please be aware that she may be very annoyed with you if you talk to her in the morning. Luck can be in your favor if you are on her good side and trying to get the island inheritance.
She is very in tuned with workers because she has to talk to them most and see if they are content with their job. And because of this, the workers will be the ones to JUDGE YOU if you are worthy to take on the kingdom for her.
Rules of Getting In:: Fill in the character sheet. If you want to use two characters, fill the sheet twice. Please note that it would be best for a 1:1 ratio of boys and girls. If you want 2 boys, that’s fine. If you want 2 girls, that is fine also. Please talk to me before making a second character though!

Roleplayer’s Allowed Entrance [Either Worker/Guest]::
1. TissueCube – Aspen: Hostess Girl/Daughter of King

Name:: [you don’t have to put in last name]
Appearance:: (Does not have to be a picture, though it would provide great imagery. I recommend using an actual person PLEASE. “Face Claiming”.)
Age:: [Age appropriate is 21-30]
Personality:: (optional)
Occupation:: [if any!]
Love Life so far:: [When you accept this roleplay, PLEASE note that you are also saying that your character is able to fall in love with any other characters or get hurt emotionally! Keep drama IN THE ROLEPLAY and DO NOT TAKE IT OUT ON ROLEPLAYERS]


Name:: Aspen
Evanna Lynch

Gender:: Female
Age:: 24
Personality:: A bubbly and childish female. Her outfits may seem very odd, but to the older workers, it became a norm. She is often talkative and kind, never wanting to hurt a fly or another being. However, that is mostly done during nighttimes and afternoon times. Around early morning, she’s a tired and brooding character. She whines often and will try to get others to give her a piggyback ride. She will bring her guards with her when going to the other islands.
Orientation:: Straight
Occupation:: Hostess Girl
History:: A bastard child of the odd king and half-sister of the princess who ran away. She ended up being taken care of the workers and servants. She was handmaiden to her half-sister until she left. Aspen secretly wants to rule the island, but became upset when strangers are able to be rulers instead. She’ll end up trying to woo, dismay, or scare away the unknowing contenders.
But because she is the bastard child of the king, she was given a new different set of work. Her work interrupts her methods and plans to interact with other characters as much as she would like. She became more tired and slightly lethargic. So instead, her workers have to act as a guest, while at the same time, help them.
Aspen still does try to say who the best suitor would be for the island, though begrudgingly.

Love Life so far:: Has no lover, has never had a lover, and rarely thinks about crushes. She has a heavy rumor on her that she crushes on her guards.
Likes/Dislikes:: +Pineapples

-Not inheriting the throne
-Knives/Sharp objects

Extras:: She has a fear of knives and sharp objects. She likes to stop to pet fish, but she has an amusing hate for cats.
Same same
You're welcome xD

And I totally know what you mean. Glad that you're back in roleplays~!

Hnnn.... ;U;
Your style is really cool! I also like his thinking pose as well 8D

-waiting is hard ahhh-

sijhsiowhja I hope we can continue soon ;U; [[sorry if I seem pushy, I don't mean it I swear-- I'm very patient! I'm just overly excited xD]]
Lol I agree with Cryptiic! Your intro was a lovely read. and don't worry~ he'll smooth out during rp I bet (Maybe. Who knows) heheh |D
Now we wait :'D
Beets said
Great! Is there anything I should know about posting, is there a turn order or should I just go right ahead and start? c:TissueCube, thanks! I really liked your characters, by the way! I like your style.

I kinda just went ahead and started, but it's mainly Solekii's call at this point :]

Aww thankyou very much ;U;!

Oh and...If anyone wants to use Hound for any bad flashbacks as far as sadistic scientists in the Soap Factory go, I'm totally cool with that as long as there is no actual speech dialogue coming from Hound/Grenzel...|D
WatermelonTango said
I'm sure there will never be any shortage of opportunities for our characters to perish in horrific ways, of course!

Oh thank goodness |D
Not trying to be a jerk or seem pushy, I'm just very curious about what if a person doesn't respond with a post for a long time? (Say...2 weeks or 3.)

Would we just move on and then wait another 2 weeks or so for the person to catch up, or would we have to continue waiting for the person?

It's just out of curiosity :]

Also, I like your character Beets >U< If you do get a sketch of him, I would love to see it:D!
[Edit: Changed the plot to make it look professional~]

Plot:: An underground club is having their once a year Talent Show. It's an invite only for non-humans or humans who have been around monsters before. The underground club is found in a forest. As you enter the forest, there are many paths to take. Use the map behind your invitation to find your way. As you head down, your final destination ends up being a large wall of a cliff. There is no opening until you chant the words "Grant Me This" and place the invitation on the boulder.

This releases whatever illusion was on the cliff and the opening to the underground club will stay open to your eyes (and your friends eyes) only.

Inside the Club:: The entrance leads you down a large hall to a lone door at the end of the hall. Enter it, and a large (as well as surprisingly elegant) room is seen. It's dark with only the stage being dim-litted. If you are a guest, you have many places to wander. The bar, the formal tables, the group booths, the backstage area. If you are a special guest, you are allowed the balcony seats.

If you are a Talenter (aka stage member), you go directly to the backstage area. A number will be magically placed on your character's chest on when to go and your name shall be called through the loud speakers whenever ready. Be sure to be ready, or you may end up missing your chance to show your worth.

1. All language is allowed, including swearing.
2. Romance is allowed. Anything that goes rated M fades into the private messages.
3. Don't control another person's character.
4. You can be a guest or stage member.
5. Please post a minimum of 3 sentences!
@Cryptiic I don't mind at all! I got very excited seeing it xD

@DreamersKeeper Aww thankyou so much ;U; And hey you did great with your intro sooo xD

@TaliPaendrag Oh gosh I know what you mean! Colleeeegee D:
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